Category Archives: Neuro Feedback

Process of Recovery from Parkinson’s Symptoms

I interviewed Tom House today on the radio show.  He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease about five years ago. Tom has a unique perspective on the “process” of recovery. Note that I used the word “process” not “outcome”. Tom explains that when athletes focus on the “outcome” they want – i.e., winning the game – their performance sinks and they are more likely to lose.

The outcome is not what matters, but the process. Of course people diagnosed with Parkinson’s want to see all symptoms dissolve. To make that happen however, the focus needs to be on the present moment activities and behaviors that in the end make that outcome possible.

This is why mindfulness programs are so successful for people with Parkinson’s.  They focus on process rather than outcomes.

My Interview with Former Major League Pitcher Tom House

P.S. Have you heard? I  just released the 2017 update to Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery




Neurofeedback is an Option to Help Reverse Parkinson’s Symptoms

On my radio show Wednesday, July 18th Dr. Jaclyn Gisburne, Ph.D. discusses the theory and practice of  NeuroFeedback as an option for persons currently experiencing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. This video shows an actual Neuro Feedback session with Dr. Jaclyn Gisburne, Ph.D.  to a man who currently experienced symptoms of Parkinson’s. This session was taped at the Parkinsons Recovery Summit in Vancouver.

Dr. Gisburne and her coleagues will also be offering a workshop on Neuro Feedback and also offering private sessions at the 2013 Parkinsons Recovery Summit in Santa Fe, New Mexico February 21-24.

The video is 24 minutes long, but well worth taking the time to watch. I am the person behind the camera. The demonstration shows the initial stages of a Neuro Feedback session offered by Dr. Gisburne.

It is one thing to hear a description of what happens. It is quite another to see it in action.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery

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For more information about Dr. Gisburne’s Neuro Feedback research which is helping so many people with Parkinson’s reverse their symptoms visit Rocky Mountain NeuroAdvantage

Blossoming of Incredible Creativity Thanks to Parkinson’s

My name is Andrea and I live in Florida with my Mom. She was diagnosed with PD about 17 years ago. She’s still in a pretty good shape because she takes as little medication as possible and we tried different type of alternative therapies like stem cell injection in Mexico, electromagnetic brain stimulation in Hungary, taking Kapikacchu powder and vitamins. She boosts her immune system with fermented papaya powder (Osato USA) and she received glutathione injections for a while (Dr. Perlmutter).

The medication side effects caused us lots of trouble and cost lots of money.She’s definitely in better shape than 2 years ago.Thank you for you the next thing what we want to try the sound therapy by Sharry Edwards. [Sharry Edwards from Sound Health Options was featured as a guest on your radio show last week].

The reason I’m writing to you that you probably know where we can find electromagnetic brain stimulation in the US. It helped for about 3 months. I know the FDA approved it only for stress management, not for PD. But I heard that we still can find this treatment in the US. It’s probably not legal but we don’t really care. Do you have any information about it?

It must be true that people with PD are getting more artistic. My mom started doing shell crafts, mostly animals. Everybody’s saying around us that she’s really creative and talented. I put together a web site for her and an e-book (photo album). The website which displays her creative art work with shells is:

I think this type of activity is really therapeutic and helps fighting against the PD. (Of course when she’s burning her fingers it’s not so much:)

I just signed up as a member on your web site []. I think it’s great and I really hope my mom will take advantage of it.



Thanks so much for sending in the story about your Mom. You are certainly trying out some fascinating therapies. Sounds like her situation is improving every month. Hooray!

As for what you call electromagnetic stimulation, visit the following website for more information:

I am not sure this is what you are asking about but Dr. Jaclyn Gisburne, Ph.D. has been using neuro-feedback with wonderful results. Her approach is noninvasive and natural. She uses a cutting edge form of neural feedback to challenge the brain to create new neural pathways. She also reports that early trauma has a profound impact on the symptoms.

The exciting positive side effect of Parkinson’s symptoms is a blossoming of incredible creativity. It is as if under used parts of the brain are suddenly activated. Thanks for sending us all the link to the website which displays your Mom’s art work. I loved seeing the shell work and reading your story.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Neural Feedback at the Parkinsons Recovery Summit

I initially connected with Jacyln Gisburne, Ph.D., on December 24, 2009 when she was a guest on my weekly radio show. Her work with Parkinson’s patients is truly ground breaking. The neural feedback technology she has developed in this video is one she has been using with persons currently experiencing the symptoms of Parkinson’s with noteworthy success. It paves the way for maintaining a sustained journey on the road to recovery.

Dr. Gisburne devoted three days in Vancouver, Washington during the Parkinsons Recovery Summit and Jump Start to Wellness to offer free, one hour treatments to persons currently experiencing the symptoms of Parkinson’s. People who took advantage of her generous offer found the therapy provocative and extremely helpful. She was not able to provide treatments to everyone.

Is recovery as simple as having her connect the electrodes to your head for 20 minutes and challenge your neural networks for forge new connections? No. But it is a rich initiation to the journey which must be taken by anyone who has dedicated themselves to healing the underlying conditions that have been creating neurological disturbances associated with Parkinson’s Disease.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

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For more information about Dr. Gisburne’s work, visit Rocky Mountain NeuroAdvantage