Category Archives: Parkinsons Disease Symptoms

Enhanced Creativity is a Symptom of Parkinson’s Disease

Like the title? I want to document the
observation that a pronounced 
symptom of Parkinson’s is enhanced

If you happen to have the symptoms
of Parkinson’s today, there is a near
perfect chance that you have already
been very successful with whatever you 
chose to do with your life. I validate
this truth over and over, week after
week in my conversations with people
who have Parkinson’s.  

I now have a very strong suspicion
that when the symptoms of Parkinson’s
creep into your daily life, many people 
become significantly more creative. 
They begin doing things they have never
done before in new and innovative ways. 
Their creativity skyrockets (and it was
already off the scales to begin with).

Something happens – perhaps to the
soul of the brain – that is magical.
Here is what I heard today from a
man who has the symptoms of

“Although I have always been
creative when it comes to ideas,
I had never written poetry before
nor children’s books and after
I was diagnosed, I started doing
both. It also seemed very easy
for me to do so. When I sat down
and started writing, the words
flowed very quickly.”

For reasons unknown to me, I have
observed that people with Parkinson’s
expand  their horizons, make choices
they never imagined taking
and do things they had never
planned on doing. The world
is a better place because of it.  

I want to document the truth of the 
observation that the creativity of
people with Parkinson’s is enriched
and nourished. 

Send me your story about how your
own creativity has soared after being
diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I will
collect these stories and publish
them in this blog, in the newsletter
and in the book for all to read. 

E mail me your story (a sentence,
paragraph or more):
Please indicate how you want me
to attribute your story. I can
make it anonymous, put your
first name only, both first and
last names, add where you are
from, etc. I can enter whatever
information you prefer, if any at

Call 1-877-526-4646 if you prefer 
and leave a message.  I will return
the call and record your story.

I will assemble the stories and
publish them for all to read.   

Parkinson’s is a gift in disguise.
Let’s prove it.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

 © 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

What Can I Do for Constipation?


What Can I Do about My Constipation?


Why should anyone be concerned about gut 
problems when “everyone” knows the challenge
with Parkinson’s involves a neural dysfunction? 
Function of the gut has a huge influence –
I repeat huge – on the symptoms of Parkinson’s.
When the gut is working properly depression lifts, 
constipation is relieved and energy returns.  

Let me be blunt. If your digestive system is
not functioning properly, all of the money
you spend on supplements and healthy food 
goes down the toilet.  

The process is wicked. You spend money on
supplements and healthy food.  You pour the
supplements and healthy food into your body
each day like clockwork.

The following day the supplements and healthy
food from the day before come out the other end
– unaltered. This happens over and over, day in
and day out. Your body is not absorbing the

To summarize:

  • You pour money down the toilet day in and day out.
  • You do not feel any better. 
  • You convince yourself it is impossible to feel better.  
  • You stop doing the things that help you feel  better.
  • End of story.

The good news is that you can reverse this wicked
cycle. Natural approaches for improving gut function
are widely available. They fall into three categories:
increasing hydration in the body, maintaining a 
proper pH level in the stomach and improving
overall function of the bowel. 

First let’s consider the important role hydration
which, as we age, becomes more and more

Increase Hydration in the Body 

If the body is not hydrated adequately,
waste begins to accumulate in the cells. 
This is the underlying reason why many
people feel sluggish and run out of energy
by the afternoon. The solution is to hydrate
your body.  

John Coleman, a naturopath doctor from
Australia who himself recovered from
Parkinson’s, highly recommends that
people with Parkinson’s take a homeopathic
remedy for dehydration called the Aquas. 
This therapy involves taking a few drops
of a unique combination of essential oils
and Bach flower essences in the morning
and the evening.

The  mechanism in the body that signals
thirst needs to be recalibrated as we age.  
I was totally unaware until last year
that I had stopped drinking water.
The tissues in my body had become 
chronically dehydrated. It is the type
of problem that creeps up on you so
slowly you do not even notice what
is happening. 

I have taken Aquas for about a year and have
been amazed at their effectiveness. I now
get thirsty when my body needs water. 
If I do not take the Aquas, I do not drink
water because I am never thirsty. 
The Aquas have solved this problem for

Maintain a pH level of 2 in Your Stomach   

Everyone should maintain a pH level in the 
stomach of 2. The term “pH” is a measure of the
acidity of a solution like a body fluid. The most
acidic of liquids will have a pH as low as −5 (this
is a negative five).  The most alkaline of liquids 
have pH level of +14.

By way of comparison here is a sample of 
pH levels from selected foods: lemon juice
pH = 2.4, coffee pH = 5.0, pure water pH = 7.0,
tomato pH = 4.0, milk pH = 6.5.

A point of confusion for many people is to
conclude that you need to eat more acidic
foods in order to maintain the correct acidic
content in your stomach. This is not true.  
Disease flourishes when the environment
in the body is acidic. 

A high proportion of the food you eat should  
contain a high alkaline content.  Many doctors
recommend that 60% of the foods should be
alkaline. Others suggest 80% of the foods you
eat should have a high alkaline content in cases  
of chronic conditions like Parkinson’s. 

Most people think of the acid-alkaline scale
as linear: i.e., from 2 to 3 = 1 and from 2 to 4 = 2.
It is not. Each individual pH unit is a factor of
10 more than the next higher or lower unit. 
An increase in pH from 2 to 3 represents a
10-fold change. An increase of 2 to 4 represents
a one-hundred (10 × 10) fold change.  

Shifting down from a pH level of 6 (which is very
alkaline) to a pH level of 2 (which is more acidic)
is thus not as easy as it might seem. Given the
tricky nature of pH, is there any wonder that it is
difficult to maintain the proper pH balance in
the stomach?

The pH in the stomach needs to be low because 
acid is needed to break food down. Here is the
key: If there is not sufficient acid in the stomach
(i.e., the stomach is too alkaline), food does not
break down. No. It crawls its way into your gut
and – if you a squeamish do not read further – rots. 

Please note that I said the pH level “in the
stomach” should be around 2. The pH of 
other body fluids such as urine, saliva
and blood vary considerably. For example,
the pH of blood is 7.4. Secretions of the
pancreas have a pH of 8.1.    

In contrast, a fluid in the body that has a
high acidic content in the body is plaque.
Plaque’s pH is low and will dissolve teeth
if it is not removed.

How can you know if the pH level in your
stomach is “2”? After all, having a pH lab
test every day would be very expensive
and time consuming. 

There is an easy way to know. It costs
nothing. It takes a second each day. 

Simply pay attention to the color of your
bowel  movements. OK. I know this is not
exactly a sexy topic, but it is important to

If your poop is dark brown the pH 
level in your stomach is low enough. You 
are in good shape. If your poop is light
brown, there is not enough hydrochloric acid
in your system. That is to say, the pH level
in your stomach is too high. 

So if the color of the poop is too light 
corrective action  is needed. What do
you do? Take Vitamin C and drink a 
lot of water.

Vitamin C is the body’s anti-oxidant
of choice. If we give our bodies enough
Vitamin C, our bodies are able to
manufacture enough CO-Q10.

There are many vitamin C products on
the market, so be judicious in what you
choose to purchase. I use a Vitamin C product
recommended by Randy Mentzer: Vital
Mixed Ascorbates made by Pharmax which
is loosely packed in a 9 ounce container. 
I mix it with water. 

How much Vitamin C should you take? Your
body will tell you the answer. Just ask it. Muscle
test yourself. You will need to take more and more
Vitamin C until your poop turns to a dark brown

Most people are unaware that our natural
biology calls for large quantities of vitamin C.
You may be shocked at how much is needed
for your body to come back into balance.

Improve Overall Function of the Bowels  

You are now well hydrated and your pH level is
good to go. Now it is time to focus on getting your
bowels moving. Everyone needs one good bowel
movement every day. Two to three movements
are ideal.

Herbs that can facilitate bowel function are
genian, chamomile, fennel and St Mary’s
thistle. Which herb (or herbs) will do the 
best job for you?

I must sound like a broken record, but just
ask your body. Muscle test yourself. Your
body knows the answer. 

John Coleman’s Home Remedy

John Coleman ND recommends a homemade
cocktail for people suffering from
digestive challenges including constipation.
He suggests you take this cocktail in the
morning and evening 1/2 hour before meals. 
You make this special cocktail yourself.

The recipe:

12 ounces pure water
1/2 – 1 teaspoon Vitamin C powder
1/2 teaspoon magnesium
1 ml (eyedropper) zinc liquid
Aqua drops (1 drop AM in morning; 1 drop PM in evening)
1 drop selenium

Once you get your digestive system back on line, 
nutrients from the healthy food you eat will be 
distributed to the cells that desperately need to be

As always, check out my ideas to improve
your gut function with your doctor before you
decide to do anything. Always treat anything
I say as information that needs to be discussed 
and evaluated with your medical doctor. 

May your constipation resolve with
each passing day.

May your energy rebound as your gut
function improves. 

Your body and your pocketbook will thank you. 

Robert C. Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

 © 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

A Natural Treatment for Depression and Fatigue


I am depressed and tired all the time. What can I do about it? 


More and more scientists and looking at inflammation
as a contributing factor to many chronic conditions. In the
case of Parkinson’s, it makes logical sense to speculate
that neural networks function poorly when the tissues
connected with the neurons are swollen. 

Think about how you feel when you eat too much. 
I personally feel bloated, sluggish, blocked and immobile. 
All I can do until some of the food is digested is to sit up
straight and pray I do not have to move for a while.
Meditation is a choice, but I usually fall asleep. 

This is precisely how neurons feel when they become
swollen. Give your neurons a break. They have feelings
themselves you know. There is not enough room for
the neural networks to function when the tissues are
swollen. Electrical pathways become obstructed.   

The distribution of hormones to your muscles
and tissues also becomes difficult when inflammation
is present. The tissues throughout your your body
are busy handling another emergency.
They have little space to receive the sweetness
of any uninvited hormonal visitations. 

It is like seeing two friends having a huge fight. They are both
furious at one another. As their friend who is witness to the fight
you try to squeeze in a word or two, but your friends ignore you. 
They are too preoccupied with their own fight. In a similar fashion,
hormones have difficult squeezing themselves into tissues that
are inflamed. 

When all of the healthy cells function at their peak levels,
you will feel better and find relief from the symptoms of
Parkinson’s. Conversely, you will certainly feel worse
when the tissues in your body are inflamed. Depression 
creeps in. Fatigue becomes a way of life. 

OK. Inflammation causes problems. What can I do
about it? When I exercise for a long time the tissues
in my body become inflamed. I often take one ibuprofen.
It reduces the inflammation in several hours, but 
taking ibuprofen imposes a potentially life threatening
challenge to the kidneys. So ibuprofen is not a long
term solution. 

Consider another possibility. Perhaps the
tissues in your body have always been inflamed. 
Since you do not know any other way to feel,
you have become used to feeling lousy.
It is the only way you have ever known.

Why then are the tissues in your body always
inflamed? You may be allergic to a certain food
(or foods) that you love to eat.  A hidden source 
of inflammation for most people is allergic 
reactions to something they put into their bodies. 

How do you know if you are allergic to any foods.
And, if you are allergic, how do your figure out which
foods they might be? 

It is very easy to know. Stop eating the foods you
suspect that may be causing the inflammation
for two weeks. See if you feel better. This sounds
easy, but it is anything but easy. Let me explain why.  

Lets consider one food by way of example: ice cream. 
I love eating ice cream myself. Here is my conversation
with myself (and I am not making this up). 

“Maybe the inflammation is being cause by eating 
ice cream. Oh, I think not. After all, when I eat
ice cream I do not get sick. I do not have rashes.
I do not have stomach aches. I do not sweat or
puke or turn purple. It it must not be ice cream.” 

Being the logical person that I am, I continue eating
ice cream. I stop eating turnips instead to see if turnips
might be the problem. They are not. All is well. I still get
to eat the ice cream.

There is a double twist to my logic. My body has
become acclimated to processing and digesting
ice cream. If you also love to eat ice cream, you
have probably liked eating ice cream since you
were a child.  As an incredibly cleaver living entity,
the body quickly learns how to turn on systems
that reduce the allergic reactions to ice cream. 
In other words, the true symptoms are masked when
we eat ice cream regularly.   

You thus conclude “I do not feel that bad when
I eat ice cream.”

In one sense this is true. In another sense you
would be feeling so much better if you stopped
eating ice cream and started eating healthy

Because you have always eaten ice cream
your entire life, the truth is that you have 
actually always felt lousy. You just did not
know it. It is the only way you have ever 
felt – lousy. 

Ever heard yourself say,

“I seem to be so depressed all the time.”

“I drag every day of the week.” 

There it is.

Because you become acclimated to feeling tired
and depressed, you forget what it is like to feel
good. The only way to know if a food is causing 
fatigue, inducing depression and entangling neural
networks is to stop eating that particular food for
at least two weeks. In my example, the test is to
stop eating ice cream for two weeks. 

Then, eat a lot of ice cream one day. 
Indulge yourself. Reward yourself for doing 
the test. Eat a quart or two of your
favorite ice cream. Make it three. Then see
how you feel. If  you notice a flare up of
fatigue and depression after eating the ice
cream you can almost certainly conclude
that ice cream is causing inflammation
in your body. 

I report this truth with such detachment
as if it has never happened to me. But it
has and it did. My naturopath muscle tested
me for various food items and suspected
that I had allergies to dairy. I love eating
cheese. I love chocolate milkshakes. 

“I am OK when I eat these foods.
I love them. That can not be the problem.”

Did I stop eating milkshakes for two weeks?
Of course not. I convinced myself that I was
actually very healthy and that I deserved
a little pleasure in my life.

After fighting this battle for years, I finally
did the gold standard test for allergies.
I did not drink milk shakes for two weeks straight.
The anticipation of being able to have a milk shake
became more and more intense with each passing
day until day 15 arrived when I ate two milk shakes,
one chocolate and one vanilla. They were
thoroughly yummy as always.

I paid a dear price for those few minutes of bliss. 
I became seriously depressed for several days. The fatigue
was overwhelming. I really just wanted to sleep and
forget about working or playing. I was miserable. 

The truth is that I did not realize how tired and depressed
the ice cream was making me until I gave my body a chance
to detox itself from dairy. After 14 days of not eating ice cream
the inflammation that was literally always present
in my tissues had subsided.

My experiment was a success. When I added back into
my body the dairy, my body told me in no uncertain
terms that it could not tolerate dairy. I now know this is
why I had constant ear aches as a child. 

Of course I did not like the outcome, but excellent
substitutes for dairy do exist.

If you have Parkinson’s you need energy to feel better.  
It is hard to do the things that will make you feel better
if you are depressed or if you are tired all the time. 
It is thus highly probably that a big reason why you feel
bad is because of food that you are eating.  

My problem is dairy. Your problem may be wheat or
corn or soy or whatever.  Give the experiment a try
and see what you can discover for yourself. Most people
are allergic to something. They just do not know it.

The test is free. It requires only determination and
discipline. The end result can have a huge impact on
how you feel. 

Say goodbye to depression and fatigue.
Say hello to life.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

 © 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

How can I know what I need to do for myself to feel better?

Trust that your body knows what it needs to come
back into balance.  I think there is a special skill
involved in being able to communicate with  your
own body. The skill requires the ability to check in 
regularly to see what your body  needs.

I think it helps to think about what you can do
in the moment rather than trying to figure out
one single huge intervention that you can do
(such as visit clinic A or take supplement B or
see doctor C). We work with this skill at 
Jump Start to Wellness.

For example, let’s say you are in a stressful
situation. Your body will probably give out the
usual signals of stress. Symptoms will flare up
(such as more shaking, trembling, greater
rigidity or whatever. . ) Are you noticing?  
This is your stage cue to reduce the stress
in the moment.  

I think a key is first to make conscious the
usual reality that the underlying trigger for the
symptoms involves some combination of fear,
stress and trauma. It thus helps to begin watching
yourself closely and noticing when the stress
flares up. When you can monitor your stress
levels every moment, you can learn how to
get your body out of stress and into a more
balanced mode.

Alternatively, if you have having increased
symptoms, your body may be having problems
processing all the supplements and medications
you may be taking in conjunction with the food
you eat.  You may feel sluggish or depressed.
When everything is combined together, the level
of toxins can begin to overwhelm your immune

When your body gets overloaded with
substances it can not process (which can
include medications of one type or another, 
toxins, pathogens, etc.) the immune system
crashes. Again, symptoms will get worse.
This is when the toxins begin to take their toll. 
If this happens it would help to investigate 
ways to detox your body.

Your body will tell you what it needs. The
symptoms are important signals. In the end,
it is all a question of inviting your body to
come back into balance moment to moment.  

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

 © 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

What Can I Do to Stop Tremors when I am in Stressful Situations?


I start getting tremors in my jaw and left arm every time I am in a difficult or new situation. It doesn’t make any difference if I  have just taken my Sinemet medication or not. What can I do about this?


Stress has a huge impact on symptoms. The husband of one client was having serious health challenges himself. Her  symptoms deteriorated rapidly during this period. When his health problems resolved, her symptoms immediately improved. The correlation between the stress and her symptoms was near perfect.

Stress clearly is the trigger for the symptoms.There are helpful responses you can initiate in new situations to relieve the stress. We do live demonstrations of techniques that are useful in such situations in Jump Start to Wellness. A solid connection with yourself and the earth helps relieve the stress.  Regardless of the technique, they all invite a connection with yourself  and to the earth.

When we go into fear in a new situation – everyone does - our energy tends to dissipate and scatter. We feel unsafe, some of us more so than others. Our energy begins to bounce  around our heads and not our feet. The key to reducing the stress is to shift the energy down to your feet so that you can feel the support of mother earth and feel safer.  

When we are able to move out of feeling fear in the moment and shift into a place of feeling secure and safe, the stress is relieved and the symptoms do not flare up. It is really a moment to moment thing.  It helps to remember that the stress is created moment to moment. We control the symptoms when we control our reactions in the moment.   

I will be writing soon about specific techniques that are useful in such situations in the Parkinsons Recovery Newsletter.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

 © 2008 Parkinsons Recovery


Is the Diagnosis of My Parkinson’s Disease Correct?


Before three years, I was diagnosed Parkinson with rigidity in neck, shoulders and back, less arm swing,slowness.
Thereafter I consulted a number of neurologists who diagnosed as stiff person syndrome or drug induced parkinsonism or due to depression.
Currently, I have following symptoms
1. Rigidity in arms, shoulders, neck back and whole body.
2. Within last one month intensity of muscle spasm in right shoulder increased which spread over neck, back with increase in rigidity.
3. Heavy legs, difficult to walk; body is dragged while walking
4. Spasm in right shoulder and upper back as a result the head is slightly bend over right shoulder.
5. Rigidity in right shoulder, upper back and neck create pain and very uncomfortable spasm like sensations which aggravate as day progresses.
6. Some times uncomfortable sensations in legs.
7. Anxiety with depressed mood.
8. Low energy level.
9. Restricted painful neck movement.
10 Slowness in hand writing; no much change in size of letters
11 Less arm swing
Things which I can not do: 

  Can not walk normally
  Can not stand for long
  Can not lift heavy luggage 
  Can not drive car
  Can not concentrate 
  Do not like to read , mix with people
  Can not sit for long 
Family history :
  I have not undergone any surgery so far.
  Congenital fusion of C6 to D1 vertebra
  My mother had breast cancer and has undergone by pass surgery.
  No PD in family.
Summary of health:
Lipid profile Normal
Renal profile Normal
Blood sugar Normal
BP Normal
Ultrasound of KUB Normal
ESR High
MRI of cervical spine Presence of Arachnoid cyst at C7- D1 level;
size appox. 11x15x13 mm
Congenital fusion of C6 to D1 vertebra 
MRI Brain Normal
Glutamic acid decarboxylase test IgG Antibody serum Positive
Neurophysiology  report Chronic partial lower motor neuron type of degeneration in the anal sphincter muscle with normal tone preserved
Thyroid profile Normal
Vitamin B 12 High
Facts :
  No tremor
  Near to normal gait
  All of a  sudden muscle spasm increased in last month.
  Balance near normal, never fallen
  Hand eye coordination good
  Can cut vegetables, button shirt and handle coins
  Can ride scooter
  Normal 6-7 hrs sleep
  No urination at night.
Current medication
1. Lelodopa + Carnidopa 2 tab a 
2.Premipexaxole 05 mg three times a day
3. Lioceutical glutathione 
4.Co enzyme Q 10 100 mg/ day
5. Vitamin B complex 
Inspite of taking these I feel continuous  feelings of rigidity in neck, shoulders, back and whole body. My legs have become heavy.

Please let me know whether my diagnosis of PD is correct and what should be the line of action..I wanted to do brain scan  and dopamine absorption test but they are not possible here.
Please advise me.


I am not a medical doctor so I am not qualified or trained to diagnose
or treat disease or even speculate on whether your diagnosis is right or
wrong.  My perspective differs from the conventional approach of
diagnosis and treatment of disease. Let me explain myself. 

Parkinson’s is what we call a garbage can diagnosis. 
Because there is no definitive test for Parkinson’s 
it is terribly difficult for even highly trained neurologists to 
diagnose Parkinson’s.  Some researchers
even speculate that one third of the people with Parkinson’s
are misdiagnosed. Sometimes a neurologist will even
tell a patient: 
      “I am not sure whether you have Parkinson’s or not.”

So, let’s say there is a two thirds chance your diagnosis is correct
and a one third chance it is wrong.  What does it matter whether 
the diagnosis is correct or wrong? With a “diagnose then treat”
approach the key question turns on “what is wrong with
me and how do I fix it?”  

I want to be fixed as much as anyone, but I also
know there is something inherently wrong with this
mindset. If I hold onto the thought that something is wrong
with my body then that belief will eventually become true. I will
become sick. I will become my thoughts.

How do I know this is true? Easy. Just think about what happened
when you were first conceived. There was only one cell in the beginning.
How did that one cell become two cells? Answer: the consciousness
and thought forms of the first cell created the second cell. And so forth.
These thought forms work their way up the chain as cells multiply
and we are fully materialized in human form. 

How about considering a different way to think and respond
to your symptoms?  How about acknowledging that your body is
actually working perfectly, exactly the way it was designed
to function?  

Pain is a gift that is given by the body.  Receive
the gift with open arms. Your body is simply giving you 
signals that it needs a little help in returning to a 
state of balance and health.  

After all, most of the cells in your body are functioning perfectly. 
Why not focus your attention on giving your healthy cells the
support they need to become stronger? Bodies with healthy cells
grow other healthy cells. The good news is that the body can
always rejuvenate itself. 

I believe the key is to listen to what your body is telling you. 
By the description of some of your symptoms it might be the case
that your body is very, very stressed and traumatized. 

In our newsletter I regularly offer information about many
different ways you can consider to address the stress and trauma
that is trapped inside your body (if that, in fact, is the issue at hand). 

All the best. May you find relief from your symptoms soon. 

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D. 
Parkinsons Recovery

 © 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

Story of a Miracle Recovery from Parkinson’s


My husband, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease
seven years ago, and who was drug free for the first five
of those years, has improved dramatically over the past
two months as follows: 

major, noticeable and sustained
   increase in energy (sexual, emotional, physical, mental, etc.): 
handwriting is easier; 
balance improved; 
less need for sleep and recovery/rest;
abatement of muscle soreness;
urge to return to direct, upright posture and then, arms swing naturally;
return of facial expression, moving faster and smoother;
the list goes on. 

He presently takes 5 25/100 Sinemet per day, which he
has been taking for almost two years.  He also is on a wide
range of supplements, which he has been on from the beginning
and finally, I have been giving him weekly energy treatments
which are loosely based on yin tui na but which amount to
an intuitive, hands on kind of relaxation session.
We are simply unable to explain his seeming recovery
and are happy to live with it as a miracle.  However, we
wanted to advise you of the remarkable turn-around
he is undergoing and seek any input you may have. 


Your story of recovery is an inspiration to everyone with
Parkinson’s who are on the road to recovery. Thank you
so much for sending it. I hope others with stories similar
to yours will be encouraged to send their own personal 
experiences with recovery.

Your husband’s recovery program has consisted of a two pronged
approach: nutrition and energy work. He gives his body the
nourishment it needs to rejuvenate damaged neural pathways and
balance out the intricate array or hormones in his body.

Why did it take so long for the supplements to take effect?
It is often the case that the digestive system is compromised
in the early stages of recovery.  The food needed by the
body to repair cells is not being adequately assimilated or
processed. It takes time for blockages and barriers in the
digestive system to clear.  

Some of the best evidence of recovery comes from John
Coleman, ND. It took him nearly four years to recover from
the symptoms of Parkinson’s. As a naturopath John has helped 
other clients fully recover, but their recovery too has taken
2-4 years. It simply takes time for the digestive system and
the body time to come “back on line.”  

You have also been giving him subtle energy treatments.
I believe this is also a significant reason for his remarkable

My colleagues and I did a six month study to evaluate the
effects of energy healing on the symptoms of 10 persons
who have Parkinson’s in Portland, Oregon. We tracked
their symptoms using standard research instruments
and videos. 

Findings showed that 75% of the symptoms either improved
or stayed the same. Videos of before the treatments and after
also showed remarkable improvements.

Energy work helps to release stress and trauma which we
believe is a factor that causes the symptoms of Parkinson’s.
Energy work also helps the body balance out the complicated
mix of hormones that are continuously circulating throughout
the body.   

Your experience with the recovery of your husband matches
our own experience perfectly.  The weekly energy sessions and
the nutritional supplements are both clearly two important reasons for
the miracle of his recovery. 

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D. 
Parkinsons Recovery  

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