Category Archives: aquas

Dehydration and Parkinsons

The Link between Dehydration and Parkinsons

Is there a link between dehydration and Parkinsons symptoms? The answer is clearly yes. Staying well hydrated is crucial for individuals who experience Parkinsons symptoms.

Dehydration is the excessive loss of body fluids. While it may seem unrelated to Parkinson’s disease at first glance, emerging research suggests otherwise. Dehydration can exacerbate symptoms and potentially accelerate the progression of Parkinson’s in several ways:

  1. Medication Effectiveness: Many individuals with Parkinson’s rely on medication, such as levodopa, to manage their symptoms. However, dehydration can hinder the absorption and effectiveness of these medications, leading to fluctuations in symptom control.
  2. Increased Rigidity and Stiffness: Dehydration can cause muscles to tighten and become more rigid, exacerbating the already-present stiffness and rigidity experienced by individuals with Parkinson’s. This can further impair mobility and increase the risk of falls.
  3. Cognitive Function: Dehydration has been linked to cognitive impairment and mood changes, which are already prevalent non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining optimal cognitive function and overall well-being.
  4. Risk of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Individuals with Parkinson’s are at an increased risk of developing UTIs due to urinary retention and other urinary tract issues. Dehydration can further predispose them to UTIs, leading to additional complications and discomfort.
  5. Impact on Gastrointestinal Function: Dehydration can disrupt normal gastrointestinal function which causes constipation,  a frequently experienced symptom in Parkinson’s disease. Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy digestion and bowel movements.

Managing Dehydration

It is clearly important  for individuals who experience symptoms of Parkinson’s to make hydration a top priority. Some options for staying adequately hydrated:

  1. Drink Plenty of Water: Aim to consume at least eight glasses of water per day, or more if you’re physically active or in hot weather.
  2. Monitor Fluid Intake: Keep track of your fluid intake throughout the day to ensure you’re meeting your hydration needs.
  3. Avoid Excessive Caffeine and Alcohol: Beverages like coffee, tea, and alcohol can contribute to dehydration, so consume them in moderation.
  4. Eat Water-Rich Foods: Incorporate hydrating foods into your diet, such as fruits (e.g., watermelon, oranges) and vegetables (e.g., cucumbers, tomatoes).
  5. Set Hydration Reminders: Use alarms or smartphone apps to remind yourself to drink water regularly, especially if you tend to forget.
  6. Take the Aquas, a formulation designed to hydrate the body developed by researchers in Australia. Find more information at: 

Dehydration and Parkinsons Bottom Line

While dehydration may seem like a minor concern compared to the myriad of challenges confronted by persons who experience Parkinson’s symptoms, its impact on the inability of the body to excrete toxins should inform decisions on recovery therapies. Taking proactive steps to stay hydrated, individuals with PD get the opportunity to potentially celebrate symptom relief and improve their quality of life. Stay hydrated to stay healthy!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Dehydration and Prospects for Recovery

Since everyone depends on water for our very survival, it makes perfect sense that dehydration will inevitably result in problematic symptoms of one type or another. Persons searching for ways to reverse the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease will discover many options exist. Without adequate hydration however, most of these options will have little chance of success.

Jaroslav Boublik PhD answers a wide variety of questions in my interview with him about the effects of dehydration on your health and what you can do about it. Dr. Boublik’s area of research centers around the effects of dehydration and is a co-developer of the Aquas. Aquas are a homeopathic remedy developed by Dr. Boublik and Leonie Hibbert from Australia to facilitate good hydration throughout the body.

Here is a listing of the questions he answers:

  • Isn’t it possible to get better hydrated by simply drinking more water?
  • Why does the body become more dehydrated as we age?
  • Why is hydration so essential to a detox program?
  • How does taking the following foods help or hinder hydration: salt, energy drinks, coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks.
  • How can a person know whether they are dehydrated?
  • What are the issues with the sources of drinking water?
  • What are the issues with structured water products?
  • Can good hydration …
    1. Address the symptoms of diseases?
    2. Improve mental clarity?
    3. Improve digestion?
    4. Soften skin tissue and help us look younger?
    5. Help to control a person’s body weight?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Aquas Q&A

This is the third in a series of investigations about the impact of dehydration on the prospects of recovery from Parkinson’s symptoms.  In a Parkinsons Recovery Radio show interview, naturopath doctor John Coleman discusses the importance of taking Aquas for the success of his own personal  recovery from Parkinson’s disease. In a recent post here on the Parkinsons Recovery blog, Jaraslov Boublik PhD answers questions about hydration in general and the implications of dehydration for the prospects of recovery.

This post constitutes third in this hydration series which features a Q&A with Leonie aquasHibbert who is a co-developer of the Aquas along with Dr. Boublik.  His previous discussion prompted questions from members of my audience who listened to my interview with him.  In this interview, I ask Leonie Hibbert the questions from listeners which are listed below.

  • How do I know I am dehydrated?
  • What are symptoms of dehydration?
  • I drink water all the time but I am still thirsty all the time. Why is this?
  • How can taking a few drops of this homeopathic remedy every day help hydrate the body?
  • Would it help to increase the number of drops I take every day? Isn’t more better?
  • How did you determine what ingredients to include in the bottles?
  • If I am a man – can I take the female Aquas or vice versa?
  • If someone is very ill, can they take this homeopathic remedy and if so, how many drops should they take?
  • What are the side effects of detoxing from getting better hydration?
  • How do you know the Aquas work?
  • How long does a bottle last?
  • Why can’t I solve the problem of dehydration by simply drinking more water?
  • Why do so many people with Parkinson’s symptoms take Aquas?
  • Will Aquas help people with diabetes?
  • Why do you recommend a break of 2 days every week when taking this homeopathic remedy?
  • Are the Aquas FDA approved?
  • How do you know the Aquas are safe?
  • Who manufactures the Aquas?
  • Is a doctor’s prescription required for the Aquas?
  • Will the Aquas help with dry skin?
  • Do I have to take the Aquas with apple juice?
  • Is it ok to take the Aquas with breakfast?

For further information visit:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

The Simple Truth of Recovery Will Surprise You

Truth of Recovery Really is Simple

My research agenda for the past decade and a half has been to identify natural therapies that offer the promise of helping people reverse the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. In part, this initiative has aired 250 interviews with health care professionals, doctors and therapists who have offered remarkable suggestions for what has been helping people recover.  All of these interviews are available as replays for free.

What is the bottom line of this extensive research? What is the truth of recovery? Is it complicated? Most people think it must be. Or, is it simple? I have concluded the key to a successful recovery is actually very simple indeed.  I did not believe this a decade ago.

Seventy of the 250 interviews I have hosted on my radio program have been with guests diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease who discovered one way or another to find relief from their symptoms.  The surprise to me as a researcher has been the vastly different routes individuals have taken to engage a successful journey down the road to recovery. Each story is unique.

What do these remarkable pioneers of recovery have in common? Certainly not the specifics of their recovery programs. Listen to some of the replays of the interviews and you will begin to appreciate how each person discovered their own best course of therapies that helped them heal.

Despite the differences, I recently asked the question what do these pioneers of recovery have in common?  The answer will shock you. Using a variety of approaches and therapies, they all found ways to infuse their body with the basics of life – light, water and oxygen.

  • Without the light of the sun there would be no life.truth of recovery - light therapy
  • Without oxygen from the air we breathe there would be no life

truth of recovery - oxygen

  • Without water to drink, there would be no life.

truth of recovery - waterThe authentic answer to recovery turns out to be profoundly simple. A body that is struggling with neurological difficulties is not receiving sufficient light, water or oxygen (or all three).  Fortunately there have been a number of exciting developments that enable the rich and safe infusion of light and oxygen  into the cells of the body as well as homeopathic remedies that have been designed to hydrate cells.

