Category Archives: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

EFT Testimonial

Bernadette Hunter, an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner, works with Monica who volunteered to be a demonstration client for the program. Monica is diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

What follows is Monica’s report on the results of the work which, as you will see, is quite amazing. She graciously gave her permission for me to post her report below.

I had a vet apt this AM and I wanted to advise you of the outcome. On a scale of 1 – 10, the experience was a 0 – 1. I noticed also while driving there was more relaxation. I felt very happy inside, very relieved that I could feel this way after 2 yrs of fighting and worrying about nothing..I think it may be carrying over to improving my walking in confined areas, like inside the house. I was so tense inside the house. Something has released but I cant put my finger on it, something to do with fear…

Tomorrow I have an even longer drive to meet a girlfriend for brunch…I have no anxiety about it. There’s no fighting going on in my head. I actually am looking forward to the whole event.

Below is an e mail after the brunch:

I had another longer driving trip 2 days later with continued good results…Also noticed the longer I drove the more relaxed I became as far as more relaxed in the forearms vs tightened contracted muscles…

I’m going to further work with EFT and Bernadette on the negative pleasure concept you wrote about. I agree with your other observation about adrenaline vs dopamine systems. I have been on adrenaline so long that its depletive and dopamine has gone bye bye or is dormant from non-use. So no wonder I shake or freeze. I know without doubt that fear emotion is the root cause…


Emotional Freedom Technique as a Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease

Naturopath Doctor John Coleman, Author of Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’, answers a question about the value of using Emotional Freedom Technique to address the trauma associated with the neurological symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.

Below is a fascinating interview with EFT practitioner Bernadette Hunter who demonstrates the technique on the radio show with an individual who currently experiences the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

So, do  you experience panic attacks and high anxiety that frustrate your ability to find sustained relief from your symptoms? There are simple approaches like EFT that can help tremendously. Click on the link below for another fascinating perspective on how to heal the problem of panic attacks and anxiety that frustrate any attempt to feel better.

The Panic Hack

Parkinsons Recovery Happens Day By Day: People Get Better

Parkinsons Recovery– People Get Better

I am a recently joined member from England. I am so excited about finding your web site and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. There are no words to express my gratitude and excitement. I am really going to enjoy my recovery as it happens day by day. I have always had a little place inside me that says “I will figure this out”.  Now I have found the way with your help and I have regained my drive.  It is fantastic!

I have had definite symptoms for 12 years though I have been burdening  my mind and body with severe stress for years, mistakenly believing I could handle anything. Then the oak tree collapsed: I was totally exhausted and had no idea. I have been taking requip for 5 years and sinemet for 18 months and am determined to get free of them. I know I will though I don’t know details of the how yet. Don’t worry I shall be very careful and I have a lot of support. I have learned that relationships are even more important than health.

The things I am doing NOW are:

listening to your radio shows lots of exercise,  my dog gets 2 1hr walks per day in beautiful woodland exercise bike stretches and balancing listening to guided meditations really clean healthy diet lots and lots of water singing class nintendo wi writing out and reading poetry aloud eft feldenkrais recording my progress and activities and goals. my writing is loads better already hot and cold showering every day. The EFT Deft is HUGE for me.

I am not the person I was before my symptoms came along. The changes are quite staggering that actually I am a bit overwhelmed and confused. It has helped uncover something of the pay- off I get from having my symptoms – a mega breakthrough.

I found your site, actually the radio downloads on itunes 5 weeks ago and have improved so much already ( from really quite a bad place as the drugs were beginning not to work. They work well now. I have only stared eft in the last week

I was doing something of the above list before but now I have designed myself a programme which is a little bit strict and a little bit flexible. I have decided to stick to working with  this before I look at supplements and more complex things. I want to give my body some time on the basics  – good food, fresh air, mental stimulation, relaxation, fun etc. I have realized how sensitive I am at last. And I forgot to mention I have started detoxing  my environment – so far I have junked all my toiletries for natural ones, and only have about 1/8 what I had before! Now I am working through the cleaning stuff. It feels so good.

I am 55 years young, have a great husband who doesn’t give me too much sympathy and does his own thing, yet is fantastically caring and I have 2 fantastic sons aged  24 and  27. I have a brother who I would do anything for and a sister that I value  and love though I don’t have the same rapport with her.

I have just joined your membership pages today to continue my parkinsons recovery and it is great to get your emails. Encouragement is fab.

The crucial thing you have given me is the knowledge  PEOPLE GET BETTER. Now I know that I am on my way.

With heartfelt thanks


Parkinsons Recovery with EFT, Meditation and Symptom Tracker


Help me find the tracking page…I used it one month ago and wish to record improvements.

Your Five Steps to Recovery book and meditations are terrific.

“Recovery will happen for me” is my new mantra.”

My body is responding. Also, your suggestion for remembering the feeling from past times I made non wishy washy decisions and the outcome was neverseriously in doubt. At first I couldn’t recall such decisions. Then it came later that I had indeed made 4 of them, all life and death decisions basedon how I thought and moved in a very short time span.

In my experience as a helicopter pilot I had 4 engine failures over a 30 yr period. One from 500 feet with a student, one from 15 feet over a helipad,one at night, over a city from 500 feet, and the last over the ocean from 200 feet with 6 on board. Each one the feeling deep down was that I knew the end result would be successful. That same feeling is the same feeling I have about recovery. I also have been using the TV screen meditation with interesting, positive results.

I also have to give credit for 5 sessions of EFT with Bernadette Hunter. You can listen to the radio program with Monica and Bernadette (or download it) here.  It’s all coming together slowly for me. Soon my Aquas will be arriving…So please, I pray I can still use your site’s tracking of symptoms program. It’s difficult to refind…



This is certainly an exciting report for everyone to hear. Thank you for sending it me and giving permission for others to read it. There are clearly exciting developments happening in your life. When you are on the road to recovery, it becomes so clear great things are beginning to happen.

Energy is running. A new and powerful life force begins to re-emerge. Of course, the process is seldom smooth sailing, but at least you know something important is happening.

I developed symptom tracker as a way for anyone to track the progress of their recovery. You answer a set of 39 questions from a standard research instrument that is use in Parkinson’s research (the PDQ39) to get a baseline. That is what Monica has done. You then answer the questions every month or so to see how your recovery is unfolding. You can see evidence of your progress!

We all have a tendency to focus on symptoms that are troubling and do not celebrate improvement in symptoms that have resolved or become much better. Tracking symptoms with my Symptom Tracker is thus a way to celebrate your improvements and identify any areas that need extra attention.

You can always find a link to Symptom Tracker on the main page at Just click on the icon and you will be taken to the log in page. It will always be anonymous and free. You first have to register by entering an e mail address (that is how the data can be tracked) and choosing a password.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

EMT Techniques for Parkinson’s

Bernadette Hunter, MS, is a licensed professional counselor and EFT Performance Specialist with expertise in multiple arenas.  She helps athletes, performing artists and sales and career people optimize performance to achieve higher success.  She is also particularly interested in working with chronic pain and illness and has studied with EFT founder, Gary Craig, in this area. 

Bernadette holds an advanced certificate of completion in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and is also a Level I and II EMDR ( Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) practitioner.  She has maintained a private practice for the last 22 years.  Based in Denver, Colorado, Bernadette provides EFT sessions throughout the United States and abroad via phone and on site. 

Join my radio broadcast this week (Thursday, May 21st at 11:00 am pacific time) as Bernadette shares her views of how EFT can help resolve many of the emotional and mental blocks involved in physical pain and chronic illness.  She will be working live with a volunteer, demonstrating an EFT session first hand.

Listen to Parkinsons Recovery on Blog Talk Radio

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinson’s and Stress


“In my opinion, the true cause of the hormonal imbalance in 
Parkinson’s lies with an overabundance of stress hormones: 
It obviously will take time to convince the body otherwise
– to produce dopamine.” Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.

I was diagnosed with PD 8 years ago. I completely agree that
the major cause is related to stress and stress hormones.

Can the body be convinced to produce dopamine after its total

Has any body been convinced and by what means?

I would be grateful to receive some help and advice for myself
and other PD sufferers in Lithuania.


Here are my responses to your questions in the
order they have been asked:

Can the body be convinced to produce dopamine after its total

I believe the body can always heal itself when given the
proper support and nutrition. Yes, the body does
know how to heal itself. It just needs a little help
from time to time re-remembering how.

I am well aware that most medical professionals frame the
the cause of Parkinson’s solely in terms of a dopamine
deficiency. If there is a severe head injury this is
probably a meaningful and useful frame of the problem.
But for a vast majority of people with the symptoms of
Parkinson’s, the problem is far more complicated
than a simple deficiency of dopamine. There are over
40 hormones in the body which are out of balance.
Dopamine is only one among these 40 interrelated
hormones that are out of balance. 

Has any body been convinced and by what means?

The good news here is yes! Some people are symptom free
today. Many people are finding good relief by a wide variety
of modalities and approaches.

I have learned that there is considerable variation in what
works for people. There is no universal list of things you
can do that will guarantee that you will feel better. It really
depends on the specific factors that happen to be causing your

I have spent the past year interviewing people who have
fully recovered or who are finding ways to get
relief from their symptoms. I will soon be launching a
Parkinsons Recovery member website where all of this
incredibly fascinating information will be posted.

I would be grateful to receive some help and advice for myself
and other PD sufferers in Lithuania.

There are a wide variety of natural methods you can
use to get relief from the effects of stress. The idea
behind all of these methods is to release fear that is trapped
at the cellular level so our bodies can produce neurotransmitters
and reduce the production of stress hormones. Strategies that
are useful on a daily basis are:
• Meditation
• Relaxation
• Walking
• Sitting
• Dreaming
• Singing
• Sleeping
• Listening to music

Body therapies are also useful in this regard.
If you click on the link below, do a search
for craniosacral therapists in Lithuania. Three were
listed when I did the search, though only one had
contact information.

Essential oils can be very effective, as can Emotional
Freedom Technique (EFT). I will soon be posting an interview with
an aroma therapist who explains how essential oils can
provide great release from the effects of stress. I recently
wrote a newsletter with a link showing the effects of
EFT on veterans of war.

Breathwork can also be very powerful. This involves continuous
breathing (in and out) for a period of 5 minutes or longer.
We bury the effects of stress on our bodies by not breathing.
When we do breathwork, we release the effects of stress that
has been trapped in our bodies, sometimes for decades.  

These are just a few of the approaches that you can do
yourself. They are safe and noninvasive.

With a little experimentation, you should be able to
discover the methods, techniques, therapies and modalities 
that work for you. Use them daily and you will gradually
see relief from your symptoms.    

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

© 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

EFT Therapy


Janice Walton Hadlock wrote a book on Parkinson’s Disease and it is available on the web, I believe under  She warns against using acupuncture if you have ever taken a PD drug for more than two weeks.  Since EFT uses a form of acupuncture, I am a bit concerned about the negative effects.
Could you enlighten me please?


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a fundamental form of energy healing. I personally do not place it in the same category as acupuncture which requires that you see a licensed acupuncturist and involves placing needles in the body (although acupuncture too is a form of energy healing).  
From the work on EFT I have seen, it is a safe and noninvasive therapy which you can administer to yourself and is a gentle approach for re-programming the energy pathways in the body.
At the end of the video on EFT that looks at its effect for war veterans
( At the top of this web site, there are several links to pages that provide detailed instruction and training on how you can do EFT on yourself. You do not have to be a psychologist to do this on yourself!

Look over the training information and see what you think. Ask your own body the question! Your body knows the answer. Everyone responds differently to different therapies. EFT may not work for you. Then again, it may work miracles!
I have personally never known anyone who has had a negative experience with EFT, but be sure and check out the research yourself. If you find any information which suggests there may be a problem, be sure and let me know!
EFT has been around for quite a while and it has grown in acceptance every year because I think it is safe and easy to do.
I am reviewing the literature on acupuncture as it has been used on Parkinson’s patients and will be reporting on my findings in the near future. Overall, the studies suggest it too is an effective therapy for Parkinson’s, though I have not yet seen any studies that focus specifically on acupuncture as it is used on people taking prescription medications. 
In the end, I would advise that you always use your intuition. If it feels right to do EFT, give it a try. If it does not feel right, look elsewhere. I like EFT because it is easy to do and anybody can do it on themselves anytime of the day or night. You can see whether it is helping relatively quickly.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
© 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

Emotional Freedom Technique and Parkinson’s

Parkinsons Recovery is all about identifying
approaches and therapies that give relief
from the symptoms of Parkinson’s. One among
many such techniques I have identified from
my research is the Emotional Freedom Technique
(or EFT). EFT is a marvelous, easy to use
technique that has provided relief to some
people with Parkinson’s I have interviewed. 

Can it help you? Maybe. Maybe not, but why not find
out more about it? 

EFT can be self-administered. Anyone can use it. It
is free. You do not need to hire a therapist, though
some people prefer to go this route.

In my opinion it is well worth giving EFT a try.
There is really nothing to lose.   
Click on the link at the bottom of this newsletter
and you be able to view a 20 minute video that shows
what happens when EFT is used by five veterans who
have been traumatized by war. The video illustrates
how EFT is done and shows its potential to heal the
wounds of war.

I believe EFT can also be helpful in healing the
traumas associated with Parkinson’s. What do the
traumas of war have to do with Parkinson’s?
Regardless of its origin, trauma has a profound
impact on the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

This video will obviously be of interest to any veteran,
but I urge you to watch this video even if you are not
a veteran of war.

Many of the symptoms you will see in this video are the
same symptoms associated with Parkinson’s. The video
clearly illustrates a link between trauma and
the symptoms of Parkinson’s.  

The good news is that EFT helped these five people.
I believe EFT also has the potential to provide relief
from the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

Click on the link below. It is an amazing video.
I urge you to watch.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

© 2008 Parkinsons Recovery