Memory Training for Dementia

As discussed in my short video, memory training for dementia is a strategy we all need to engage as we age whether our current age is 20 or 80!

Information about the Parkinsons Recovery Mindwork challenges is here:

Below is an abstract from a study that examined the usefulness of memory training for 76 individuals currently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease:

Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2020 Mar;72:13-22. doi: 10.1016. Effects of working memory training in patients with Parkinson’s disease without cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial. Anja Ophey , Kathrin Giehl , Sarah Rehberg , Carsten Eggers , Paul Reker , Thilo van Eimeren , Elke Kalbe 

Objective: To determine the feasibility and evaluate effects of a computerized working memory (WM) training (WMT) in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) on cognitive and clinical outcomes.

Methods: 76 patients with PD without cognitive impairment were randomized to either the WMT group (n = 37), who participated in a 5-week adaptive WMT, or a passive waiting-list control group (CG, n = 39). Patients underwent clinical and neuropsychological examination at baseline, after training, and at 3-months follow-up, with verbal WM and non-verbal WM as primary outcomes. Outcome assessors were blinded for group allocation.

Results: All WMT participants completed the training successfully and reported high levels of motivation for and satisfaction with the training. Repeated-measures, linear mixed-effects models revealed positive training effects for the WMT group compared to the CG in verbal working memory with a small relative effect size 0.39 [95%CI 0.05; 0.76] for the 3-months follow-up only. No other reliable training effects in cognitive and clinical variables were found for either point of time.

Conclusions: In this randomized controlled trial, memory training for dementia is feasible and yielded some evidence for 3-months follow-up training gains in patients with Parkinsons disease. WMT might be an effective intervention to prevent cognitive decline in this patient group.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Are EMFs Dangerous?

Are EMFs Dangerous or Not?

Are EMFs dangerous or not is the question on everyone’s mind. Research below signals a serious alarm about the dangers of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs)

Curr Alzheimer Res. 2022;19(2):119-132. Low Intensity Electromagnetic Fields Act via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Activation to Cause Very Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease: 18 Distinct Types of Evidence. Martin L Pall


Electronically generated electromagnetic fields (EMFs), including those used in wireless communication such as cell phones, Wi-Fi and smart meters, are coherent, producing very high electric and magnetic forces, which act on the voltage sensor of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce increases in intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i.

The calcium hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has shown that each of the important AD-specific and nonspecific causal elements is produced by excessive [Ca2+]i. [Ca2+]i acts in AD via excessive calcium signaling and the peroxynitrite/oxidative stress/inflammation pathway, which are each elevated by EMFs.An apparent vicious cycle in AD involves amyloid-beta protein (A?) and [Ca2+]i. Three types of epidemiology suggest EMF causation of AD, including early onset AD.

Extensive animal model studies show that low intensity EMFs cause neurodegeneration, including AD, with AD animals having elevated levels of A?, amyloid precursor protein and BACE1. Rats exposed to pulsed EMFs every day are reported to develop universal or near universal very early onset neurodegeneration, including AD; these findings are superficially similar to humans with digital dementia. EMFs producing modest increases in [Ca2+]i can also produce protective, therapeutic effects. The therapeutic pathway and peroxynitrite pathway inhibit each other.

A summary of 18 different findings is provided, which collectively provide powerful evidence for EMF causation of AD. The author is concerned that smarter, more highly pulsed “smart” wireless communication may cause widespread very, very early onset AD in human populations.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Remarkable Story of Recovery

Have been struggling with the ups and downs of recovery? Has your success been terribly frustrating?

If so, you are not alone. Naturopath John Coleman ND from Australia offers an honest account of his journey down the road to recovery which took 3 1/2 years. He is symptom free today.

John refers to two therapies in particular that were especially helpful to his recovery: Bowen Therapy and the Aquas. More information is provided for each in the links below:

Bowen Therapy


Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Hydration Benefits

Below are the questions I asked Jaroslov Boublik PhD, one of the researchers who formulated the Aquas, about how and why hydration benefits healing the body from the inside out.  

  • Why can’t we become better hydrated by simply drinking more water?
  • Why do we become more dehydrated as we age?
  • Why is a well hydrated body essential to eliminating toxins from the body?

    How do the following affect hydration?

Energy Drinks

  • What are the symptoms of dehydration?
  • Do structured water products facilitate better hydration?
  • Does good hydration help alleviate symptoms of diseases?

    Does good hydration improve:

    • Mental clarity?
      Make us look younger?
    • Body weight?

For more information about the Aquas visit:

Having Problems With Your Vision?

Visit my 25 Cent Wisdom platform below to watch my five minute video where I discuss a natural eye drop to address vision difficulties that research studies show succeeds for 9 out of 10 users.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)

Vagus Nerve Stimulation is included in the therapies offered by a variety of different health care practitioners.  Vielight, the gold standardVagus Nerve Stimulation Device company that conducts photobiomodulation (light therapy) research and invents devices based on research, has just introduced an affordable device that stimulates the Vagus Nerve. The Vielight Vagus can be used together with the Vielight Neuro to complement and maximize outcomes.

Visit the link below for more information about the Vielight devices. To claim a 10% discount when ordering the Vagus Device or any of their devices, enter the coupon code healing4me on the shopping cart.
USD $699.00

Due to demand for the Vagus device it is currently on back order.  Email them at to be notified when the Vagus Device is back in stock.

About the Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is crucial in regulating many of our bodies’ most basic functions. One of the most important aspects of the vagus nerve is its direct connection between the brain and the gut.

Neuroplasticity: Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) is associated with promoting changes in the brain’s structure and function, improving connectivity and neural network efficiency.

Cognitive Enhancement: Studies have explored the impact of  Vagus Nerve Stimulation on cognitive functions. Findings suggest improvements in memory, attention, and other cognitive domains.

While Vagus Nerve stimulation is commonly conducted through electrical stimulation, the Vielight Vagus device offers non-invasive stimulation with light energy based on the principles of photobiomodulation (PBM).

As a patented device, the Vielight Vagus stands as the world’s only photobiomodulation device specifically designed for vagus nerve stimulation.

 Benefits of Stimulating the Vagus Nerve

Stimulating the vagus nerve offers a variety of benefits to both physical and mental health. Some of these include:

  1. Reduced inflammation: Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has been shown to help regulate inflammation in the body, which can be beneficial for conditions where inflammation plays a role, such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
  2. Lowered heart rate and blood pressure: Activation of the vagus nerve can lead to a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of heart disease.
  3. Improved mood: Vagus nerve stimulation has been linked to improvements in mood and alleviation of symptoms in mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. It can also enhance feelings of well-being.
  4. Enhanced digestion: The vagus nerve plays a key role in regulating digestion by increasing stomach acidity and digestive enzyme production, as well as promoting gut motility. Stimulation can aid in alleviating digestive issues.
  5. Better sleep: VNS has been associated with improvements in sleep patterns and overall sleep quality, making it potentially beneficial for those with sleep disorders.
  6. Pain relief: Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) can help in reducing chronic pain by modulating pain perception and decreasing inflammation associated with pain conditions.
  7. Improved memory and cognitive function: Some studies suggest that VNS may enhance memory and cognitive abilities, which could be beneficial for conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
  8. Epilepsy management: Vagus nerve stimulation is an established treatment for epilepsy that does not respond well to medication, helping to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures.
  9. Enhanced immune response: Activation of the vagus nerve affects immune system function, potentially boosting immune responses to infections and diseases.

Vagus nerve stimulation using photobiomodulation shows promise across a wide range of health benefits, though the extent and specific effects will vary based on individual health conditions.

Note: This video post is a part of my Shut Down Anxiety online course that introduces dozens of proven methods to shut down anxiety. We do not have any research evidence on this option yet, but I believe it merits serious consideration. For more information and the register for my Shut Down Anxiety online course, visit:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Vielight Photobiomodulation

Visit this link to learn about Vielight photobiomodulation devices. Call them at 877-355-8012 for more information.

Tell the representative you are a member of the Parkinsons Recovery community and they will credit your order with a 10% discount. Or, if you order on line. enter the coupon code healing4me to claim the discount.

I have interviewed Dr. Lew Lim, the CEO of Vielight, on three different occasions since 2018. At the time of my first interview, we did not know whether persons diagnosed with neurological conditions would benefit from using his company’s devices. Now we do!

Visit the youtube presentation below by Dr. Lew Lim where he provides the science behind photobiomodulation and research findings.

YouTube player

The company still offers the opportunity to use any device for 6 months. If you do not experience the relief you seek, you are invited to return the device for an 80% refund. I know of no other company that offers such a generous warranty.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Amino Acid Therapy

This is an edited clip from my interview with Marty Hinz MD in 2018. Dr. Hinz is known internationally for developing amino acid protocol,

He addresses the following questions from me during the program today:

  1. What is the primary cause of Parkinsons disease?
  2. What the most effective Parkinsons disease treatment?
  3. What is carbidopa?
  4. Why is carbidopa used?
  5. How does carbidopa deplete vitamin B6?
  6. What happens when vitamin B6 depletes?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Experience of Successful Journeys Down the Road to Recovery

Over the past 20 years I have had the privilege of connecting with hundreds of individuals who have had successful journeys down the road to recovery from neurological challenges. What does a successful journey look like?

Watch my answer to this question on the short video I posted on my Twenty Five Cent Wisdom Patreon group. If you have not already done so, visit the group below and join for free by simply entering your email. No passwords needed. Membership is free.

Twenty Five Cent Wisdom

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Olympia, Washington
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

How to Write a Restorative Statement

Here is the link to get an audio download of the the restorative statement audio:

Contact me after you have had a chance to work through the step by step instructions in the audio. I am here to provide follow-up support and help.

Unshackling Chains of Fear

This is an edited interview with Fred Phillips on Parkinsons Recovery Radio who discusses unshackling the chains of fear that aired in 2017.

Fred Phillips is an author and former martial arts instructor. He was diagnosed withunshackling chains of fear Parkinson’s disease in 2008. Fred discusses his journey with this challenging health condition, his philosophy and approach to recovery and his ten step recovery protocol.

Fred blogs about his experience at He lives on Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Canada.

Fred discusses his answers to the following questions that all pertain to unshackling chains of fear:

1. How long you have you been experiencing symptoms?

2. What is your philosophy and approach?

3. Why did you choose to recover naturally?

4. What symptoms do you experience?

5. What is your recovery protocol?

6. What has been your greatest challenge?

7. What advice would you offer others experiencing a health challenge?

Robert Rodgers. PhD
Founder of Parkinsons Recovery in 2004
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

How to Get a 250% Dopamine Boost

 I preview discoveries like this dopamine boost and other insights at my 25 Cent Wisdom Patreon. If you searching for ongoing support for your recovery, look no more. Join my group today.

Visit the platform below, enter your name, your email and presto – you are in! It is free to join. Twenty Five Cent Wisdom

Watch the 8 minute interview with Wim Hoff here:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Origin of Parkinson’s

It is now well known that there are a multitude of factors that contribute to the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The important questions turns on what is the origin of Parkinson’s disease?

You have likely not heard my answer to this question. At the core resides the real issue at play: The natural life cycle that sustains life is inactive. Instead of flopping back and forth from being expansive and contractive, the state of expansion is s a permanent setting in our energetic “thermostat.”  We are on the go constantly without stopping to smell the flowers or enjoy the sweat morsels of the natural world.

We do not function like the ocean waves and tides which shift in and out continuously. Theorigin of Parkinson's waves flow in and out continuously. Tides gradually shift the waters closer to shore, then more distant from shores.

The root cause of symptoms rarely originates where logic would dictate. Do tremors and other Parkinson’s symptoms originate in the brain? Certainly most people and medical professionals hold this belief. That is why doctors prescribe medications that infuse the body with l-dopa. It is assumed cells in the mid brain are not producing enough dopamine. 

Recent research demonstrates that tremors and other neurological challenges do not necessarily reside in the brain itself. Their origin is the digestive system.

Although this research is relatively recent, a causal inspection of meridians that are the pathways of energy keeping us alive clearly show many connections between the stomach, small intestine and gall bladder to the brain. Problems with the digestive system will clearly have a direct impact on brain function. 

Step back and consider the life cycle of the digestive system. It expands when we eat.  It contracts after food has been digested. Our digestive system does not function continuously.

Our personal life style needs to be in sync the natural course of expanding and contracting. 

