Category Archives: Parkinsons Disease Research

Mucuna as Treatment for Parkinsons

Question: What are your thoughts about using the mucuna to
treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s?


There is an upside and a downside to taking Mucuna to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

The Upside

Macuna bean (or Mucuna Puriens) is derived from a plant
that grows
in tropical climates. The Mucuna herb has been used
for generations in India and other eastern countries
to treat
Parkinson’s with varying success. Mucuna is by no means
a new revelation.

People use Mucuna in part because it does not have the side effects of prescription medications.A number of people in my global audience who take prescription
medications for Parkinson’s have been pleased with the results they
get from taking Mucuna.  Others  have succeeded
in reducing the dose of their prescribed medications or
even weaning themselves off prescription medications altogether. 

No changes in the dosage of prescription medications should of course be made without consulting with your doctor first. Even though it is not a prescription medication, it is also just as important to consult with your doctor before taking any natural herb supplement like Mucuna to boost dopamine.

The Downside

It is clear from talking with other health professionals that
Mucuna is not a cure nor does it provide relief
for everyone. After all, if Mucuna were a panacea
everyone with Parkinson’s would be taking it and no one
today would be suffering from its symptoms.

Many people think of Parkinson’s simplistically as a
deficiency of dopamine. In fact, the “disease” is
described by most health care providers as such.
The truth of the matter is that
reasons for
the symptoms of Parkinson’s are far, far more
complicated than this simple explanation. 

Symptoms of Parkinson’s are affected by an imbalance
of over
39 different neurotransmitters. When you take
Mucuna or any dopamine supplement for that matter
you are making a decision to
focus on a tiny fraction
of the problem. 

The body is making fine adjustments to the production
and distribution of hormones continuously, second by
second, minute by minute.
Consider the maze of
complicated adjustments your body makes to produce
and distribute the other 38 neurotransmitters when you take
any dopamine lookalike.

Ingesting a single synthetic hormone once a day creates an instant
adjustment the body must make to the delicate balance of hormones
in the body.
The “adjustment” that comes from taking a dopamine
supplement (whether prescription or a supplement like Mucuna)
is crude.The body produces and distributes hormones continuously each and every second of the day.

Do the math.

If the choice is between relying on the  body or any dopamine supplement I
am betting on the body any day of the week.

A second challenge you will encounter if you decide to
take Mucuna – and keep in mind this
may be a good
choice for you – is that you are giving your body the
signal it does not
need to expend the energy produce dopamine
on its own.
Think like your body and you will understand
the long term consequences of what happens when
you take a dopamine producing supplements.

Here is the decision sequence:

1. Your body is busy with the work of adjusting and balancing hormones
which, after all, is one of its functions.

2. An external source of domaine mysteriously
appears in the digestive system.
There is suddenly and
unexpectedly an
external intrusion into the body.

3. The body begins to ponder: “Who is in charge here?” A critical function of the body is suddenly and unexpectedly being handled by an external intervention.

4. The body then concludes:  “If someone else is doing my job, why should I bother?”
Isn’t this just anyone of us do  when someone else takes on the burden of  doing
a job you thought was our responsibility? I mean, if someone else wants to do the work, why not let them?

A reason cells in the substantia nigra die is because
dopamine is being supplied by an external source.
that produce dopamine are no
longer needed since the supply is provided by an external source.  You either use it or lose it. In this case you lose it.
The body eventually surrenders responsibility for producing dopamine.

Prescription medications and Mucuna  are different delivery systems for
dopamine. For most people higher doses have to be take to experience symptom

John Coleman ND points out that most of the Macuna bean
that is packaged and sold in the marketplace is not actually
“natural.” It is a processed. The Mucuna pill capsules
are manufactured and refined, purified and converted to
powder. John Coleman ND has also observed in his clinic that
some forms of Macuna  induce the “same adverse effects as synthetic
levodopa if consumed in large quantities over a long period.

Coleman offers a different recommendation for his clients.
He suggests you hydrate your body by taking a
natural homeopathic remedy. The body has an easier
time producing and balancing hormones when the cells
are adequately hydrated.

Mucuna may provide welcome relief in the short term.
But if it is used as a lifetime remedy your body’s
incredibly intricate
system for monitoring
hormones will be short circuited. Sensitivity of
the monitoring system is degraded and the system
itself is eventually disabled.

Your body gradually gives up its mandate at birth to maintain
health and wellness. You eventually begin to feel lousy.

Why not give your body a chance to do its work whenever
possible? Wait. Be patient. Ask the most important question of all:
What is causing your symptoms?

Once you identify and address the cause, you will not necessarily
begin feeling  good every day. Some days you will may feel lousy.

Helping  the body re-remember how to balance hormones is not an
easy task but the rewards are worth it.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Ketone Esters

I have included my full interview with Bill Curtis on Parkinsons Recovery Radio who discusses ketone esters for Parkinsons. He provides a remarkable summary of his customized treatment protocol involving ketones, fasting and exercise which has quieted his symptoms for many years now.

You having to take more and more medications to achieve relief? Bill has been taking five (5) prescription medications for many years with no requirement to increase dosages.

In summary I promise you will not regret taking 45 minutes out of your day today to listen to Bill’s remarkable story. His customized protocol is worth taking seriously!

Bill Curtis developed Parkinson’s symptoms at the age of 45 in the year 2000. He  discusses his experience with using ketones as well as  other therapies.

Ketone Ester available at:

Have questions? Email Frank at:

What Are Ketone Esters?

Esters are a type of ketone supplement designed to provide the body with an immediate and efficient source of ketones. Ketones are molecules produced by the liver from fatty acids when carbohydrate intake is low. They serve as an alternative energy source to glucose, which is typically derived from carbohydrates. The esters are synthesized through a chemical process that combines ketone bodies with alcohols, resulting in a stable compound that can be consumed as a drink.


To understand the benefits of ketone esters, it’s crucial to grasp how they work. When ingested, ketone esters rapidly elevate blood ketone levels, providing a direct source of ketones to fuel your brain and muscles. This is particularly valuable in situations where the body is not producing enough ketones on its own, such as during intense exercise or when following a standard high-carb diet.

Ketone esters are different from other types of ketone supplements, like ketone salts, due to their more potent and direct effect on blood ketone levels. They are also more expensive and less widely available but are often touted as more effective.


  1. Enhanced Physical Performance: For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, ketone esters can offer a significant boost. By increasing the availability of ketones, they provide an alternative energy source that can be utilized during prolonged exercise or high-intensity workouts. Studies have shown that ketone esters can improve endurance, reduce fatigue, and enhance recovery.
  2. Improved Cognitive Function: The brain can benefit from the increased availability of ketones. Research suggests that ketones may offer neuroprotective benefits and improve mental clarity, focus, and cognitive performance. This can be particularly useful for individuals looking to enhance their mental acuity or for those managing neurological conditions.
  3. Weight Management: Esters can support weight management efforts by promoting fat oxidation and reducing appetite. As the body shifts towards using ketones for energy, it may become more efficient at burning stored fat, potentially aiding in weight loss.
  4. Metabolic Health: Ketone esters may also contribute to improved metabolic health. They can help stabilize blood sugar levels and enhance insulin sensitivity, which can be beneficial for individuals managing diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

All About Ketone Esters

Diet recommendation when taking Ketone esters


Bill Curtis Recovery from Parkinsons Symptoms

Quality of Water and Food on Digestion

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Do You Have a Systematic Recovery Program?


Do You have a systematic recovery program? 

Is a Recovery Program Realistic?

Our experience in working with persons who have Parkinson’s has convinced us that there is no standard protocol that is the panacea. Of course, there is no “cure.” Factors that cause the
condition are multi-faceted so it depends.

We do know from a thorough review of the research that the symptoms can be caused by heavy metals, pesticides, chemical toxins, pathogens, trauma and stress. A variety of natural therapies are available to address each of these threats to the healthy function of the body.  We encourage each individual to investigate the therapies that are available
depending on their own individual needs and preferences and the primary factors that are causing their symptoms. 

  • Whole body detoxes are critical.
  • Strengthening the immune system is a must.
  • Reducing inflammation is important.
  • Nutrition is essential.
  • Adjusting the hormonal thermostat is important.
  • Exercising the body and the mind makes a huge difference.
  • Laughter every day helps.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery


Whit Deschner Reads from His Forthcoming Book: Departures: No Swearing

Author Whit Deshner read excerpts from his forthcoming book on my radio show today.  It is amazing writing that will inspire your soul, touch your heart, tickle your intellect, and rattle your funny bone:

Want a chance to enter the internationally famous Salt Lick contest and win money? Are you a rancher? Do you raise cows? Here is your chance!

To learn all about the one and only Salt Lick Contest to be held in Baker City, Oregon, watch the video on the follow Oregon Public Broadcasting Link:

For details on this years auction to be held September 24th at the Crosswoods Art center in Baker City, visit Whit Deschner’s website

Funds from the Salt Lick Contest support research on Parkinson’s.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Parkinson’s Reseach

Below is a research proposal to do a rigorous evaluation of Aquas, a homeopathic remedy that was designed to address dehydration.  This effort is being energyzed by John Coleman, a naturopath doctor from Australia, who has advocated the use of Aquas for many years to address the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

If you are on the lookout for sound research projects to support, this research project is well worth considering.
Details follow.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

The neuro recovery foundation inc. has developed a partnership with Deakin University Integrative Health Research Unit and the Lewis Institute for Health and Wellbeing (Dr. Daniel Lewis) to undertake this ground-breaking research in reversing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. We need your help in obtaining funding for the research.


John C. Coleman, 03 9850 9048, 0437 771 406,


Parkinson’s disease is considered to be progressive, degenerative and irreversible. Yet a few people have reversed all their symptoms and become well. To all observable measures, they can be considered “recovered” or “in remission” – that is, they are free from symptoms, need no medication or ongoing treatment, and live normal, healthy lives.

The first person to recover was John Coleman, who developed his own protocol of activities and therapies to reverse his symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (stage IV on the Hoehn and Yahr scale, or 127/199 on the UPDR scale), and early stage Multi System Atrophy. Others using this protocol have reversed their symptoms equally or to a lesser degree, and continue to live healthier lives.

Central to the therapeutic section of this protocol are the Aqua Hydration Formulas, homeopathic remedies designed to hydrate the body at cellular level ( It is thought that the Aqua Hydration Formulas play a pivotal role in preparing the environment around nerve cells and cells producing dopamine, so allowing and enhancing repair and cell recovery.

The remedies have been shown, in clinical practice, to be safe to use in conjunction with all other medications – Western, Complementary, or traditional Chinese, and free from adverse effects.

This research is designed to show the degree to which the Aqua Hydration Formulas, when taken appropriately, will enhance the process of symptom reduction and health improvement by conducting a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Participants will be under the care of a Neurologist for definitely diagnosed Parkinson’s disease, and treated conservatively. The only change, during the study period of approximately nine months, will be the introduction of the Aqua Hydration Formulas or placebo at safe levels established in open clinical trials since 1998.

When efficacy is established, the information will be provided freely to all Parkinson’s disease patients, associations, support groups and therapists to assist in improving the quality of life for those living with this dreadful disorder.

There are approximately 6.5 million people with Parkinson’s disease worldwide – around 100,000 in Australia. Any therapy that can improve quality of life for patients, also improves life for family, friends and carers. This research has the potential to help many millions.


The Aqua Hydration Formulas were developed in Australia by Neuro-endocrinologist Dr. Jaroslav Boublik and Natural Therapist Leonie Hibbert. They were designed to assist athletes overcome hydration issues during elite sporting events.

The Aqua Hydration Formulas were first used in treating Parkinson’s disease in 1997 by John Coleman, after he had investigated their properties and felt they could help him improve his health. He discovered that he required tiny doses, rather than the amounts used by athletes. His health notes show improved health status after establishing appropriate dosage, and continuing improvement resulting in freedom from all symptoms by mid 1998.

Two years of clinical observation resulted in a well-established protocol for using the Aqua Hydration Formulas in conjunction with other activities and therapies. Over 2000 people around the world have used this protocol with varying degrees of success in conjunction with synergistic activities and therapies.

This research is designed to show the efficacy of the Aqua Hydration Formulas alone in reducing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, when used by people who are being treated conservatively for Parkinson’s disease.


The Neuro Recovery Foundation was established in 2002 to support those diagnosed with neurodegenerative or autoimmune disorders who wished to seek information and/or interaction outside established organisations focusing on Western medicine.

A prime aim was to support and/or establish research in Complementary Medicine that would assist patients to improve their quality of life and mitigate symptoms. The neuro recovery foundation has approached established Parkinson’s disease organisations for assistance in proceeding with this research, but has been rejected because it falls outside the parameters of current pharmaceutical and surgical research.

Therefore, the Foundation has formed a partnership with Deakin University Integrative Health Research Unit and the Lewis Institute for Health and Wellbeing, and has agreed to raise the funds required to conduct this research as quickly as possible.


Professor Sally Walker, Vice-Chancellor, says:

“Deakin University continues to move confidently towards its goal to improve the University’s research performance so that it is in the top third of the Australian higher education sector.

We are doing this by building a critical mass of researchers who will develop a distinctive, broad-based portfolio of high quality discovery, applied and commercial research.

Another central component to Deakin’s innovative work in health and wellbeing is the Clinical Research Facility, the first stage of which was launched in January, 2008. The CRF has been established to provide a much needed state-of-the-art space within the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences to support approximately one-third of the School’s research conducted in a clinical setting. It is a multipurpose area capable of supporting both discrete discipline and multidisciplinary activity. The proposed stage two of the research facilities will establish rehabilitation and exercise programming space to provide clinical opportunities for postgraduate students and staff.” (from Deakin University website, October 2009)


Dr Daniel Lewis, MBBS(Hons), FRACP, is an experienced rheumatologist (bone, joint and arthritis specialist) who integrates mainstream medicine with natural approaches to health and wellbeing.

He has a private specialist medical practice in Melbourne and has appointments at Monash Medical Centre, Monash University and Deakin University.

He is currently the Director of a musculo-skeletal and Pain Management Program at a Rehabilitation Hospital. He is a Past President of Arthritis and Osteoporosis Victoria.

He is co-director of the Deakin University Integrative Health Research Unit formed in 2007.

In addition, Daniel gives lectures, workshops on a range of medical subjects and has led retreats in Australia and overseas on various aspects of whole person care. He teaches meditation during the Lewis Institute’s More Than Meditation Course which is held regularly throughout the year.

Daniel’s passion is integrating balanced lifestyle practises into mainstream management of bone, joint and arthritis related illnesses.

The Lewis Institute for Health and Wellbeing evolved out of Daniel’s desire to provide a supportive and empowering educational network for individuals with long term arthritis- and other health-related illnesses and for those wishing to prevent illness.


Our Philosophy: There are many pathways to health and wellbeing. Understanding this and having a willingness to take the time to explore various paths contributes to wellbeing. Gaining knowledge, skills and life purpose provides access to personal wellbeing.

What Do We Do? In line with our purpose to enhance health and wellbeing, we provide

  • whole person education programmes to the public
  • education programmes for health care practitioners
  • Integrative medical services
  • a clinical research programme.

The people who lead our programmes are carefully selected for their expertise and education skills. They are from the disciplines of Medicine, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Nutrition Science and Yoga.

  1. Our Medical Service is provided by Dr Daniel Lewis.
  2. Our Research Service is available to Companies, Universities and individuals who want to avail themselves of our expertise in the design and/ or conduct of scientifically-sound clinical trials.
  3. Our Disability Service is in association with Everycare. We provide access to information about and referral to this organisation.  Everycare specialises in computer programmes to assist individuals with severe disability in voice communication.


$35,000 to allow Deakin University to conduct a double blind study to establish the efficacy of the Aqua Hydration Formulas, and publish their findings through appropriate media. The Neuro Recovery Foundation has raised $13,00 so far from subscriptions and donations, but we URGENTLY need the balance ($22,000) to make this exciting research possible.


  • Tell your family, friends and business associates about the urgent need for this research
  • Broadcast our need to the public through the media
  • Guide us to businesses or funds who can provide us with financial support (or get them to call us)
  • Donate to our research fund. Every cent donated will be used for this research project. No administrative costs will be deducted.

Neuro recovery foundation is a registered charity and any donation over A$2 is tax deductible in Australia. Receipts will be provided on request.

Treatment Protocols for Parkinson’s


Do you have any testimonials from individuals that have recovered from PD using your protocol? Why aren’t  you on Larry King or Oprah?

Without validity, your claims are the same as other people. Where are the recovered people?

The best,


Thanks so much for your questions. I do not have a “protocol” that I advocate. I am a researcher gathering information from people who are recovering from Parkinson’s.
I do not make any claims to be sure about any approach or remedy or treatment, though many people I interview or who are on my radio program give testimonials about what they are doing to feel a lot better.
I believe the causes of Parkinsons are multifaceted, so different treatments will help depending on the persons individual situation. Let me know if there is a “claim”  that I have made or written about. I will need to revisit that writing and clarify the presentation. 
The first round of field research is reported in Pioneers of Recovery ( Two of the people I interview in the book have recovered fully. Others are on the road to recovery. The Pioneers talk about what they are doing to get relief from their symptoms.   
I am determined to do a study of 100 persons to track holistic approaches to healing the symptoms of Parkinsons. I totally agree with you that it is important to present evidence that treatments or approaches are effective. That is the road I am taking with my research. 
I just released Five Steps to Recovery ( which is all about thoughts and how they help or obstruct healing. Again,there is no protocol here, just support to people  who want to sustain positive thinking about their recovery.
All the best,
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Exercise Research at the Cleveland Clinic

Dr. Jay Alberts, Ph.D.,  from the Center for Neurological Restoration at the Cleveland Clinic will be my special guest on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio Program at 11:00 am pacific time on Thursday, April 23rd. Dr. Alberts and I will also be talking with Scott Luikart who is participating in the Race Across America this summer to raise money for research on Parkinsons. 

Listen to the program over phone by calling 347-945-5358 at 11:00 am pacific time – Thursday, April 23rd or listen in here.  I hope you can join  us.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

The Race Across America (RAAM), is a solo, 12 day, 3,021 mile bike race.  It touches 15 states and climbs more than 100,000 feet. Once the clock starts on the west coast, it doesn’t stop until the racer reaches the finish line on the east coast.  Scott Luikart, a 2009 RAAM participant, has chosen to use the RAAM as an avenue to raise much needed funds for cutting edge Parksinson’s disease (PD) research going on at the LRI.

What motivates someone to push their body to the extreme?  Ask Scott that question and his answer comes without hesitation. His twin brother Mark was Scott’s inspiration to begin cycling four years ago. Mark was recently diagnosed with PD. 

While watching MSNBC one night, Scott heard about the exciting work of Jay Alberts, Ph.D. of the Center for Neurological Restoration at the Cleveland Clinic. About 200 miles into a week long “Pedaling for Parkinson’s” awareness ride on a tandem bicycle, Dr. Alberts noticed the Parkinson’s symptoms disappearing from the patient who was riding with him.

From this experience, Dr. Alberts asked: Could exercise — be therapeutic for PD patients? Initial research is telling us “yes.”  Donations raised through the RAAM will go to support this cutting edge work leading to more answers which we feel will have a direct impact on the lives of those living with PD.

In Search for a Cure: Is there a Holly Grail?


Are you familiar with the approach to
treating Parkinson’s used by the
Australian natural therapist
Noel Batten, detailed on his website
and what is your opinion of that method?


Out of the many people I have talked
with or interviewed, I have not run
across one person who has had any
experience with this particular treatment

I am familiar with the web site and can
offer my reactions based on my impression
of his website.

It appears to me this man implicitly
offers a “cure” in five days. This is
quite ridiculous. No “cure” exists.

People certainly have recovered and are
symptom free today, but the minimum time
I have heard it takes to recover is two
years. The average time appears to be
3-4 years.

The sales pitch on the web site involves
before and after videos of people who
received his treatment. What you observe
are marked improvements. This is the norm
for many forms of body therapies.

People often do show marked improvement
after receiving a variety of different
treatments. They often look like
different people.

I have interviewed a number of people who
report seeing a therapists of one type of
another (craniosacral, Bowen, energy healing,
drumming, healing touch, reiki, etc.),
who tell me that for a period of time after
the treatment (4 hours, one day, two days –
the time varies) they were totally symptom
free. After the the brief honeymoon however,
symptoms returned.

The videos on this web site do show the
physical manifestation of trauma to the
physical body. The body becomes contorted
and twisted. Various body therapies
are helpful in releasing the tension that
is held in the body tissues.

The theme of this web site is:

Come to me. I will fix you.

This is not how people recover. The people
who recover wind up figuring out ways to
heal themselves.

No one can fix them or cure them. The tone
of the sales pitch on this web site feels
manipulative to me.

My research shows only a combination of
approaches will work. There is no single
answer. There is no holly grail.

There are however two benefits to a search
for the holly grail if you choose to go on
such a journey.

First, you exercise your mind. This
creates new neural pathways and is a good
thing. (Of course there are many other ways
to accomplish the same benefit).

Second, if you physically have to move or
travel to find the people who claim they
will fix you, you will receive the benefits
of physical exercise. This also is a good thing.

Does this man’s therapy help? I certainly can not

I am very impressed in general with the
research on alternative therapies. Study
after study shows that one therapy after
another helps relieve symptoms.

I have stacks of studies for one therapy or
another that report positive findings. Many
studies use small samples, so the results
will never show statistical significance
because of the small sample sizes.

The actual effect sizes reported in
many studies are impressive. In some studies
effects are not large but they nonetheless
reflect improvements. Effects in many of
these studies are also larger than
any effects reported in the drug studies.

My point is that there a many modalities that
provide ways to get symptom relief. The challenge
is to do a little experimentation for yourself
and figure out which ways are most useful
for you.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

© 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

Symptoms and Treatments for Parkinson’s


Dear Dr. Rodgers:

After reading a number of your helpful articles, I am writing to ask your opinion regarding a difficult case of Parkinson’s disease or similar disorder (as described below, the symptoms are somewhat atypical for classical PD). 

The person in question, now 63 years old, was diagnosed in mid-2005.  The symptoms include right arm/shoulder pain, which has worsened over time, along with a mild tremor in the right hand.  This is accompanied by a feeling of internal tremor or other unpleasant sensations which are difficult to describe but are all the same extremely and increasingly difficult to experience, sometimes like a feeling that his entire body is disintegrating (but he is otherwise healthy).

On observation, he has a slow or shuffling gait and decreased facial expression at rest and mild tremor of the right hand, but otherwise few other noticeable signs to indicate PD.  

This person has been on Dopicar (L-dopa/carbidopa combination) for over a year, which helped for the first 3-4 months.  However, over a short time the beneficial effects of L-dopa have diminished greatly, so that now it sometimes doesn’t help at all, and when it does, only for a very short period of time (an hour or less). 

The present dose of L-dopa varies between 300 and 600 mg 2-3 times daily, depending on the particular symptoms and feelings on a given day.  When the effect of the L-dopa wears off, the right arm becomes stiff like a log and very painful (worse than before taking it).  This means that most of the day he is feeling bad, with little relief from L-dopa. 

He has also been taking Azilect with little noticeable benefit.  This was stopped recently after hearing John Coleman’s teleconference, but pain and other symptoms have worsened since that time.

My questions are 1) have you ever seen anyone like this who responds very poorly to medications after such a short period of time, and whose primary symptoms are pain and a very unpleasant internal tremor or other sensation, and if so 2) what helped, or what treatment or other plan would you recommend?


At the top of my response to your fascinating question is a brief explanation of my qualifications. It is true that I am
a doctor, but I am not a medical doctor. I have a Ph.D. and am a researcher. I need to be clear that I am not a medical doctor and so I am not qualified to diagnose or treat any disease. 

I regularly interview people with Parkinson’s (like John Coleman)  and conduct teleseminars with experts in various modalities regularly, so I am in a position to provide insights based on the research I am doing. Please do not interpret anything I might say as medical advice but rather as simply information. It is always important to check with your doctor or health care provider for taking making any changes to a health care program.

Your questions in order:

Have you ever seen anyone like this who responds very poorly to medications after such a short period of time?

From my research, your report of getting relief from medication after 3-4 months is typical, but at the low end of the range. I do not have enough data now to give you a good estimate, but qualitatively speaking, the average time appears to me to be around 7-8 months. Some people get no relief. Some get good relief for 2 years or more. I hear many reports of good relief for 6 months.

