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Difference Between Craniosacral Therapy and Bowen Therapy


What is the difference between craniosacral therapy and Bowen therapy?



Bowen Therapy:

  • Moves, positions and holds hands, feet, arms or legs into various positions for releases
  • Gently rolls the body or positions the body for releases
  • Focus is on the release if trauma and tension throughout the entire body body


  • Touch is very gentle – more so than Bowen Therapy.
  • The therapist may work on or off the body
  • Focus is on cranial sacral system – the system that comprises the brain, spine and sacrum.

Differences Between Bowen Therapy and Craniosacral therapy:

The difference between cranial sacral therapy and Bowen therapy depends in large part on the practitioner. Some cranial sacral therapists are more technique oriented. They are trained to move through a standard serious of adjustments.

Other cranial sacral therapists are trained to listen to the person’s body and allow the body to communicate how it needs to release the trapped trauma. There is no standard protocol that is used with any particular patient.

My personal experience with Bowen therapy involved a treatment I received from Naturopath doctor John Coleman and his associate four years ago at a workshop in Tacoma, Washington. Bowen therapy originated in Australia in the 1980’s.

I loved receiving the Bowen treatment from John. It clearly allows for gentle releases of stress, trauma and tension.

Bowen therapy is a wonderful therapy, as is craniosacral. Either one will work for some people and not others. It is more physical than craniosacral therapy, but both can generate similar outcomes. If one therapy does not help you, try the other!

John Coleman recommends Bowen therapy to persons with Parkinsons Disease because it was so helpful to him personally. Some people report back to me who have had Bowen therapy that is indeed the case for them. Others report they did not receive the releases that they had hoped for. Still others report relief is maintained for several days after the treatment, but symptoms tend to return.

Many therapists – whether Bowen or Craniosacral – have extensive training with other modalities. When they begin working – they will employ other modalities as needed in addition to using the techniques associated with cranial sacral therapy.

I suggest that anyone who currently has the symptoms Parkinson shop around for a practitioner who provides the support that works well for you. It is a very personal choice. You might want to try several therapists so you can experience the wide range of treatments that are possible.

An alternative option that merits serious consideration is Breathwork which involves continuous breathing to release trauma. For more information visit:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

What are You Thankful for This Thanksgiving?

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday? I am collecting an amazing set of responses in a survey which takes just 2 minutes to complete. Click the link below to participate.

I will read each and every response on this week’s Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show one they have been collated. Add your first name only to your response.

It only takes two minutes. Give others the gift of giving thanks along with you! Click the link below to complete the Parkinsons Recovery Thanksgiving Day Survey.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Implications of the Lunar Eclipse for Parkinson’s

On the 25th day of May we will all experience a lunar eclipse. When combined with some of the most ferocious solar flares of the decade, we will all be exposed to a heavy dose of dramatic geomagnetic shifts on the earth. This blast of energy creates conditions that invite us all to cast off any and all feelings and thoughts that are not in our best and highest good.

What unwanted thoughts, beliefs and feelings do you need to cast off this month? Obviously we all have our own issues and our own private lists. Permit me to take the liberty of making one suggestion of a feeling that you might consider adding to your own personal “cast off” list” the shame of currently experiencing Parkinson’s symptoms. Everyone is ashamed to be ill no matter what the diagnosis of the symptoms. In the case of Parkinson’s, shame seems to run especially deep and thick.

Many people who have been told they have Parkinson’s disease do not even tell their family for years and even decades (if ever). They embrace a belief which is untrue that the diagnosis means that they are destined to feel worse and worse over time. They are convinced that their friends and family will distance themselves when they discover that they have this dreaded condition which carries the label of Parkinson’s. Because they never say anything they have no opportunity to realize this belief is not valid.

I know that shame runs deep for a variety of reasons. Here are a few:

  • Conversations with hundreds of persons with Parkinson’s symptoms over the past six years  have revealed the depth of the shame that people experience.
  • When people order one of my books by phone they often tell me that they are ordering the book for a family member or a friend. Sometimes no doubt this is true. Sometimes no doubt they are ordering the book for themselves but are too ashamed to admit it even to me, a total stranger.
  • Sunday Connections is an opportunity for people who happen to have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (and their family and friends) to find get answers to their questions when they need them. The idea which motivated me to subsidize Sunday Connections is to provide a system of ongoing support to the Parkinson’s community, a place where options can be explored with other persons who have succeeded in reversing their own symptoms. Yet, few people call in during the live event. Most prefer to listen to the recording. There is such shame associated with even talking with another person even if they too have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

As we approach the lunar eclipse this week why not set the intention to cast off any and all shame that you might be currently be holding consciously or unconsciously. Often the shame is unconscious.

Why hold onto the shame? A vast majority of the population have neurological challenges. It is really nothing to be ashamed about.

More and more people are identifying the cause of neurological challenges that they happen to be currently experiencing. Once the factors that are causing the symptoms have been identified, solutions can be explored that will help reversing whatever symptoms you may currently experience.

Shame places you in a position of subservience to a concept that has no basis in reality. It is not true that people who happen to have been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease are destined to deteriorate. It is far more likely that they have been misdiagnosed.

People are succeeding in reversing neurological symptoms. Preview the remarkable
presentations that were given at the Santa Fe Summit in February by people who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease who are – for all practical purposes – symptom free today. You can listen to my radio show with each of the presenters during a show aired over the past several years for free or order DVDs of their presentations at the Summit.

Holding shame in you heart, mind and body is not in your (or anyone’s) best and highest good. Cast the weight of shame off your shoulders today. That is the intention I have set for myself.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkins0ns Disease

Road to Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease

Over the past six years of researching Parkinson’s disease, I have concluded that there are many, many routes down the road to recovery. I do get many questions from people asking what is the most important step they should explore to recover.  The good news is that there are many options that are helping people reverse their symptoms. The bad news is that there are so many choices, is can be a daunting task to choose ones to pursue.

I thought when I began my research I would discover a simple solution. That anticipation has been transformed into something much more exciting – the preview of many options that are making a difference.

This insight inspired me to sponsor Parkinsons Recovery Summits which preview some of the options that are making a huge difference in the lives of persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The 2011  Summit was in Vancouver, the 2012 Summit in Cincinnati and the 2013 Summit in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Because many people cannot travel long distances to the Summit, we video taped the Santa Fe presentations which can now be ordered through April for a 25% discount (coupon code is 2013options). Information about the videos and the presentations is available on the Summit Website:

I received an inspiring email from Anne who has given me permission to include her correspondence here.  She will be a guest on the radio show when her second book has been officially released.  Her story beautifully captures the observation that everyone’s journey down the road to recovery is unique

Hello Robert and how are you?

My second book is out by the end of next month. It’s title is ‘Still Laughing.’ It is slightly longer that the first one and deals with what it has been like now that I am no longer considered to be newly diagnosed. In fact, it will be 8 years in August plus another 5 on top where I was misdiagnosed.

I volunteered for the Australian Parkinson’s registry 4 years  ago and was given a very thorough physical and cognitive overhaul. Last month (March). I was recalled for another overhaul and my results were even better. My postural balance is now considered to be normal. My cognitive scores had improved – one test is where you look at a list of 10 words and then say them. Four years ago I scored 6 and then 30 mins later, the score was still 6. This time I scored 9 and 30 mins later it was 10!

I still take medication but it has not been increased for 3 years. The non-motor symptoms are the ones that are not all that responsive – sleep disorder, gastric reflux, excessive sweating, bowel and bladder problems are still there but I can live with them. Being able to walk and move well and actually remember myself doing that is just the best feeling.

I can stand on one foot and put a sock on the other without over-balancing. My score overall was 98/100. Last time it was below 85. I am even getting muscle tone back.

I do not attend a gymnasium. I use my everyday life as exercise i.e. the housework and gardening are part of my exercise program. I still have my beautiful bed of roses where I take time to bury myself in the perfume.

I am a very positive person and I do it automatically. Same with all my movements. I was told that using the frontal cortex was effective but movements would never become spontaneous and that you would have to plan each part of a movement. Not true. I can do 2 things at once and most times I don’t even think about what I am going to do. Many times I have stopped and realised that I have been on automatic pilot and wasn’t aware of doing so.

I don’t put myself down. I never say that I am stupid or dumb. If I make a mistake I just think of it as a learning experience and will do it better next time. I made the decision to present to the world a smiling face. And when I am asked how I am, I always answer ‘I feel fine’ and you know what? I am!



Videos of the Parkinsons Recovery Summit in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Finally! It has been two months of hard work and runaway expenses but I am excited to announce that we have finally done it. Videos of nineteen (19) presentations at the 2013 Parkinsons Recovery Summit in Santa Fe are available as of today! You have the option of ordering DVDs (which will be shipped to your home address) or online videos which you can view immediately on your computer. Orders are now being taken from the following website:

Order any of the videos (or the set of all 19 videos) and claim a 25% discount if you order by the end of the month. When landing on the shopping cart to finalize your purchase, enter the coupon code 2013options and you will be immediately credited with a 25% discount. The discount will be available only until the end of April which is one short week away so be sure and order now if you are one of the many individuals who have requested the videos.

You can also order by phone 360-866-9297. If we do not answer the phone when you call simply leave a phone number and I will return your call.

Thanks for your support of the work of Parkinsons Recovery.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinsons Recovery Summit

The third Parkinsons Recovery Summit will convene in Santa Fe, New Mexico February 21-24. The kick off reception is on the evening of Thursday, February 21st. I am awed and honored by the incredible people who will be presenting options at the Parkinsons Recovery Summit that are helping more and more people reverse their Parkinson’s symptoms. I could have never predicted that the lineup in Santa Fe would be all of the researchers and people who have figured out what it takes to heal.

Because there are so many amazing people who will be presenting at the Summit, it is easy to become very overwhelmed with information. This is why I am hosting guests on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio show who will be presenting workshops or offering therapies or treatments of one type or another. I recently hosted:

  1. Johan Boswinkel who discusses using his new invention, biophton therapy using the Chiren, for persons with Parkinson’s symptoms. 
  2. Kristin Harper who discussed Nutritional Balancing.
  3. Jaclyn Gisburne who previewed her work using beta reset neurofeedback for persons with Parkinsons symptoms.
  4. John O’Dwyer who previewed his work using the Emotion Code for persons with Parkinson’s symptoms

Next week I will host Sharry Edwards live who will discuss her research findings using BioAcoustics for persons with Parkinson’s.  If you want to get a live assessment, call in during the show Wednesday. The show airs at 3:00 pm Pacific Time January 30th. The radio show page is:

Information about the 2013 Parkinsons Recovery summit is at:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Meditation and the Brain

Dear Robert,

The reason for my letter this morning is the topic of meditation and the brain. From Sarah McLean’s book Soul-Centered, I learned that it changes the brain. She cites a journal named Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, Jan. 2011. After just 8 weeks of meditation, 27 minutes a day, they could see beneficial changes in the brains of a group of meditators, and the changes remained after the meditation period. Among those changes was a ‘taming’ of the amygdala, which would mean less anxiety. (And I think those changes are possible even if we have our usual daily upsets, which we could deal with  mindfully.) The people who partook of the experiment were most likely healthy. I guess the best way to find out if it’s helpful for us with PD, is to start a practice. I find it hard to get started, though. It’s somehow easier to do something, like exercise, than to sit down and do nothing. I need reassurance.

Stresses are not just about the daily ups and downs. I find that during a perfectly easy day, I can be made to tremor by just somebody looking at me in a certain way. Deeply embedded memories of a teacher looking for the right answer or your mother asking you where you’ve been could be the culprits. Nothing I can prepare for – it just happens out of the blue.

I also wanted to point to a seemingly good program, The Healing Journey. The person, who developed it, is a Canadian, Alastair Cunningham, OC, PhD, C Psych. Unfortunately for us, it is written for people with cancer. It is offered in many cancer support groups throughout Canada. It has withstood the test of time – 20 years or so. In the introduction, the author maintains that the program could be used by anyone with a  chronic illness. Part of the reason we get sick is a high allostatic load (stress) and a way to soften the impact of that is, among other things, to meditate. You can download the program without cost. If you as much as look at part one, I think you’d be excited. It might even help you not to have too many days of doubt you mentioned yesterday. Mind-Body ‘medicine’ works. I emailed dr. Cunningham some time ago, and his secretary was kind enough to reply. In a nutshell, she thinks the program would be beneficial for us with PD, but that it would need to be rewritten for our needs, and that would involve money. I might bring it up with our local support group. Meanwhile, I’d better get started meditating!

I enjoyed your show yesterday, as usual. I was a little unnerved by the Mirapex  and heart problems, as I haven’t heard about that before. Also, the Tetanus shot – what to do about it?

Best of luck with your new book. I will most definitely order a  copy.

Thanks for all you do,

Canadian Fan



What a fantastic overview that explains the benefits of meditation and offers a rich resource for people to access for free. Yea!

I worked with author Nancy Welch to create an amazing book which explains how people can find a meditation practice that works for them. Through my collaboration with her and interviews with all the experts on meditation, I learned a great deal about its beneficial impact. Nancy wrote a book titled Medicine and Meditation which has a focus on meditation for persons with chronic illnesses.

As for what to do about lingering effects of tetanus inoculations … keep in mind this may not be an issue for you, though several independent resources have found it to be problematic for a surprisingly large proportion of persons – perhaps as high as 25% to 30%.  There are two options as I see it. The first requires that you work diligently to strengthen your immune system so that your body can address the issue naturally. The second is to use sound or light frequencies to invite the little critters to depart your body.

Three presenters at the Parkinsons Recovery Summit in Santa Fe in February will discuss cutting edge approaches that offer the promise of facilitating the removal of harmful bacteria naturally. Kristen Harper from Perfect Health Consulting Services will discuss how nutritional balancing can get the immune system back on track.   Sharry Edwards from Sound Health Options uses antidote sound frequencies to facilitate the removal of the harmful bacteria from the body. Lexie will discuss how low dose naltrexone has helped her and others with Parkinson’s symptoms. It also boosts the body’s natural defense system.

Of course there are many other approaches which can be also effective. Know that there are alternatives out there that are helping people reverse the neurological symptoms that they  currently experience that have been caused by a wide spectrum of factors.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery


Language of Recovery Released Today

Hooray! I just released my new book Language of Recovery. The book offers specific guidance about the words that facilitate recovery and those that impede it. It is a companion to Five Steps to Recovery.

The paperback costs $14.94 and the download is $12.50.

I continue to be amazed at how we all have such crafty ways of sabotaging our best of intentions. I hope reading the book will be as helpful to you as writing has been to me.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery


What Do You Do When Heath Insurance Claims Have Been Denied? Claim

My guest on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show Wednesday, September 19th, is lawyer Glenn Kantor who provides extremely useful and helpful information about what action you should take when faced with a denial of a health insurance claims. This information is especially helpful for persons who prefer not to hire a lawyer.

Link to “Things You SHOULD  and SHOULD NOT Do When Appealing a Denial”:

Team Parkinson Marathon in San Francisco

John Baumann and his wife Bernadette Baumann are my guests this week on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show. John sent me the email below about Bernadette’s decision to run in the Team Parkinson marathon in San Francisco to support Parkinson’s Research.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery

As you know, I have been battling Parkinsons for over a decade and am winning the fight so far, but as I have always said,

“Parkinsons is a marathon, not a sprint.”

My End-Vision (Action Step Number 2 from my book, DECIDE SUCCESS) is to be the healthiest Person with Parkinsons in the annals of medical history.

My wife, Bernadette, has decided to run a half-marathon (not a sprint) in San Francisco on July 29 to raise money for Parkinsons.

Please consider supporting her with a donation. Here are the links to her website.

John Baumann

A Cure for Parkinson’s at the Forefront?


I have a question regarding the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

A close relative of mine is suffering from what it appears to be a symptom of Parkinson’s.  She is at the initial stages right now. E.G:

– resting tremors
– tremors get slightly worst in mid air (whether or not she’s holding onto something)

She is exercising regularly now which is a definitely a good thing, however, I have noticed that when she does alot of housework or work in general the tremors would get slightly worst…is that a regular symptom of Parkinson’s?

At this point, she is going to be taking the anti-tremor pills prescribed by the doctor which hopefully will reduce or eliminate the tremor for the time being.

She is also not quite receptive to the idea of having to change the hygienic needs (e.g. shampoo, soap etc) to the herbal ones as was suggested in the e-book.

Are there any other suggestions you can provide aside from drinking 8 cups of water a day and more exercise to reduce the tremors?  Acupuncture at this point did not seem to help very much…We haven’t tried massage or Bowen Therapy nor have we tried the Aqua therapy (simply coz we don’t know much about it)

Do you know whether there is a cure for the disease with the invention of a new pill at the forefront?

Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated.


You ask whether doing a lot of housework or work in general are regular symptoms of Parkinson’s? It is not the housework in itself or work in particular that fuels the symptoms. The issue turns primarily on the presence or absence of stress. When work – no matter the form – is stressful, symptoms will flare up. The more your relative can acknowledge the stress she is under and find ways to release it, less problematic will be her symptoms.

Is sounds like she has decided to medicate her symptoms. An alternative approach is to acknowledge her body is sending her a strong signal that something different needs to happen. Other symptoms will rear their ugly head if the cause of the current challenge is not addressed.

Exercise will certainly make a huge difference. Also consider doing more disciplined exercise like Tai Chi or perhaps yoga. Yes – body therapies that release stress such as craniosacral therapy and Bowen therapy have the potential to help offer her relief from her symptoms because they help her body release the stress that is trapped at the cellular level. Why not give them a trial run? With medicines you incur side effects (which may well be worth the cost). Body therapies are noninvasive and safe.

The Aquas are recommended by Naturopath Doctor John Coleman who himself is now fully recovered from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Aquas are a homeopathic approach which helps reprogram the body’s mechanism to signal thirst and distribute water throughout the body which gets disabled as we age. You can discover more information at:

Will there be a cure for the symptoms? No, there will never be a cure because the conditions that create the symptoms are multi-faceted. Each person’s situation is entirely unique to them. That is why the symptoms vary so widely across individuals. If there were a single cause, then it might be possible to see a “cure” down the road, but there is no single factor that causes the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.

Trauma creates havoc with the neurological system. Stress damages neural connections. Toxins blow the neurological system up.

I note that your friend does not seem to be worried about toxins. Toxins affect everyone who is alive today. If we do not take the effects of toxins seriously, we will eventually become ill in one form or another.

Do I have a suggestion for you? Yes. Make a habit of listening to the weekly Parkinson’s Recovery radio show. You will find at least one suggestion in every show that will – I repeat will – help your friend get relief from the symptoms she is currently experiencing. It is free to listen.

You can download any of the previous shows for free. I have aired 90 shows. Your relative  can download any of the previous shows to an MP3 player and listen while they exercise.

From my contact with hundreds and hundreds of people who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons I have observed the following. The people who are hoping for a cure or for someone out there to fix them are feeling worse and worse with each passing week. The people who are taking responsibility for their health and take it upon themselves to figure out what their body is telling them are feeling better week by week.

The bottom line: Take responsibility for your life and you get better. Expect someone or something to fix you and you get worse.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska

On the Parkinsons Recovery Cruise to Alaska we met with near perfect weather. I heard a story on the trip that there are only 55 days of clear weather a year at Glacier National Park. We just happened to hit one of those picture perfect days as you can see from the video. This 8 minute video offers a glimpse of what we had the opportunity to experience as we cruised through Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska on May 5, 2010. This is truly one of the most magnificent places in the world to visit.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

[flashvideo filename=videos/glacierbay.flv image=videos/johnshopkins.jpg /]

Loss of Smell and Parkinson’s Disease


A pre-diagnosed Parkinson symptom was the loss of my sense of smell.  It rarely appears on medical information forms, and if brought up during  examination noted but never gone further in discussion.

I wonder about this. If it was a matter of lose of touch, hearing or sight, would this be treated differently?  Why is it downplayed?   Are there any known recovery  methods, studies or treatments concerning this condition?

Thanks, any information will be appreciated.



Researchers have known for at least 30 years that persons with the symptoms of Parkinson’s have an impaired sense of smell. Several studies were released in 2008 confirming the link. The impairment in ability to smell involves more than being able to take in the full essence of a scent. Individuals with the symptoms of Parkinson’s have greater difficulty distinguishing one order from another, or are unable to detect any order whatsoever.

There is currently considerable research interest in the link between Parkinson’s symptoms and the loss of smell now that it has become clear that the two are inextricably linked. Loss of specific smells in particular have also been linked to Parkinson’s symptoms, which is interesting in itself.

Some researchers are currently working on designing a diagnostic smell test for Parkinson’s. There is no definitive test at present that gives a clear  indication of Parkinson’s.  A smell test will also not be definitive,  but it can be used in conjunction with other evidence.  I suspect such tests will soon be routinely offered to patients.

The Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test is often used by many neurological clinics to evaluate neurological imbalances. This test evaluates a person’s ability to detect 40 scents.  People who take the test can are able to identify on average 35 of the 40 odors correctly. Parkinson’s patients can identify 20 of the 40 odors or less.

Researchers predict that people with seriously impaired olfactory functions have five times the risk of developing Parkinson’s than those with the highest olfactory function.

In light of your interest in this question, I will set my intention to interview some of the researchers who are currently conducting studies to evaluate the connection between the ability to smell and the symptoms of Parkinson’s. To be sure, it is an interesting line of inquiry which may  lead to understanding the underlying factors that are at play.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery


Cruise to Alaska
Jump Start to Wellness
Parkinsons Recovery Chat Room
Symptom Tracker
Parkinsons Recovery Radio Network
Aqua Hydration Formulas


Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery

Five Steps to Recovery
Meditations for Parkinsons

Healing at Jump Start is for Everyone

I have had a number of calls from people asking about the two for one offer to attend Jump Start to Wellness. If you are a persons with the symptoms of Parkinson’s and wish to attend Jump Start to Wellness on November 30th and December 1st, you are most welcome to attend with another person – whether it be a spouse, family member or friend. The other person attends for free.

For more information, visit:

If you are a caretaker or family member who has been affected by Parkinson’s Disease, you are most welcome to attend Jump Start to Wellness with or without the family member or friend who has Parkinson’s. The program  is designed to help everyone who attends.  Bring a friend or family member for free.

I have learned from experience that the best thing I can do for my the health of my own family is to take care of my own needs. When I heal myself, I heal my entire family.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery