Category Archives: probiotics


What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that are naturally found in the digestive system of health people.  The assist in the production of vitamins, facilitate complete digestion and assimilation of foods we eat, balance hormones, detoxify harmful substances and generally maintain a healthy intestinal track.

Not All Probiotics are the Same

Renowned microbiologist Lichiroh Ohhira PhD and his colleagues combined the wisdom of ancient fermentation with the tools of modern science to formulate a powerful formula that achieves much more than a mere probiotic.  Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics have organic acids produced during fermentation that support the beneficial strains of bacteria necessary for good digestion.

Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics (the Professional Formula) is fermented for a full five years. This highly concentrated product rapidly enhances pH in the stomach and digestive tract which helps the body strengthen its first line of immune defense. Greater levels of organic acids (such as lactic acid) result in an internal environment that is hospitable to all beneficial bacteria, including strains that are unique to the individual. Sustaining good bacteria in the gut is essential to digestive health.

Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics Professional formula:

  • Requires no refrigeration.
  • Has a 3 year life span.
  • Are 100% vegetarian, dairy free and gluten free.
  • Guaranteed to be free of Soil-Based Organisms.

Orders are available at the Parkinsons Recovery website page listed below:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Tremor Treatments, Best Parkinson’s Diet and More

Here is a short list of questions I answered during the program today on tremor treatments and more:

  • What are the best techniques to reverse Parkinson’s?
  • Are probiotics and prebiotics helpful?
  • What about juicing to remove heavy metals like lead?
  • How about taking mucuna for tremors?
  • Is there anything that will stop my tremors?
  • Where does one start when deciding to travel down the road to recovery?
  • What about taking lots of supplements to address the symptoms?
  • I am doing all of the therapies that people say will calm tremors but they continue to increase. Can you recommend a tremor treatment that will help?
  • Is  ketogenic diet useful to address Parkinson’s symptoms or are there other diets that are better? I am confused. There are so many opinions out there!

Additional Parkinsons Recovery Resources Discussed During the Program

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery Memberships:
Treatments for Tremors
Seven Secrets to Healing

Dr. O’hhira Probiotics

After spending the last four months updating Road to Recovery from
Parkinsons Disease
I am awed by the variety of therapies that are helping more and more people reverse Parkinson’s symptoms. There are so many choices. Which ones are the most important?

I have drawn the conclusion that healing the gut should be a priority
for everyone. The cause of many Parkinson’s symptoms originate there.

I was most impressed by my interview with Natural Pharmacist Ross Pelton who introduced the importance of taking probiotics to maintain a healthy gut. I started taking the probiotics he recommended – Dr. Ohhiras’s professional formula – and continue to be pleased personally with the results. It is not a quick fix, but healing the gut cuts to the core of what needs to happen for genuine healing to happen.

From my interview with Ross, my personal experience and feedback from those of you who are taking these probiotics, I concluded taking probiotics is a critical step to recovery.

Click the link below for more information…