Category Archives: craniosacral therapy

Difference Between Craniosacral Therapy and Bowen Therapy

What is the difference between craniosacral therapy and Bowen therapy?



Bowen Therapy:

  • Moves, positions and holds hands, feet, arms or legs into various positions for releases
  • Gently rolls the body or positions the body for releases
  • Focus is on the release if trauma and tension throughout the entire body body


  • Touch is very gentle – more so than Bowen Therapy.
  • The therapist may work on or off the body
  • Focus is on cranial sacral system – the system that comprises the brain, spine and sacrum.

Differences Between Bowen Therapy and Craniosacral therapy:

The difference between cranial sacral therapy and Bowen therapy depends in large part on the practitioner. Some cranial sacral therapists are more technique oriented. They are trained to move through a standard serious of adjustments.

Other cranial sacral therapists are trained to listen to the person’s body and allow the body to communicate how it needs to release the trapped trauma. There is no standard protocol that is used with any particular patient.

My personal experience with Bowen therapy involved a treatment I received from Naturopath doctor John Coleman and his associate four years ago at a workshop in Tacoma, Washington. Bowen therapy originated in Australia in the 1980’s.

I loved receiving the Bowen treatment from John. It clearly allows for gentle releases of stress, trauma and tension.

Bowen therapy is a wonderful therapy, as is craniosacral. Either one will work for some people and not others. It is more physical than craniosacral therapy, but both can generate similar outcomes. If one therapy does not help you, try the other!

John Coleman recommends Bowen therapy to persons with Parkinsons Disease because it was so helpful to him personally. Some people report back to me who have had Bowen therapy that is indeed the case for them. Others report they did not receive the releases that they had hoped for. Still others report relief is maintained for several days after the treatment, but symptoms tend to return.

Many therapists – whether Bowen or Craniosacral – have extensive training with other modalities. When they begin working – they will employ other modalities as needed in addition to using the techniques associated with cranial sacral therapy.

I suggest that anyone who currently has the symptoms Parkinson shop around for a practitioner who provides the support that works well for you. It is a very personal choice. You might want to try several therapists so you can experience the wide range of treatments that are possible.

An alternative option that merits serious consideration is Breathwork which involves continuous breathing to release trauma. For more information visit:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Why Do People Die?

How about the title to this post – why do people die? It was inspired by my interview today posted above on Parkinsons Recovery Radio with Willem Visser, a craniosacral therapist. Now, a big part of his presentation was to explain more about what craniosacral therapy is and why it helps with symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Some of you who receive regular craniosacral treatments may well conclude that you do not need to take 30 minutes out of your day to listen to this particular Parkinsons Recovery interview that I hosted today.

Well, might I encourage you to listen anyway. Why? Willem summarizes the work of Aubrey de Grey, an engineer, who is now focused on answering the question posted in the title above. Now, the interesting twist to Aubrey de Grey’s work is that he argues it is possible to live very long lives – up to 200 to 300 years. How could that be possible?

Listen to the interview. Your interest will be tickled too. (hint: it all has to do with cellular death).

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia Washington

Cure for Parkinson’s at the Forefront?

I have a question regarding the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Is a cure for Parkinson’s at the forefront?

A close relative of mine is suffering from what it appears to be a symptom of Parkinson’s. She is at the initial stages right now. E.G:

– resting tremors
– tremors get slightly worst in mid air (whether or not she’s holding onto something)

She is exercising regularly now which is a definitely a good thing, however, I have noticed that when she does a lot of housework or work in general the tremors would get slightly worst…is that a regular symptom of Parkinson’s?

At this point, she is going to be taking the anti-tremor pills prescribed by the doctor which hopefully will reduce or eliminate the tremor for the time being.

She is also not quite receptive to the idea of having to change the hygienic needs (e.g. shampoo, soap etc) to the herbal ones as was suggested in the e-book.

Are there any other suggestions you can provide aside from drinking 8 cups of water a day and more exercise to reduce the tremors? Acupuncture at this point did not seem to help very much…We haven’t tried massage or Bowen Therapy nor have we tried the Aqua therapy (simply coz we don’t know much about it)

Do you know whether there is a cure for the disease with the invention of a new pill at the forefront?

Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated.


You ask whether doing a lot of housework or work in general are regular symptoms of Parkinson’s? It is not the housework in itself or work in particular that fuels the symptoms. The issue turns primarily on the presence or absence of stress. When work – no matter the form – is stressful, symptoms will flare up. The more your relative can acknowledge the stress she is under and find ways to release it, less problematic will be her symptoms.

Is sounds like she has decided to medicate her symptoms. An alternative approach is to acknowledge her body is sending her a strong signal that something different needs to happen. Other symptoms will rear their ugly head if the cause of the current challenge is not addressed.

Exercise will certainly make a huge difference. Also consider doing more disciplined exercise like Tai Chi or perhaps yoga. Yes – body therapies that release stress such as craniosacral therapy and Bowen therapy have the potential to help offer her relief from her symptoms because they help her body release the stress that is trapped at the cellular level. Why not give them a trial run? With medicines you incur side effects (which may well be worth the cost). Body therapies are noninvasive and safe.

The Aquas are recommended by Naturopath Doctor John Coleman who himself is now fully recovered from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Aquas are a homeopathic approach which helps reprogram the body’s mechanism to signal thirst and distribute water throughout the body which gets disabled as we age. You can discover more information at:

Will there be a cure for the symptoms? No, there will never be a cure because the conditions that create the symptoms are multi-faceted. Each person’s situation is entirely unique to them. That is why the symptoms vary so widely across individuals. If there were a single cause, then it might be possible to see a “cure” down the road, but there is no single factor that causes the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.

Trauma creates havoc with the neurological system. Stress damages neural connections. Toxins blow the neurological system up.

I note that your friend does not seem to be worried about toxins. Toxins affect everyone who is alive today. If we do not take the effects of toxins seriously, we will eventually become ill in one form or another.

Do I have a suggestion for you? Yes. Make a habit of listening to the weekly Parkinson’s Recovery radio show.
You will find at least one suggestion in every show that will – I repeat will – help your friend get relief from the symptoms she is currently experiencing. It is free to listen.

You can download any of the previous shows for free. I have aired 90 shows. Your relative  can download any of the previous shows to an MP3 player and listen while they exercise.

From my contact with hundreds and hundreds of people who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons I have observed the following. The people who are waiting on a  cure for Parkinson’s at the forefront are also waiting for someone out there to fix them. They inevitably feel worse and worse with each passing week. The people who are taking responsibility for their health and take it upon themselves to figure out what their body is telling them are feeling better week by week.

Is a cure for Parkinson’s at the forefront? Stop waiting! Take responsibility for your life and you get better. Expect someone or something to fix you and you get worse.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Cheryl’s Miracle

My name is Cheryl. I’m 52 and have been living with Parkinson’s for 10 years now. I will get right to the point. As of 1 month ago, my symptoms are reversing, diminishing, going away. I am healing every day.”

After 10 years of searching, Cheryl has at long last found a therapy which she describes as a miracle. Want to learn more about the miracle that has made a huge difference to the quality of Cheryl’s life? Tune into my radio show Thursday (tomorrow), October 21st, at 11:00 am pacific time (2 pm eastern time).

You can also call the following toll free number to talk with Cheryl: 877- 590-0733. Cheryl will tell her incredible story and answer questions from listeners.

I can promise you one thing: You will not be able to predict the therapy that has transformed her life.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
Parkinsons Eye Problems
Vibroacoustic Therapy
Parkinsons Recovery Chat Room
Symptom Tracker
Parkinson’s Disease News

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery
Meditations for Parkinsons

Energy Work Done to Relieve Symptoms of Parkinson’s


I was diagnosed with parkinson’s about a year ago and began treatment with levodopa about 6 months ago.  Symptoms have been alleviated. I also began craniosacral massage about the same time as the levodopa.  So, of course now I cannot tell  which has been helpful.
My question however is about the scheduling of craniosacral massage:  should I expect to have massage treatments on a periodic basis whenever symptoms worsen or should I schedule sessions on a regular basis regardless of symptoms?  In other words, do conditions alleviated by craniosacral massage recur?
Thank you for all you do.



Decisions about the timing of any treatment – in this case craniosacral therapy – are in large part a function of the purpose you wish the therapy to serve. The answer is actually rooted in the thought which underpins your decision to do the therapy.

Is the purpose to alleviate symptoms? If so, the intent is not to heal the underlying cause of the symptoms. It is probably best to go when pain surfaces or symptoms flare. Recognize here that you are in a negative cycle. You have embraced the thought form that you will not get better, so the best you can do for yourself is to address symptoms as best you can.

As I write this I can feel a very low energy and energy to this plan of action. And, if this is the purpose, you will be seeing a craniosacral therapist for the rest of your life.

Is the purpose to heal the underlying cause of the symptoms? If so, the challenge is to work with a craniosacral therapist so that you can unwind and release the trauma that is trapped at the cellular level in your body. If you set your intention to heal and release the trauma, you will gradually feel better and better, though you may have setbacks here and there as your body adjusts. Once the trauma is released and the tension in the body has been unwound, you do not have to continue getting regular treatments. Only if you are re traumatized will additional treatments be necessary.

This needs to be a gentle and gradual process, with no reason to rush it or nudge it forward faster than your body can tolerate. As I write this paragraph, I can feel a very high level of energy and hope exudes every cell of my body.

How often should you go? Your body will give you the answer. Just ask it.

So, the answer depends on the thought form that is motivating the interest in doing the therapy. I am doing a series of teleseminars on how our thoughts determine whether or not we will heal. Everyone is welcome – Thursdays at 11:00 pacific time. Specifics are posted on the blog I entered here February 2nd. Just scroll down a few pages.  

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
© 2009 Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinson’s and Stress

I was diagnosed with PD 8 years ago. I completely agree that
the major cause is related to stress and stress hormones.
Dealing with Parkinson’s and stress is the key.

Can the body be convinced to produce dopamine after its total

Has any body been convinced and by what means?

I would be grateful to receive some help and advice for myself
and other PD sufferers in Lithuania.


Here are my responses to your questions in the
order they have been asked:

Can the body be convinced to produce dopamine after its total

I believe the body can always heal itself when given the
proper support and nutrition. Yes, the body does
know how to heal itself. It just needs a little help
from time to time re-remembering how.

I am well aware that most medical professionals frame the
the cause of Parkinson’s solely in terms of a dopamine
deficiency. If there is a severe head injury this is
probably a meaningful and useful frame of the problem.
But for a vast majority of people with the symptoms of
Parkinson’s, the problem is far more complicated
than a simple deficiency of dopamine. There are over
40 hormones in the body which are out of balance.
Dopamine is only one among these 40 interrelated
hormones that are out of balance.

Has any body been convinced and by what means?

The good news here is yes! Some people are symptom free
today. Many people are finding good relief by a wide variety
of modalities and approaches.

I have learned that there is considerable variation in what
works for people when it comes to addressing Parkinson’s
and stress..There is no universal list of things you
can do that will guarantee that you will feel better. It really
depends on the specific factors that happen to be causing your

I have spent the past year interviewing people who have
fully recovered or who are finding ways to get
relief from their symptoms. I will soon be launching a
Parkinsons Recovery member website where all of this
incredibly fascinating information will be posted.

I would be grateful to receive some help and advice for myself
and other PD sufferers in Lithuania.

There are a wide variety of natural methods you can
use to get relief from the effects of stress. The idea
behind all of these methods is to release fear that is trapped
at the cellular level so our bodies can produce neurotransmitters
and reduce the production of stress hormones. Strategies that
are useful on a daily basis are:

Listening to music

Body therapies are also useful in this regard.
If you click on the link below, do a search
for craniosacral therapists in Lithuania. Three were
listed when I did the search, though only one had
contact information.