Regardless of the length of the honeymoon, I have not interviewed anyone yet who has been on medication and not had to increase the dose after a period of time. The brief honeymoon suggests to me that the primary cause of symptoms may be rooted in factors that are not directly connected to the level of dopamine in the body. 

Have you ever seen anyone like this who whose primary symptoms are pain and a very unpleasant internal tremor or other sensation?

If I have learned anything from my research, it is that each person’s symptoms are entirely unique to them. I interviewed a man recently whose primary symptom was pain. I am currently writing about how to address this particular symptom. So, stay tuned.

Internal tremors are very common among the many people I have interviewed.  It is a clue that the neurological system is not functioning at full capacity.

You also mention that his symptoms have been worse after going off the medication. This too is very typical from the people I interview. Some people who try and stop cold turkey without gradually reducing the dosage wind up eventually deciding to start  taking the medication again at an even higher dose.

You can probably expect a period of time for the body to adjust. From my research, what has happened to him is very typical and very difficult to deal with.

You also ask what treatment plan would I recommend. I will soon have a very concrete answer for you to see. I have created a web site interface that contains information, exercises and experiences that my research shows is needed for a person with the symptoms of Parkinson’s to feel better.

The honest answer to your question is that a person can begin feeling better slowly and gradually when they make certain changes in how they eat and live. Finding ways to reduce stress and release trauma have also helped many people.

Finding ways to help the body release toxins has certainly helped many people with Parkinson’s. I am beginning a series of interviews with naturopaths and other doctors who offer different approaches for helping people detox their body. I would recommend that you might consider these many different options and see if one calls to you and him.   

Another place to look is his digestive system. My guess would be that his digestive system may be compromised. Ayurveda has offered some people with Parkinson’s wonderful relief. Please note that I say some.

I suggest he experiment. Check out what is working for other people. Try out something that calls to him (a herb, a form of body work, a detox method, etc.). If it begins help, stick with it. If not, turn to something else. The people who are having the greatest success with recovery do just this. They are always experimenting.

I might mention that this is precisely what John Coleman did. He experimented with a number of therapies. Some helped and some did not. 

Give whatever is tried time to take effect.  Most people are not aware they are getting better, so they abandon therapies too early because they falsely convince themselves the therapy is not helping.

We do know now that it takes time for the body to heal from the symptoms of Parkinson’s. The range I now have is a minimum of two years to a maximum of 6 years. Recovery is a slow process.

The one thing that will help him the most is to acknowledge no single medicine or pill exists that can fix the problem. The causes of the symptoms are far too complicated and delicate for this to be true. It takes a dedicated commitment to give the body all that it needs to heal itself.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parknsons Recovery

© 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

What Success Have You Had with Parkinson’s?


What success have you had with Parkinson’s disease?


We believe the causes of Parkinson’s are multi-faceted and
that the underlying cause for one person may differ from
another. Specifically, the underlying and primary cause for
one person may be heavy metals, another pathogens, and
still another trauma. Some people are unlucky enough to
have issues with all three.

Our research thus far has evaluated only the effects of 
energy healing that included craniosacral therapy on the 
symptoms of persons with Parkinson’s who chose not to
take medications. Findings of our study showed that 75%
of the symptoms for the 10 persons in the study either
stayed the same or improved.

We concluded that energy work clearly helps, but
that the body also needs additional support like good
nutrition and detoxing to come back into balance.
The study led us to adopt a more holistic approach. 

Some of our initial study volunteers are doing quite
well indeed. I hope to have interviews with them soon.
We are gathering stories from people across the country
and elsewhere who are feeling better and finding
relief from their symptoms so others can get a sense
of what other people are doing for themselves to feel better.
It gives hope to many people when they realize that others
with Parkinsons are finding relief from their symptoms.
Some people have fully recovered.  

Clearly, there is no cure nor is there any magic formula
that people can use to heal. But it is also clear that many
people have found ways to feel better and get relief from
their symptoms. We are documenting these stories.

I also believe that everything we try must be carefully
documented, so in our initial study I used many research
instruments to track what was happening. Our subsequent
studies will be just as rigorous. We are planning to use 
outside evaluators for the First 100 Study.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery  

 © 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

How to Stop Tremors in Stressful Situations


I start getting tremors in my jaw and left arm every time I am in a difficult or new situation. It doesn’t make any difference if I have just taken my Sinemet medication or not. I need to know how to stop tremors in stressful situations.


