Can Parkinsons Be Cured?

Can Parkinsons Be Cured?

No doubt you will encounter many fund raising campaigns that support the cause to find a cure for Parkinson’s disease. Can Parkinsons be cured? Will a cure ever be discovered?

I will offer my answer to this question which may surprise you, but first let’s consider what is being intended.  No one would ever make a comparison of the body to concrete. Do you want your body to be cured just like concrete is cured? I think not.

Nor have I ever heard anyone compare the body to bacon. Do we really want our body to be cured just like we cure bacon? I think not.

Of course, if the goal is to raise money it makes sense to pitch the cause in terms of a cure. After all, don’t we all want a simple fix that will reverse all neurological symptoms? Well yes, of course we do.

The answer to the question – can Parkinsons be cured – is one you will not want to hear. The answer is no. It will never be “cured” this year, ten years from now or one hundred years from now. Besides, hello? Who wants their body to be “cured” like concrete or bacon anyway?

Why do I make this bold statement? There are a multitude of factors that cause symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s. Most people experience a combination of causes which trigger their symptoms. Toxins are a primary culprit as is stress, trauma and infections.

It is possible to remove toxins from the body with proven chelation techniques, but this is a remedy for toxins that are embedded at the cellular level. It is not a “cure” for Parkinson’s. It is possible to release trauma that is embedded at the cellular level, but this would be a resolution for trauma that contributes to symptoms.

This is a roundabout way of explaining the “disease” called Parkinson’s is what we researchers call a garbage can diagnosis. It includes a wide variety of causes.

Identifying yourself with a label like Parkinson’s disease results in embracing a belief no relief is possible and that the condition is – hold on to your seat here – progressive. If you have the diagnosis, you are 100% destined to get worse. Really I say?


There will never be a cure for Parkinson’s disease but believe me when I say you would never want that. You certainly do not want your body to harden up like concrete or cured like bacon. When the cause or combination of causes are identified and appropriate treatments embraced to address them, a successful journey down the road to recovery is possible, not tomorrow when a “cure” is found, but  now.

There is no reason to hope for a cure when actions can be taken today that offer welcome relief from symptoms. A successful approach to recovery is to set the intention to heal from the inside out. Check out my online course which offers the opportunity to do just that.

Healing from the Inside Out

Discover cutting edge discoveries for recovery from neurological symptoms by joining my 25 Cent Wisdom Patreon group. This is where I post recent discoveries and developments that reverse neurological symptoms.

A recent 25 Cent Wisdom post includes a clip of an interview with Dr. Joe Hickey MD who discusses how toxins are stored in the body and how to get rid of them. And yes. They are a  cause of Parkinson’s symptoms.

It is free to join 25 Cent Wisdom.

If you need ongoing support for your recovery, join us. To do so, simply click this link. enter your email and create a password and you a registered for free.  Twenty Five Cent Wisdom

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Shut Down Anxiety

Practical ways to shut down anxiety are covered in my three month online Shut Down Anxiety course. The techniques introduced are all tried and tested ways to quiet the rattle of anxiety which fuels chronic symptoms.

Click this link for more information: Shut Down Anxiety. When registering enter the coupon code GIFT to claim a 50% tuition discount.

An Overview of Ways to Shut Down Anxiety

Anxiety is a formidable opponent, often lurking in the shadows of our minds, ready to pounce when we least expect it. It can manifest as racing thoughts, a pounding heart, or a knot in the stomach. While it’s a natural response to stress, prolonged anxiety can be debilitating, affecting our overall well-being and quality of life. Fortunately, there are strategies and techniques that can help you shut down anxiety and reclaim your peace of mind.

  1. Identify Triggers: Understanding what triggers your anxiety is the first step in managing it. It could be certain situations, people, or even thoughts. Keep a journal to track your anxiety triggers and patterns. Once you identify them, you can develop strategies to cope with or avoid them.
  2. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness involves being present in the moment without judgment. By focusing on the here and now, you can interrupt anxious thoughts and bring yourself back to a state of calm. Try mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply paying attention to your surroundings.
  3. Challenge Negative Thoughts: Anxiety often stems from irrational or exaggerated thoughts. Challenge these thoughts by asking yourself if they are based on facts or assumptions. Replace negative thoughts with more realistic and positive ones. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques can be particularly helpful in this regard.
  4. Engage in Relaxation Techniques: Incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine to reduce anxiety levels. This could include progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, or aromatherapy. Find what works best for you and make it a regular practice.
  5. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity is not only good for your body but also your mind. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural stress relievers. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. Whether it’s walking, jogging, yoga, or dancing, find an activity you enjoy and stick with it.
  6. Establish a Healthy Lifestyle: A balanced diet, adequate sleep, and avoiding alcohol and caffeine can all contribute to better mental health. Eating nutritious foods, getting enough rest, and minimizing stimulants can help regulate your mood and energy levels, reducing the likelihood of anxiety episodes.
  7. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out for support from friends, family, or a mental health professional. Talking about your feelings with someone you trust can provide perspective and comfort. Therapy or counseling can also teach you coping skills and provide a safe space to explore the root causes of your anxiety.
  8. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no to things that cause you unnecessary stress or overwhelm. Prioritize your own well-being and establish boundaries to protect your mental health. It’s okay to decline invitations, delegate tasks, or take breaks when needed.
  9. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself, especially during times of heightened anxiety. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding that you would offer to a friend facing similar challenges. Remember that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes, and that you’re doing the best you can.
  10. Stay Present: Instead of worrying about the future or ruminating over the past, focus on the present moment. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, whether it’s spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, or enjoying nature. By staying present, you can prevent anxiety from hijacking your thoughts and emotions.

