Category Archives: fear

Medication Side Effects of Fear and Anger

I am suffering from Parkinson’s disease since 5 years. Presently I am taking Entacom Plus and Pacetane 3 times daily. But recently I observed that I am mentally disturbed. I am not able to work easily. I am not able to put myself stable. An unknown fear or angry is developing in me.

Kindly let me know the remedy



By your description, it certainly sounds like you are experiencing the medication side effects in the form of fear and anger. People react differently to medications. Some people have no side effects and experience only the benefits of the medications. Others – and it appears you fall into this category of people – can experience debilitating side effects.

I wish I could report there is a simple remedy for this problem – perhaps a pill that would solve the problem. Alas, such simple solutions are not available. I am quite sure this is not the response you were hoping to hear, but it is the honest truth.

At a minimum you can read the list of side effects that you will find in the prescription inserts that your pharmacist will have. This would likely pinpoint the problem.
It is possible however that the problem you are experiencing is triggered by the particular combination of both medications taken together. That is to say, taking one medications may not be problematic for you, but when both are consumed, certain processes are triggered in your body that are creating the alarming fear and anger.

It is possible the problem may be solved by eliminating one or both medications or finding substitutes. Work with your doctor to explore alternatives. Keep in mind that with most
prescription medications, it is not advisable to stop taking them. The consequences can be disastrous. For most medications, you must reduce the dosage you take very slowly and very deliberately. Make these decisions in close consultation with your doctor.

I would also suggest that you approach the challenge you are facing from a new perspective. While the medications appear to be triggering anger and fear, everyone holds both
in their subconscious. We all have anger that is repressed and that is contained at the cellular level of our body. We all hold fear that we suppress as well.

A healthy approach is simply to acknowledge that everyone confronts the issues that you describe in your question. The only difference is that these issues – dealing with fear
and anger – are very difficult to manage and keep under control right now.

There are many powerful therapies you might explore that invite your body to release all of the repressed fear and anger that are making it difficult for you to function right now. Since I do not know where you live or what country you are from, I am not in a position to be specific here. I invite you to begin your own search for therapists you offer such services.
Approach your investigation by searching for people who work with the body rather than the mind. Such therapies will likely be much more helpful than talk therapists for the challenges that you describe in your question.

The solution lies deep within. The greatest gift you can give yourself is to acknowledge it will take time, clear intent and patience to resolve the challenges you currently confront.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery

Our Deepest Fear


The biggest subconscious fear about recovery was,

What happens to my life after  recovery? How would I be? Will I be able to work again?
Would people think I was faking it?

It was extremely freeing for me to refocus and stay on track after I read  about the train story. The train story addressed the what ifs that I needed to throw off the train in order to help the train climb the last few inches over to mountain top.

I had an incredible next 3 days in a row of  next to zero freezing.  It was so incredible it was  scary.  I was in this relaxed zone that I can’t describe.  I felt happiness.

I’m thinking to myself, that simply changing my thinking as a result of a train story, can have that much power?  Thank you for the train story Robert.



The train story Monica refers to is found in Five Steps to Recovery. As she so eloquently expresses, the real block to recovery is the fear about what we will become, not the fear over what we have become.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is out light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Marianne Williamson

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Healing the Fears

This is the seminal internet radio program for Parkinsons Recovery. You can listen to the program over phone by calling 347-945-5358 at 11:00 am pacific time – Thursday, April 9th.

To listen in, click the show page or simply click on the slider bar below at the appointed hour to listen in.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Sugar and the Symptoms of Parkinson’s


On Saturday night my 30 year old daughter
told me she was afraid she would develop
Parkinson’s Disease at some point in her
life. This put me into a silent fear that
continues to haunt me.

For me I know I resisted anything and everything
that entered my life that I didn’t like.
Everything from a challenging mother in law
to being told I wasn’t qualified for certain
work related positions.

I used caffeine and sugar at times exclusively
over nutritious food to numb that and any other
self depreciating thought/ pain. I personally
feel this was a huge step into a diseased state.

Is there a history of people who have been diagnosed
with Parkinson’s Disease of body abuse in some way?
I would really appreciate any insight you may have.


Your question asks about the history of
people who have abused their body with poor

There are thousands and thousands of studies that
evaluate the effectiveness of one drug or another
on the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Sugar is not
on that list because sugar is not considered a
drug. The idea behind these studies is to identify
a drug that will provide some relief to symptoms.

Sugar is undoubtedly one of the most toxic substance
that exists in the world today. I know of no medical
researcher who believes sugar can provide long term
relief for symptoms. It is clearly toxic to the body and
deadly in its impact on the function of neural networks.
Neurons are the most sensitive cells of the body. 

If anyone really wants to begin feeling better, one of
the best things they can do for themselves is to stop
eating unrefined sugar. If you want to have verification
that sugar is toxic and harmful, do an experiment on

The holidays are upon us, so we all have a great
excuse to eat sweets. Why not indulge yourself?
Eat all the sweet desserts you want for a day. This
is your “treatment.” Sugar stimulates the release of
dopamine, so it mainlines dopamine into blood stream.   

Then, see how you feel that evening and the
following day. I have done that experiment many times
myself and I always get the same result. I feel lousy,
depressed and angry at myself for damaging my body.

I do not think you will ever see published studies that
show sugar is harmful. To prove sugar aggravates
your symptoms, just do your own study on yourself. 

Why do we (myself included) sabotage ourselves? There
are sugar substitutes! There are great alternatives
to raw, unrefined sugar. There are ways to satisfy
our addictions that do not destroy the neural networks
in our body. So, why do we do it over and over?

It is an addiction. It numbs the bad feelings we
are always trying to avoid. Sugar is a great infusion
of warm, cozy feelings for a few minutes because
it triggers the temporary release of dopamine. When
ingested on a regular basis, sugar undermines
the body’s natural capacity to manufacture dopamine.

This is what happens with alcohol and illegal
drugs. They very quickly sabatoge the body’s
natural ability to manufacture dopamine and
the other “feel good” hormones. The body then
relies on the alcohol and drugs for a dopamine
infusion which is the physical explanation
for the addiction.

Sugar works in the same fashion. Think of it as
analogous to the effects of heroine. The only
difference is sugar is a legal drug.  

Of course the aftermath of ingesting sugar is deadly.
Think of the challenge of sugar cravings as an addiction
which can be acknowledged and treated.

In your introductory paragraph, you mention concerns
about your daughter’s potential to develop the symptoms
of Parkinson’s are putting “me into a silent fear
that continues to haunt me.” These feelings are associated
with all of the stress hormones that sustain an imbalance
in the body and feed the symptoms of Parkinson’s. When
we are suspended in a continual state of fear, our bodies
are trapped in a continual place of hormonal imbalance.
The good news is that there are a variety of therapies
that help to release the fears that we hold for our
children and loved ones. 

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

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