Stress has a huge impact on symptoms. The husband of one client was having serious health challenges himself. Her symptoms deteriorated rapidly during this period. When his health problems resolved, her symptoms immediately improved. The correlation between the stress and her symptoms was near perfect.

Stress clearly is the trigger for the symptoms.There are helpful responses you can initiate in new situations to relieve the stress. A solid connection with yourself and the earth helps relieve the stress. Regardless of the technique, they all invite a connection with yourself and to the earth.

My online course developed over 20 years of research documents ways that reveal the secrets for how to stop tremors in stressful situations. Highly effective ways that reduce anxieties provoked by stress are  covered in this course : Tame Tremors.

When we go into fear in a new situation – everyone does -our energy tends to dissipate and scatter. We feel unsafe, some of us more so than others. Our energy begins to bounce around our heads and not our feet. The key to reducing the stress is to shift the energy down to your feet so that you can feel the support of mother earth and feel safer.

When we are able to move out of feeling fear in the moment and shift into a place of feeling secure and safe, the stress is relieved and the symptoms do not flare up. It is really a moment to moment thing.

It helps to remember that the stress is created moment to moment. We control the symptoms when we control our reactions in the moment.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
Tame Tremors

© 2024 Parkinsons Recovery


Story of a Miracle Recovery from Parkinson’s


My husband, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease
seven years ago, and who was drug free for the first five
of those years, has improved dramatically over the past
two months as follows: 

major, noticeable and sustained
   increase in energy (sexual, emotional, physical, mental, etc.): 
handwriting is easier; 
balance improved; 
less need for sleep and recovery/rest;
abatement of muscle soreness;
urge to return to direct, upright posture and then, arms swing naturally;
return of facial expression, moving faster and smoother;
the list goes on. 

He presently takes 5 25/100 Sinemet per day, which he
has been taking for almost two years.  He also is on a wide
range of supplements, which he has been on from the beginning
and finally, I have been giving him weekly energy treatments
which are loosely based on yin tui na but which amount to
an intuitive, hands on kind of relaxation session.
We are simply unable to explain his seeming recovery
and are happy to live with it as a miracle.  However, we
wanted to advise you of the remarkable turn-around
he is undergoing and seek any input you may have. 


Your story of recovery is an inspiration to everyone with
Parkinson’s who are on the road to recovery. Thank you
so much for sending it. I hope others with stories similar
to yours will be encouraged to send their own personal 
experiences with recovery.

Your husband’s recovery program has consisted of a two pronged
approach: nutrition and energy work. He gives his body the
nourishment it needs to rejuvenate damaged neural pathways and
balance out the intricate array or hormones in his body.

Why did it take so long for the supplements to take effect?
It is often the case that the digestive system is compromised
in the early stages of recovery.  The food needed by the
body to repair cells is not being adequately assimilated or
processed. It takes time for blockages and barriers in the
digestive system to clear.  

Some of the best evidence of recovery comes from John
Coleman, ND. It took him nearly four years to recover from
the symptoms of Parkinson’s. As a naturopath John has helped 
other clients fully recover, but their recovery too has taken
2-4 years. It simply takes time for the digestive system and
the body time to come “back on line.”  

You have also been giving him subtle energy treatments.
I believe this is also a significant reason for his remarkable

My colleagues and I did a six month study to evaluate the
effects of energy healing on the symptoms of 10 persons
who have Parkinson’s in Portland, Oregon. We tracked
their symptoms using standard research instruments
and videos. 

Findings showed that 75% of the symptoms either improved
or stayed the same. Videos of before the treatments and after
also showed remarkable improvements.

Energy work helps to release stress and trauma which we
believe is a factor that causes the symptoms of Parkinson’s.
Energy work also helps the body balance out the complicated
mix of hormones that are continuously circulating throughout
the body.   

Your experience with the recovery of your husband matches
our own experience perfectly.  The weekly energy sessions and
the nutritional supplements are both clearly two important reasons for
the miracle of his recovery. 

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D. 
Parkinsons Recovery  

 © 2008 Parkinsons Recovery