Shutting down anxiety is not a one-time event but rather an ongoing process. It requires patience, persistence, and self-awareness. By incorporating these strategies into your life and prioritizing your mental health, you can diminish the grip of anxiety and embrace a sense of peace and calm. Remember, you’re stronger than you think, and you have the power to overcome anxiety and thrive.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Recovery from Chronic Illness

You will be inspired by listening to my interview this week with Alice Holstein who discusses her remarkable recovery from chronic illness.

Alice A. Holstein, Ed.D was diagnosed with bipolar mood disorder at the age of 51, which interrupted her career and produced some 12 years of intense suffering with many manic episodes, many hospitalizations, thousands of dollars spent and overall, a bleak prognosis of recovery.  She lives now, as an elder, with a full if careful life of extraordinary wellness despite still being on medication. She has a dramatic story to share about how she developed a revolutionary understanding of mental health recovery which she believes can be at least partially related to recovery with Parkinsons.

In her presentation she will explain this potential correlation by first enumerating the comparisons, such as that she too was given a bleak prognosis and told that heavy medication was required. She also understands that Parkinson’s can often produce depression in those who suffer. Her thoughts can help people specifically deal with that diagnosis. Alice believes that illness in general should be treated as a whole person approach—holistically, to include mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social aspects. The medical profession does not proceed in this fashion. She accidentally discovered this more complete framework and has developed specific understandings that may be helpful to those dealing with Parkinsons. She also believes that recovery is partly a matter of developing one’s higher consciousness.

Her ideas and words will likely challenge, inspire and encourage the listeners on this broadcast to continue and add to the kinds of things they already are doing to improve their conditions vs. degenerate. Her example serves as a beacon of hope to living a healthier life regardless of one’s diagnosis, going beyond present practices to achieve stronger wellness and increased satisfaction. There are no panaceas, however. The climb and the journey can be a difficult one. Having vision and encouragement, however are critical to success. Intention is everything. You must want to be healthier and work at it over time.

Her website is    (link provided by her website developer) Her books are shown on the slide for this show. Note that BEYOND TURMOIL was written under her married name, Alice Mack.

Here are the questions Alice answers:

What do you think are the major comparison’s between dealing with Parkinsons and dealing with mental illness? Why can this framework be a potentially helpful recovery correlation?

What is the essence of your dramatic recovery story and how you gained your expertise?

What are some of the specific things you did to get well?

Why is the brain so important in healing?

*Note: Alice’s website at www.aliceholstein has an article, “Heal Yourself and You Heal the Culture” which is pertinent. Go to the “site map” and look for this title. See also another title, “Things Helpers and Helpees Can Do.”

What part did going back to work at age 65 have to do with your recovery?

What role might volunteering or otherwise minimal work contribute to recovery?

What part did participating in a Spiritual Companioning Preparation program (3 years) contribute?

What do you mean by “The Hero’s Journey” and why it may be important to wellness?

What do you mean by saying that a Parkinson diagnosis and mental illness are whole person illnesses?

What do you mean by saying that suffering can be a purifying experience?

How did you manage to survive while living periodically on the streets in your 60s?

How do you maintain your wellness?

How much do you estimate your illness cost?

What was the hardest aspect of your illness that you dealt with?

What is the largest gift you’ve received from surviving and thriving?

What are your 2 books about mental illness and will they help me deal with Parkinsons? What about the 1992 book, written under my married name, Mack? Does it possibly relate as well?

Interested in hearing other ground breaking stories of successful journeys down the road to recovery? Join my 25 Cent Wisdom Patreon group. It is free to join. Visit the platform, add your email and create a password and you are in!
25 Cent Wisdom

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Cause of Parkinson’s Disease

What is the cause of Parkinson’s disease symptoms? Are toxins an issue? Many people I have interviewed report their doctor concluded toxins were not an issue for them after doing FDA approved tests. If you have concluded toxins are not an issue for you, please listen to this interview clip.

Dr. Joe Hickey, MD, discusses the approach he uses in his practice to treat symptoms of Parkinsons disease. Many standard medical tests do not detect the presence of toxins embedded in the tissues and organs of the body. He explains in this clip of my interview with him in 2011 the correct way to assess the presence of toxins and how to eliminate them.

It may come as a surprise to discover that toxins are primarily lodged in the bones.

Research summarized below report environmental toxins are triggers for development of Parkinson’s Disease.  Examples of toxins as the cause of Parkinson’s are well documented such as lead, copper,.aluminum, manganese, Carbon Monoxide poisoning, Carbon DiSulfide from the Rayon Industry and MPTP.

Toxins and Parkinson’s Disease

Environmental factors have garnered increasing attention for their potential contribution to symptoms of Parkinson’s.  Among these factors, exposure to certain toxins has emerged as a primary area of investigation. Various industrial chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, and pollutants have been implicated in increasing the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

Pesticides: One group of toxins that has drawn considerable scrutiny in relation to Parkinson’s is pesticides. Studies have shown that individuals exposed to certain pesticides, such as paraquat and rotenone, have an elevated risk of developing PD. These chemicals are known to interfere with cellular mechanisms involved in dopamine regulation and neuronal function, potentially contributing to neuro-degeneration.

Heavy Metals:  Lead and manganese have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of PD. Chronic exposure to these metals, often through occupational settings or environmental pollution, can lead to the accumulation of toxic levels in the brain. This accumulation may trigger oxidative stress, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction, all of which are implicated in the neurodegenerative processes.

Air Pollution: Evidence shows a link between exposure to air pollutants and an increased risk of Parkinson’s. Particulate matter, ozone, and other air pollutants can penetrate the blood-brain barrier, eliciting neuro inflammatory responses and oxidative stress, both of which contribute to neuronal damage.

Below is an abstract of the study Dr. Hickey referenced during my interview with him.

Neurotoxicology. 1993 Summer-Fall;14(2-3):225-36. Lead in bone: storage site, exposure source, and target organ. E K SilbergeldJ SaukM SomermanA ToddF McNeillB FowlerA FontaineJ van Buren


The primary site of lead storage is in bone but relatively little attention has focused on this physiological compartment. Recent advances in measurement technology now permit the direct in vivo quantitative measurement of lead in bone, and this measure has great use in clinical and epidemiologic studies.

Lead in bone is not a physiological sink, but can be mobilized back into the circulation in response to normal or pathological changes in mineral metabolism. Bone lead may be a significant source of target organ exposure under certain conditions, such as pregnancy, kidney disease, and menopause. Finally, the accumulation of lead in bone cells may have toxic consequences for bone status, and some of the mechanisms by which lead could affect bone mineral metabolism may also play a role in other target organ effects of lead.

Shut Down Anxiety Day In and Day Out

Everyone who experiences the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is well aware that anxiety fuels their symptoms. When stress is brought under control and you shut down anxiety, symptoms become far less problematic.

Everyone also knows that medicines and supplements have the potential to suppress symptoms in the short run. Unfortunately, they offer little promise of long lasting effectiveness. What in the world can deliver on this promise? Are there any natural solutions out there?

My answer is yes. A wide variety of very effective methods to shut down anxiety exist. They are previewed one by one in the Parkinsons Recovery online Shut Down Anxiety course. Classes are rolled out over a three month period. Click the link below to register.

Shut Down Anxiety Course Registration
Tuition $90
$30 each month for 3 months

Shut Down Anxiety introduces methods, strategies and techniques that have been shown to quiet down and calm anxiety. They turn down the volume of the overactive flight-fight sympathetic nervous system that inflames neurological difficulties. I did not invent these techniques. They have been extracted and simplified from an extensive body of contributions by experienced practitioners and researchers..

There is no doubt that using these techniques provides relief from anxiety. Every little bit of help counts for something.

  • The content of my Shut Down Anxiety course introduces natural, self administered therapies and techniques that achieve relief that is long lasting rather than temporary.
  • It focuses on ways that cut to the core of shutting down what drives you crazy with relentless anxiety.
  • A bonus of the course is a download of my book Seven Secrets to Healing which covers the basics for how healing occurs from the inside out.

What sustains and inflames anxiety is unresolved trauma whether physical, mental or emotional. None of us can ever change or erase traumas of the past. Sometimes it is impossible to know why we are so anxious all the time.

Techniques and therapies will be covered in the course which bring to the surface the underlying sources of anxiety that are entirely unknown and release their grip on us. These  highly effective methods make it possible to release, remove and detach their debilitating impact. A welcome relief from symptoms follows.

Course participants can connect to the online course platform any time of the day or night using their phones or computers to get all of questions answered about any of the methods, ideas and techniques I will discuss.

I am personally available as your instructor to answer any questions that come up. Click the link below to register.

Shut Down Anxiety Course Registration
Tuition $90
$30 Each Month for 3 Months

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease



Painting with Parkinson’s

Never painted in your life? Why not challenge your neurological pathways with a new and pleasurable activity: painting for Parkinson’s

This clip of my interview with Nancy Tingey was recorded in 2012. Her website is:

Join my 25 Cent Wisdom Patreon group for free to access up to date cutting edge discoveries to support recovery from neurological  challenges. Visit the group to add your email and create a password to join. 25 Cent Wisdom

Living with Parkinson’s disease presents numerous challenges, from physical limitations to emotional hurdles. However, amidst these difficulties, individuals find solace, expression, and even liberation through various forms of art. One such avenue is painting—a medium that not only allows individuals to express themselves but also provides therapeutic benefits that can be particularly beneficial for those with Parkinson’s.

The Canvas of Challenges

Parlinson’s symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, and impaired balance can make daily activities, including tasks as seemingly simple as holding a paintbrush, challenging. Moreover, the emotional toll of living with a chronic illness adds another layer of complexity.

Painting as Therapy

Despite the obstacles, painting offers a sanctuary of creativity and self-expression. Art therapy has long been recognized for its ability to improve motor skills, reduce stress, and enhance emotional well-being. For individuals with Parkinson’s, painting can serve as a form of physical therapy, helping to maintain dexterity and coordination.

Embracing Imperfection

One of the most beautiful aspects of art is its capacity to transcend perfection. In the world of painting, imperfections are not flaws but rather unique expressions of the artist’s journey. This perspective can be especially empowering for individuals grappling with the changes that Parkinson’s brings to their bodies and abilities.

Finding Freedom in Creativity

Painting offers a sense of freedom—a space where individuals can transcend the confines of their condition and tap into their innermost thoughts and emotions. Whether it’s through bold strokes of color or subtle nuances of shading, each brushstroke becomes a testament to resilience and creativity.

Adaptive Techniques

Adapting painting techniques to accommodate the challenges of Parkinson’s is key to unlocking the full potential of artistic expression. Simple modifications such as using larger brushes or stabilizing devices can make a significant difference in the painting process, allowing individuals to focus more on their creativity and less on their limitations.

Community and Support

Engaging in painting with Parkinson’s doesn’t have to be a solitary pursuit. Joining painting classes or support groups tailored to individuals with movement disorders can foster a sense of community and belonging. Sharing experiences, techniques, and artworks with others who understand the unique challenges of Parkinson’s can be incredibly uplifting and inspiring.

Beyond the Canvas

The benefits of painting extend far beyond the finished artwork. The act of creating—immersing oneself in colors, textures, and forms—can be a meditative experience, offering moments of peace and tranquility amid the chaos of Parkinson’s symptoms. Moreover, the sense of accomplishment derived from completing a painting can boost confidence and self-esteem, counteracting feelings of helplessness and frustration.


Painting with Parkinson’s is not about overcoming limitations but rather embracing them as part of the artistic journey. It’s about finding beauty in imperfection, strength in vulnerability, and joy in the act of creation. Through painting, individuals with Parkinson’s can discover a newfound sense of purpose, empowerment, and self-expression—a testament to the transformative power of art in the face of adversity.

Research about Painting with Parkinsons

Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2022 May:216:107237. Increased creativity associated with dopamine agonist therapy: A case report and short review of the literature. Smathorn Thakolwiboon, Amputch Karukote, Parunyou Julayanont, Henrik Wilms


Impulse control disorder (ICD) has been linked to dopamine agonist use in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Increased creativity is another cognitive side effect of dopaminergic therapy. While ICD is well recognized in the literature, enhanced creativity as a positive phenomenon is underreported because it does not negatively affect the patients’ quality of life.

Herein, we report a case of a 49-year-old man with Parkinson’s disease who developed enhanced creativity expressed by the acquisition of multiple, new artistic skills with ropinirole treatment. He spent a significant amount of time on painting, carving and axe restoration, selling these artistic products became a source of income. He also reports that these hobbies help him cope with physical limitations caused by Parkinson’s disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Chinese Scalp Acupuncture

The replay above  is with Peter Doyle, a practitioner of Chinese Scalp Acupuncture. His website is:

Interested in knowing about other natural approaches to healing from the inside out? Click this link join my 25 Cent Wisdom Patreon group. is free to join.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 

Chinese Scalp Acupuncture

In the vast landscape of traditional acupuncture, there exists a fascinating and lesser-Chinese Scalp Acupunctureknown practice known as Chinese scalp acupuncture. While acupuncture itself is widely recognized and practiced worldwide, scalp acupuncture presents a unique approach to healing that targets specific areas of the scalp to address various ailments and promote overall wellness. In this blog, I will cover the origins, techniques, and potential benefits of Chinese scalp acupuncture.

Origins and Principles

Chinese scalp acupuncture, also referred to as “head acupuncture” or “cranial acupuncture,” has its roots in ancient Chinese medicine but gained prominence in the 20th century through the work of Dr. Jiao Shunfa, a renowned acupuncturist in China. Dr. Jiao developed a systematic approach to scalp acupuncture based on traditional principles combined with modern neurological principles.

Scalp acupuncture facilitates the flow of Qi (vital energy) through the various meridians in the body. By stimulating specific points on the scalp, acupuncturists regulate the flow of Qi and blood, restore balance, and promote the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Techniques and Practices

Unlike traditional body acupuncture, which utilizes points along the body’s meridians, scalp acupuncture focuses primarily on the scalp, targeting specific zones that correspond to different areas and functions of the body. These zones are mapped out on the scalp, and practitioners insert fine needles into designated points with precision.

The selection of points and the depth of needle insertion can vary depending on the condition being treated and the individual’s constitution. Additionally, scalp acupuncture may be combined with other TCM modalities such as herbal medicine, cupping, or moxibustion to enhance its therapeutic effects.

Potential Benefits

Chinese scalp acupuncture offers a wide range of benefits for various physical, neurological, and emotional conditions. Some potential benefits include:

  1. Pain Management: Scalp acupuncture has been used to alleviate chronic pain conditions such as migraines, headaches, neck pain, and musculoskeletal disorders.
  2. Neurological Disorders: It may benefit individuals with neurological conditions like stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and neuropathy by improving nerve function and promoting neural regeneration.
  3. Mental Health: Scalp acupuncture is also utilized to address mental and emotional imbalances, including anxiety, depression, stress-related disorders, and insomnia.
  4. Functional Disorders: Conditions such as digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, and respiratory ailments may also respond positively to scalp acupuncture by restoring the body’s natural regulatory mechanisms.


Chinese scalp acupuncture represents a unique and effective approach to healing that combines ancient wisdom with modern understanding. Many individuals have experienced significant relief and improvements in their health and well-being through this practice.

Front Neurol. 2023 Jun 2:14:1196446. Research methods and efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease: a scoping review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Bin Yu Shi-Qi Ma Hai-Peng Huang Zhen Zhong Shuo Yu Ke Hung Li-Ying Zhang Meng-Yuan Li Lin Yao 


Introduction: Research on acupuncture for Parkinson’s Disease is growing rapidly. A scoping review examines emerging evidence and is important to guide policy and practice. The purpose of this scoping review was to examine the breadth and methodological quality of systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and to map the quality of evidence of these studies to evaluate the efficacy of acupuncture for treatment of PD.

Methods: Seven literature databases were searched. Two researchers independently screened the literature and extracted relevant information (such as general characteristics, inclusion criteria, study results, and report quality).The inclusion criteria include publicly published systematic reviews/meta-analyses/systematic reviews of acupuncture treatment for Parkinson’s disease.

The research subjects are any patients who meet the diagnostic criteria for Parkinson’s disease, and intervention measures include acupuncture treatment including electro acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, or combination with other treatment methods. The outcome indicators are all types of results related to PD and the effective measurement tools used.

Results: A total of 23 systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses of studies were included. Most of the articles were published between 2019 and 2023 (47.8%). A total of 14 articles (60.9%) were evaluated and classified, and 89 (36.8.1%) of the 242 included articles were of medium and high quality.

Discussion: This study comprehensively evaluates the quality and research methods of incorporating SRs/MAs, and concludes that acupuncture treatment for Parkinson’s disease may be significant.

Having Vision Problems? Watch This

I have been selling Can-C now for over 15 years. It was one of the first natural remedies I discovered with no side effects. Research on humans (and dogs) reveal application of four drops a day is a successful remedy for nine out of ten users.

If you are experiencing vision challenges, application of Can-C eye drops yields welcome results for most users. For information and orders, visit:


Twenty Five Cent Wisdom

You are invited to join my brand new 25 Cent Wisdom Patreon group. This is where I will be discussing all of the most recent discoveries and developments when it comes to successful recovery programs.

It is free to join.

You can tell this is indeed a new service because the number of members is currently only 30 members as I write this post. Be one of the first!

If you need ongoing support for your recovery, this is the group to join.

To join visit:
Twenty Five Cent Wisdom

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

What Causes Parkinsons?

Below I have posted a clip of my 2009 interview with Naturopath Daniel Newman ND who answers my question: what causes Parkinsons?

He offers the common sense observation that environmental toxins cause them. Nonetheless, the conventional treatment protocol focuses on putting new substances and medications into the body, not eliminating the toxins that have created the problem.

Do most medical professionals focus on detoxing their patients who experience Parkinson’s symptoms? You know that answer to this question!

Detoxing is typically not a benign process. If the detoxification process overwhelms the elimination organs (the liver, kidney, large intestine, skin) you can become very ill indeed. Some members of my global audience tell me they were rushed to intensive care at their local hospital because symptoms became so severe.

Before a detox program is undertaken, all the organs required for a successful detox regimen need to be supported and fully functional.

If your elimination organs are not equipped to process the excess of toxins a process of “re-distribution” takes place. A toxic substance residing in a harmless location (like for example your buttock) is mobilized into circulation. Where does it land?

The body does not deposit the circulating toxin in the heart or lungs. These organs are  critical to survival. No. The body wisely deposits the circulating toxin to the extremities – the hands, feet and guess what? The brain. What was originally a harmless toxin lodged in a harmless tissue becomes a toxin that does considerable harm.

Daniel Newman points like that a successful detox program is just like cooking a delicious soup. You need to right ingredients in the right amounts introduced at the right time. Slow cooking is preferred over microwave blasts!

Summary: Is detoxing important for a person experiencing Parkinsons symptoms? Of course! Do you want to get rid of the toxins quickly? Of course. Should you? Duh. No. Best to collaborate with a qualified health care practitioner skilled with successful detox protocols.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Twenty Five Cent Wisdom
Olympia Washington

Evidence on Recovery

A loudly pronounced belief is that Parkinson’s is a degenerative condition. People who espouse this belief never offer evidence for its veracity. I interviewed naturopath Daniel Newman, ND in 2009 who provided information about the recovery of his patients who experienced the neurological conditions associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s.

Note: Information about the potential for recovery was well known 15 years ago. People still believe it cannot be true!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Twenty Five Cent WIsdom

Photobiomodulation for Parkinsons

Neurons are cells that contain mitochondria. Photobiomodulation energizes neuronal mitochondria, triggering a cascade of beneficial cellular functions. Potential benefits are neuroprotective effects, self-repair mechanisms and enhanced functionality.

Vielight’s patented intranasal stimulation technology and microchip LED technology is an innovative tool for brain photobiomodulation developed by Vielight. My guest today is Vielight’s CEO Dr. Lew Lim. Intranasal photobiomodulation is the most efficient method for light energy to reach the brain. Different from electrical and magnetic stimulation, photobiomodulation uses light energy (or photons) of specific wave lengths and power density to simulate cellular function.

Vagus Neuro Duo

The Vielight Neuro Duo is is the result of years of engineering and research.

Clinical research with our technology has produced improvements in cognitionmemory and blood flow.

The Vielight Neuro Duo comes with both Alpha and Gamma modes.

  • Gamma (40Hz): focus, memory, brain energy.
  • Alpha (10 Hz): relaxation and sleep improvement.

Vagus Device

Recently introduced is Vielight’s Vagus device which enables non-invasive stimulation of the vagus nerve (VNS) via photobiomodulation (PBM). This device was engineered to enhance brain-gut connectivity.

For more information visit:

Enter Coupon Code healing4me to claim a 10% discount.


Exercise is a proven way of helping people with Parkinson’s reverse their symptoms. Many people think yoga is reserved for athletic types, but a dedicated group of individuals with Parkinson’s have found a program tailored to people of all levels and now practice yoga on a regular basis. Three members of the Yoga for People with Parkinson’s classes in Seattle, Washington tell their stories about how yoga has provided them with remarkable relief from their symptoms.

Is yoga a therapy that is right for you? Listen to these incredible student testimonials and decide for yourself. Yoga is a time-tested, natural therapy and if practiced on a regular basis you can expect often dramatic improvements in flexibility, strength, balance and peace of mind. That formula is hard to beat.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Rock Solid Walking

Healing from the Inside Out

Do bodies always “fall apart” as we age? Unavoidable challenges are confronted with aging but recent discoveries offer ways to address them successfully.

1. Circulation is compromised with aging. Capillaries that carry blood and nutrients to the cells and remove toxins become narrower until circulation is log jammed.
    Therapies exist that open up the capillary passageways, making  it possible for cells to be adequately nourished and cleansed of  toxins.

2. Most stem cells we have at birth do not die off as we age. They become dormant.
   Therapies exist that transmit a peptide to activate dormant stem cells.

3. Memory lapses and dementia are often confronted with aging. Recent studies report ways to reverse dementia never imagined a decade ago.
    Therapies exist now that reverse the debilitating challenge of dementia.

4. Immune systems become compromised with aging. Energy levels tank.
   Therapies exist now that rejuvenate and regenerate energy at the cellular level. 

Introducing my new online course, Healing from the Inside Out, lays out new discoveries backed by research that reverse the effects of aging and avoid chronic health challenges. I preview everything I personally do to remain healthy and happy.

Visit the link below for more information and to register:
Healing from the Inside Out

Parkinsons Recovery

Declaration of Independence

Print out the declaration of independence below, sign it, read it out loud, then post it on your refrigerator or your bathroom mirror. Read it out loud for 21 days.

In the beginning, one cell was formed inside the womb of my mother that captured the wisdom of all that I am today. The wisdom of one is 10 billion times seven fold  today as I am equipped today with a mind to organize my thoughts, a heart to evaluate them and a voice to express them.

At this time and this hour I declare my mind, heart and voice to be independent of any and all control over the health and well being of my body.

I acknowledge the miracle of life itself.

I celebrate the ability of my body to rejuvenate despite any and all limitations I currently experience.

I see limitless possibilities to manifest any and all of my dreams.

I cast off any and all limitations for recovery I have imposed on myself and imposed by others.

I assert the independent responsibility to decide what actions are in my best and highest good.

I acknowledge that the conditions which foster imbalances in my body are complex and multi-faceted.

On this day I ask for and openly receive healing.

I pledge from this day forward to listen to the wisdom of my body.

I commit to take any and all actions that are needed and necessary to bring my body back into balance.

I welcome the opportunity to transform bad habits that have been making me ill.

I refute the oppressive and dehumanizing claims that recovery is not possible.

I accept and welcome full responsibility for the health and wellness of my body.

I acknowledge that a therapy or treatment that helps one person may not necessarily be helpful to others or myself.

I commit to continue my journey down the road to recovery with the intention to persevere despite any and all setbacks and challenges I encounter along the way.

By affixing my signature below, I join with others who honor the power of the body to heal itself as I restore, rejuvenate and regenerate the inner wisdom of my body to heal itself.

_____________________                     _______
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Healing from the Inside Out

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 




Here is a brief explanation of how the Hivemapper dashcam works. Once you have purchased the dashcam from Hivemapper and set it up on your car, you can begin earning honey tokens which can be converted to cash.
Visit the hivemapper website below for more information and to order a dashcam. I just noticed that the cost of a dashcam is listed currently at only $300, not $600.
Use coupon code earn to claim a 10% discount on purchase of a dashcam.

Below is an image of the dashcam mounted on the front windshield of my car,

The dashcam connects with a wire to my battery charger. Below is an image of the connection to my car charger.  The connection is made with a wire (not shown) from the dashcam to the charger.

As I drive, the dashcam sends the images and video to my phone. Below is an image of how my phone displays the images as I drive. This image was taken shortly after I started my errands for the day. Note the number at the top in the middle (101). This is the number of images downloaded from the dashcam to the phone:

Below is a follow-up image midway through my errands showing  1542 images have now been download.

Once I return home, the images from the phone are automatically uploaded to the cloud.

Every week there is an upload of honey tokens to my phantom wallet which displays the total dollar value earned. The token price varies considerably over time. More tokens can be made in the early stages of mapping (which is now) when many roads have not been mapped. You earn more tokens for mapping new routes than routes (such as interstates) that have been mapped extensively.

This is a new initiative, so the time to cash in is now!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Olympia, Washington

Vagus Nerve Plays Leading Role in Recovery

What is the most significant step that leads to reversal of Parkinson’s symptoms?
Answer: Reduce anxiety

But wait here you say. I have done everything imaginable to get my anxiety under control but with little success.

A little known solution that supports the parasympathetic nervous system (which is the key to reducing anxiety) is to stimulate and cleanse the vagus nerve. What is the big deal about the vagus nerve?

Its function has a direct impact on brain health. This nerve wonders through every organ including the digestive system, lungs and even the heart. Toxins not only clog the vagus nerve, they contaminate the brain and other organs as well.

Essential oil therapists recommend specific oils to cleanse the vagus like clove. Therapies are recommended to stimulate the vagus nerve with acupressure  that apply gentle pressure to the nerve itself.

Just introduced is a novel therapy that stimulates vagus nerve function – a Vagus photobiomodulation (light therapy) device from Vielight. I predict the Vagus device will prove successful in taming down the sympathetic nervous system which will reduce anxieties and anxiety attacks. This in turn will lead to a symptom relief.

1.Get anxiety under control.
2. A reduction in the severity of symptoms results.

Check it out this out especially if you know anxiety is problematic for you. I predict this new invention will offer welcome relief for many.

Visit the link below for more information and to order.
Use the coupon code healing4me to claim a 10% discount.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 



Parkinsons Recovery Survey

This is a detailed report from responses provided by persons with Parkinson’s symptoms who responded to the 2023 Parkinsons Recovery Survey. The two minute survey asks two questions. First, how have respondents been feeling since the previous holiday season one year ago (better, same, worse) and what therapies have offered symptom relief.

Listen to my reading of responses that reveal a huge range of therapies, methods and activities that offer symptom relief. Well over 100 options were identified as being helpful.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Healing from the Inside Out
Olympia, Washington


Is Parkinson’s Degenerative?

The 2023 Parkinsons Recovery survey results provide a surprising answer to the question – Is Parkinson’s Degenerative?  Respondents report how they have been feeling over the past year since the previous holiday season in 2022 [better, same or worse] and what therapies have been useful in celebrating relief from symptoms.

You are cordially invited to listen to a detailed listing of results that refute the universal belief that Parkinson’s is degenerative.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Healing from the Inside Out
Olympia, Washington

How to Activate Dormant Stem Cells

Lightwave X39 Stem Cell Patches

The Lightwave company has invented a patch that activates stem cells.  You apply the X39 patch to your body 12 hours each day. Patches are designed to trap infrared light energy when placed on the body. They secret a peptide called GHK that “wakes up” dormant stem cells. No drugs or chemicals enter the body.

Below is a link to a youtube presentation by the inventor of the X39 Lifewave patches David Schmidt:

How to Order the Lifewave Patches

Order the X39 patches  by clicking on the link below:

Peptide Research

The study abstracts listed  below do not specifically evaluate the impact of the X39 Stem Cell Patches on any specific chronic conditions. They do offer support on the impact of the GHK peptide secreted by the patches to rejuvenate dormant stem cells.

Stem cells facilitate healing chronic conditions from the inside out.

Brain Sci. 2017 Feb 15;7(2):20. The Effect of the Human Peptide GHK on Gene Expression Relevant to Nervous System Function and Cognitive Decline.Loren Pickart, Jessica Michelle Vasquez-Soltero, Anna Margolina


Neurodegeneration, the progressive death of neurons, loss of brain function, and cognitive decline is an increasing problem for senior populations. Its causes are poorly understood and therapies are largely ineffective. Neurons, with high energy and oxygen requirements, are especially vulnerable to detrimental factors, including age-related dysregulation of biochemical pathways caused by altered expression of multiple genes. GHK (glycyl-l-histidyl-l-lysine) is a human copper-binding peptide with biological actions that appear to counter aging-associated diseases and conditions.

GHK, which declines with age, has health promoting effects on many tissues such as chondrocytes, liver cells and human fibroblasts, improves wound healing and tissue regeneration (skin, hair follicles, stomach and intestinal linings, boney tissue), increases collagen, decorin, angiogenesis, and nerve outgrowth, possesses anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-pain and anti-anxiety effects, increases cellular stemness and the secretion of trophic factors by mesenchymal stem cells.

Studies using the Broad Institute Connectivity Map show that GHK peptide modulates expression of multiple genes, resetting pathological gene expression patterns back to health. GHK has been recommended as a treatment for metastatic cancer, Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, inflammation, acute lung injury, activating stem cells, pain, and anxiety. Here, we present GHK’s effects on gene expression relevant to the nervous system health and function.

Biomed Res Int. 2014:2014:151479. GHK and DNA: resetting the human genome to health. Loren Pickart, Jessica Michelle Vasquez-Soltero, Anna Margolina 


During human aging there is an increase in the activity of inflammatory, cancer promoting, and tissue destructive genes plus a decrease in the activity of regenerative and reparative genes. The human blood tripeptide GHK possesses many positive effects but declines with age. It improves wound healing and tissue regeneration (skin, hair follicles, stomach and intestinal linings, and boney tissue), increases collagen and glycosaminoglycans, stimulates synthesis of decorin, increases angiogenesis, and nerve outgrowth, possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and increases cellular stemness and the secretion of trophic factors by mesenchymal stem cells.

Recently, GHK has been found to reset genes of diseased cells from patients with cancer or COPD to a more healthy state. Cancer cells reset their programmed cell death system while COPD patients’ cells shut down tissue destructive genes and stimulate repair and remodeling activities. In this paper, we discuss GHK’s effect on genes that suppress fibrinogen synthesis, the insulin/insulin-like system, and cancer growth plus activation of genes that increase the ubiquitin-proteasome system, DNA repair, antioxidant systems, and healing by the TGF beta superfamily. A variety of methods and dosages to effectively use GHK to reset genes to a healthier state are also discussed.

Robert Rodgers PhD