How Parkinsons disease is caused winds up being the question many people believe has already been answered. Simple. It is all about a deficiency of dopamine.
Really I say? Is the body really that simple? Are we like a car? When our car stops running we need only fill it up with more gas and bingo – it runs again?
The body transmits thousands of instructions every second to keep us alive. It truly is a miracle. When symptoms emerge, there is no simple fix. If we were like a car, we could simply fill ourselves up with gas.
Compounding Pharmacist Randy Mentzer explains the cascading array of factors that contribute to the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
By way of further explanation, studies show that one answer to the question “how Parkinsons disease is caused” is exposure to certain pesticides. Many people know this and get tested for the presence of these toxins in their body. Often, the tests are positive.
Great. So now the person knows the cause is pesticides. Of course, a regimen is then initiated to detox the pesticides. But wait a minute here.
Why are pesticides stored and stuck in the body which is eloquently equipped to get rid of any and all toxins. What happened here?
Are kidneys compromised? Maybe an origin of the problem is not pesticides but a kidney which is not functioning a full capacity.
Or, perhaps the liver is compromised? Maybe the origin of the problem is not pesticides but a liver problem which is not functioning at full capacity.
Let’s assume we know the problem is the liver. Why is the liver compromised?
Is it because of an alcoholic addiction? That will inevitably cause liver problems. If in fact this is the case, the contributing cause is not the pesticides per say or a liver that is diseased but an addiction to alcohol.
Or, is it because of the side effects of multiple medications that are taken? It is well documented that certain medications cause liver damage.
Or, is it because of a Hepatitis C infection? A hepatitis infection can cause liver disease.
The point of course is that when a decision is make that the cause is pesticides, treatments will focus on detoxing the pesticides. But wait here. Can the liver tolerate the chelation of the pesticide toxin?
- Not if there is a Hepatitis infection.
- Not if the side effects of medications have caused liver disease.
- Not if an alcoholic refuses to stop drinking alcohol.
I have talked with dozens of persons with Parkinson’s symptoms who have pursued methods to detox toxins with limited success. Why are they unable to succeed with getting the toxins out of their body? One or more of their elimination organs (kidneys, liver, colon, skin) are compromised. These organs have to be brought back to full functionality before any detox regime can succeed.
The above possibilities illustrate what I have presented in the video and what Randy Menzter discussed in the clip of my interview with him.
When symptoms emerge, most people conclude that their body is broken. The body’s natural state is one of harmony, balance and wellness. We simply need to support its ability to succeed at helping us heal from the inside out.
Check out my online course that introduces cutting edge methods and therapies that support the body’s ability to heal from the inside out.
Healing from Inside Out Online Course
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery