Parkinson’s, Dryness of the Mouth and Vitamin D

Question One:

I have two questions. Thank you for being available to answer my inquiries:

Heat seems to bother me.  The sun shining on my back/neck
or a hair dryer creates a feeling of crawling or shrinking on my
neck and head and gives me a slight sensation of nausea or
dizziness.  Have you heard of this being a problem with Parkinson’s or
others with neurological problems?


I have not heard reports from people with Parkinson’s that are
specific to the symptoms you describe, but I must say that the
range of symptoms that are associated with Parkinson’s is very
wide indeed.

Sunshine is a key mechanism that helps the body manufacture
Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 provides foundational support for balancing
all other hormones in the body.

I might suggest that with this symptom, your body is giving you a
big clue about the source of hormonal imbalances in your body. You
might put on your detective hat and launch a search for the
underlying meaning of the symptom.

I will be doing teleseminars over the coming months with a serious of
naturopaths, medical doctors and researchers. I suggest you write in
your question on the pre-event teleseminar pages. I will ask our guests
your question so you can hear what they have to say about the possible
underlying meaning of this symptom. It is a mystery to be solved.      

Question Two:

My mouth, throat, and lungs feel dry, dehydrated, and have a
burning sensation and when I breathe deep I have a dry cough. 
Is this a problem related to Parkinson’s or do I have a problem
on top of a problem?  I am in the Californian desert for the winter
and the problem seems to exacerbated.


Excessive salivation is the more common symptom that is
associated with Parkinson’s. By your own description, it sounds
like you are seriously dehydrated. It would be worthwhile to
hear an interview I did with Dr. Jaroslav Boublik who specializes
in issues associated with dehydration. He is a researcher, not a
medical doctor, and explains what happens when the body become
dehydrated. You can listen to his interview by clicking here.

He explains that as we get older, our thirst reflect becomes
compromised, so we simply do not drink when our body needs
water as was the case when we were young.

Of the two nettlesome symptoms you list, I would make the
second the highest priority. By far, the most common cause of
death for persons with Parkinson’s is pneumonia, so addressing
any issues with the pulmonary function will avert more serious
problems down the line.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

© 2008 Parkinsons Recovery

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