Category Archives: panic attacks

Is Anxiety an Issue for You?

I have exciting news. The gold standard company that invents new
light therapy devices ( has just announced the invention and availability of a photobiomodulation device that stimulates the vagus nerve. What is the big deal you wonder and why am I so excited to tell you about it?
Reduction of symptoms goes hand in hand with reducing anxiety.  When anxiety flares up, so do symptoms.

The Vielight Vagus device enables non-invasive stimulation of the vagus nerve via photobiomodulation (PBM). This device was engineered to enhance the parasympathetic nervous system via the vagus nerve. How cool is that?

Why the vagus nerve?

The vagus nerve is crucial in regulating many of our bodies’ most basic functions. One of the most important aspects of the vagus nerve is its direct connection between the brain and the gut.

Please consider getting the Vielight Vagus. I have not seen a new invention that I have been this excited about in a long time! By far the best strategy to reduce symptoms is to get anxiety under control. This device is designed to do just that.


Hello? The device was just invented. The company however invites users to use their devices for up to six months. If it does not offer the relief expected, return the device for an 80% refund. The risk is minimal. The benefits are potentially huge.
Enter the Parkinsons Recovery coupon code healing4me to claim a 10% discount.
Visit the link below to order (and do not forget to enter the coupon code above to take advantage of the discount).
Please keep me informed of your experience using the Vielight vagus.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Solutions for Parkinson’s Symptoms

On Parkinsons Recovery Radio today. Fred Phillips offered his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinson’s symptoms. His solutions for Parkinson’s symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that You listen to my interview with Fred today. Click the arrow below to hear the replay. Fred has discovered some powerful, yet simple solutions to these
symptoms that have helped him enormously.

One of now over 70 pioneers of recovery I have hosted on Parkinsons Recovery radio, Fred also previews his 10 step protocol for recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




Panic Attacks and Anxiety

How to Solve the Problem of Panic Attacks and Anxiety

When panic attacks strike and anxiety sizzles, Parkinson’s symptoms get

  • What was a modest gait problem becomes unbearable.
  • What was a minor challenge with speaking clearly and loudly becomes major.

And – it all happens in a flash – as if a thunder bolt strikes you head on. What can be done to avert panic attacks and calm down anxiety?

One option is to take extra medications or supplements which can numb the problem.
Unfortunately, medications do not always work, particularly when a panic attack is unexpected as always seems to be the case.

I believe the smartest solution is to find practical ways to switch the high anxiety
switch to “off” without having to rely on medications and supplements. Put yourself in control, not the medicines. You can always respond instantly when needed when you are in the driver’s seat.

I am impressed with a program titled “Panic Away” which helps turn down the volume of anxiety and panic attacks. I recommend you check out the presentation on their website.

When you enter your email, you receive a link to a free 10 minute audio that is excellent. I found their way of dealing with attacks to be useful, practical and novel.

Check out their approach. They have excellent information on their website. Be sure to get the download and listen to the audio recording. It will exhaust 10 minutes out of your day but the benefit will be worth the trouble. It was for me.

Click on the link below. Enter you name (any name) and your email and they will send you a link to the free audio download in your email.  Download the audio to your computer or phone. Listen when needed!

Panic Away

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease