Category Archives: drumming and Parkinson’s

Drumming, Dancing, Music and Parkinson’s

I’m a man (57- diagnosed 5 years ago-medicated
since 8 months ago) living in The Hague (Holland).
I really enjoy your Parkinsons Recovery daily letters
and I look forward to receiving them.

I enjoyed your letter about drumming. Last Friday
I ended a course of salsa-dancing for PWP. It was
organised by a dancing-school in The Hague.
The lessons were given at a beach-restaurant.
It was funny for the regular costumers to hear
swinging music and to see people dance with
slow movements.It was great fun to do it.
I cross the streets singing a rhythmic song loudly.
I learned that from a chapter in Olivier Sack’s
latest book Musicophilia.

Thank you and go on like this.

Kind regards

Hans de Rijke