Category Archives: treatment options

Parkinsons New Treatments

Latest developments in Parkinsons New Treatments

Managing Parkinson’s has primarily revolved around using medications to suppress symptoms temporarily. Recent years have witnessed remarkable strides in understanding the disease’s mechanisms and developing ground breaking approaches to treatments. Some of the Parkinsons new treatments and approaches are listed below.

  1. Gene Therapy: Genetic factors play a significant role in Parkinson’s disease. Gene therapy aims to modify dysfunctional genes or introduce healthy ones to halt or slow down the progression of the disease. Recent studies have shown promising results in preclinical trials, raising hopes for effective gene-based treatments in the future.
  2. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Innovations: A surgical procedure involving the implantation of electrodes in the brain, DBS  is designed to regulate abnormal neural activity in the brain. Advances in DBS technology, such as closed-loop systems that adapt stimulation in real-time based on the patient’s brain activity, promise more precise and personalized treatment approaches.
  3. Focused Ultrasound:Focused ultrasound (FUS) is a non-invasive therapy that uses sound waves to target specific areas of the brain.
  4. Neuroprotective Strategies: While current treatments focus on suppressing symptoms, there is growing interest in therapies that support the body to heal from the inside out. A variety of supplements, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents are now being used to facilitate the healing process.
  5. Stem Cell Therapy: Stem cell therapy holds immense potential for regenerating damaged brain tissue in Parkinson’s patients. By replenishing the lost dopamine-producing cells, stem cell transplants restore motor function and alleviate symptoms. The cost involved for many of them is high and effects are unfortunately usually not sustained over the long run.
  6. Digital Health Solutions: The integration of digital health technologies is revolutionizing Parkinson’s care. Wearable devices equipped with sensors monitor movement patterns and medication responses in real-time, enabling more personalized treatment adjustments. Smartphone apps and telemedicine platforms also facilitate remote monitoring and timely interventions, enhancing patient outcomes and convenience.
  7. Lifestyle Interventions: Beyond medical treatments, lifestyle modifications play a crucial role in managing Parkinson’s disease. Exercise, in particular, has been shown to improve mobility, balance, and overall well-being in PD patients. Emerging research suggests that specific forms of exercise, such as high-intensity interval training and dance therapy,  have neuroprotective effects.
  8. Combination Therapies: Recognizing the complex nature of Parkinson’s, researchers are exploring combination therapies that target multiple aspects of the disease simultaneously. By combining drugs with different mechanisms of action or pairing medications with non-pharmacological interventions, such as physical therapy or cognitive training, synergistic effects can be achieved, leading to better symptom control and enhanced quality of life.

The above listing summarizes what is being done now. What about the future? The practice of medicine is being revolutionized with the delivery of sound and light devices which help bring the body back into balance. I offer a preview of these new disoveries in my free online course. To register, click the link below, enter your email, create a password and presto – you are in.

Future of Medicine

Summary: Parkinsons New Treatments

The landscape of Parkinson’s disease treatment is evolving rapidly, driven by groundbreaking discoveries and innovative approaches which use a variety of therapies and approaches. The future holds promise for improved outcomes and a bright outlook for individuals currently living with the symptoms of Parkinson’s as well as their families. As we continue to push the boundaries of science and innovation, researchers are discovering how to support the body’s ability to heal from the inside out.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Healing from the Inside Out

CBD Oil for Parkinson’s

A potential therapy for addressing symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease is CBD oil which is now legal in all US states and some countries. CBD stands for “cannabidiol oil”. It is extracted from either the Hemp plant or the Marijuana plant.  Using CBD allows the medical benefits of medical marijuana without the high that is associated with THC. CBD in itself has no psychedelic properties and is considered safe for consumption

Should CBD oil be a therapy worth your consideration?

What do we know about the use of CBD oil as a therapy for addressing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?

The 2018 Parkinsons Recovery survey reveals that some people experience relief from their Parkinson’s symptoms when taking CBD oil.  It was one of the top therapies reported to be useful. Still, not everyone experiences relief from their symptoms. Why might this be the case?

