Category Archives: affirmation statement



Below is an email I received from songwriter Marsha Malamet with a link to an amazing YouTube video which plays one of her songs sung by Barbra Striesand. Take five minutes out of your busy day to listen and watch this video. It worked healing miracles for me.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery


I was so pleased that you wrote about Louise Hay. She has been a hero of mine for years. Someone created a video with my song as the soundtrack using her affirmations.This song sung by Barbra Streisand, is one of a few I have written with a spiritual theme to them, that were recorded.
Marsha Malamet


Affirmation Statement

What follows is an affirmation statement from Michael which I have permission to post
here on the blog.  Thoughts are the primary consideration on the journey down the road to recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

I, Michael, do not have Parkinson’s or the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

I, Michael, have never had Parkinson’s or the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

To those of you who have been praying or even just thinking/wanting/wishing
that I be healed of Parkinson’s or the symptoms of Parkinson’s…
please stop now.


please, in any way, shape, or form,
support my commitment to evolve beyond
any conscious or unconscious want, desire, or need
for any limitation whatsoever in this body-mind.

When you do this…
instead of asking that I be healed…
please picture me perfectly healthy, happy, whole and complete now.