Category Archives: vitamin D3

Solutions for Parkinson’s Symptoms

On Parkinsons Recovery Radio today. Fred Phillips offered his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinson’s symptoms. His solutions for Parkinson’s symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that You listen to my interview with Fred today. Click the arrow below to hear the replay. Fred has discovered some powerful, yet simple solutions to these
symptoms that have helped him enormously.

One of now over 70 pioneers of recovery I have hosted on Parkinsons Recovery radio, Fred also previews his 10 step protocol for recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




Questions About Parkinson’s Disease

Dear Dr. Rodgers:

First I want to thank you for sending your book, Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease, by mail.  My husband really enjoys reading it.

Then my husband wants to ask you the following question:

I have been having parkinsons for more than five years.  My main symptoms  are tremor, slowness and difficulty of per forming certain tasks involving the upper body.  I have difficult time putting on a shirt,  fastening a seat belt ect.  My legs are  fine.

I walk for 3-5 miles every day and do weights 3-5 times a week. Surprisingly – when I was in Cyprus the last month my tremor was twice as less.  Is it sun or staying away from technological gadgets?

Right now I am not taking any medication for pd. I go to  Hyppocrates center once a year.  I see chiropractor once a month, acupuncturist every other week and take the following supplements:

vit e , coq10 1200, alpha lipoic acid, magnesium, selenium, holy basil, plus by mannatech. frozen algae and omegas 3-6-9 veg based.  I eat mostly vegeterian drink weat grass juice and green drinks.

1.  What you can add or change in my protocol?

2. Can you help to find a good physical therapist in Lower or Mid Westchester NY

3. What are the therapies I can benefit more?


Alex and Yelena


At the outset, let me be clear that while I am a Dr. – I am not a medical doctor. I am a researcher. The ideas I suggest below are based strictly on the research I have done. Anything I suggest should be bounced off of your doctor.

First, you have a rather interesting experiment to report. When in Cyprus your symptoms were greatly reduced. You ask the question why? It may be the reduced stress. When stressed, the symptoms will flare. Or, it may be exposure to sun. People who experience the symptoms of Parkinsons have a serious deficiency of Vitamin D3. I note that you did not include Vitamin D3 in your list of supplements. Why not add it and see what happens? Exposure to sunshine gives your body Vitamin D3.

Second, you list CoQ10 as a supplement – but do not say where you obtain it. Naturopath doctor Laurie Mischley says that there are only two reliable sources of CoQ10. Be sure to listen to my two radio show interviews with her which aired in June: She explains that most of the CoQ10
that people take does little good because it does not cross the blood brain barrier. She also recommends two reliable sources of CoQ10.

Third, I am wondering if you are getting enough fat in your diet. You might want to hear the radio show I aired with Naturopath Doctor John Briggs in may/June of 2009. Dr. Briggs points out that the myelin sheath which covers the neurons are composed of fatty tissues.

You couldn’t get better help than by going to the Hypocrites Center. I hesitate to even mention this as something to research. Perhaps you could explore this with them. They are the experts on healthy nutrition.

Fourth, are you drinking enough water? Is your body sufficiently hydrated? Are you drinking pure water?

Fifth, you do not mention any body therapies you are using to release trauma. Since your symptoms are manifested in the upper part of your body – I am guessing trauma is probably trapped in the tissues of your trunk, arms and face. The fascia and tissues get entangled and interrupt the natural flow of neural communications.

Consider getting help from a therapy that will help you release the trauma that is trapped at the cellular level. When the tissues get crunched, the neural pathways are obstructed. Cranial sacral therapy is especially useful in this regard as is myofascial release and Bowen therapy.

As for a good physical therapist, Kevin Lockette suggests that you find a physical therapist who is specially trained to treat people with neurological symptoms. You can find a full listing by visiting:

For a specialty – be sure to choose ” neurologic” from the drop down menu. If you need more help in this regard, I would suggest you call Kevin. He is an incredible resource. Click here for his website.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

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Parkinson’s, Dryness of the Mouth and Vitamin D

Question One:

I have two questions. Thank you for being available to answer my inquiries:

Heat seems to bother me.  The sun shining on my back/neck
or a hair dryer creates a feeling of crawling or shrinking on my
neck and head and gives me a slight sensation of nausea or
dizziness.  Have you heard of this being a problem with Parkinson’s or
others with neurological problems?


I have not heard reports from people with Parkinson’s that are
specific to the symptoms you describe, but I must say that the
range of symptoms that are associated with Parkinson’s is very
wide indeed.

Sunshine is a key mechanism that helps the body manufacture
Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 provides foundational support for balancing
all other hormones in the body.

I might suggest that with this symptom, your body is giving you a
big clue about the source of hormonal imbalances in your body. You
might put on your detective hat and launch a search for the
underlying meaning of the symptom.

I will be doing teleseminars over the coming months with a serious of
naturopaths, medical doctors and researchers. I suggest you write in
your question on the pre-event teleseminar pages. I will ask our guests
your question so you can hear what they have to say about the possible
underlying meaning of this symptom. It is a mystery to be solved.      

Question Two:

My mouth, throat, and lungs feel dry, dehydrated, and have a
burning sensation and when I breathe deep I have a dry cough. 
Is this a problem related to Parkinson’s or do I have a problem
on top of a problem?  I am in the Californian desert for the winter
and the problem seems to exacerbated.


Excessive salivation is the more common symptom that is
associated with Parkinson’s. By your own description, it sounds
like you are seriously dehydrated. It would be worthwhile to
hear an interview I did with Dr. Jaroslav Boublik who specializes
in issues associated with dehydration. He is a researcher, not a
medical doctor, and explains what happens when the body become
dehydrated. You can listen to his interview by clicking here.

He explains that as we get older, our thirst reflect becomes
compromised, so we simply do not drink when our body needs
water as was the case when we were young.

Of the two nettlesome symptoms you list, I would make the
second the highest priority. By far, the most common cause of
death for persons with Parkinson’s is pneumonia, so addressing
any issues with the pulmonary function will avert more serious
problems down the line.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

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