Category Archives: power of the mind

How to Calm Tremors Naturally

Gord Summer was a guest on my weekly radio show on December 29, 2010. In this video of Gord’s impromptu presentation at the Parkinsons Recovery Summit in March, 2011, Gord demonstrates how he is able to control his own tremors using the power of the mind. His approach is powerful, simple, natural and free.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

[flashvideo filename=videos/summerscontroltremors.flv image=videos/summerscontroltremors.jpg /]

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Get An Instant Infusion of Energy Using Your Breath

Gord Summer was a guest on my weekly radio show on December 29, 2010. In this video of Gord’s impromptu presentation at the Parkinsons Recovery Summit in March, 2011, Gord talks about tapping into the incredible power of the breath. Gord is a martial arts instructor and has harnessed his knowledge of martial arts skills to attain incredible strength despite his own diagnosis of Parkinson’s.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

[flashvideo filename=videos/summersbreath.flv image=videos/summersbreath.jpg /]

If the videos you watch here start and stop, just pause the video for about 30 seconds and allow the live streaming to catch up.

A Key to Recovery is Calmness

Gord Summer was a guest on my weekly radio show on December 29, 2010. In this video of Gord’s impromptu presentation at the Parkinsons Recovery Summit in March, 2011, Gord talks about how calmness has been an important key to his ability to find sustained relief from the symptoms of Parkinsons.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

[flashvideo filename=videos/summerscalmness.flv image=videos/summerscalmness.jpg /]

If the videos you watch here start and stop, just pause the video for about 30 seconds and allow the live streaming to catch up.

Power of the Mind

Gord Summers from Canada gave a fascinating presentation at the Parkinsons Recovery Summit on the Power of the Mind. Check it out! He is able to control his symptoms beautifully using the power of his mind.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

[flashvideo filename=videos/powerofthemind.flv image=videos/powerofthemind.jpg /]

If the videos you watch here start and stop, just pause the video for about 30 seconds and allow the live streaming to catch up.