Category Archives: recovery

Can You Reverse Parkinson’s Disease?

The question “can you reverse Parkinson’s disease” is answered for you here. 

What really matters when it comes down to a successful program of recovery?

What needs to happen to celebrate a reversal of Parkinson’s disease?

Results of my annual Parkinsons Recovery survey answer the question posed here – can you reverse Parkinson’s disease.  What survey you ask?

Parkinsons Recovery Annual Survey

Each year during the holiday season I send out a question survey to members of the global Parkinsons Recovery audience. The question asked on the survey was:

Please list below natural therapies that have helped you experience relief from symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

I am always surprised and awed with the variety and diversity of therapies reported to have been helpful by members of the Parkinsons Recovery audience. When I examined results of the survey, I asked myself the question – what is the common theme here?

The answer quickly became crystal clear. Therapies reported to have been useful in reversing Parkinson’s symptoms turn down the volume of the sympathetic nervous system (which inflames symptoms) and switch on the parasympathetic (which soothes symptoms).

There is no single approach, method or therapy that permanently flips the switch. Each person discovers their own unique way to make this happen for themselves.

Dozens of therapies are reported to have been useful in this regard as reflected in my survey. They are now thoroughly listed and documented in my online course What Really Matters that rolls out a comprehensive explanation and review of each recovery  option. Click on the What Really Matters Link below to register and take advantage of the 7 day free trial.

What Really Matters

While there are a surprising number of natural therapies that help, I wanted you to know about several in particular. Which ones among the many natural therapies will offer relief from your Parkinson’s symptoms? Consider the following possibilities that are reviewed in detail in this course.


Turmeric helps prevent depletion of dopamine, reduces oxidative stress and reverses inflammation


Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant which helps address issues with rigidity and constipation.

Lions Mane Mushrooms

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms
Lion’s Mane Mushrooms show welcome benefits as a therapy to reverse symptoms


Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
One reason detoxes are unsuccessful is compromised circulation. PEMF is an ideal therapy to address this problem.

Passion Flower

Passion Flower
Some persons who experience neurological symptoms report Passion Flower has been helpful

Online Course Information 

The new What Really Matters online course rolls out a comprehensive explanation and review of each recovery  option. Click on the What Really Matters Link below to register  and take advantage of the 7 day free trial.

What Really Matters


Fasting is a natural way for the body to produce ketones which are the most efficient fuel for our brains.

Eliminate Dairy

Eliminate Dairy
Research consistently reports that eating dairy is a significant predictor of who experiences symptoms of Parkinson’s.


Research studies report that CBD helps to shut down anxiety. Once anxiety is brought under control, relief of symptoms follows.


Light Therapy – Photobiomodulation
Reports from persons who experience symptoms of Parkinson’s indicate light therapy has a beneficial impact on symptoms for 9 out of 10 users

Fava Bean Tincture

Fava Beans
Aunt Bean has formulated a home made fava bean tincture that offers welcome relief from her Parkinson’s symptoms. Here is the recipe so you can prepare it for yourself.

Healthy diet

Food as Medicine
Do you insist on only eating organic food? Great, but guess what? Eating organic is not enough. The food necessary for cellular healing is actually not available or sold in most food outlets.

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) is a natural anti-oxidant that boosts glutathione levels which are usually dangerously low in persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

Low Dose Naltrezone (LDN)

Low Dose Naltrezone (LDN)
Low Dose Naltrezone (LDN) is a prescription medicine that boosts the immune system. It is reported by some persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s to have been beneficial.

Hot Ginger Spine Therapy

Hot Ginger Spine Therapy
Macrobiotic Guru Warren Kramer’s Hot Ginger Spine Therapy

Secret to Recovery

Secret to Recovery
When most people get sick they immediately gravitate toward finding something they can put into their body, but …

Important of Life Style Balance

Importance of Balance in Diet and Lifestyle
Excesses in diet and lifestyle sustain tremors. When you eat mostly meat or carbs – you are out of balance. When you work 24/7 you are out of balance.

Inclined Bed Therapy

Inclined Bed Therapy
Improve circulation while you sleep by raising the head of your bed 6-8 inches.

Energy Kick Start

Infusion of Energy
An Exercise to Kick Start Your Energy using your siren voice along with a simple movement of arms and body.

Fermented Papaya

Fermented Papaya


Three Types of Toxins
There is no such thing as a single detox protocol that gets rid of any and all toxins. So, which therapies should be used for which toxins?

Heavy Metal Detoxes

Heavy Metal Toxicity
Types of heavy metal toxicity and methods to detox them

Issues with Parkinson's devices to help tie shoes

Problems with Tying Shoe Laces or Buttoning a Shirt?
Devices designed to make typing shoe laces or buttoning your shirt easier may not be in your best and highest good.

Vibration Therapy

Vibration Therapy
Vibration Therapy offers symptom relief.


Many individuals who experience symptoms of Parkinson’s report Yoga has been a life saver.

Emotion Code

Emotion Code

Dozens of natural options have been shown to offer relief from symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The listing of possibilities above offers a sneak preview of the many shown to be helpful.

Summary: Can You Reverse Parkinson’s Disease

My answer to the question is obviously yes.

Dozens options like the ones listed above are rolled out in my new “What Really Matters” online course. Each option is thoroughly documented, accompanied by the research evidence that evaluates each option’s efficacy for persons who experience Parkinson’s symptoms. Selections are inspired by what members of my audience report has helped them get relief from their symptoms. I list each option in the course because I know it has helped some people reverse their symptoms.

Click on the What Really Matters Link below to register and take advantage of the 7 day free trial.

What Really Matters

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Olympia, Washington


Brain Power Exercises

Most people choose to suppress the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease with medications or supplements. And why not? If you can begin to feel “normal”, you can begin leading a “normal” life. Brain power exercises are an entertaining and effective way to boost existing neural networks and create new ones.

Whole Brain Power
Michael Lavery, Author of Whole Brain Power

Michael Lavery, author of Whole Brain Power: The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body. has invented fascinating and innovative ways to increase and enhance the integrity and functionality of your brain. You read my last sentence correctly.

  • You can get a lot smarter!
  • Your memory and recall can improve significantly!
  • Your handwriting can improve!
  • Your can become more focused!
  • You can lift depression!
  • You can reclaim your life force!

All of this is possible, Michael explains, when you start a program of brain power exercises that exercise your brain in ways you never before even imagined. I like his approach because it puts you in the driver’s seat of your recovery and allows medicines and  supplements to take a back seat rather than front seat.

Joining Michael in my interview with him is Len Fox who discusses his own experience with taking Michael’s program of brain power exercises seriously.

More about Brain Power Exercises

The fine and gross motor controls of the hands help to grow the brain.  This brain growth occurs specifically on the surface of the brain as well as certain anatomical areas of the hippocampi structures, the corpus collosum and the cerebellum. The growth of myelin occurs with improved procedural memories.  When the myelin thickens on the axon sheaths, chemical changes occur with the production of a  master steroid. This process helps maintain homeostasis within the brain.

The brain has the ability to create new neurons in a process called neurogenesis. The brain has much greater plasticity than previously recognized.This is encouraging news for anyone dealing with mild cognitive impairment. People dealing with Parkinson’s  and Alzheimer’s can be inspired to become more proactive with the issues of doing certain brain exercises that can help to rewire both hemispheres.

One of the tenets of whole brain exercises is to work on ambidexterity with handwriting drills and to also work on mirror writing.  This exercise is called “Da Vinci writing.”  It is one in which the practitioner writes from right to left with cursive penmanship.  The other ambidextrous drill is to bounce a golf ball off a mallet and to do so with either hand.

People with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s make tremendous strides in these areas where initially they had coordination problems.

To keep your program focused, Michael Lavery has also published a Whole Brain Power: Workbook & Progress Journal

How to Boost your dog's brain power
Canine IQ Quests

I suspect you may be thinking – really? I thought I was born which a fixed level of brain power. Do you have a dog? If so, I suggest test out the ability of anyone to get smarter – even dogs. Click on the Canine IQ Quests image for information about mind exercises that boost the brain power of a dog!


Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Can Parkinson’s Disease Be Reversed?

Perhaps you are one among people individuals who have been wondering whether anyone has succeeded in reversing the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. Everyone says the condition is degenerative. Can Parkinson’s disease be reversed? Take a peak at my new video to discover the answer.

Parkinsons Recovery Radio is one of the many free services I support through Parkinsons Recovery. I began hosting guests on the show in 2008. To date, there are over 270 shows that have aired and are available for free replays any time of the day or night. Over seventy (70) of these shows have been interviews with individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease who found ways to reverse some if not all of their symptoms.

The cumulative evidence from these radio show interviews leads me to conclude the answer to the question “can Parkinson’s Disease be reversed” is yes.

The update to my book Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease provides detailed information about these guests and the dates the shows were aired.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery

P.S. Sales of Road to Recovery help to subsidize the expenses to provide replays of all Parkinsons Recovery radio show interviews for free to all listeners.

Can Parkinson's disease be reversed
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Vielight Photobiomodulation

Visit this link to learn about Vielight photobiomodulation devices. Call them at 877-355-8012 for more information.

Tell the representative you are a member of the Parkinsons Recovery community and they will credit your order with a 10% discount. Or, if you order on line. enter the coupon code healing4me to claim the discount.

I have interviewed Dr. Lew Lim, the CEO of Vielight, on three different occasions since 2018. At the time of my first interview, we did not know whether persons diagnosed with neurological conditions would benefit from using his company’s devices. Now we do!

Visit the youtube presentation below by Dr. Lew Lim where he provides the science behind photobiomodulation and research findings.

YouTube player

The company still offers the opportunity to use any device for 6 months. If you do not experience the relief you seek, you are invited to return the device for an 80% refund. I know of no other company that offers such a generous warranty.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Unshackling Chains of Fear

This is an edited interview with Fred Phillips on Parkinsons Recovery Radio who discusses unshackling the chains of fear that aired in 2017.

Fred Phillips is an author and former martial arts instructor. He was diagnosed withunshackling chains of fear Parkinson’s disease in 2008. Fred discusses his journey with this challenging health condition, his philosophy and approach to recovery and his ten step recovery protocol.

Fred blogs about his experience at He lives on Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Canada.

Fred discusses his answers to the following questions that all pertain to unshackling chains of fear:

1. How long you have you been experiencing symptoms?

2. What is your philosophy and approach?

3. Why did you choose to recover naturally?

4. What symptoms do you experience?

5. What is your recovery protocol?

6. What has been your greatest challenge?

7. What advice would you offer others experiencing a health challenge?

Robert Rodgers. PhD
Founder of Parkinsons Recovery in 2004
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Can Parkinsons Be Cured?

Can Parkinsons Be Cured?

No doubt you will encounter many fund raising campaigns that support the cause to find a cure for Parkinson’s disease. Can Parkinsons be cured? Will a cure ever be discovered?

I will offer my answer to this question which may surprise you, but first let’s consider what is being intended.  No one would ever make a comparison of the body to concrete. Do you want your body to be cured just like concrete is cured? I think not.

Nor have I ever heard anyone compare the body to bacon. Do we really want our body to be cured just like we cure bacon? I think not.

Of course, if the goal is to raise money it makes sense to pitch the cause in terms of a cure. After all, don’t we all want a simple fix that will reverse all neurological symptoms? Well yes, of course we do.

The answer to the question – can Parkinsons be cured – is one you will not want to hear. The answer is no. It will never be “cured” this year, ten years from now or one hundred years from now. Besides, hello? Who wants their body to be “cured” like concrete or bacon anyway?

Why do I make this bold statement? There are a multitude of factors that cause symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s. Most people experience a combination of causes which trigger their symptoms. Toxins are a primary culprit as is stress, trauma and infections.

It is possible to remove toxins from the body with proven chelation techniques, but this is a remedy for toxins that are embedded at the cellular level. It is not a “cure” for Parkinson’s. It is possible to release trauma that is embedded at the cellular level, but this would be a resolution for trauma that contributes to symptoms.

This is a roundabout way of explaining the “disease” called Parkinson’s is what we researchers call a garbage can diagnosis. It includes a wide variety of causes.

Identifying yourself with a label like Parkinson’s disease results in embracing a belief no relief is possible and that the condition is – hold on to your seat here – progressive. If you have the diagnosis, you are 100% destined to get worse. Really I say?


There will never be a cure for Parkinson’s disease but believe me when I say you would never want that. You certainly do not want your body to harden up like concrete or cured like bacon. When the cause or combination of causes are identified and appropriate treatments embraced to address them, a successful journey down the road to recovery is possible, not tomorrow when a “cure” is found, but  now.

There is no reason to hope for a cure when actions can be taken today that offer welcome relief from symptoms. A successful approach to recovery is to set the intention to heal from the inside out. Check out my online course which offers the opportunity to do just that.

Healing from the Inside Out

Discover cutting edge discoveries for recovery from neurological symptoms by joining my 25 Cent Wisdom Patreon group. This is where I post recent discoveries and developments that reverse neurological symptoms.

A recent 25 Cent Wisdom post includes a clip of an interview with Dr. Joe Hickey MD who discusses how toxins are stored in the body and how to get rid of them. And yes. They are a  cause of Parkinson’s symptoms.

It is free to join 25 Cent Wisdom.

If you need ongoing support for your recovery, join us. To do so, simply click this link. enter your email and create a password and you a registered for free.  Twenty Five Cent Wisdom

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Is Parkinson’s Degenerative?

The 2023 Parkinsons Recovery survey results provide a surprising answer to the question – Is Parkinson’s Degenerative?  Respondents report how they have been feeling over the past year since the previous holiday season in 2022 [better, same or worse] and what therapies have been useful in celebrating relief from symptoms.

You are cordially invited to listen to a detailed listing of results that refute the universal belief that Parkinson’s is degenerative.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Healing from the Inside Out
Olympia, Washington

Heavy Metal Toxicity and Parkinson’s Disease

The following is an amazing story of recovery by Hanne Koplev who successfully addressed the challenge of heavy metal toxicity. This is a “must” read by anyone who has any doubts that recovery from the symptoms of Parkinson’s is possible.

“A neurologist recommended in the year 1998, that I should be medicated against my tremor, but I said no thank you to his offer, as I preferred to be better diagnosed before starting medication.

The following year my symptoms increased, as I became more rigid and my tremor got worse and I therefore was easy to persuade by a new neurologist to try anti-Parkinson medication. Shortly after, I was scanned for Parkinson’s disease and the result was compatible with the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease in the early stage.

Anti-Parkinson medication helped to decrease the symptoms, but soon I experienced more severe symptoms. At first I thought that it was the disease becoming more severe and this was confirmed by my neurologist who told me that it was unavoidable.

After one year on medication my neurologist recommended that I stopped medication before the next consultation. This became the start of a new phase in the way I coped with my disease, as without medication, I experienced that:-

– The medication can result in abstinences when the medication is stopped.

– Many of the symptoms, that I thought were Parkinson’s symptoms, were in reality side effects of the medication.

Therefore I decided to accept the symptoms of the disease instead of being burdened with adverse side effects of the medication. The outcome of this choice forced me to search for factors, which had influenced my symptoms.

In the year 2001 I was tested for Heavy Metal Toxicity in a private clinic in Aarhus, Denmark by Dr. Bruce Kyle and I was diagnosed with a combined toxic overload with mercury and copper.

I was treated at Dr. Bruce Kyle’s clinic with the Chelating Agent DMPS, with Vitamin-C infusions and different kinds of antioxidants and nutritional support. At the same time I had my amalgam fillings removed and had non-toxic, non-metal composites instead. This was done by a dentist with extra education in safe removal of amalgam. I also use saunas, which help detoxification by sweating out the toxins through my skin.

After some years of undergoing detoxifying treatments, I had fewer tremors and was less rigid, but I still suffered from fatigue. Allergic reaction against metals was suspect, and I undertook a MELISA-test. (

My test showed an allergic reaction against gold, nickel and cadmium and treatment protocol was removal of a dental gold crown, which was replaced with plastic. Now, I try to avoid nickel and to eat more organic food to avoid cadmium. Luckily I have been rewarded for my efforts as my fatigue has decreased.

Today I can honestly say that testing and treatments for my chronic cumulative toxicity has been successful for revealing some of the causes of my Parkinson’s disease. However, I still have slightly high levels of copper left and in Autumn 2006 and Spring 2008 tests show that I am also burdened with lead and aluminium.

I do not dare to think about how my life would have been without detoxifying treatments! When I look at other patients with Parkinson’s disease who are getting worse, I have even more reasons to be thankful for my health, which continues to improve as time goes on.

Where do these Heavy Metals come from?

In my case, mercury and copper were likely to have come from my amalgam fillings. Copper-amalgam contains a high percentage of copper and I had many fillings in my milk teeth. Even later in school I had many cavities, which were restored with amalgam. The dentist said that I had weak teeth.

As an adult, I have only had one cavity, so I might think that my parents were not good at helping me with tooth brushing and perhaps also the school dentist has been tempted to do fillings, which were not necessary as she was paid for the amount of pupils’ cavities that she restored.

In addition I have in my job as a veterinarian, been exposed to many thermometers, which sometimes break and where the mercury ended up in the bottom of the car. Veterinarians were not properly informed that this could constitute a health hazard at that time.

Moreover Mercury can come from vaccinations containing the preservative Thiomersal (ethyl-mercury). Mercury might also come from environmental pollution and intake of fish. Copper might come from use of copper spiral (anti contraceptive) and from drinking water and food. The Danish Agriculture Production uses 200 tons of copper yearly and this copper could be assumed to spread to the environment and end up in drinking water and food.

When a person is burdened with mercury toxicity, then the excretion of copper is decreased.

    • My toxicity burden with lead might perhaps come from common environmental pollution.
    • My toxicity with aluminium probably came from years of injections with aluminium containing products against dust mite allergy.

My nutrition today contains more antioxidants (nutrients which protects the body against free radicals and oxidation), more vegetables (raw vegetables are chosen) and more fruits. I have stopped eating unhealthy fats such as margarine, hard fats, corn oil, soy, sunflower etc. I try to eat more of the healthy fats such as fat fish (salmon), linseed, olives oil, nuts etc.

I take antioxidants as nutritional supplementation, also a multivitamin mineral pill without iron and copper, extra vitamin C and E, Lipoic acid, N-acetyl-cysteine, Echinacea, Ginkgo Biloba and Coenzyme Q10. I also use DMSA for mercury, copper and lead chelation.

Concerning the nutrition I would recommend the book by Jean Carper – Your Miracle Brain

Physical activity has been an important part of my life. At the beginning of my disease I walked without swinging my right arm and I stumbled rather often. After years training trying to walk normally with swinging my right arm, I have succeeded, but only when I am not too stressed or exhausted. The principle is like this, if I can walk one step with swinging the arm, then I can also walk 3 steps….. or also walk 5 minutes…or 5 kilometres and so on.

I also use visualisation when training my movements.

People, who do not realise the effects that Parkinson’s disease has on their own body, often have problems understanding how demanding it is for a Parkinson patient to cope with conscious movements. Even something as banal as cleaning your shoes on a doormat is not necessarily functioning automatically but needs mental work, like steering a toy car with a joystick.

It is very common that a Parkinson patient with time develops a forward bending posture and some years ago I had thoracic Kyphosis and could not wear any of my shirts anymore. A physiotherapist has taught me some physical exercises, which I since have done every day.

Today my back is straight again, which makes me happy. People, who are happy, often have a straight posture, while sad and grieving people often have a crooked posture. By choosing body posture you can also indirectly choose your emotions.

I enjoy sending a signal that I am bubbling with joys of life.

I try to avoid, if possible, all kind of stress. Now I choose calm classical music instead of rock; I value tight relationships instead of having a circle of acquaintances with ‘small talk’ and I love being out in nature instead of taking city walks. It is a pleasure for me to do meditation and to sing.

I have also improved at listening to the signals from my body and I take care to rest and sleep when needed. I have also improved at learning to avoid doing things, which I dislike and instead I do things that make me happy.

When being diagnosed with a chronic disease the patient often goes through a life crisis and so did I. The crises made me more religious and I learnt to pray to my God from the bottom of my heart and this has given me spiritual power to cope with life and the new circumstances.

‘Where there is willpower, there is a way to go.’ This phrase was said about me by a good friend, as a way to express how I cope with my disease.

Years ago the neurologists said several times that I had got Parkinson’s disease and that this disease is chronic, impossible to cure and progressive. I thought that it might be like this for other patients, but that it would not be like this in my case. By working and studying a lot and sometimes by choosing blind paths, I have succeeded in finding a tiny little path out of my disease. Today I have fewer symptoms than in the year 1998, which means that the expression ‘progressive’ cannot be used generally about all patients with Parkinson’s disease.

I retired in the year 2001 when I was 44 years old and although it was really a hard time, today I feel that I have a good life. To my co-patients I will say:-

Search for knowledge and keep on trying to search for new possibilities.”

Generally I recommend neurological patients to be tested with a chelating agent for chronic toxicity with heavy metals. If this is diagnosed, then it is possible to de-toxify, which can give hope to a future of increased health and decreased neurological symptoms.

If you want more information about toxicity with heavy metal and Parkinson’s disease then use the Internet.

Thank you for reading my case-story and I wish you all the best.

Hanne Koplev, Veterinarian

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
Tame Tremors Online Course

Rocky Recoveries

  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, instead of rocky recoveries, the road to recovery is  smooth and uneventful?
  • How about – you only need to identify a handful of therapies, all of which offer symptom relief to some degree?
  • Then presto. Over time you are fully recovered.?

No doubt this describes the ideal and anticipated experience of recovery for everyone. Is it a fantasy? Is the road to recovery smooth with no twists, turns or roadblocks?

Please listen to the short clips below which describe a recovery process which is anything but smooth and effortless.

Information about Aquas:

Information about Bowen Therapy:

John Coleman’s website:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery


Empower Recovery

In his second book, “Parkinson’s Empowerment Training” author Karl Sterling goes deep into exploring many areas that will help a person with PD to empower recovery, improve the quality of movement, cognition, memory, and life itself.
You will encounter suggestions in my interview with Karl that will provide techniques and methods that offer the opportunity to reverse Parkinson’s symptoms.

He addressed ways to empower recovery including:

  •  Power of hope, empowerment, and beliefempower recovery
  •  The two step process to maximize neuroplasticity
  •  How to get sustained sleep at night
  •  Benefits of using Power Plate and whole body vibration
  •  The multifaceted roles dopamine plays in the body
  •  Techniques to improve memory and cognition
  •  Methods to Improve Gait and Mobility

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia Washington

Has Anyone Recovered from Parkinson’s Disease?

YouTube player

Most people buy into the belief that once diagnosed with Parkinson’s, you are destined to get worse.

              • No hope.
              • No chance of recovery.
              • No chance to get your life back.

No wonder so many people are depressed!

But …. Is this really true? Everyone in the medical community claims it to be true, but I ask you, what evidence do they provide to support their depressing claim you will inevitably get worse? I have seen no evidence.

I have now provided compelling evidence for the past decade that the belief Parkinson’s is degenerative is false. People do recover. People do get their life back. Symptoms can be reversed.

In my holiday survey I ask the question: over the past year since the last holiday season, have you been feeling better, about the same or worse? There are three choices.

If the claim Parkinson’s is degenerative is true, 100% of the respondents to my survey would report they are worse. This is not the result reported this year or any of the past years of my survey. This year, as in past years, two thirds of respondents (66%) report that they have either been better or about the same.

People diagnosed with Parkinson’s have found ways to reverse their symptoms or at a minimum not get worse.

Despite frustrations and roadblocks, know that in your heart, mind and soul that recovery is possible. Make it happen now.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease






What Natural Therapies Offer Relief From Your Symptoms?

Over the past 15 years I have documented dozens of therapies that have been helping persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease celebrate relief from their symptoms. No therapy helps everyone however!


Which natural therapies have been helpful to you? Take one minute right now to click on the secure survey link below and list what natural therapy or therapies have been helpful to you.
I will summarize your responses and report in a Parkinsons Recovery Radio show. I have already received a number of responses which are quite fascinating indeed!

P.S.: Need to order Aquas? One hundred percent (100%) of the profits help subsidize Parkinsons Recovery expenses.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Olympia, Washington
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery

Updates on Promising Options for Parkinson’s Disease

My program today about natural options for Parkinson’s disease updates my 2018 Update of Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease. Really! It has only been two months since I released the update – but so much has happened over these past two months that I wanted all of you to have the recent scoop. Click the arrow below to hear the replay.

I released the 2018 Update of Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease only two months ago … which covered various new options including:

  • Light therapy
  • High Dose Thiamine
  • Sleep
  • Ketone Esters
  • CBD Oil
  • Macrobiotics
  • Amino Acid Therapy

 But so much has happened since then.

My discussion today provides an update about some of the new and exciting therapies I covered in my 2018 book and other developments as well. What follows are the notes for the program today:

  • Doing Everything It Takes to Heal?
  • Following the great suggestions documented on the one and only Parkinsons Recovery resources?

But …
Still Experiencing Some Symptoms?

Listen to my radio show interview with Bill McAnalley PhD to discover the surprising reason why and what you can do about it!

The replay of this interview also includes the teaching notes provided by Dr. McAnalley.


Answer to: What is the difference between the Isolate CBD Oil and the Herbal CBD Oil?

Which concentration is the best buy?

What has been the re-order rate?

 Vielight Neuro Gama Device

Customers have a 6 month opportunity to try it out. If it does not offer the relief they were seeking, the company gives an 80% refund if returned within 6 months after purchase.


Number ordered using the Parkinsons Recovery coupon code healing4me

Number returned

Announcement of a new device X-Plus

The main idea is to position a powerful diode where the cerebellum is.

This new device comes with a 633 nm intranasal applicator and 810 nm transcranial diode.

Retails for $749
(Coupon code of healing4me will give a 10% discount)
Will be available in a month

More Ways to Fight Parkinson’s Disease

How Natural Medicines Help Parkinson’s Disease. Barbara Frank uses Folk Medicine and Nature’s Medicines To Help Parkinson’s Patients.


Don McCammon

Diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease three years ago. Don McCammon developed his own compound to treat his symptoms with considerable success. Don wrote an article describing his discovery. The name of the compound he developed is Syncolein. It is a natural product that does not require a medical prescription.

The primary ingredient in his formulation is Mannitol. For further information and to get your questions answered, email Don at:

Ketone Ester

Trainer bottles still available

They have added an offering of a set of four bottles which includes a ketone meter and strips.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Fresh Perspectives on Recovery

I just saw a short list of speakers who will offer fresh perspectives on recovery that are featured at the Winter of Wellness Summit coming up next week. I have listed below descriptions of a few for you to review.

There are so many presenters and topics to choose! I certainly do not have time to watch them all – I believe there are 40 –  but I will not miss watching some. I have followed Donna Eden’s work for years. She is a pioneer in the research that demonstrates the usefulness and effectiveness of energy medicine.

I am taking advantage of the free preview weekend invite you to do the same.  View the Summit series along with me next week for free. Click the link below to join:

Natural Methods to Heal
Winter of Wellness


Free Online Event
January 16-20, 2018
Winter of Wellness Summit

Here is a short list of speakers and topics covered during the Winter of Wellness Summit…

  • Donna Eden will present simple techniques for bringing more energy into your body… to become more alive, happier, more grounded and more centered.
  • David Crow will explore the Ayurvedic system of medicine, which provides a profoundly spiritual yet highly practical system for maintaining physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.
  • Dave Asprey will discuss the Bulletproof diet and lifestyle and provide his top “bio-hacks” to help you upgrade and arrive at your best state of health in 2018 and beyond.
  • Sue Morter will share about Energy Codes, suggesting that we stop trying to heal because nothing is broken and nothing is missing.
  • Holly Tse will describe how the ancient healing art of Chinese reflexology, combined with the wisdom of your soul, can help restore balance and vitality in your body, mind, heart, and spirit.
  • Naveen Jain will demonstrate that there isn’t a universal healthy diet — and how artificial intelligence can analyze our metabolic and immune functions and provide personalized diet recommendations for healthy living.
  • Gregg Braden will offer new DNA evidence that reveals how we did not descend from Neanderthals, but rather from of a fusion of other primates… with the capacity to self-heal and experience deep intuition, sympathy, empathy and compassion.
  • Sara Crow will introduce ways to use restore your vitality and radiance using traditional herbal medicine, flower essences, essential oils and plant-based rituals.

It is the new year and time to get some fresh perspectives on recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Can Parkinson’s Disease Be Reversed?

The 70 interviews with true pioneers of recovery have aired over the past 8 years on Parkinson’s Recovery Radio. There are now 10 pages of shows. Each page lists 20 interviews or programs. Be sure and scroll back to locate some of the interviews with pioneers.

Parkinsons Recovery Radio

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder of Parkinsons Recovery
Author of Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Solutions for Parkinson’s Symptoms

On Parkinsons Recovery Radio today. Fred Phillips offered his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinson’s symptoms. His solutions for Parkinson’s symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that You listen to my interview with Fred today. Click the arrow below to hear the replay. Fred has discovered some powerful, yet simple solutions to these
symptoms that have helped him enormously.

One of now over 70 pioneers of recovery I have hosted on Parkinsons Recovery radio, Fred also previews his 10 step protocol for recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




Unshackling Chains of Fear

I am interviewing on Parkinsons Recovery Radio Fred Phillips in a program titled Unshackling Chains of Fear. Fred is an author and former martial arts instructor. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2008.

Fred will discuss his journey with this challenging health condition, his philosophy and approach to recovery and his recovery protocol. Fred lives on Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Canada.

Air time is 12:00 Noon Wednesday, July 18th. All shows are available for replay after they are aired live.

Fred discusses his answers to the following questions:

1. How long you have you been experiencing symptoms

2. What is your philosophy and approach

3. Why did you choose to recover naturally

4. What symptoms do you experience

5. What is your recovery protocol

6. What has been your greatest challenge

7. What advice would you offer others experiencing a health challenge

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons disease

Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease

Below is a fascinating email from Nancy who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. I have permission to post her email which tells an exciting story of recovery that emerged for her in a way she could have never imagined or predicted when she launched her journey down the road to recovery three years ago. .

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease three years ago. Your book was a life-changer for me. I refused  to accept the diagnosis. I looked at each symptom and looked  for therapies  just as you described. I fought with the doctors and refused medication. I accepted that I had the symptoms but not the diagnosis.

I fought back some family members as well as a collective consciousness. Two neurologists and one family M.D. told me to stop fooling myself and accept the diagnosis. My Feldenkrais instructor who happens to be a neurologist suggested I see a neurosurgeon as I have a spinal cord injury in her professional opinion. Turns out she was right I went  in for surgery immediately and reversed all of my symptoms and he says I do not have Parkinson’s!

He also said there was a reason why my body refused the medication.  Interesting how had I taken  the meds I would’ve gone down a rabbit hole. My spinal cord injury dated back  10 years ago.  Symptoms started at three or four years ago. Lesson call and never, never, give up and listen to the innate  intelligence of your body.

I’m on the road to recovery. Thank you again, Robert The good work that you do! Happy Independence Day!