1. A first possible explanation for why some people do not experience symptom relief is that the concentration of CBD oil they took was insufficient. Research using patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease finds that subjects who took a minimum of 300 mg showed improvement while those who took 75 mg showed no improvement.

A 2014 study on the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology examined results for Twenty one (21) subjects assigned to three groups of seven subjects each. One group was treated with placebo, one group with cannabidiol (CBD) 75 mg/day and one group with CBD 300 mg/day. One week before the trial and in the last week of treatment subjects were evaluated with respect to  motor and general symptoms score (UPDRS) and well-being and quality of life (PDQ-39).

Despite the tiny sample sizes, groups treated with placebo and CBD 300 mg/day had significantly different mean total scores in the PDQ-39 (p = 0.05). Significance is very much a factor of sample size, so this result is striking in itself.

Does this mean you would be best advised to order a 300 mg bottle of CBD oil?  That would not be the best choice. You would be better offer getting a bottle with a higher concentration – as much as 1500 mg. Why?

A bottle with 1500 mg has a total of 1500 mg (and a bottle of 300 mg has a total of 300 mg). You are not taking 1500 mg (or 300 mg) with each serving. How much are you getting when you take the recommended number of drops?

Investigate how many servings are contained in a bottle. If a 1500 mg bottle contains 50 servings, then you would be taking 30 mg with each application.

A serving may be listed as 10 drops (or 6 drops).  Early reports from users have suggested to me that you might be able to take fewer drops than the recommended serving. This should especially be true for the CTFO 10X pure spectrum CBD oil which has just been released. Laboratory testing shows it has ten times the penetration.

In summary – you should be able to pay much less in the long run by getting the higher concentrations of CBD oil.  And keep in mind that if you cannot find a serving that helps – return the empty bottle for a full refund (withing 60 days after purchase).

2. A second possible explanation is that the concentration of CBD in the oil they took was less than the concentration they thought they had purchased. Some CBD oil companies claim they are selling a bottle with a 500 mg concentration of CBD when only 50 mg or less is actually contained in the bottles.  As a new product that shows promise for addressing many conditions , some  companies have seized the opportunity to make a quick profit by selling a product that contains little of what is advertised.

3. A third possible explanation is that CBD will not offer relief from the symptoms of some people. No therapy helps everyone. CBD oil is no exception. Based on informal reports from members of the global Parkinsons Recovery audience I have observed that more people experience relief from their symptoms when taking CBD oil than those who do not.

My conclusion: CBD oil is worth trying out to see if it helps offer relief from symptoms.  Acquiring  CBD oil from a company like CTFO that certifies its contents through laboratory testing and offers a full money back guarantee is a choice worth taking seriously. You can try an entire bottle of CBD oil. If it does not offer relief from your symptoms, CTFO guarantees a full refund of your purchase. You only need to return the empty bottle within 60 days.

Many people inquire what concentration of CBD is best. The higher the concentration, the less needs to be taken for results to be experienced.  Although the higher concentrations cost more, cost savings over the long run should accrue.

For more information, visit:

P.S.: CTFO ships to addresses in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland and Sweden.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease



Updates on Promising Options for Parkinson’s Disease

My program today about natural options for Parkinson’s disease updates my 2018 Update of Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease. Really! It has only been two months since I released the update – but so much has happened over these past two months that I wanted all of you to have the recent scoop. Click the arrow below to hear the replay.

I released the 2018 Update of Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease only two months ago … which covered various new options including:

  • Light therapy
  • High Dose Thiamine
  • Sleep
  • Ketone Esters
  • CBD Oil
  • Macrobiotics
  • Amino Acid Therapy

 But so much has happened since then.

My discussion today provides an update about some of the new and exciting therapies I covered in my 2018 book and other developments as well. What follows are the notes for the program today:

  • Doing Everything It Takes to Heal?
  • Following the great suggestions documented on the one and only Parkinsons Recovery resources?

But …
Still Experiencing Some Symptoms?

Listen to my radio show interview with Bill McAnalley PhD to discover the surprising reason why and what you can do about it!

The replay of this interview also includes the teaching notes provided by Dr. McAnalley.


Answer to: What is the difference between the Isolate CBD Oil and the Herbal CBD Oil?

Which concentration is the best buy?

What has been the re-order rate?

 Vielight Neuro Gama Device

Customers have a 6 month opportunity to try it out. If it does not offer the relief they were seeking, the company gives an 80% refund if returned within 6 months after purchase.


Number ordered using the Parkinsons Recovery coupon code healing4me

Number returned

Announcement of a new device X-Plus

The main idea is to position a powerful diode where the cerebellum is.

This new device comes with a 633 nm intranasal applicator and 810 nm transcranial diode.

Retails for $749
(Coupon code of healing4me will give a 10% discount)
Will be available in a month

More Ways to Fight Parkinson’s Disease

How Natural Medicines Help Parkinson’s Disease. Barbara Frank uses Folk Medicine and Nature’s Medicines To Help Parkinson’s Patients.


Don McCammon

Diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease three years ago. Don McCammon developed his own compound to treat his symptoms with considerable success. Don wrote an article describing his discovery. The name of the compound he developed is Syncolein. It is a natural product that does not require a medical prescription.

The primary ingredient in his formulation is Mannitol. For further information and to get your questions answered, email Don at:

Ketone Ester

Trainer bottles still available

They have added an offering of a set of four bottles which includes a ketone meter and strips.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Advanced Parkinson’s

A Therapy for Advanced Parkinson’s?

Over the past decade, I have made significant progress identifying dozens of natural therapies that are helping people reverse the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.  Engaging many of these therapies requires a person to have energy and the ability to function reasonably well. But what about persons whose symptoms are advanced and whose ability to function is limited? I have found little to suggest  until now.

Why now? Partly, I am influenced by a radio show interview with Bill Curtis who has pursued ketone therapy (using fasting, ketone salts and a newly invented ketone ester). Bill is hopeful that the new ketone ester may offer the most benefit to persons who have the most aggressive symptoms. The jury is certainly out on this hopeful expectation since the ester will not even be available for use until February, 2018 at the earliest. Still, I suspect Bill’s early insight needs to be taken seriously. If he is right, the new ketone ester along with a ketone diet may provide the boost people with advanced Parkinson’s need.

I would say – do not give up hope for symptom relief even if the situation looks dire. Listen to my interview with Bill posted below. If you would like more information about the new ketone ester, visit:

P.S. If Bill’s expectation turns out to be right, many will likely rush to order the new ketone ester. If there is a rush to purchase, the problem will be availability. The first production batch has not even been completed as of this date.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Tremor Treatments, Best Parkinson’s Diet and More

Here is a short list of questions I answered during the program today on tremor treatments and more:

  • What are the best techniques to reverse Parkinson’s?
  • Are probiotics and prebiotics helpful?
  • What about juicing to remove heavy metals like lead?
  • How about taking mucuna for tremors?
  • Is there anything that will stop my tremors?
  • Where does one start when deciding to travel down the road to recovery?
  • What about taking lots of supplements to address the symptoms?
  • I am doing all of the therapies that people say will calm tremors but they continue to increase. Can you recommend a tremor treatment that will help?
  • Is  ketogenic diet useful to address Parkinson’s symptoms or are there other diets that are better? I am confused. There are so many opinions out there!

Additional Parkinsons Recovery Resources Discussed During the Program

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery Memberships:
Treatments for Tremors
Seven Secrets to Healing

Best Therapies for Parkinson’s Cost Little to Nothing

Many people I talk with these days believe that the only way to reverse the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is to spend a lot of money year after year. I have always held the opposite belief. As I see it – the best therapies for Parkinson’s cost little to nothing.

Need some evidence to support my belief? Listen to my radio show interview today with the internationally famous Dr. David Berceli who discusses how a little shaking now than then can do a world of good for people with Parkinson’s disease.

Robin Williams, Depression and Parkinson’s Disease

The wife of Robin Williams revealed today that he had Parkinson’s disease. The news of a Parkinson’s diagnosis sends most people into a tail spin. Engaging a willingness to live
when confronted with this type of news is a herculean task for most people.

Robin Williams was already prone to depression. He had struggled with drug addiction issues his entire life. Hearing the news that he had Parkinson’s disease may have struck the final blow to his interest in living on this earth.

I have interviewed hundreds and hundreds of persons who have just been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Without exception, everyone is devastated. They fear the worst. They foresee no hope of healing. Most people quickly hear that the condition is “degenerative” and prospects for recovery are nill.

No wonder people get so depressed with the news of a Parkinson’s diagnosis! No wonder
such news might well have been the final blow for Robin Williams.

I am immensely saddened if my speculation above is true about the trigger for his Robin
william’s death. Why? My research on Parkinson’s over the past decade reveals that Parkinson’s symptoms are indeed reversible. The condition is not “degenerative” or “progressive.”

This is what most people believe. My research shows it is not true.

  • First, a majority of persons who have been diagnosed with Parkinson”s disease probably have something else – toxins perhaps, bacteria perhaps, trauma perhaps – or perhaps a combination of all three.
  • Second, there are dozens of therapies and treatments that help people reverse  Parkinson’s symptoms. Once a person identifies the primary factor that causes the symptoms they can find a therapy that will help heal the condition.

The search for a cause is not simple. The pursuit of successful therapies does not promise a simple fix. But, a little patience, a great deal of focus and a clear determination
to heal are the magical combination that helps people reclaim their lives.

The world has lost a talent and a spirit that can never be replaced. To prevent such a tragedy from happening to others, please spread the word that Parkinson’s is not degenerative or progressive. It is only through thinking it is that the expectation becomes true.

The body really does know how to heal itself. I only wish Robin Williams had known this last week.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery

Newly Diagnosed with Parkinsons Three Months Ago

I am Australian female, almost 64 years old, newly diagnosed with mild Parkinsons three months ago. I am not taking any medication at the moment, and going down the  path of natural therapies. Thank you for all your assistance and wonderful website and to John Coleman of Australia for his advice.   Several weeks, I saw my neurologist for the second time.  He did some muscle and reflex etc tests and then told me that he was revising his diagnosis.  He was split 50/50 between Parkinsons and Atypical Essential Tremor.  Any suggestions, assistance, advice, info would be greatly appreciated.  I plan on seeing another neurologist in due course. 

Cheers and thanks



Sounds like the opportunities to explore various options are wide open for you. Hooray! It also sounds like you are doing a thorough job investigating the options that are available through neurologists.

I suggest that in addition to the solid course of action you have already charted for yourself, consider broadening your search to consider other options. My research has identified a surprising number of options that are helping people with Parkinson’s symptoms reverse their symptoms.

For starters, you might consider listening to some of the radio shows I have aired over the past three years. I have hosted an amazing  selection of guests who report on a variety of options that are helping people recover.

The radio show website is:

You are already connected with Australian Naturopath John Coleman who is an amazing resource. I have interviewed two other Australians who are art therapists that work  with persons with Parkinsons: Nancy Tingey and Anne Atkin. Both are also incredible resources who are available in Australia. Be sure to listen to their radio shows as well. You just have to just keep scrolling back on the radio show page until you locate their show.

Also, I would suggest that you listen to the clips from the Pioneers of Recovery website ( which features a book that describes the recovery of persons with Parkinson’s symptoms. (All of the pioneers were guests on my radio show at one time or another).

Each pioneer found a different approach which worked for them. We do know that what works for one person may well not work for another. Each person’s situation is truly unique. It is energyzing to listen to the clips from the radio shows because they will infuse you with a determination to continue on your journey of recovery. Other people figured it out. So can you!

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery