Category Archives: genetics

Apoptosis and Parkinson’s Disease

John Rollins PhD discusses the critical role that is played by Apoptosis and why it has such a critical influence on nervous system health.  What is Apoptosis? It is the body’s natural process for repairing, regenerating and destroying damaged cells. Dozens of studies on Apoptosis are being published every day. It is one of the most researched topics out there right now.

Why is that?  Researchers (including myself) have just realized that understanding Apoptosis offers a genuine understanding about what the body needs to heal at the cellular level. What is the bottom line of this understanding?

Most of us actually do not have access to some of the foods that are needed for cells to rejuvenate and regenerate. This explains why so many people who have launched an A+ recovery program have still not succeeded in reversing all of their symptoms.

Dr. Rollins discusses these issues in detail and offers a little history lesson about his longtime relationship with Dr. Bill McAnalley who was a recent guest on Parkinsons Recovery Radio and founder of Aroga.

Dr. Rollins explains how Aroga products and in particular the Core Pathways, Brain and Nerve Plus and Aloe 1 support and nurture neural tissue health. For more information about Aroga food products click on the link below.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Genes and Plasticity

The interesting thing about genes and plasticity is that if you know what you are doing, you can actually change the DNA and how the body works by changing your perception and not thinking, feeling and believing you are doomed because of your genes.  It is possible.  That is why I like the work of Bruce Lipton and Joe Dispenza so much – neuroplasticity.

We run our lives based on 90% of subconscious belief patterns and only 10% of conscious thought. That’s why affirmations don’t always work.  Consciously we want to change but we always have the subconscious patterning of –

‘It’s too hard to change, I’m not good enough, I’m not worth loving, I’ve been sick so long no one can help me.’  

 When you are sick, it is not so easy to feel this is possible but people have been able to cure themselves of a lot by changing the neural pathways and subconscious messages.  The way I look at it is that you treat the body and the subconscious at the same time.  

I have also found that turning to one’s spiritual beliefs, whatever they may be,  can also help us to get rid of the old programs of the subconscious too – our belief perceptions that have kept us slaves – by replacing them with unconditional love and acceptance of ourselves.

Cause of Parkinson’s Disease


What correlation is there between Candida and Parkinson’s Disease?

There is no direct evidence of a connection, but I personally believe there is a significant link. Thought forms have a pronounced influence on symptoms. When we carry consciously or unconsciously many negative thought forms, it will be virtually impossible to recover.

The little, live critters that reside in our bodies from candida are nourished by negative thought forms. Get rid of the candida and it will be a whole lot easier to dump your negative thought forms. There are marvelous gentle detox programs that can help release candida. Why not go for it?

How much do genetics play in a disease such as PD? I was diagnosed with PD two years ago. I lost a son to suicide and a year later had all of my amalgam dental fillings removed and replaced with porcelain fillings? About 6 months after, I began noticing symptoms that concerned me. My father had PD following a fall where he hit his head pretty hard. He had a long fierce battle with PD for 20 years, and I took care of him for much of that time.

Estimates vary, but 12-17% of people with Parkinsons are found to have a genetic link. Researchers have found over 10 genes that have some link to Parkinsons. There is a lot of interest in one gene in particular.

The question for you is the possibility that you may have taken on the diseases of prior family members out of love. I will be interviewing soon Dee Yoh, a family constellation facilitator, who will explain to everyone how the process of taking on disease out of love works. I hope you can join us for that discussion. If you would like to be a guest for that teleseminar, let me know.

I am so grateful for the information I have come to read about the possibility of full recovery of PD symptoms by getting the body back into balance. I have enjoyed this site immensely and appreciate the wealth of information it contains, and the fact that it is updated continuously.

Thanks for your kind words. That make my day and help to keep my own thoughts positive.

Thank you so much for all you have done to give those of us HOPE where none was thought possible.

With faith anything is possible!

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
Eye Drops for Cataracts