Category Archives: ada

ADA Protections and Parkinson’s Disease


Hi Robert,

I have a question: can I postpone the memory training for a couple of months as I currently overwhelmed with an urgent problem which occupies all my time. My employer is going to fire me no later than September “due to a combination of factors and my illness.”

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease two and half years ago; but the employer doesn’t know what my diagnose is. I’ve got a very bad but unfair performance evaluation this week to obviously lay grounds for my firing. So I need to urgently find out what options may I have under the circumstances: am I protected by the ADA, can I stay or should I go, can I get the employer’s permanent disability insurance, and so on.

I am currently looking for a good lawyer in the disability/job problem area preferably with experience in PD cases. I wonder if different Parkinson foundations/associations may have appropriate attorneys. Excuse me for bothering you with my problem, at the same time I would very much appreciate your advice.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,



Thanks so much for your e mail. What a formidable challenge the universe has concocted for you! I do know that the provisions of the American Disability Act provide strong protections. The employer must have 15 employees. If they are large enough, they must provide special equipment if needed, extra breaks, alter the work environment, adjust schedules, etc.

If you haven’t already done so, type in the words “ADA protection Parkinsons Disease” in your search engine and see what comes up. I sense getting the assistance of a lawyer at this point would be strongly advisable.

I also know that there are advocates who have Parkinsons and have become experts in this area. If you would like, I can post your question on the blog. Maybe we will get a comment or two from advocates.

As for the memory training – yes. It will remain on the member website for several months, so you can access it later, though it will not remain there down the line. You can always download the recordings. If you sign up for a free 30 Parkinsons Recovery membership by July 30th you will have full access to the training program. You can always download all of the exercises and meditations and listen later if you do not have the time to listen now.

Another way to look at the memory exercises is that the meditations and memory training should help with the symptoms. I would especially invite you to listen to the meditations each day. Listen to the long one (30 minutes) and the short ones each day. The idea is to get relief now.

The best outcome is to resolve the symptoms so that the issue becomes mute. Stress aggravates them, so with the stress you are under, it will be a challenge to see relief from your symptoms until you see relief on the horizon.

It feels like you have sunk into the template that you are stuck with the symptoms. It is easy to sink into that dark and dreary place. Use your intention to shift into a better place, a place where you know in your heart that you can heal. Of course, the other issue the universe may be confronting you with – is this the job of your dreams? Or, is there something else you are being called to do?

All the best,

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