As I now see it, success with a recovery program depends on giving your body what it needs to thrive – light, water and oxygen.  It really is that simple folks.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Restless Leg Syndrome, Excessive Shaking and More

Here is a short list of some of the questions I answered in Part IV of my Q&A program today concerning the causes and treatments for symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

  • How can I go about reducing the dosage of medications I take? They are not working for me.
  • I want to know more about the Aquas.
  • What can I do for Restless Leg Syndrome?
  • What is the best way to control excessive shaking?
  • What about amino acid therapy as a treatment for Parkinson’s symptoms?
  • How can I stop my intercostals from contracting, worsening by 3 am and awakening me at night?
  • What about parasites, worms, and smaller creatures like mold, fungus, staph infections, etc. What role do they play if any?

Additional Parkinsons Recovery Resources 

The second Jump Start to Recovery Course convenes August 1st for 8 consecutive Tuesdays.
2017 Updated Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery Memberships:
Treatments for Tremors
Seven Secrets to Healing

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery



Aqua Hydration Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease


In terms of the aqua hydration therapy, does that include putting your arms in a bathtub full of water for about 20 minutes s a day?  What is an ideal aqua hydration therapy and how many times does it have to be done on a weekly basis?  Is this therapy one of your top 3 recovery mechanisms?



The Aqua hydration therapy recommended by naturopath doctor John Coleman, ND (who successfully recovered from Parkinson’s in the 1990’s) is a homeopathic treatment known as the Aquas. Dr. Coleman attributes 60% of his full recovery to  the Aquas.

The Aquas are a combination of essential oils and Bach Flower essences that are designed to reset the mechanism used by the body to hydrate cells. As we age, this mechanism begins to break down.

You can find more information about the Aquas by visiting:

It is recommended that you take the Aquas each week day, then take a break on the weekends. This approach insures that the homeopathic signalling system remains potent.

I suggest that you download and read the article series on hydration written by one of the developers or the Aquas, Dr. Jaroslav Boublik, Ph.D. He is an international expert on the importance of good hydration for health and wellness. You can download his article which discusses the symptoms of dehydration from the January 2011 Parkinsons Recovery magazines for free by visiting:

Neurons are the juiciest cells in the body. If you are not well hydrated, there is no doubt in my mind that neurological symptoms will result. Many people report feeling a great deal better when their bodies become better hydrated. The better hydrated you are, the better you will feel.   For any chronic illness I would put  oxygen and water at the top of the list as therapies that are essential to health and wellness.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Best Way to Hydrate the Body

My doctor is giving me amino acid therapy. He says that I have a lot of toxins that need to be removed. What is the best way to hydrate the body, especially if a persons has Parkinson’s Disease?

Best Way to Hydrate the Body

I have identified a surprising number of methods people with Parkinson’s Disease have used to detox their body. Most  involve putting something into the body to facilitate removal of the toxins. Realize that what needs to happen is the removal of harmful substances from the body.  You may not need to put anything extra into your body other than water.

As I mention in  my response below, Naturopath doctor John Coleman, author of Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’, is a man that reversed his own Parkinson’s symptoms who recommends people with  Parkinson’s symptoms take an Aqua Hydration Formula which is designed to help the body hydrate.  John is one of the Pioneers of Recovery who was featured in the first edition.

To hear my response to the question, click on the purple arrow below.

Robert Rodgers, PhD
Pioneers of Recovery



Parkinsons Disease Treatment Options

Angela Wensley was a guest on my radio show on October 28, 2010. You can listen to the show by visiting  Angela wrote a thorough update describing the treatment options she has pursued. Her update is posted below. Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.

This update is intended not only for my friends and family, but also for people who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Please feel free to pass this on to anyone that you may know who has a diagnosis of PD as they may find some of the information helpful. I was diagnosed with the symptoms of PD in May 2007, over 3 1/2 years ago at age 59. At the time of diagnosis, I was informed that not only was the cause unknown (“idiopathic”), but also that it was irreversible and progressive. Initially, I questioned the diagnosis but any doubts were resolved when I traveled to Los Angeles in September 2007 for a PET scan that confirmed (in medical-speak) that there was: moderately decreased dopamine accumulation into the posterior putamen on the left side of my brain, consistent with PD. Since then, I have come to accept the diagnosis as my symptoms have become rather “classic”. In particular, I have tremours in my right hand and these have become increasingly worse as the years have progressed.

The progression of my PD symptoms has not been linear, but instead I experience it in waves with definite peaks and valleys. The symptoms can be pronounced for a number of days interspaced by days of calm where I am almost symptom-free. Over time, however, the general trend has been a gradual progression downward (probably corresponding to dopamine depletion in the part of my brain responsible for motor activities) with the valleys becoming more savage and the peaks becoming shorter. In addition, there can be variations in my tremours during the day. When I am relaxed, I have no tremours. When under stress, or excitement, or cold, the tremours become more pronounced.

The worst situation is “White Coat Syndrome” whenever I visit a medical doctor or a neurologist. On those occasions, my tremours are effectively out of control. Other PD symptoms such as impaired arm swing, problems with gait, problems with balance, and constipation are so far in the mild category. Besides tremour, the other most bothersome PD symptom for me has been “micrographia.” As I can no longer move the fingers on my right hand, my ability to write has decreased to the point where I have ceased keeping a daily journal, something that I had been doing since the 1980s. Also, typing has become difficult and slow. Luckily, Dragon voice-activated software has come to my rescue and I now dictate most of my communications (such as this update).

I plot the progression of my PD every three months using the Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (PDRS) from 0 to 100 on the website where my patient name is “Dawn Angel”. My current rating is 7. It has been as high as 14. My human tendency is to self-evaluate when I’m feeling good so it is possible that my PDRS is higher at some times.

So far, I have avoided taking any of the Parkinson’s medications (with a brief exception of one month after I was first diagnosed when I took Mirapex, a dopamine agonist that for me had dreadful side effects). To me, the PD medications are a last resort. Since they will only provide a certain number of years of effectiveness it seems reasonable to forestall taking them until it is absolutely necessary, that is, when having the symptoms is no longer preferable to the side effects of the meds. I have been able to work for three years post diagnosis but I’m at the point where it may not be possible to continue working as a freelance consulting engineer. I haven’t had any jobs since June 2010, so it is difficult to say if it is time for me to retire.


I am fortunate to have two outstanding neurologists on my side, Andrew Wolfenden and Jon Stoessl, although I only see them once a year. Stoessl is the director of the Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre. I see him at the Movement Disorders Clinic at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. With Western medicine offering only drugs that mask the symptoms of PD and unable to otherwise treat the condition, it is inevitable that a person diagnosed with PD will seek out alternative forms of medicine. My naturopath Caleb Ng

is a valuable part of my team. Ideally, a person diagnosed with PD should have a team of practitioners, including at least one neurologist, their GP, a naturopath, a physiotherapist, an herbalist, a massage therapist, a personal trainer, a psychotherapist, and others. The reality, however, is that no “team” really exists. My personal trainer may know my chiropractor, and my naturopath may have met my neurologist, but this is not team behaviour. The cold truth is that each patient is pretty well left to their own devices. So one must be proactive and become better informed, often more so then their practitioners. We are the keepers of the complete story.

There are many very good publications on PD available in book form. Some that I have found to be exceptional are:

1. Jill Marjama-Lyons and Mary J. Shomon, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Parkinson’s Disease,” Warner Books (2003).

2. Gretchen Garie, Michael J. Church, and Winnifred Conkling, “Living Well With Parkinson’s Disease,” Collins (2007).

3. David A. Grimes, “Parkinson’s: Everything You Need to Know,” Firefly Books (2004).

4. Geoffrey Leader and Lucille Leader, “Parkinson’s Disease: Reducing Symptoms with Nutrition and Drugs,” Denor Press (2009).

5. Laurie K. Mischley, “Natural Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease,” Coffeetown Press (2010).

6. Abraham Lieberman, “100 Questions and Answers about Parkinson’s Disease,” Jones and Bartlett (2003).

7. David H. Anderson, “How to Tame Parkinson’s by Keeping Fit,” Authorhouse (2005).

8. John Ball, “Living Well, Running Hard,” Authorhouse (2005).

9. Arthur W. Curren, “Dumb Bells and Dopamine,” Authorhouse (2006).

Downloadable books from the Internet include:

1. John C. Coleman, “Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’: Reversing the Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease,” available for a fee from

2. Robert Rodgers, “Road to Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease,” available for a fee from

3. Janice Walton-Hadlock, “Recovering from Parkinson’s Disease: Understanding its Cause and Mastering and Effective Treatment,” available for free from (I do not necessarily endorse the concepts or opinions of the author but found it a compelling and worthwhile read; too bad she won’t converse with anyone that has been on PD meds such as Mirapex for a month!)

There are almost unlimited resources available on the Internet. By far the best PD website is that has over 5000 members with PD.

My “Dawn Angel” profile there has been browsed over 7000 times at the time of writing this update.


The various measures I have taken in my attempts to slow the progression of PD are listed below in approximate order of effectiveness (my perception). The regimen I am on is constantly changing but the overall goal remains the same: to feel as good as I can.

1. Exercise.

2. Physiotherapy

3. Neuroprotective supplements

3. Diet

4. Chelation

5. Brain therapies


The initial diagnosis of PD scared me so much that I decided I had to get into the best possible physical shape to be able to combat the progression of PD. I also engaged a personal trainer, Julie Beenham, to keep me honest. I have seen Julie since June 2007 and would consider our sessions the single most effective measure I have taken against my PD. Within a few months, I had dropped over 40 pounds through a regimen that included running every morning for 5 miles (running for my life) plus extensive workouts in the gym in the afternoon in addition to my sessions with Julie. While my initial reasoning was correct in terms of my being better prepared to withstand the ravages of the disease, I have since found out that intense physical exercise can also have neuroprotective benefits. All the more reason to keep it up. I counsel other people with PD to start exercising and keep at it even when they don’t feel like it.

My exercise regimen has varied significantly over the years, particularly with the seasons, but exercise still remains the most effective method I have found for relief from the symptoms of PD. I have also had to accommodate changes to my body thanks to Mr. Parkinson. For example, I have nearly-constant pain in my right hip that now prevents me from running or from using certain equipment in the gym. When I find I can no longer do one thing (use an elliptical training machine) I do whatever I can to keep that it. A “toe crest” helped keep the toes on my right foot from curling under; I still use toe sleeves to prevent the formation of corns. When these measures weren’t enough I found something else that I could use: a stationary bicycle. I will continue with this practical approach as long as I am able. Whenever possible, I indulge in two of my favourite sports, tennis and kickboxing. Not bad for someone who’s 63 years old!


Currently, my gym workouts consist of roughly 30 minutes of cardio, 30 minutes of weight training, and 30 minutes of stretching. As mentioned above, the cardio originally was done on an elliptical machine but now I use an upright bicycle. Weights involved a number of machines but also free weights (dumbbells). I have found that stretching is an important component of any exercise regimen and worth the time taken for it.

Personal trainer

I see my personal trainer Julie twice a week for one hour each time. In our ever varying routine, she has me attempt a number of balance exercises. I can balance on my left leg very well but balance on my right leg is problematic. Standing on a wobble board is possible but is becoming an increasing challenge for me. We do part of each session with my eyes closed which seems to be helpful. Each session ends with stretching, the best part!


I had given up playing tennis in 2005 after a rotator cuff injury made it impossible for me to raise my right arm (I am right-handed) out to the side and overhead. Little did I know that a “frozen shoulder” is often a sign of PD. In 2008, on the advice of a friend who had seen an amputee play tennis again after switching to his left arm, I resumed playing tennis as a lefty. When my right arm finally came around in 2009, I morphed into an ambidextrous player with both right and left handed forehands. We bought a condo in a tennis community in Delray Beach, Florida that we visit twice a year for a month each time and were I can indulge my tennis habit. Back home in the relatively cold Northwest I see a tennis coach on a weekly basis and play indoors during the winter.

When I play tennis, my PD symptoms also take a vacation although videos show that I am clearly compensating for any impaired movement. Nonetheless, my footwork is good as is my ability to run and make shots from either side of the court. Why this is so is not really clear to me. Perhaps doing something that one really loves is conducive to generating dopamine, the neurotransmitter in short supply in the brains of people with PD. I suspect that it has something to do with the repetitive nature of the game and the delightful sense of vibration when the ball is well struck. For this reason, I prefer “tennis therapy” with a coach feeding me shots, to actually playing a game. I have noticed that on those rare occasions where I summon up extra energy through adrenaline (which consumes dopamine) I pay for it later in terms of a short-lived exacerbation of my PD symptoms. The trick is to learn how to stay relaxed while playing the game.


It was Julie my personal trainer who introduced me to kickboxing. The kickboxing I do is not in the ring (!) but rather with a partner holding pads or in a gym with a kickboxing circuit. In the summer I am able to set up a punching bag outdoors in the carport but most of the time I now go to “30 Minute Hit”, a local kickboxing circuit. There is something about the contact and the vibrations from the punches that help calm the symptoms of PD. Besides, it just feels good to hit someone! There is clearly some adrenaline production involved with kickboxing as my tremours are usually set off for several minutes after I complete the circuit.


Since my diagnosis with PD, I have seen a number of physiotherapists. I am relatively good at following orders and did whatever exercises they recommended, with satisfactory outcomes. Initially, my focus was to regain the use of my right arm. More recently, I have been addressing the progressive effects of PD on my body.


As mentioned above, I had given up playing tennis in 2005 after a rotator cuff injury. After my diagnosis with PD in 2007, I worked very hard on regaining the function of my right shoulder. I underwent two months of prolotherapy from a naturopath where dextrose was injected into my tendons (hurt like hell) to promote improved blood supply and healing. In this regard, the prolotherapy was very effective, although I still had to follow up with more than a year of intense physiotherapy. There is still some residual pain in my right shoulder and a tendency for the femur to sit outside of its socket, but for all intents and purposes I have regained a full range of motion. I continue to receive physiotherapy on my right shoulder.

Intramuscular stimulation

In 2009, I began to see Dan Sivertson, a physiotherapist who practices “Intramuscular Stimulation” (IMS), a therapy developed in Vancouver IMS is a form of “scientific acupuncture” where the needles are inserted into the problem area such as tight or shortened muscles, without application of electric current (I have little time for non-scientific or traditional acupuncture that relies on mythical meridians to determine where the needles should be placed.). The results of IMS have been amazing and muscles that I thought had been irrevocably tightened have loosened up. There has also been a significant reduction in pain, especially in my right hip. IMS must be considered as part of a complete physiotherapy package that includes myofascial release and massage.

Currently, Dan and I are working on improving my posture. One of the progressive features of PD is the gradual tightening of muscles that progressively cause a stooped posture. With weekly sessions of physiotherapy and daily posture exercises we are keeping the ravages of PD to a minimum at least as they affect my posture and mobility.


While some people regard chiropractic as a pseudoscience, my experience has been that it is very effective for treating lower back pain. I have had lower back pain for at least 30 years, well before my diagnosis with PD. Whenever I put my back “out” I see a chiropractor as soon as possible and usually a few adjustments set me right. In the past, I used to go for physiotherapy and it took over a month to get any benefit. Chiropractic is faster and more effective than physiotherapy for relief of lower back pain, in my opinion. In addition to chiropractic, exercises to strengthen my “core” help me to recover quickly from recurring back injuries.

Myofascial release

Deep tissue massage is another form of physiotherapy that I have found to be beneficial for PD. In 2010, I had a package of 10 sessions of Hellerwork. Over a couple of months, my Hellerworker Melissa Patton accessed and massaged all accessible fascia of my body. Despite the intensity of the bodywork, the sessions were soothing and felt heavenly.

Air splint

I am currently experimenting with an inflatable splint of the kind used for retraining of stroke patients by immobilizing spastic limbs. The splint is used to straighten my right arm and eliminate the crook in the elbow. I use it three times a day for 10 minutes at a time. It feels good to have my arm straightened.

Minimal contact therapies

There are a couple of therapies that have reportedly had good effect on people with PD. One of these is Bowen Therapy. I have had several sessions of Bowen and found them very relaxing but did not experience any lasting effects. I did, however, find that osteopathy was effective. I have seen in osteopath in New Zealand on a few occasions when I was working there and found his techniques to be effective in reducing lower back pain as well as being very relaxing. If there was a local osteopath, he or she would be in my “team” of caregivers.

Neuroprotective supplements

Neuroprotective supplements are also referred to as “anti-aging” supplements or “mitochondrial enhancing agents” and are taken in addition to the conventional antioxidants (such as vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin E, and selenium). Most of these supplements are taken orally; the very powerful antioxidant glutathione must be taken intravenously. While I am normally very skeptical of practices that come across as pseudoscience, I can appreciate the rationale for taking supplements that could protect the brain.

The first neuroprotective supplement I began taking (in 2007) was co-enzyme Q-10 after I read that a small clinical trial had revealed that it slowed the progression of PD. Subsequent, larger, studies have not found any beneficial effect on PD but I was willing to go with at least the chance of a good result. I have since learned that the ubiquinol form of co-enzyme Q-10 is superior to (and more expensive) the ubiquinone form.

In 2008, I chanced upon “The Better Brain Book” by neurologist David Perlmutter The book contains a chapter on maintaining brain function using antioxidants and other compounds that facilitate the functioning of existing neurotransmitters. The protocol recommended by Perlmutter for PD patients is more extensive than that recommended for normal people who simply wish to improve their brain function.

I am currently taking the following neuroprotective supplements:

– Alpha lipoic acid* (time-release) 1200 mg per day.

– N-acetyl cysteine* 600 mg per day.

– Phosphatidylcholine 420 mg per day.

– Phosphatidylserine* 100 mg per day.

– Acetyl l-carnitine* 500 mg per day.

– Co-enzyme Q-10* (ubiquinol) 600 mg per day.

– NADH 5 mg per day.

– DHA + EPA (omega-3*) 660 mg +330 mg two times per day.

– Glutathione* (intravenous) 2500 mg per week.

* Recommended by David Perlmutter.

The glutathione IVs are administered by my ND, Caleb Ng. The protocol is that recommended by David Perlmutter. By the way, there is a video with David Perlmutter showing the near-miraculous effects of glutathione injections on people with PD that to me seems to be a startling example of the “placebo effect.” I have never experienced anything even remotely resembling the improvement rapidly shown by the people in the video but again, my PD symptoms are not as advanced as those shown in the video. If glutathione has any effect on my symptoms, I believe that glutathione has produced a small (1-2) decrease in my PDRS.

In addition to the special mitochondrial enhancing supplements, I take vitamin C in both in time-release form and also as mixed ascorbates (total 4800 mg vitamin C per day), vitamin D drops (4000 IU per day), selenium drops (260 mcg per day), and zinc drops (30 mg per day) and others. I have my blood work checked regularly and have near-ideal results (all parameters within reference ranges). For years my cholesterol was chronically high and required meds for regulation; now it is excellent (high HDL and low LDL) without meds. Also, I used to be on meds for high blood pressure; now my blood pressure is close to ideal (typically 110/65) and I no longer take meds.

Although it is difficult to say whether all of these supplements are having any effect on my PD, I figure that at least I am extending my life!


The first alteration to my diet was to eat mostly organic foods to minimize the amount of pesticides that I was incidentally ingesting. Pesticides have been implicated with PD in some cases so I was not about to take the chance that my PD was unrelated to pesticides. I also began eating more fish and less red meat. In 2009, I heard about Donnie Yance, an herbalist in Ashland, Oregon, who had a protocol for treating patients with PD. I read his paper, “Parkinson’s Disease and the Use of Botanical and Nutritional Compounds” and was impressed withhis knowledge. In July, 2009, I traveled to Ashland and saw one of his associates, Jason Miller who has become my herbalist.


Jason provides me with a number of proprietary botanical formulations marketed under the Natura brand from the Centre for Natural Healing in Ashland, Oregon These contain botanicals that have been known to have a beneficial effect on PD, including:

– Mucuna pruriens (a natural source of levodopa)

– Hyoscyamus niger (henbane)

– Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)

– Turmeric

– Green tea extract

– Piper methysticum (kava kava)

– Panax ginseng

– Bacopa monniera

– Scutellaria lateriflora (skullcap)

Of these botanicals, the first two on the list are perhaps the most potent. Mucuna pruriens is a natural source of levodopa and has been found to be more effective than synthetic levodopa in clinical trials. I have experimented with not taking the Mucuna and not noticed any difference, although perhaps I am not yet at the stage of my PD were levodopa is necessary. I am currently in a trial of titrating in with Hyoscyamus niger that is supposed to be effective against the tremours of Parkinson’s. So far, at 30 drops a day of a 1:10 tincture, it seems to have appreciably mitigated my tremours but it is too early to confirm it as effective at this time. Any beneficial effect is overwhelmed if stress rears its ugly head. Stress trumps hyoscyamus every time in the tremour department.

In addition to the above botanicals I also use products such as Natura “Beyond Whey” and “NanoGreens” that, amongst a host of other ingredients including frozen blueberries, make up a morning smoothie that I make every day. The Centre for Natural Healing also prepares a custom “tonic for me that I take twice a day. The tonic contains ginkgo, gotu kola, milk thistle, orange peel, kava kava, liquorice, skullcap, and other botanicals.

Gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free diet

In 2009, I traveled to Melbourne Australia where I met John Coleman, a naturopath who has recovered from PD. Of course, I was very interested in doing whatever he did to recover. Amongst his recommendations was a change in diet to gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free (and others). I saw John again in 2010 and he said that I was doing well and to stay the course. He said the last of his symptoms to go was the tremour. This gives me some heart as tremour is the most bothersome of my symptoms.

In their book, “Parkinson’s Disease: Reducing Symptoms with Nutrition and Drugs,” Geoffrey and Lucille Leader advocate a gluten-free and dairy-free diet for people with PD. I am not lactose-intolerant nor do I have a gluten intolerance (this has been confirmed by genetic testing with but their reasoning is compelling. It is possible that people with neurological disorders such as PD are much more sensitive to lactose and gluten than are people without those disorders. Luckily for me, we live in an age where it is possible to btain gluten-free and dairy-free foods readily. My favourite gluten-free bread is “Udi” available from Whole Foods in the US (but alas not in Canada). I substitute almond milk for regular milk. Dining out can be a problem; however, I travel a lot in my work and have found that the chefs in hotel and other restaurants are more than willing to meet my dietary requirements.

Adrenal support

In early 2010 I had a saliva test to determine my free cortisol rhythm. Samples were taken at 8 AM, noon, 5 PM, and at midnight. My cortisol levels for morning, noon, and afternoon where all markedly depressed (only the midnight sample was normal), indicating (according to the report) marginal HPA (hypothalamuspituitary-adrenal) performance. I purchased an excellent book, “Adrenal Fatigue,” by James Wilson that help to explain the significance of my results. Low cortisol, or hypoadrenia, is normally characterized by fatigue, difficulty rising in the morning, a desire for caffeine, feeling run down and stressed, etc. Other than perhaps a desire for a daily cup of coffee, I have none of these symptoms. Indeed, I seldom experience fatigue and still consider myself as a high-energy person. Yet, people with hypoadrenia have a reduced ability to cope with stress. Interestingly, people with PD report that their symptoms are aggravated in times of stress. There has to be some sort of connection between the symptoms of PD and impairment of HPA performance, but so far discussions with my neurologist and endocrinologist have not revealed any knowledge by them of any connection.

The danger is that people with hypoadrenia are on the borderline of having adrenal fatigue (no cortisol). When cortisol reserves are too low, and a stressful situation occurs, one may not be able to produce enough cortisol to handle it. Adrenal fatigue has been responsible for high-performing individuals “crashing” and becoming effectively bedridden for months or years, too fatigued to do anything. Not wishing to come down with adrenal fatigue, I have begun taking an adrenal support botanical supplement (“Restorative Formulations Adrenal Px LOPB”) and have also tried adrenal cortex extract (“Adrenal Stress End”).


I have tried the Aquas formulas available from John Coleman in Australia. These homeopathic remedies are supposed to enhance cellular hydration. I have a problem with homeopathy. If an infinitely diluted amount is good for me, then not taking it all should even be better! Yet, John Coleman swears by the Aquas and he has recovered from PD, so there may be something to it.

Red wine

Geoffrey and Lucille Leader recommend elimination of alcohol from the diet. John Coleman, sensible man that he is, recommends 1 to 2 glasses of vintage red wine a day. I am on John’s side. Drinking fine red wine has been a passion of mine since the 1970s and one that I am loath to give up especially since I have a wine cellar containing approximately 2000 bottles! Of course a big part of the enjoyment of red wine is the bouquet. Reportedly, loss of the olfactory sense is a common complaint in people with PD and is liable to occur early in the progression of the disease. I noticed no such impairment (and can still guess in a blind tasting that a bottle of Bordeaux is a fine old Burgundy!). For now, I enjoy each bottle of fine wine as if it were my last. To me, joy = dopamine. Also, there must be some benefit from the resveratrol!


As PD also affects the autonomous nervous system, constipation can be a severe problem. Since my diagnosis with PD I have had some problems in this regard especially when I travel over multiple time zones and upset my daily rhythms. Currently, I have it under control with the simple addition of one or two rehydrated prunes to my morning smoothie plus a level teaspoon of organic psyllium fibre. These seem to be enough to keep me regular.


I stayed strictly on my gluten-free and dairy-free diet for over a year, but recently had the opportunity to travel to France for a combination of business and pleasure. I temporarily abandoned my diet and indulged myself for a full week in French gastronomy, eating foie gras, croissants, baguettes, rich cheeses, and just about everything else that the French are famous for. The consequence was that I had not felt better in over three years! Now, I am not so strict about my diet and allow myself the occasional indulgence.


In 2008, a urine test for heavy metals revealed excessive concentrations of lead and mercury and other metals such as manganese. I have been undergoing chelation off and on since then and currently receive one treatment per week from my ND Caleb Ng. The treatments involve a small IV of EDTA solution. For any benefits to be realized, numerous treatments are necessary. Heavy metal poisoning (especially manganese) has been implicated in PD and welders are one profession that is at higher risk for PD. Since I spent many years working closely with welders and breathing welding fumes, I have no doubt ingested my fair share of iron, manganese and other metals. Interestingly, a CT scan of my brain failed to reveal any abnormal concentration of manganese. Note: the claimed benefits of chelation for PD have yet to be established through rigorous clinical trials.

Brain therapies

This section covers a number of therapies that may be useful for maintaining mental functioning and postponing the dementia that may occur as PD progresses.

Positive attitude

It is difficult to remain positive when confronted with a disease of no known cause and inevitable progression, yet this is precisely what must be done. Depression is one of the predominant symptoms of PD. If necessary, it may be necessary to take an antidepressant. One that has been recommended to me is duloxetine.

Body-mind psychotherapy

For several years in the 1990s, I had training in Hakomi body-mind psychotherapy arising out of the deep desire to know myself. I still keep in touch with my teacher, Ron Kurtz I regularly see a therapist,Mahmud Nestman, a Sufi who is familiar with the methods of Hakomi. In our explorations one useful technique is called “taking over”. In one session I had Mahmud take over (literally, with his hand) a tightness I felt around my heart.

When he did so, I was able to go in deeper into my own unconscious and to gain some valuable insights as to why the tightness was there in the first place. I have invariably noticed that during our sessions my tremours at first become almost uncontrollable but then they disappear, leaving me in a most serene and quiet and still place. Stillness is priceless.

The science of happiness

For several years I was an active member of the Ken Keyes community based in Coos Bay, Oregon. Ken was the author of the “Handbook to Higher Consciousness,” “The Power of Unconditional Love,” and many other books. For a number of years, I taught “Living Love” workshops in the US, Canada, and New Zealand. These teachings have served me well, particularly now that I have the symptoms of PD. I take responsibility for my own feelings. Nothing or nobody has ever made me upset are unhappy: I do it to myself. This is good news as the only person I am capable of changing is myself.


I have had six sessions of neurofeedback, also referred to as biofeedback from Mike de Jong, a PhD psychologist. During the first session and EEG was done to determine those parts of my brain that had abnormal brainwave patterns. Mike determined that my dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was deficient in theta wave output. Subsequent sessions (one hour each) involved application of a single electrode at the position on my head corresponding to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. I was provided with headphones to listen to the sound of surf while my eyes were closed. Whenever my brain produced Theta waves I could hear the surf; when no theta waves were being produced all I heard was static. At first, I struggled to hear the surf, but later just let my brain do all the work of figuring it out. After six sessions, some progress is being made. If I didn’t think there was some benefit to this I wouldn’t continue. Typically, it takes 20 sessions to realize any permanent benefit, so I have some time to go.


For many years, I was an adept meditator and meditation was the most important part of my day. Since my diagnosis with PD, however, I have found it very difficult to get into a meditative state. Sitting cross-legged is agonizing. Instead of stillness, I have tremours. By re-casting meditation as relaxation, I can derive some of the benefits, primarily reduction in tremours and tension. I have found that electro-cranial stimulation (see below) is a good substitute for meditation.

Electrio-cranial stimulation

In electro-cranial stimulation, a small electric current is passed through electrodes attached to my earlobes that produces a mild tingling sensation. Sessions are either 20 minutes or 60 minutes and are very relaxing, almost to the point of putting me to sleep. Tremours also appear to take a nap.

Neurocognitive screening

In 2010, I participated in a neuropsychological screening evaluation at the Movement Disorders Clinic at the University of British Columbia. These tests revealed that my cognitive functioning was “broadly average to superior” depending on which test was being administered. I take this as a sign that I have experienced some cognitive impairment as I would have expected all the tests to result in a “superior” rating!


If I had one final piece of advice for anyone who has been diagnosed with PD, it is to defy it. If it is a fight that Mr. Parkinson wants, it is a fight that he will get. The worst thing one can do is to deny it. As long as one remains in a state of denial, the PD will continue to progress. But as soon as you turn to face your tormentor and fight back, the PD will lose its grip over you. Mr. Parkinson may win in the long run but it will be a protracted fight and you will win many of the rounds. And, who knows, you may just beat him!

Afterward I hesitate to call this section “Conclusions” as my protocol is very much a work in progress, and the effectiveness of many of the measures has not yet been verified. I do not have time to wait for the development of a “cure” from conventional Western medicine. I will be dead long before any such treatment has passed through all the hoops and clinical trials necessary for its approval.

Currently, the treatment of last resort for PD is Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) but it is only done when a PD patient is essentially incapacitated with an advanced form of the disease. How humiliating! For people with tremour-dominant PD the option is thalamic surgery, either in the form of thalamic DBS or thalamotomy. Canada’s medical system is unable to cope with the (growing) numbers of PD patients, so in the meantime I will do everything I can to prevent the progression of my PD to the point where surgery is even an option.

I am doing the best that I can to not be a burden on the medical system. What I am doing is also expensive. Canada’s medical system pays for my neurologist visits and little else. The PET scan, physiotherapy visits, naturopath visits, botanicals, and supplements are not covered. Yet if there was ever a time to start spending what I have saved, it is now. I would rather have quality of life than a fat bank account anyway. I’m currently working my way through my “bucket list” and having the time of my life.

Angela Wensley

A Cure for Parkinson’s at the Forefront?


I have a question regarding the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

A close relative of mine is suffering from what it appears to be a symptom of Parkinson’s.  She is at the initial stages right now. E.G:

– resting tremors
– tremors get slightly worst in mid air (whether or not she’s holding onto something)

She is exercising regularly now which is a definitely a good thing, however, I have noticed that when she does alot of housework or work in general the tremors would get slightly worst…is that a regular symptom of Parkinson’s?

At this point, she is going to be taking the anti-tremor pills prescribed by the doctor which hopefully will reduce or eliminate the tremor for the time being.

She is also not quite receptive to the idea of having to change the hygienic needs (e.g. shampoo, soap etc) to the herbal ones as was suggested in the e-book.

Are there any other suggestions you can provide aside from drinking 8 cups of water a day and more exercise to reduce the tremors?  Acupuncture at this point did not seem to help very much…We haven’t tried massage or Bowen Therapy nor have we tried the Aqua therapy (simply coz we don’t know much about it)

Do you know whether there is a cure for the disease with the invention of a new pill at the forefront?

Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated.


You ask whether doing a lot of housework or work in general are regular symptoms of Parkinson’s? It is not the housework in itself or work in particular that fuels the symptoms. The issue turns primarily on the presence or absence of stress. When work – no matter the form – is stressful, symptoms will flare up. The more your relative can acknowledge the stress she is under and find ways to release it, less problematic will be her symptoms.

Is sounds like she has decided to medicate her symptoms. An alternative approach is to acknowledge her body is sending her a strong signal that something different needs to happen. Other symptoms will rear their ugly head if the cause of the current challenge is not addressed.

Exercise will certainly make a huge difference. Also consider doing more disciplined exercise like Tai Chi or perhaps yoga. Yes – body therapies that release stress such as craniosacral therapy and Bowen therapy have the potential to help offer her relief from her symptoms because they help her body release the stress that is trapped at the cellular level. Why not give them a trial run? With medicines you incur side effects (which may well be worth the cost). Body therapies are noninvasive and safe.

The Aquas are recommended by Naturopath Doctor John Coleman who himself is now fully recovered from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Aquas are a homeopathic approach which helps reprogram the body’s mechanism to signal thirst and distribute water throughout the body which gets disabled as we age. You can discover more information at:

Will there be a cure for the symptoms? No, there will never be a cure because the conditions that create the symptoms are multi-faceted. Each person’s situation is entirely unique to them. That is why the symptoms vary so widely across individuals. If there were a single cause, then it might be possible to see a “cure” down the road, but there is no single factor that causes the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.

Trauma creates havoc with the neurological system. Stress damages neural connections. Toxins blow the neurological system up.

I note that your friend does not seem to be worried about toxins. Toxins affect everyone who is alive today. If we do not take the effects of toxins seriously, we will eventually become ill in one form or another.

Do I have a suggestion for you? Yes. Make a habit of listening to the weekly Parkinson’s Recovery radio show. You will find at least one suggestion in every show that will – I repeat will – help your friend get relief from the symptoms she is currently experiencing. It is free to listen.

You can download any of the previous shows for free. I have aired 90 shows. Your relative  can download any of the previous shows to an MP3 player and listen while they exercise.

From my contact with hundreds and hundreds of people who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons I have observed the following. The people who are hoping for a cure or for someone out there to fix them are feeling worse and worse with each passing week. The people who are taking responsibility for their health and take it upon themselves to figure out what their body is telling them are feeling better week by week.

The bottom line: Take responsibility for your life and you get better. Expect someone or something to fix you and you get worse.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Relief from Parkinson’s Symptoms Through Better Hydration

A letter about recovering from the symptoms of Parkinson’s from Mary:

I am enjoying reading your new book [Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease:] and look forward to trying some new things for myself that are mentioned in there.

I  know that the dehydration thing is right on for me. I started drinking lots more water this past summer at my friend’s insistent urging. And it has really been so helpful.  I  already have the Aquas [] and will start doing those again in the morning and evening and see what happens.

I had remembered that in 6-08 and 12-08 after two surgeries  I had felt much better. I had thought that it could have a couple of things that made me feel better.  One was the O2 that I received during the surgeries. I have sleep apnea and having 02 might have made a difference. I also thought that it could have been the IV’s hydrating me.

Well I went into the hospital in Oct. 09 and stayed there for three days, recovering from  a kidney infection . I slept and rested for three days (admitted through ER with 104 degree fever) and had  an IV 24/7 all those days. What a difference!


Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery


Cruise to Alaska
Jump Start to Wellness
Parkinsons Recovery Chat Room
Symptom Tracker
Parkinsons Recovery Radio Network
Aqua Hydration Formulas


Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery

Five Steps to Recovery
Meditations for Parkinsons

Recovery is Happening for Me

I received permission from Monica to posted her e mail to me yesterday:



When Monica sent me an e mail today giving permission to post her e mail, she added the following exciting news:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery


Jump Start to Wellness
Parkinsons Recovery Weekly Reader
Parkinsons Recovery Chat RoomSymptom Tracker
Parkinsons Recovery Radio Network
Aqua Hydration Formulas


Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery
Meditations for Parkinsons
Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’

Parkinson’s Reseach

Below is a research proposal to do a rigorous evaluation of Aquas, a homeopathic remedy that was designed to address dehydration.  This effort is being energyzed by John Coleman, a naturopath doctor from Australia, who has advocated the use of Aquas for many years to address the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

If you are on the lookout for sound research projects to support, this research project is well worth considering.
Details follow.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

The neuro recovery foundation inc. has developed a partnership with Deakin University Integrative Health Research Unit and the Lewis Institute for Health and Wellbeing (Dr. Daniel Lewis) to undertake this ground-breaking research in reversing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. We need your help in obtaining funding for the research.


John C. Coleman, 03 9850 9048, 0437 771 406,


Parkinson’s disease is considered to be progressive, degenerative and irreversible. Yet a few people have reversed all their symptoms and become well. To all observable measures, they can be considered “recovered” or “in remission” – that is, they are free from symptoms, need no medication or ongoing treatment, and live normal, healthy lives.

The first person to recover was John Coleman, who developed his own protocol of activities and therapies to reverse his symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (stage IV on the Hoehn and Yahr scale, or 127/199 on the UPDR scale), and early stage Multi System Atrophy. Others using this protocol have reversed their symptoms equally or to a lesser degree, and continue to live healthier lives.

Central to the therapeutic section of this protocol are the Aqua Hydration Formulas, homeopathic remedies designed to hydrate the body at cellular level ( It is thought that the Aqua Hydration Formulas play a pivotal role in preparing the environment around nerve cells and cells producing dopamine, so allowing and enhancing repair and cell recovery.

The remedies have been shown, in clinical practice, to be safe to use in conjunction with all other medications – Western, Complementary, or traditional Chinese, and free from adverse effects.

This research is designed to show the degree to which the Aqua Hydration Formulas, when taken appropriately, will enhance the process of symptom reduction and health improvement by conducting a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Participants will be under the care of a Neurologist for definitely diagnosed Parkinson’s disease, and treated conservatively. The only change, during the study period of approximately nine months, will be the introduction of the Aqua Hydration Formulas or placebo at safe levels established in open clinical trials since 1998.

When efficacy is established, the information will be provided freely to all Parkinson’s disease patients, associations, support groups and therapists to assist in improving the quality of life for those living with this dreadful disorder.

There are approximately 6.5 million people with Parkinson’s disease worldwide – around 100,000 in Australia. Any therapy that can improve quality of life for patients, also improves life for family, friends and carers. This research has the potential to help many millions.


The Aqua Hydration Formulas were developed in Australia by Neuro-endocrinologist Dr. Jaroslav Boublik and Natural Therapist Leonie Hibbert. They were designed to assist athletes overcome hydration issues during elite sporting events.

The Aqua Hydration Formulas were first used in treating Parkinson’s disease in 1997 by John Coleman, after he had investigated their properties and felt they could help him improve his health. He discovered that he required tiny doses, rather than the amounts used by athletes. His health notes show improved health status after establishing appropriate dosage, and continuing improvement resulting in freedom from all symptoms by mid 1998.

Two years of clinical observation resulted in a well-established protocol for using the Aqua Hydration Formulas in conjunction with other activities and therapies. Over 2000 people around the world have used this protocol with varying degrees of success in conjunction with synergistic activities and therapies.

This research is designed to show the efficacy of the Aqua Hydration Formulas alone in reducing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, when used by people who are being treated conservatively for Parkinson’s disease.


The Neuro Recovery Foundation was established in 2002 to support those diagnosed with neurodegenerative or autoimmune disorders who wished to seek information and/or interaction outside established organisations focusing on Western medicine.

A prime aim was to support and/or establish research in Complementary Medicine that would assist patients to improve their quality of life and mitigate symptoms. The neuro recovery foundation has approached established Parkinson’s disease organisations for assistance in proceeding with this research, but has been rejected because it falls outside the parameters of current pharmaceutical and surgical research.

Therefore, the Foundation has formed a partnership with Deakin University Integrative Health Research Unit and the Lewis Institute for Health and Wellbeing, and has agreed to raise the funds required to conduct this research as quickly as possible.


Professor Sally Walker, Vice-Chancellor, says:

“Deakin University continues to move confidently towards its goal to improve the University’s research performance so that it is in the top third of the Australian higher education sector.

We are doing this by building a critical mass of researchers who will develop a distinctive, broad-based portfolio of high quality discovery, applied and commercial research.

Another central component to Deakin’s innovative work in health and wellbeing is the Clinical Research Facility, the first stage of which was launched in January, 2008. The CRF has been established to provide a much needed state-of-the-art space within the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences to support approximately one-third of the School’s research conducted in a clinical setting. It is a multipurpose area capable of supporting both discrete discipline and multidisciplinary activity. The proposed stage two of the research facilities will establish rehabilitation and exercise programming space to provide clinical opportunities for postgraduate students and staff.” (from Deakin University website, October 2009)


Dr Daniel Lewis, MBBS(Hons), FRACP, is an experienced rheumatologist (bone, joint and arthritis specialist) who integrates mainstream medicine with natural approaches to health and wellbeing.

He has a private specialist medical practice in Melbourne and has appointments at Monash Medical Centre, Monash University and Deakin University.

He is currently the Director of a musculo-skeletal and Pain Management Program at a Rehabilitation Hospital. He is a Past President of Arthritis and Osteoporosis Victoria.

He is co-director of the Deakin University Integrative Health Research Unit formed in 2007.

In addition, Daniel gives lectures, workshops on a range of medical subjects and has led retreats in Australia and overseas on various aspects of whole person care. He teaches meditation during the Lewis Institute’s More Than Meditation Course which is held regularly throughout the year.

Daniel’s passion is integrating balanced lifestyle practises into mainstream management of bone, joint and arthritis related illnesses.

The Lewis Institute for Health and Wellbeing evolved out of Daniel’s desire to provide a supportive and empowering educational network for individuals with long term arthritis- and other health-related illnesses and for those wishing to prevent illness.


Our Philosophy: There are many pathways to health and wellbeing. Understanding this and having a willingness to take the time to explore various paths contributes to wellbeing. Gaining knowledge, skills and life purpose provides access to personal wellbeing.

What Do We Do? In line with our purpose to enhance health and wellbeing, we provide

  • whole person education programmes to the public
  • education programmes for health care practitioners
  • Integrative medical services
  • a clinical research programme.

The people who lead our programmes are carefully selected for their expertise and education skills. They are from the disciplines of Medicine, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Nutrition Science and Yoga.

  1. Our Medical Service is provided by Dr Daniel Lewis.
  2. Our Research Service is available to Companies, Universities and individuals who want to avail themselves of our expertise in the design and/ or conduct of scientifically-sound clinical trials.
  3. Our Disability Service is in association with Everycare. We provide access to information about and referral to this organisation.  Everycare specialises in computer programmes to assist individuals with severe disability in voice communication.


$35,000 to allow Deakin University to conduct a double blind study to establish the efficacy of the Aqua Hydration Formulas, and publish their findings through appropriate media. The Neuro Recovery Foundation has raised $13,00 so far from subscriptions and donations, but we URGENTLY need the balance ($22,000) to make this exciting research possible.


  • Tell your family, friends and business associates about the urgent need for this research
  • Broadcast our need to the public through the media
  • Guide us to businesses or funds who can provide us with financial support (or get them to call us)
  • Donate to our research fund. Every cent donated will be used for this research project. No administrative costs will be deducted.

Neuro recovery foundation is a registered charity and any donation over A$2 is tax deductible in Australia. Receipts will be provided on request.

Parkinsons Recovery Radio Interview with John Coleman

I received a copy of the e-mail below to John Coleman from Kumar which refers to my interview with John on my radio program which aired July 16, 2009. If you visit Parkinsons Recovery Radio you can scroll back to my interview with John in July and listen. The programs are listed in the order they were aired.

Kumar has given me permission to  post his letter which was actually sent to John Coleman, ND. I love to post such letters – whether they are addressed to me or someone else  because it is energizing and motivating to see what other people are doing to get wonderful relief from their symptoms.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Dear John Coleman, ND:

I just heard the interview with Dr. Rodgers and the questions and answers. It was fascinating. I was happy you gave so much importance to meditation. I have been meditating for the last two decades, praying to the Lord in the form of devotional singing and giving importance to spiritual exercises under capable Masters but yet I was diagnosed to be suffering from PD about three years back. However I have continued all these along with medications which is syndopa plus(Levodopa 100mg + carbidopa 25 mg) 1.5 tablets four times a day and the dopamine agonist Ropark 2 mg three times a day as prescribed by the neuro physician.

I am feeling quite fine. Tremors have reduced significantly. I can walk at a stretch for 30 min with both arms swinging and climb staircases without any support since this was the severe problem I suffered with last month since I was falling backwards while climbing staircases and also while moving horizontally at home and other places. Add to this hallucinations and uneasy feeling on the back of the head which are no longer there.

The present improved condition is due to two weeks of hospitalisation for drug optimisation, physiotherapy done both at home and the hospital for coordination, balancing, muscle strengthening involving cycling, rowing, weight lifting for both arms and lower limbs and exercise on the tread mill for slow walking with longer steps. Beside these I have also been doing exercises prescribed by Dr. Roberts from the Internet which are also helpful. I taught some of these exercises to the physios attending on me.

I am eagerly waiting for the Aquas hydration formula which has not arrived yet even after 24 days after ordering the same. In the mean while I am trying  my best to drink 8 glasses of water everyday.

I would like to share a simple technique here which we call evening cleaning. After the day’s work when we are relaxed, we seat ourselves in a comfortable seat erect and at a quiet place, take the thought once only in the beginning that all complexities, negativities, fears, darkness, grossness, disease and recently added toxins are leaving our body from behind in the form of smoke and sit quietly for 30 min using your will power but not meditating. You feel highly refreshed and empty after doing this.

I am in the process of writing my Life history in brief which I will send it to you after I have finished.

Once again, it was wonderful listening to you.


Progress Report

Dear Robert

If it’s of any interest I can report that I consulted John Coleman last December, after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s a month earlier,and have been on the aquas and other supplements since then. I refuse to take the mainstream drugs and from the outset decided to treat Parky as a temporary condition until my body regains its overall health.

Although my symptoms have varied and my condition has gone up and down over the last few months I like to think that I am improving and am delighted that for the last five days in a row I have had next to no symptoms.I am so grateful to live in the same city as,and have easy access to John, and I am also most grateful to you for the enormous effort support and dedication without which most of us would find life a lot more difficult.  I wish you and all your subscribers health and happiness.



Magnets for Healing Parkinson’s


My dentist of many years retired, & I needed dentist shortly before I moved to my present location.  When I explained that my unsteady gait was from Parkinsons Disease, he told me that he had cared for his mother who had had Parkinsons Disease. He said he did hours of research & found the most helpful thing was using magnets & good hydration.

He said  that he had a patient come in that shook so badly the walls were shaking.  He told her of the magnets & his research.  When she came the next week for a follow-up, he gave her magnets & had her put them on her forearms.  He said they had to be pretty strong.  He said in about 20 minutes or so her shaking had pretty much stopped.  He saw her  again about 6 months later, & she had a new car & was able to return to a fairly normal life. I assumed she was still on medications, but the tremors had stopped.  He told me to find the info on the Internet, or he & his wife would even make the 2 hour drive to my new location to tell me more about it.  I do not find that much about magnets helping PD.

Do you know where to find more information? Or do you know of anyone else having a good experience with them? When I left, he repeated to keep the magnets on the forearms & stay hydrated.



This is the first report of magnet use I have received. What an interesting story! Too bad you do not have the specifics. I could interview the people involved on my radio program.

First, I do hear over and over from people with Parkinson’s symptoms that good hydration makes a big difference. Some people are getting good results from taking a homeopathic treatment that was designed to help their bodies become better hydrated called the Aquas.

Second, magnets alter the field which surrounds the human body. I do know there are companies which promote magnets as a device to clear blockages in the human energy field and thus help to restore energy and heal illness. I do not have any evidence from people with Parkinsons on the effectiveness of such devices.

I do know that the many forms of energy healing (reiki, healing touch, energy healing, acupuncture, etc.) also help to clear blockages in the human energy field. Magnets are one approach to achieving this same goal.

The problem as I understand it is that if you get the poles reversed when you apply the treatment, the treatment can backfire. Instead of opening chakras and clearing the blockages, the chakras can shut down and blockages can be solidified. I have heard Barbara Brennan (a famous healer) warn against use of magnets because of the pole reversal problem. Apparently, use of magnets can either  work big time or backfire big time.

I have an intuition that in the years ahead, such machines will be much more sophisticated than today. I can also add that of the many therapies that we now know help give symptom relief, I know of no therapy that helps everyone. Just because it might have helped someone else does not mean necessarily that it will help you out.

Anyone out there have any experience with magnets as a treatment option for Parkinsons? Let us hear from you!

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Adrenals and Blood Pressure


I am really interested in the Aquas with reference to my blood pressure issues that I continue to wrestle with. Do you know anyone else with PD that has this problem?

As I understand it, approximately 10 % of PD patients have orthostatic hypotension which, incidentally, is a big fat problem and treatment for sucks due to lack of interest I suppose.  I have some theories – for me I believe it is due to medication as well as long term stress and anxiety leading to Adrenal issues.  As you know, the adrenals are key in regulating blood pressure.  J.B.


Orthostatic hypotension is defined as a drop in blood pressure during relatively quick changes in body position that occur; for example, when shifting from a sitting position to a standing position. You ask if I know of anyone else with Parkinson’s Disease who has this problem.

I have seen every imaginable symptom a person can possibly have who has a diagnosis of Parkinson’s. So, the answer is yes and my answer would  be yes to virtually any symptom anyone could list.

I totally concur with your assessment of the problem. A huge factor that contributes to the symptoms of Parkinson’s is stress. This is well documented in the literature and confirmed through my own Pioneers of Recovery interviews.

The adrenals are responsible for the production of adrenaline which our body requires to help regulate blood pressure and help us cope with stressful situations. When stress runs rampant throughout our body our adrenals become exhausted, literally. They poop out and are no longer able to perform their job adequately.

The resolution lies in bringing the adrenals back on line with proper diet and exercise. Specific supplements can be very beneficial to healing adrenal dysfunction. A daily meditation practice can also help.

The Aquas are a homeopathic approach that was designed to hydrate the body. It is logical to conclude that blood pressure abnormalities will be ameliorated in a body that is better hydrated. There is no specific research evidence to prove this is the case when using the Aquas however, but it seems to be a logical consequence of better hydration to me.

I will find some doctors, naturopaths and other health care professional to interview so we can all get some specifics on how the adrenals can be healed. Once healed, the blood pressure problem should resolve.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Questions about Exercise and Parkinson’s Medications

Two Questions from Anne:

Is it better to exercise when ‘on’ or when ‘off?’ I am wondering about body’s capacity to remember movements, cadences etc.


I have not seen any studies that have examined the differences of exercise when the medication is fully functional (the “on” state) and when the medication has worn off and symptoms are more evident (the “off” state).

I can report that many people tell me when their symptoms are bothersome (whether they take medication or not), exercise makes a huge difference in alleviating them.

Stress is highly correlated with symptoms. When stressed, symptoms will be worse. Exercise plays a huge role in releasing stress that is carried in the body. So, when symptoms are bothersome, try exercising and see what happens.

The more often you exercise the better you will feel. People tell me that it is far more effective in helping them get sustained relief from symptoms that virtually most of the medications they have tried.

Think of exercise as a medicine. The best part is that it is free and can be fun as well.

Are instructions for using aquas anywhere on the web site?


Aquas were designed to be a homeopathic remedy for dehydration. They are recommended by John Coleman, ND, who recovered from parkinsons. You will find an explanation about the Aquas and instructions for their use at

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery