Category Archives: Biophotonic Therapy

Foot Whisperer Randy Eady Inspires a Successful Experiment

I must tell you about a foot whisperer experiment I carried out today after listening to the foot whisperer Randy Eady on your radio show. I knew the hands and feet mapped onto large areas of the brain but had no idea that this was such a dynamic mapping. When I felt my sine met level go low, instead of taking another I got up onto my feet. I stayed on my feet for 1 hour and 20 minutes walking, kicking a ball, throwing a ball, dancing whatever I could think of as long as I stayed on my feet and I was fine. Eventually I got bored rather than tired and took another tablet. This kicked in within a few minutes. Great because my medication lasted an extra hour and 20 minutes and would have been longer if I hadn’t got bored.

This explains to me why the exercise bike doesn’t help me walk, why I can’t easily walk after a long swim and why I’m in trouble if I need to get up in the night. And why if I sit down at a friends house for hours in the evening I have trouble leaving!

I for one am going to get up and walk around every 20 minutes or so when I have to sit. Maybe in a marginal situation like Parkinson’s the brain needs very frequent reminders from the feet. Thank you Randy!

I do think my two biophotonic treatments have a role in this improvement also.


Experience Biophoton Therapy

I have a fascinating radio show for you to hear today. Last September I hosted guest Johan Boswinkel on the radio show. Johan has devoted the last 30 years of his life developing and refining a biophoton neurofeedback therapy in Europe. He just set up an office in the USA in September. Johan is the inventor of a new technology that tracks light (or biophotons) that stream through the various meridians of the body. I had never heard of this approach before my interview with him.

I was so impressed with the interview and so fascinated with his new invention that helps the body heal that I called his office the day after my interview with him and made an appointment to see him on a personal basis.

What happened during the treatment? You will discover everything that happened and everything I learned about imbalances in my own body during the session. Johan gave me permission to record the session. I will air our discussion during the treatment itself.

This is not a medical treatment. It is a system for helping the body recognize imbalances in the body so it can get busy healing them. For reasons you will hear about during the show there are a variety of reasons why the body does not recognize anything is wrong so it  ignores the problem.

Did the treatment help me? Listen in to get the answer. You will not be disappointed that you took 40 minutes out of your busy day to learn about one of the therapies that are helping people with chronic illnesses including Parkinsons reverse their symptoms.

You can listen to my radio show today (January 9th) or any of the other shows I have aired over the past four years anytime for free. Visit the Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show page to hear the show today.

Parkinsons Recovery Summit

Johan Boswinkel will be one among 18 amazing presenters at the Parkinsons Recovery Summit in Santa Fe in February. If you are serious about reversing whatever symptoms you might currently be experiencing (whether they are neurological or not) the Summit is the place to be next month. It is the event of the year for anyone interested in identifying options that can help reverse the symptoms of Parkinsons Disease. Visit Parkinsons Recovery Summit to learn more about this amazing event.

 Robert Rodgers, Ph.D
Pioneers of Recovery


Biophoton Therapy for Parkinson’s Symptoms

I have had three sessions with a lady who practices Biophoton Therapy in London UK. She mentioned that their practitioners have a forum where they can ask questions of other practitioners about a specific problems etc. It appears that people with Parkinson’s disease don’t seem to retain the treatment like most other patients.

So she decided to see if there was any underlying condition that may be affecting this in my case. When she finished her treatment yesterday she asked me to take specific note of any reactions.

Last evening, the reaction that I noticed was a feeling like a strong electrical charge in my nervous system, that was trying to dissipate. When I woke this morning I had the feeling that I had stored negative energy from unresolved anger and trauma in the area of my solar plexus (Stomach/Liver). When my arms and legs shake it feels as though I’m trying to dissipate this energy through them (my arms and legs).

The reason that I was interested in the  trauma aspect was that my first Parkinson’s symptoms started a few days after a car accident I had in March 2005 when I was shaken badly. Prior to this I had been working 12 hour day and night shifts i.e. working a few days for 12 hours at a time then having a couple of days break, then working a few nights for 12 hours at a time. I was physically exhausted at the time of the accident.

Also, I was 62 years old.

Kind Regards,



I interviewed the inventor of Biophoton Therapy Johan Boswinkle on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show several weeks ago. All shows are archived and free to access. To learn more about Biophoton Therapy – you can learn all about it from the man who created it!

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery



Biophotonic Light Therapy

My guest on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show today discussed a fascinating therapy which he invented: Biophotonic Light Therapy. Johan Boswinkel has a rich and fascinating perspective on the factors that cause the symptoms of Parkinsons based on his 20 years of experience.

If you have been pondering what might possibly be causing your symptoms, listen to my show today. Johan will open your perspective to possibilities you have likely never envisioned or imagined.You can listen to the Biophotonic Light Therapy show anytime day or night now that it has been aired.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery