Category Archives: tmj

TMJ treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

On a Parkinsons Recovery radio show I aired four years ago Cheryl heralded a TMJ treatment for Parkinson’s Disease that offered her welcome relief from her Parkinson’s symptoms. For a little background on where this story starts – listen to this radio show by click on the link below:

Cheryl’s Miracle Turnaround

John, a listener of the Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show, recently asked Cheryl for an update on her current situation. I have her permission to post her email response to John which follows:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Seven Secrets to Healing

I guess you want to know if I am living Parkinson’s free, (among other things). Let me address this question first.. The short answer is : No, I’m not, unfortunately…Which is what I was hoping for – aren’t we all?

That being said.. There is a success story attached to that NO answer….

Sorry to be so confusing John. It’s kind of strange John.. But I would highly recommend gettting an appliance especially if you were diagnosed within the last 5 years!!.. I am still better then anyone else I know who is living with Parkinson;s.. My Neurologist at
UCLA can’t believe how little meds I take, how well I move, etc.. He says people living with Parkinson’s for 15 years , like I have, are all doing so much worse..

That being said: I have had lasting improvements, that I attribute to the appliance.. EX. I can brush my teeth manually. I can put a sandwich in a baggie and have improved penmanship to name a few things off the top of my head.

That being said. I fall down – a lot- and I have tremors in my legs, that I never had 6 months ago. So I can tell the disease is marching on….

The bottom line is: it’s worth it!!! I still advocate for everyone in the Parkinson;s community to get an appliance.. It’s not a cure but it definitely, definitely helps And it helps with out side effects. It also heals you today!! There is no waiting for clinical trials. And it’s immediate.. google Dr Brendon Stacks DDS in Virginia. Watch the videos… The appliance is real and it does work… I guess I was just hoping for more…but if the way I am is all I can get, well as I said.. I am still better of then if I had never used it.

Your friend in the trenches,


PS: I still wear my appliance, albeit not as often as what I should.

Benefits of TMJ Treatment for Parkinson’s

I listened to a radio show from OCT 2010 called Cheryl’s Miracle on the benefits of TMJ. Do you have a follow up on Cheryl’s condition? Is she symptom free? Does she take meds anymore? Does she wear “Henry” the appliance anymore?



Your question is certainly timely! I am currently in Cincinnati preparing for the second annual Parkinsons Recovery Summit. Cheryl will be one of the 18 workshop presenters and will give us all an update on Henry.  Join people who are coming from Australia, Europe, Canada, Mexico and across the United States for the Summit Friday and you will get all the answers to your questions – and more! Information about the Parkinsons Recovery Summit is at:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


TMJ Dental Devices Versus Decide for Success

On Friday, June 22, two workshops will be presented at the very same time slot: A preview of how TMJ treatment has helped people recover from Parkinson’s symptoms and a presentation by John Baumann, an international speaker on Parkinsons who inspires everyone to embrace health and wellness.

The Parkinsons Recovery Summit is being held in Cincinnati, Ohio June 22-23 at the Garfield Suites Hotel.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery


Cheryl Epstein
Jo Rosen




         Reversing Many Parkinson’s
Symptoms And Reversing
Cheryl tells her story with a
dental device she nicknamed
Henry. Jo Rosen, Founder and
President of Parkinson’s
Resource Organization, joins
her to discuss the TMJ
results and other exciting
research discoveries.

      12:00 – 1:30

John Baumann

Decide Success: 12 Action
Steps to Live Life to the
Fullest with Parkinsons
You Ain’t Dead Yet
This amazing workshop
offered by a proud ten year
person with Parkinsons
instructs People with
Parkinsons how to successfully
live life to the fullest.        

TMJ, Lock Jaw and Parkinsons

Cheryl was a guest on my weekly radio show several months ago. I received permission from Dianna and Don to post the following question about TMJ and Lock Jaw that Don and Dianne ask Cheryl. If you have any insights here – please feel free to comment!

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Cheryl, can you explain a bit more about you not having TMJ or lock jaw? I’ll tell you Don’s experience, so you can compare.

Don does not have any TMJ problems, to his knowledge. His jaw does click when he opens his mouth widely, and measuring this on a computer program rated his left jaw as having a sound of 127 out of a possible 800. Don also had x-rays that showed the space between the trigeminal joint and the inner Eustachian tube is 1 cm; the space should be about 4 cm.

We were told that a branch of the trigeminal nerve and blood vessels pass through this area. Constriction of the area would put pressure on both that could cause problems. The purpose of the appliance is to shift the jaw forward, thus increasing the space and taking the pressure of the nerve and blood vessels.

Is any of this similar to your process?

Dianne and Don

Treatment for TMJ to Relieve Parkinson’s SymptomsMJ

We tracked your interview with Cheryl (on the radio show) who had treatment for TMJ issues. How is she doing now? Has she stabilized? Is she continuing to improve? Has she regressed? I ask because there is a cranial facial specialist in Canada, relatively close to us, and we are considering following Cheryl’s path.

In our case, my husband does have a TMJ misalignment. The space between the TMJ and the eustachian tube, which should be abut 4 mm, is 1 mm. The misalignment is possibly as a result of tongue-thrusting as a young child.  (Try sticking your tongue out, and you will notice your lower jaw moves backwards.) Dr. Rondeau explained that this constricts blood vessels and a branch of the trigeminal nerve that pass through this space.


Cheryl sent me an update on her situation which I posted here on the blog on March 21st. Scroll down to read her update. I am happy to report that she continues to get more and more relief from her symptoms.

In my opinion, TMJ mis-alignments are one of many causes of the neurological symptoms associated with Parkinsons Disease. If it does happen to be a factor for you in particular – as it is for Cheryl – it would seem to be a very smart move to have an appliance fitted.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Clarification on TMJ and Parkinson’s

For the record, I never had a TMJ issue.  Henry(my appliance)  is prescribed by a TMJ dentist, but it’s for Parkinson’s patients.  If you have TMJ that’s a separate issue.  The two don’t necessarily need to be together.  I don’t mean to be picky.  I just want people to be aware one isn’t an off shoot of the other.

Thank you again for the work you do Robert, and the difference you are making in so many people’s lives.



TMJ and Parkinsons Disease

Cheryl was a guest on my radio show several months ago. She reported experiencing remarkable improvement in her Parkinson’s symptoms after getting a TMJ appliance that corrects jaw mislignments over time. She named her appliance Henry. Below is an update on her progress which she gave me permission to post.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

I have some great news today. I went to my neurologist at UCLA.  He’s been monitoring me since 2006.  He was genuinely amazed and started asking me questions about Henry.Everything during my neurological exam rated NORMAL for the first time. And, I’ve lowered my medicatins.  Can you believe it?  He couldn’t.   I could.  I’m going in the right direction.  Yahoo!

I’m not perfect. I don’t want to come off like that. But it was a huge step in the right direction to get the medical community to look seriously at what the powers of Henry can offer…pretty cool, uh?



TMJ Disorder and Parkinsons Disease


Just listened to your radio show interview with your guest Cheryl which aired October 21, 2010. Makes sense.

Read that general anesthesia during surgery can exacerbate PD symptoms and that spinal anesthesia is recommended.

Think about it….  General anesthesia requires incubation.  Jaw is pulled forward (disturbing TMJ joint) and tube is pushed into airway.   Here is video:

YouTube player

Told my doctors that shoulder/arm/hand pain and dysfunction I’ve had for over a year is similar to myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome symptoms I experienced 30 years ago from clenching my teeth.   Was misdiagnosed then as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.  Three months of dental appliance cured my pain/dysfunction and I was able to return to work.

Didn’t suspect TMJ this time because I don’t clench anymore.

But, will follow that up and let you know.

There are probably thousands of causes of PD and I’ll have to take them one by one but will never give up.



Like you, I also believe there are many factors that contribute to the neurological symptoms of Parkinson’s. This is clearly what my research reveals. Once you figure out the cause you can take action to remedy the imbalance in the body.

We all look forward to getting an update.

All the best

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
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Parkinson’s Disease News

Two Informational Questions


What is the website for the guest on your radio show yesterday, Gord Summer?


Gord Summer does not have a website.


Who do and how do I get in touch with the people regarding TMJ (don’t think I can make the meeting but I need to talk with them re implants and timing of appliances.


Contact Parkinsons Resource Organization at The President is Jo Rosen who  is organizing the conference to be held in January on the topic of TMJ and Parkinsons.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Dentists in Australia Qualified to Give TMJ Assessments


Hi Robert,

I’ve just listened to Cheryl’s fascinating story. Thank you for making it available

I live in Melbourne, Australia and have been challenged by Parkinson’s since 1998 and now I’m 59. I am a man.

Could you kindly direct me to where I can find a list of dentists providing this retainer device – and specifically the one that Cheryl went to? Or perhaps you could put em in touch with her via email. Thanks. Of course if you have any info about dentists providing this in Australia then of course that would be much appreciated.

Robert thank you so much for your prompt assistance with this request.


Melbourne Australia


Click on the link below and you will find a listing of  dentists in Australia who are qualified to do the assessment and make the TMJ appliance. There is a listing of one dentist in Melbourne.

I have forwarded your correspondence to Cheryl so you can connect directly with her.

My goal for each of my weekly radio shows is to have information that people can act on to get sustained relief from their symptoms. I am so happy to learn that you found this program helpful. Please keep listening!

All programs are archived. You can listen to any program any time or listen live and ask my guests questions by calling in with the toll free number (877) 590-0733 at 3:00 pm central time Wednesdays.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
Parkinsons Eye Problems
Vibroacoustic Therapy
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Symptom Tracker
Parkinson’s Disease News

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

TMJ Misalignments and Parkinson’s Symptoms









Below is a link that lists dentists in Canada who have the special training and the equipment that is necessary to address TMJ misalignments. It requires special equipment to even do the diagnosis.

As for any guarantees – I am afraid there are none. Clearly, Cheryl’s experience is a positive one – though she is in the early stages of recovery. My experience with recovery is that no one therapy of any type will help a person become symptoms free. People who are on a solid road to recovery engage a combination of therapies that address the cause of their current neurological challenges.

It is possible that you do not even have a misalignment – and this therapy would not address whatever symptoms you might currently be experiencing. The primary issue that underlies your symptoms may be toxins or a trauma to a part of your body other than the neck and head.

It seems to me a good idea to at least have an assessment which a general dentist (such as your son) is not qualified to do (as I understand it).

I suggest you try downloading any of my previous radio programs (there are now 85) from Visit itunes. Search in the field on the right top of the page the term “Parkinsons Recovery.” You will then see a link for the Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show that will give you all the listings. Quality of downloads from Itunes is better than the radio show page. Of course – all downloads are free from Itunes (as is the case from the radio show page).

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
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Dentists who Diagnose and Treat TMJ Misalignments


I heard your radio show on October 22nd describing Cheryl’s experience with TMJ. I live on Mercer Island, (relatively close to your neck of the woods) and would like to find a dentist with the proper equipment and expertise to do TMJ properly. Can you help me on this? Also, who was her dentist in L.A?

I am 3 years into PD and want to RID myself of this thing!

And, thanks for your help with your show and optimism. I’m a strong believer in John Coleman’s protocol.

Thanks you so much for being there!



Click on the link below and you will find a listing of dentists in the state of Washington who are qualified to do the TMJ exam and make the appliance that corrects misalignments:

I do not know the name of Cheryl’s dentist in California. I forwarded your e mail to her so that she can respond to you directly.

I love doing the radio show. We have a number of exciting shows scheduled for the holidays. My goal is to have a suggestion in each show that listeners will be helpful to each and every listener. Your encouragement is all I need to hear to keep going strong.

John Coleman, author of Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ is a remarkable man in every respect. Having become symptom free himself, he now provides help as a naturopath doctor to hundreds of people with Parkinson’s symptoms.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
Parkinsons Eye Problems
Vibroacoustic Therapy
Parkinsons Recovery Chat Room
Symptom Tracker
Parkinson’s Disease News

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

TMJ Misalignments and Parkinson’s

I listened to your interview with Cheryl.  WOW. There are articles on the internet that discuss TMJ and its relationship to motor skills, as well as the usual headaches, ear ringing, back and neck ache, fibromalgia, shoulder pain etc.

It kind of makes me think of TMJ correction as a myofascial release for the jaws where the condyles house the nerves and blood vessels.  As usual, and thru reading various myofascial release lit its exactly the same idea that the body affect somewhere isn’t exactly where one feels the pain but further up the body in another location.

The TMJ joint is one of if not the most used joint in the body. We hold tension surrounding it, we use it when speaking or chewing gum. We even grind teeth at night keeping it active.  It’s got a lot of nerves running through the condyl part of it.  It even has its own little disc for cushioning.

I can see why misalignment would cause problems all over the body.  I know if one part of me is out of whack, it makes me  feel bad all over.  So maybe  some relief or complete relief is possible if we paid more attention to our jaw then to our teeth on dentist check ups.

Myofascial massage therapists in general are hard to locate if you need help for knots.  It’s  special training and not many have heard of it.  Sort of like the 50 or so dentists that specialize in TMJ correction that Cheryl mentioned.

I believe that the causes of PD symptoms are multifaceted like trauma, both psychological, environment and physical.  TMJ correction sounds like something that should be researched.  I’m calling the Parkinson resource people Cheryl mentioned for the symposium in Indian Wells in January.

TMJ correction makes the most sense to me of all the stuff I’ve seen on PD.  I know my jaw is wacky.  I can feel it.  I’ve started getting ear ringing now ever so often.  TMJ correction works by bringing the lower jaw forward and retraining it if I understand it  right.   I’m totally excited about this whole concept.

Thank you Robert for everything you do !!!!!


This May Be a Little Premature But …

This may be a little premature but I am so excited I had to write you. First of all I want to thank you for your dedication in helping so many people out there with Parkinsons or should I say people with Parkinsons like symptoms. You truly are an angel.

I was diagnosed with Parkinsons about 13 years ago and have been struggling with this awful disease since. I am a nurse and had to leave my job about a year ago. I have done every alternative Rx you could think of. I started listening to your radio show over a year ago and even attended your jump start program in 2009. So I have had the pleasure in meeting you. My symptoms started getting worse and the medication Sinemet was not helping – leaving me very fatigued and not able to walk across the room without assistance.

Then about a week my husband saw a old friend and he purchased some honey and bee pollen from him. I might add this guy is a bee keeper and has his own honey and pollen. Well I started taken a spoon full of pollen with a spoon of his honey and I swear I felt a little better the next day, so I have been faithfully take a spoon of each every morning and feel it given me a lot more energy.

Then I came across your interview with Cheryl which was a blessing. I really believe God put us in the places we need to be at the right time and we all need to tune into our higher self. Listening to Cheryl’s story really interested me because her story sounded a lot like mine. I actually called in and spoke with her. I was the last caller Rose.

I immediately called the Parkinsons Resource Center and talked to Ms Rosen and she got back with me. Since I live in Maryland she suggested I see Dr Branden Stack in VA. And as it turns out he is the Guru of this treatment. I made an appointment and saw him today.

OMG, after his examination he told me my jaw was grossly out of alignment – he stated 1 inch – and immediately gave me an order to get a mri which I immediately went next door and tried to get it done on the same day but could not. I have to wait and get it done tomorrow afternoon. Dr Stack says he can help me.

So I know it is a little premature, but I have a gut feeling this is my answer to getting my life back as Cheryl so summed it up in those words. I will keep in touch and let you know my progress. Like I said my mri is tomorrow and my TMJ might have to be corrected with TMJ surgery which is minor. When I think of all the years and all the money I wasted, although I take that back, this was a learning experience and I am truly a different person today because of it. THANK YOU ROBERT.


Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Correct a Jaw Misalignment & Get Immediate Symptom Relief

Some people are discovering to their delight that when a dentist corrects a misalignment in their jaw through use of an oral appliance – their symptoms show a dramatic and immediate improvement. I interviewed one such person during my radio show this week.  Cheryl  described the results of the appliance she now uses to be a miracle.

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the radio show this week, it is worth taking the time to tune in. Cheryl experienced benefits from the dental appliance the day she began using it. You can listen to the radio show by visiting:

Or – you can download the show from itunes. Simply run a search on Parkinsons Recovery.

As a result of my radio show this week I have received an explosion of emails and phone calls requesting additional information about dentists who are trained to correct the jaw misalignment. Most of the inquiries ask about a dentist in their area who has the equipment and training to do examinations and make the appliance.

You can search for a dentist in your area by visiting the following website page:

This list is maintained by the American Academy of Cranial Facial Pain.

There is also a video which describes the treatment in some detail and includes an interview with a person who currently experiences the symptoms of Parkinson’s.  The interview itself happens about 12 minutes into the video.

The TMJ dental treatment addresses a variety of other medical problems (such as headaches, fatigue and high blood pressure). It is probably more accident than planning that the appliance has been found to benefit persons who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinson’s. The link to the YouTube video is:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

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Cheryl’s Miracle

My name is Cheryl. I’m 52 and have been living with Parkinson’s for 10 years now. I will get right to the point. As of 1 month ago, my symptoms are reversing, diminishing, going away. I am healing every day.”

After 10 years of searching, Cheryl has at long last found a therapy which she describes as a miracle. Want to learn more about the miracle that has made a huge difference to the quality of Cheryl’s life? Tune into my radio show Thursday (tomorrow), October 21st, at 11:00 am pacific time (2 pm eastern time).

You can also call the following toll free number to talk with Cheryl: 877- 590-0733. Cheryl will tell her incredible story and answer questions from listeners.

I can promise you one thing: You will not be able to predict the therapy that has transformed her life.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
Parkinsons Eye Problems
Vibroacoustic Therapy
Parkinsons Recovery Chat Room
Symptom Tracker
Parkinson’s Disease News

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery
Meditations for Parkinsons