The root cause of Parkinson’s symptoms is that the life cycle needed to sustain health has been truncated. The expansion phase is permanently set with little flexibility. The need is to assert control over everything and everybody without allowing the ebb and flow of life to exist. When we cannot chill out and relax, the primary functions of the body wear out just as gears in a motor eventually grind down. 

What is the bottom line? First, get serious about healing your digestive system. Second, get into the flow of life. Enjoy expansions. Welcome contractions. 

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery  

Magnesium: The Missing Link to Total Health

My guest is Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD ND (a medical doctor and a naturopath doctor) who has devoted 50+ years applying the science of medicine and the gifts of nature to help people feel better, find more energy and take control of their personal health. The focus of her presentation today is on magnesium.

Promoting a positive message of health, vitality, and well-being, Magnesium – The Missing Link to Total Health (Revised)® provides evidence-based scientific research on magnesium’s role in human health. Website:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

How to Tame Tremors

A decade of hosting 250 guests on Parkinsons Recovery Radio has made it possible to document a  variety of natural treatments to tame tremors that have proven successful. They fall into a various categories including herbs, certain foods, essential oil tinctures, ketone esters, light and sound therapies, energy medicine and many home made remedies.

Click Here for Registration and Immediate Access the Tame Tremors Online Course

Why Did I Develop The New Tame Tremors Course?

It is surprisingly helpful to embrace natural methods that tame tremors. Unchecked they sustain unrelenting stress. When we are unable to reduce the intensity of stress, tremors always get worse. The cycle is endless unless checked. The vicious cycle is familiar to everyone.

        1. Tremors cause reoccurring stress.
        2. Stress inflames the tremors.
        3. Taming tremors helps reverse this vicious cycle.

The challenge for members of my global Parkinsons Recovery audience is that natural treatments for tremors are scattered all over the place, buried in my many thousands of blog posts and replays from 10 years of my many Parkinsons Recovery radio show interviews.

My new online course rolls out dozens of natural therapies that have been successful for persons to tame their tremors. It organizes, explains and updates the most successful strategies, therapies and treatments that have been reported by persons who themselves experience tremors.

Some of the methods have just emerged over the past decade. Some have been practiced for centuries. We do not have yet a great deal of evidence on their effectiveness, but early reports are very encouraging. I want everyone to know about these new developments.

Traumas Cause Anxieties. Anxieties Inflame Tremors.
Anxiety has a profound impact on making tremors so much worse. One of the most successful strategies that tame tremors is to shut down anxiety.

Shaking Tames Tremors.
Vibration offers relief from symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.

Breathing The Right Way Tames Tremors.
If your cells have a deficiency of oxygen, doesn’t it make good sense they will shake, rattle and roll to get your attention?

Emotional Reactions Aggravate Tremors.
Emotional Reactions happen when our reaction to a situation is “over the top.” An intense and fiery emotional response is not justified by the circumstances.

Family Entanglements Sabotage Efforts to Tame Tremors.
Family Entanglements occur when we take on the suffering, pain and disease of another family member out of love.

Energy Psychology.
Energy psychology is a novel approach embraced by some psychologists who use muscle testing to identify and clear reasons for conditions like tremors.

Essential Oils.
Essential oils have a soothing effect on the body’s neurological system which helps tame tremors.

Herbal Remedies.
Certain herbal remedies can tame tremors. You have likely never even heard about some of them.

Home Remedies for Tremors
Macrobiotic Guru Warren Kramer offers highly effective (and little known) home remedies that tame tremors

For more information and to register visit:

Fava Beans.
Aunt Bean has developed an inventive way to formulate a tincture from fava bean plants which tames her tremors.

Ketone Ester Tames Tremors.
Ketone esters have been available commercially only since 2019. They are a natural source of energy for the brain which can tame tremors

Photobiomodulation (Light Therapy).
Research reports promising possibilities for photobiomodulation as a therapy that offers relief from neurological conditions

Power of the Mind.
You have everything you need to tame tremors and always have: Actualizing the endless power of your mind.

Tai Chi.
Tai Chi is an ancient practice of soulful meditation that brings the body back to a place of centeredness and balance and as a result tames tremors.

Feldenkrais Therapy for Tremors.
Small movements help the body remember how to experience calmness without tremors.

Vibration Therapy
Vibration Therapy shows promise as a therapy for Parkinson’s symptoms including tremors

Consuming a NADH supplement or eating foods rich in NADH may tame tremors.

Yoga Tames Tremors
Yoga Helps Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Including Tremors

For more information and to register visit:

P.S. The course will not address prescriptions medications which fall into the domain of medical doctors, so any issues or questions about medications will need to be addressed with your doctor.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia, Washington USA


How to Manifest Rock Solid Walking

In this video I preview a marvelous suggestion for how to manifest rock solid walking.

Here is the clip of my interview with John Pepper.

This suggestion to manifest centered and balanced walking is one among – get this – 144 other therapies, techniques and approaches to manifest rock solid walking covered in my Rock Solid Walking online course. The ideas and techniques are drawn from 275 interviews I have hosted on Parkinsons Recovery Radio over the past two decades. Visit the link below for more information about the course: Pepper, author of Reverse Parkinsons Disease, is a Parkinson’s Patient with six decades of experience. What has helped John manifest recovery is:

  • Taking Conscious Control of all movements
  • Doing Energetic Exercise
  • Managing Stress
  • Adopting a Positive Attitude

Below is the study which reports on the benefits of conscious control of movements to manifest Rock Solid Walking.

Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2007 Mar-Apr;21(2):123-6. Duration of Parkinson disease is associated with an increased propensity for “reinvestment”. R S W Masters, H S Pall, K M A MacMahon, F F Eves


Background: As a consequence of difficulties in movement initiation and execution, people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are typically encouraged to consciously monitor and control the mechanics of their actions. This is described as ‘reinvestment’ and has been shown to help mediate effective motor output.

Objective: To examine the propensity for reinvestment in a sample of people with PD.

Methods: A volunteer sample of 55 people with PD was asked to complete a previously validated measure, the Reinvestment Scale. A sub-sample (and age matched controls) was asked to complete a recently developed, movement specific, version of the Scale. Data was collected on Mini Mental State Examination and the Hoehn & Yahr Scale. Participant demographics, including age of onset and duration of disease, were also collated.

Results: Multiple regression analyses showed that duration of disease was associated with reinvestment score on both the Reinvestment Scale and the Movement Specific Reinvestment Scale.

Conclusions: Participants appeared to become more aware of the mechanics of their actions over time. Possible explanations for this finding are discussed with reference to rehabilitation.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Rock Solid Walking

Are you interested in rock solid walking? Are you sometimes anxious because of a fear you might …

  • Freeze
  • Trip
  • Stumble
  • Fall

When these fears rear their ugly head the possibility of falling, freezing, stumbling and tripping becomes even more likely. Ugh! Many practical solutions to mobility challenges do exist. I have documented what people with Parkinson’s report helps their walking to become rock solid.

Click on the image below to register:. rock solid walking

Rock Solid Walking Online Course

Selected for inclusion in this comprehensive online course are the most useful tips, strategies, therapies and suggestions I have documented during the past decade and a half. Many are taken from the wisdom of guests on Parkinsons Recovery Radio.

I want everyone to know about the many proven techniques, therapies and strategies that offer the promise of reducing the troubling consequence of falling, freezing and tripping. It is high time to stop worries about having to make visits to hospital emergency rooms because of broken bones, sprains or muscle tears.

The strategies, suggestions and tips for walking have been taken from the wisdom of two primary sources: individuals with Parkinson’s symptoms and knowledgeable health care professionals. Radio show guests reveal how they have succeeded in improving their own gait, walking pace and overall stability.

Physical therapists and other health care professions who work with persons with Parkinson’s symptoms  offer practical suggestions that they use with their patients. .


Ease of mobility is derailed when there is a disconnection between the mind and the body. This course covers how to restore this connection.

The Fundamentals
Discover tried and true strategies that make it possible for walking to be balanced, centered, stable and safe every time.

Feet need to be flexible and malleable for walking to be rock solid. Locations of rigidity in the bottom of your feet give important clues about why mobility is compromised.

Sometimes a limitation or obstruction of peripheral vision accounts for mobility challenges. Other times it is a question of where you look when walking.

A reason for falling, tripping and freezing is a lack of grounding. The human energy field that supports the physical body is top heavy. Discover ways to balance and center the energy field.

Simple exercises are discussed that address specific problems with mobility including poor posture, rigidity, freezing and shuffling.

Mindful Walking
Studies report that becoming mindful promotes walking that is rock solid. Become totally aware of the “now” experience rather than regretting the past or worrying about the future.

How to Kick Start Mobility
Practical Suggestions for How to Kick Start Mobility Challenges

Sound Therapy
Research shows that listening to music that has well defined beats and rhythms facilitates a steady and reliable pace of walking.

Light Therapy
Light can have an immediate effect on effortless mobility. For some people, wearing glasses that allow a specific color to dominate vision shifts walking from being awkward to effortless.

The online Rock Solid Walking course is accessible using any phone or computer.

Click on the image below to register:. rock solid walking

Spinal Decompression
Problems with mobility can be caused by compression in the spine which can be corrected with a series of chiropractic adjustments.

Break Down Each Movement into its Component Parts
Any movement can be broken down into its component parts which make up the whole. Focus on the parts – not the movement taken as a whole. .

Solution for Tick Tock Walking
Re-train your body to remember how to walk with evenly paced, evenly distanced strides.

Stochastic Resonance Therapy
A new invention from Germany adds a critical feature to vibration therapy by delivering the frequency of the vibrations randomly.

Chakra Healing
Watch a demonstration of a brief chakra healing using the voice to emit sounds that open up the energy flow through chakras.

Solution for Rigidity
Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and one of the best therapies that offer relief from rigidity and stiffness..

Underlying Cause of Gait Difficulties
What really lies as the foundation of mobility challenges? Answer: Trauma locks up the muscles and freezes flexibility

Dance Your Way to Success
The Tango – among other dances – helps maintain balance and centeredness. It is also fun and energizing.

Issues with Walkers
Are you considering using a walker to prevent falls? Select one that supports good posture rather than destroying it.

Access Memories to Facilitate Rock Solid Walking
When struggling with large or small movements, recall an activity of the past that involved doing a similar movement effortlessly.

Consistent practice of yoga helps make rock solid walking a reality

One Vitamin that Helps Maintain Balance and Prevent Falls
You may need to take more than you realize to get the benefit expected!

Click on the image below to register:rock solid walking

Robert Rodgers PhD

Parkinsons Recovery
Host of Parkinsons Recovery Radio

Dehydration and Parkinson’s

The Link between Dehydration and Parkinson’s

Is there a link between dehydration and Parkinson’s symptoms? The answer is clearly yes. Staying well hydrated is crucial for individuals who experience Parkinson’s symptoms.

Dehydration is the excessive loss of body fluids. While it may seem unrelated to Parkinson’s disease at first glance, emerging research suggests otherwise. Dehydration can exacerbate symptoms and potentially accelerate the progression of Parkinson’s in several ways:

  1. Medication Effectiveness: Many individuals with Parkinson’s rely on medication, such as levodopa, to manage their symptoms. However, dehydration can hinder the absorption and effectiveness of these medications, leading to fluctuations in symptom control.
  2. Increased Rigidity and Stiffness: Dehydration can cause muscles to tighten and become more rigid, exacerbating the already-present stiffness and rigidity experienced by individuals with Parkinson’s. This can further impair mobility and increase the risk of falls.
  3. Cognitive Function: Dehydration has been linked to cognitive impairment and mood changes, which are already prevalent non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining optimal cognitive function and overall well-being.
  4. Risk of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Individuals with Parkinson’s are at an increased risk of developing UTIs due to urinary retention and other urinary tract issues. Dehydration can further predispose them to UTIs, leading to additional complications and discomfort.
  5. Impact on Gastrointestinal Function: Dehydration can disrupt normal gastrointestinal function which causes constipation,  a frequently experienced symptom in Parkinson’s disease. Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy digestion and bowel movements.

Managing Dehydration

It is clearly important  for individuals who experience symptoms of Parkinson’s to make hydration a top priority. Some options for staying adequately hydrated:

  1. Drink Plenty of Water: Aim to consume at least eight glasses of water per day, or more if you’re physically active or in hot weather.
  2. Monitor Fluid Intake: Keep track of your fluid intake throughout the day to ensure you’re meeting your hydration needs.
  3. Avoid Excessive Caffeine and Alcohol: Beverages like coffee, tea, and alcohol can contribute to dehydration, so consume them in moderation.
  4. Eat Water-Rich Foods: Incorporate hydrating foods into your diet, such as fruits (e.g., watermelon, oranges) and vegetables (e.g., cucumbers, tomatoes).
  5. Set Hydration Reminders: Use alarms or smartphone apps to remind yourself to drink water regularly, especially if you tend to forget.
  6. Take the Aquas, a formulation designed to hydrate the body developed by researchers in Australia. Find more information at: 

Bottom Line

While dehydration may seem like a minor concern compared to the myriad of challenges confronted by persons who experience Parkinson’s symptoms, its impact on the inability of the body to excrete toxins should inform decisions on recovery therapies. Taking proactive steps to stay hydrated, individuals with PD get the opportunity to potentially celebrate symptom relief and improve their quality of life. Stay hydrated to stay healthy!


Parkinsons New Treatments

Latest developments in Parkinsons New Treatments

Managing Parkinson’s has primarily revolved around using medications to suppress symptoms temporarily. Recent years have witnessed remarkable strides in understanding the disease’s mechanisms and developing ground breaking approaches to treatments. Some of the Parkinsons new treatments and approaches are listed below.

  1. Gene Therapy: Genetic factors play a significant role in Parkinson’s disease. Gene therapy aims to modify dysfunctional genes or introduce healthy ones to halt or slow down the progression of the disease. Recent studies have shown promising results in preclinical trials, raising hopes for effective gene-based treatments in the future.
  2. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Innovations: A surgical procedure involving the implantation of electrodes in the brain, DBS  is designed to regulate abnormal neural activity in the brain. Advances in DBS technology, such as closed-loop systems that adapt stimulation in real-time based on the patient’s brain activity, promise more precise and personalized treatment approaches.
  3. Focused Ultrasound:Focused ultrasound (FUS) is a non-invasive therapy that uses sound waves to target specific areas of the brain.
  4. Neuroprotective Strategies: While current treatments focus on suppressing symptoms, there is growing interest in therapies that support the body to heal from the inside out. A variety of supplements, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents are now being used to facilitate the healing process.
  5. Stem Cell Therapy: Stem cell therapy holds immense potential for regenerating damaged brain tissue in Parkinson’s patients. By replenishing the lost dopamine-producing cells, stem cell transplants restore motor function and alleviate symptoms. The cost involved for many of them is high and effects are unfortunately usually not sustained over the long run.
  6. Digital Health Solutions: The integration of digital health technologies is revolutionizing Parkinson’s care. Wearable devices equipped with sensors monitor movement patterns and medication responses in real-time, enabling more personalized treatment adjustments. Smartphone apps and telemedicine platforms also facilitate remote monitoring and timely interventions, enhancing patient outcomes and convenience.
  7. Lifestyle Interventions: Beyond medical treatments, lifestyle modifications play a crucial role in managing Parkinson’s disease. Exercise, in particular, has been shown to improve mobility, balance, and overall well-being in PD patients. Emerging research suggests that specific forms of exercise, such as high-intensity interval training and dance therapy,  have neuroprotective effects.
  8. Combination Therapies: Recognizing the complex nature of Parkinson’s, researchers are exploring combination therapies that target multiple aspects of the disease simultaneously. By combining drugs with different mechanisms of action or pairing medications with non-pharmacological interventions, such as physical therapy or cognitive training, synergistic effects can be achieved, leading to better symptom control and enhanced quality of life.

The above listing summarizes what is being done now. What about the future? The practice of medicine is being revolutionized with the delivery of sound and light devices which help bring the body back into balance. I offer a preview of these new disoveries in my free online course. To register, click the link below, enter your email, create a password and presto – you are in.

Future of Medicine

Summary: Parkinsons New Treatments

The landscape of Parkinson’s disease treatment is evolving rapidly, driven by groundbreaking discoveries and innovative approaches which use a variety of therapies and approaches. The future holds promise for improved outcomes and a bright outlook for individuals currently living with the symptoms of Parkinson’s as well as their families. As we continue to push the boundaries of science and innovation, researchers are discovering how to support the body’s ability to heal from the inside out.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Healing from the Inside Out