Essential oils can be very effective, as can Emotional
Freedom Technique (EFT). I will soon be posting an interview with
an aroma therapist who explains how essential oils can
provide great release from the effects of stress. I recently
wrote a newsletter with a link showing the effects of
EFT on veterans of war.

Breathwork can also be very powerful. This involves continuous
breathing (in and out) for a period of 5 minutes or longer.
We bury the effects of stress on our bodies by not breathing.
When we do breathwork, we release the effects of stress that
has been trapped in our bodies, sometimes for decades.

These are just a few of the approaches that you can do
yourself. They are safe and noninvasive.

With a little experimentation, you should be able to
discover the methods, techniques, therapies and modalities
that work for you. Use them daily and you will gradually
see relief from your symptoms.

The true cause of the hormonal imbalance in
Parkinson’s lies with an overabundance of stress hormones:
It obviously will take time to convince the body otherwise
-to produce dopamine.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© 2024 Parkinsons Recovery

What Parkinson’s Disease Treatments Should My Fiancee Try Next?


Please bear with me as I write this…my fiancee was
diagnosed with Parkinson’s about 3 years ago. To
make a long story short, he’s made many lifestyle
changes (better dietary choices; no chemicals in his
home; takes soil-based organisms; limits stresses…)
and has been to multiple ND’s as well as MD’s for

He’s only tried one conventional medicine, Reserp,
which resulted in severe palpitations. He has refused
all other medications because he believes that this
only addresses the symptoms and not the cause.

This is only a brief synopsis of what’s transpired
over the past few years, but I’m hoping I’ve included
enough info for you.

What can we try to help him recover from this disorder?
Neither of us believe that this “disease” is incurable,
but we are at a loss as to what to try next. Any help
you can send my way would be MOST APPRECIATED.


You have asked a great question. Parkinsons Recovery
is all about identifying a wide variety of alternatives
for people to consider who are committed to feeling

You fiancee clearly is on the road to recovery and he
will get better. Keep in mind two realities. First, recovery 
is a gradual process which takes time and patience. 
You don’t start eating healthy food one week and see
dramatic improvements the next week. It takes the body
time to rejuvenate cells and to heal. 

Second, you do not report whether he is seeing any relief
from symptoms. Is he getting worse? Is he the same? Is
he getting better? My guess is that you and he probably
do not know the answer. I suggest that he begin to
track his symptoms. 

The link to Symptom Tracker is on the main page at Complete the questionnaire,
get a baseline, then repeat the assessment every month. 
It is free and only takes a few minutes to complete.  
He can see the progress of his improvement over time. 

From the tone of your letter is sounds like you are
both discouraged.  It is very possible that he is
actually improving – but neither of you see it. 

You use the terms “better dietary choices” which is
an interesting use of terms. You do not say “healthy
dietary choices.” I will be doing a teleseminar with
Randy Mentzer in the nest few weeks. Randy is
a certified nutritional counselor. Take this opportunity
to ask Randy about his dietary habits. 

It is possible that while his eating habits are
generally good he may be eating foods he is
allergic to. Keep in mind also that sugar is a
neuro toxin. If he is eating any sugar at all
it will be a challenge to feel better right now. 

You say he has no chemicals in his home. That
is awesome news. He may however have certain
toxins lodged in the tissues of his body. Most people
do. It is just a question of whether the extent of
exposure is too much for his body to process. 

There are some wonderful approaches to
detoxing that you two might evaluate. I will be
doing teleseminars with professionals who approach
detoxing in different ways. Hopefully, you will discover
an approach that feels right to pursue.

You do not mention hydration. When the body is
adequately hydrated it is able to cleanse itself
of toxins more readily.  John Coleman recommends
a homeopathic remedy for dehydration called the
aquas. You can find more information at

Finally, I would venture a guess that a factor
that is aggravating his symptoms is a sustained
and persistent level of stress and trauma. You say
he “limits” stress, but the truth is that any stress
can have a profound impact on our immune system
and on the health of our neurological  system. 

So as a final next step to consider, I would recommend
he investigate methods of releasing stress and trauma
that is lodged in the tissues of his body. As long as a
body is in a sustained state of stress. the symptoms
will not and cannot resolve.

There are many awesome approaches for relieving
stress and trauma that is lodged in the tissues of
the body: craniosacral therapy, Bowen therapy,
neuro-linguistic programming, biofeedback
to mention just a few. 

Which approach is right for him? Only he can figure that
answer out through experimenting using his intuition.
Different therapies work for different people. Only he
will know what is right for him.

Stayed tuned. I am gathering information every
week from professionals who are discussing therapies
that provide ways to address persistent stress and
longstanding trauma.

I hope these suggestions are of some use. Keep in
mind that there are dozens and dozens of therapies that
have helped people with Parkinson’s. Your fiance’s job
now is to figure out the ones that are right for him. 

He has set his intention. He has engaged the journey.
He will get better. Just watch. Be sure to celebrate
his progress as the two of you together track the
improvement in his symptoms over time.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery 

© 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

How Can I Find a Craniosacral Therapist?

Our research has shown that craniosacral therapy helps 
many people with Parkinson’s find relief from their symptoms.
There are a number of excellent training programs in the
USA and elsewhere for training craniosacral therapists.

One resource for locating people who are trained in
craniosacral therapy is through the Upledger Institute. 
The following link provides information on therapists
by region.

           Craniosacral Therapists in the USA           

For example, if you live in Eugene, Oregon you can do a search
for Eugene and discover there are over 20 persons listed who
have had craniosacral training.  Five of the 20 persons have 
extensive training. 

My recommendation is always to check it out. If it feels
right give it a try for 2 or 3 times. Your body will tell
you if it is the right therapy for you.

Let me stress that this is only one place to look.
There are other excellent training programs that
certify outstanding craniosacral therapists.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

© 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

How Can I find a Craniosacral therapist?


Do you know of any upper cervical adjustment clinics in Costa Rica?
Or cranial adjustment therapy?
I was told I have Parkinson’s and told I don’t.
I am going to Costa Rica to heal.
And need all your advice.


I have located the names of two therapists.
The names and addresses have been forwarded
to you in a private e mail correspondence. 

The best place to find a therapist
internationally is to go to the Upledger
Institute Website.

There are other excellent training programs
for craniosacral therapists, so if you live in
the United States or Canada do not limit
your search to the Upledger Institutes listings.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

© 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

Craniosacral Therapy Relieves Symptoms of Parkinson’s

This post reports findings of a study in Portland, Oregon involving ten volunteers diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Results showed  craniosacral therapy relieves symptoms of Parkinson’s. The study design is outlined below along with a summary of  findings.

PEP Study Concludes Craniosacral Therapy Relieves Symptoms of Parkinson’s

Results of the Parkinsons Energy Project (PEP) were remarkable given the short time frame – only 4 months -and the limited number of treatments offered. Outcomes were documented quantitatively using standard research instruments,  interviews with participants and pre-post videos of motor functions.

I invite you to examine the videos below that show changes in motor functions for several study volunteers that gave us permission to make videos of them public. None of the study participants were on medications so the differences are not due to the effects of prescription medications which can affect how a person feels when they are effective (during the “on” condition) and then they are not (during the “off” condition).

By any-one’s standards, examination of the videos below shows dramatic improvements in motor functions. There is hope of relief from symptoms!

A video of Mary Before the 6 treatments

A Video of Mary After the 6 Treatments

A Video of Steve Before the 6 Treatments


A Video of Steve After the 6 Treatments

A Video of Bob Before the 6 Treatments


A Video of Bob After the 6 Treatments

The encouraging results of the Parkinsons Energy Project (PEP) inspired the development of information, resources and programs that you now find on the Parkinsons Recovery web sites.

Background of the Parkinsons Energy Project (PEP)

Zero Point Healers was asked by a support group in Portland, Oregon in 2005 to conduct a study that evaluated the effects of craniosacral therapy on the symptoms of their members. Members of the support group elected not to take prescription medications for Parkinson’s and were specially interested in exploring treatments and therapies that might potentially offer relief from symptoms. No member of the support group had any prior experience with craniosacral therapy.

Eleven support group members volunteered to participate in the PEP study. Six 30 minute treatments were given every two weeks. One study volunteer dropped out at the mid point of the study because doctors determined his symptoms were caused by Lyme disease.

Treatments were administered by 3 persons who are certified craniosacral therapists and Brennan Healing Science practitioners which is a form of energy work that is complementary to craniosacral work.

Design of the PEP Study

The study was a pre-post design that used quantitative and qualitative measures to assess outcomes.The UPDRS (Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale) and the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire 39 (PDQ-39) were used to assess symptoms quantitatively.

Reliability of both instruments is well documented in the research literature. Instruments were completed by participants before treatments began (the baseline), at the mid point, and after all six treatments had been administered (the post-test).

Video tapes were also taken of 10 motor functions at the beginning of the study and at the end for purposes of comparison. Results of the videos of motor functions were consistent with the quantitative findings.

I will first explain what craniosacral therapy does and why it applies to Parkinson’s I will then summarize the findings of the PEP study.

Craniosacral Therapy

One woman with Parkinson’s who found relief using craniosacral therapy
summarized the nature of the treatments beautifully:

“It is hard to believe anything is really happening, but it works.”

The work is very gentle. The person typically lies down on a comfortable massage table. Craniosacral treatments are not like a massage.  The nature of the touch is very, very light and gentle. The person remains fully clothed.

Energy work and craniosacral therapy facilitate the natural ability of the body to unwind and release any tension that is trapped at the cellular level throughout the body. They help the neural system rest and rejuvenate.

The intent of craniosacral therapy is to work with the body so that tension and trauma trapped at the cellular level can be released. Therapists are trained to “follow the body” as they allow tension and stress to be released from the muscles and tissues. The process is best described as one of unwinding tissues that are tightly entangled with too much tension.

Trauma to the body is analogous to a wet wash rag that has been twisted so
many times that all the water has been squeezed dry. After the rag is exposed
to the hot sun it dries out and becomes hardened and inflexible. This is what
happens to tissues that have been traumatized. Craniosacral therapy
softens and helps hydrate the tissues so that they can be properly nourished.

Why Craniosacral Therapy Relieves Symptoms of Parkinson’s

Stress is a key factor that aggravates symptoms. When stress can be relieved, symptoms get better.

Person after person in my interviews tell me the same thing: There is a direct
correlation between stress and their symptoms.

Symptoms flare up when confronted with stressful situations. When stress is no longer a compelling influence symptoms become less troublesome.

Stress creates inflammation throughout the body, the basis for all chronic
diseases. Reduction in inflammation is why symptoms improve. There is a three step sequence involved:

(1) Craniosacral therapy releases stress.
(2) Inflammation is reduced.
(3) Symptoms are relieved.

Craniosacral therapy is only one way to help relieve stress. There are also
other excellent methods that help to relieve stress, but we zeroed in on craniosacral work as the intervention of choice in the PEP study.

Trauma and Parkinson’s

Life experiences can be so traumatic that they have a long lasting effect on the
body. The source of trauma varies widely, but can involve the early and untimely death of a parent, service during wartime, physical or sexual abuse, automobile accidents, head injuries – you name it.

I was discussing trauma this week to a Parkinson’s support group when one woman
spoke up. .

“I know an example of this. I have a friend whose son committed suicide. His symptoms flared up two months later.”

Regardless of the source, trauma makes the tissues throughout the body freeze up. Tissues in many people with Parkinsons feel much like concrete after it has hardened.

Many adults (myself included) have held the belief that if we are able to function in the world as adults by educating ourselves, getting good jobs, and making a contribution n our respective fields, we have overcome any and all traumas we experienced as a child.

I personally convinced myself for 50 years that I could “will” traumas from my own childhood to vanish into thin air. Speaking from personal experience, I must confess this plan was a big flop.

What I now know to be true is that traumas from childhood (and traumas we experience as adults) have a permanence about them. Traumas reside inside our cells as we age. They get stuck in our tissues and settle in for the long haul. This is why our issues are in our tissues.

When a threshold level of trauma and stress is reached the body becomes less and less able to tolerate it. The good news is that it takes time for the hormones in the body to become seriously imbalanced. It should thus come as little surprise that it also takes time for hormones to come back into balance.

Findings of the PEP Study Reveal Craniosacral Therapy Relieves Symptoms of Parkinson’s

Findings of our study showed that craniosacral work helps to relieve Parkinson’s symptoms. Quality of life among study volunteers also improved. Study volunteers were able to do things that they had previously been unable to do. Here are some examples:

  • Cook Thanksgiving dinner
  • Take weekly nature hikes
  • Go out on a date
  • Travel
  • Be assertive
  • Take off a coat without assistance
  • Stand up to brush teeth
  • Attend business meetings
  • Swing arms freely
  • Blink eyes
  • Hang out with friends
  • Drive without anxiety
  • Handle stress better

We observed other positive changes from one treatment session to the next including:

  • More flexibility getting on and off the treatment table
  • Better posture
  • Greater ease walking
  • Enhanced mental clarity and expressiveness
  • Greater flexibility
  • More smiling, better skin color and overall vibrancy
  • More vitality and youthfulness

Craniosacral therapy clearly had a positive impact on the overall health and well being of study volunteers.

Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS).

The quantitative research instruments confirmed reports from study participants, footage from videos and our own observations. One standard instrument used in Parkinson’s research to evaluate the progress of Parkinsons is the Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS).

The UPDRS was administered before the study began and at the conclusion of the study six months later. The average baseline score for the PEP study group was 40.3. The average score dropped to 38.7 at the conclusion of the study.

The higher the score, the worse the condition. That is to say, study participants got better on average. Some experienced significant improvements. Further analysis of the data showed that study volunteers improved on all three sub-scales of the UPDRS (Activities of Daily Living, Mental, and Motor).

Most people believe that the symptoms of people with Parkinson’s are “destined” to progressively “deteriorate” over time. Results of the PEP study refute this widely held belief and show it to be false.

The improvement was remarkable in that the intervention was modest, involving only
6 treatments lasting 20-30 minutes each.

Changes in Symptoms.

We also asked Study Volunteers to report on 62 symptoms before the study began, at midterm and at post test. Analysis across the three time periods revealed there was  improvement or no change in 75% of the symptoms we tracked.

In the figures below, the center point is the place where the person is symptom free. The farther out from the center of each spoke of the wheel, the worse the person is feeling.

The points marked in red reflect the averaged baseline symptoms for study volunteers. The green points are the averaged mid term report of symptoms taken after three treatments. The blue points are the averaged post-test report of symptoms taken after 6 treatments.

For many of the symptoms, the color of the dot that is furthest from the center (reflecting a worse condition) is red. Note that the plot point in blue that represents symptoms at the end of the study are usually closer to the center than the baseline in red. This indicates an improvement in symptoms.

Craniosacral study findings

Craniosacral study Change in Physical Symptoms

Parkinsons Disease Questionnaire 39.

We also administered a third instrument – he Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire 39. Among data reported on this questionnaire, the sub-scales analyzed from the data reported on this questionnaire, improvement was seen in two categories, no change was seen in four categories and Study Volunteers were slightly worse in two categories. Again, these findings refute the conventional expectation that the condition of all persons with Parkinson’s is destined to deteriorate.

Summary: Craniosacral Therapy Relieves Symptoms of Parkinson’s

All sources of evidence including quantitative data and qualitative observations revealed consistent findings. It is possible to celebrate relief from the symptoms of Parkinson’s.  Craniosacral therapy is a viable option which can offer symptom relief.
therapy is a viable option that offers symptom relief. When trauma embedded at the cellular level is released, symptoms improve.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

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