Category Archives: harmonic healing

How to Jump Start Your Energy

Judith Lynne’s passion is to introduce the power of harmonic healing to persons with chronic symptoms, especially Parkinson’s. In the following video she demonstrates a brief exercise using sound from your voice that gives a quick energy boast. The end result is far more powerful than slurping down an energy drink.

Why not do this harmonic exercise along with Judith. Give it a whirl anytime you feel your energy dip stick is on low.

Judith’s website:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Medicine by Ear at the Parkinsons Recovery Summit

This video demonstrates the healing power of harmonic resonance as expressed through the voices of people who attended the Parkinsons Recovery Summit March 7, 2011. This harmonic healing is facilitated led by harmonic healer Judith Lynne.

We know that sounds have a profound impact on restoring the body to balance and harmony. Which sound frequency does your body need now? Obviously we do not know the answer to this question, but why not watch and listen. Invite your ears to receive the medicine of sound. Given the range of frequencies in the sounds from this video, there is a good chance you will get just the medicine by ear that your body needs now.

This medicine is natural, safe and effective. My bet is that you will feel better after listening to the sounds in this video. For more information about Judith Lynne’s incredible with with harmonic healing, visit:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

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