Category Archives: recovery

Process of Recovery from Parkinson’s Symptoms

I interviewed Tom House today on the radio show.  He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease about five years ago. Tom has a unique perspective on the “process” of recovery. Note that I used the word “process” not “outcome”. Tom explains that when athletes focus on the “outcome” they want – i.e., winning the game – their performance sinks and they are more likely to lose.

The outcome is not what matters, but the process. Of course people diagnosed with Parkinson’s want to see all symptoms dissolve. To make that happen however, the focus needs to be on the present moment activities and behaviors that in the end make that outcome possible.

This is why mindfulness programs are so successful for people with Parkinson’s.  They focus on process rather than outcomes.

My Interview with Former Major League Pitcher Tom House

P.S. Have you heard? I  just released the 2017 update to Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery




Tao Reports a Remarkable Journey on the Appalachian Trail

Tao (his trail name) hiked the Appalachian trail last year with considerable difficulty. Many of his Parkinson’s symptoms became much worse. I suppose some people would conclude that should be the last extended hike he should take. Not Tao.

I received a call from him today. He is doing another long hike down the Appalachian trail this summer. This year, unlike last, he has had no difficulties. Get this. Tao was able to hike a total of 100 miles in three days. He emailed me an inspiring picture taken of him on a scenic route on the trail.

Yep — that is him! Tao will be a guest on Parkinsons Recovery Radio when he completes his hike with a comprehensive report on the steps he took to reverse his Parkinson’s symptoms.  Once the show airs soon, he will join the 66 other individuals I have interviewed who discuss their recovery.  A summary of these reports is included in the 2017 update to Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery

Why Recovery from Parkinson’s Stumbles

I am proud to celebrate the dozens of therapies that are helping more and more people reverse the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. There are so many great options out there that did not exist five years ago.

If so many great options exist, why do not more people celebrate a reduction and reversal of their Parkinson’s symptoms? Why does recovery from Parkinson’s stumble for so many? My answer: People are gripped by a stranglehold of fear that their symptoms are destined to get worse. The process is “vicious” because symptoms are in your face day in and day out.

Take tremors for example. Tremors can calm down from time to time when stress is under control but they usually reappear.  The reaction to this seemingly never ending cycle is all too familiar.

  1. This tremor is driving me crazy. It is high time for it to disappear.
  2. The next day comes. The tremor persists.
  3. After many days, weeks and months you conclude you are “stuck” with this awful, nasty symptom for life.
  4. After all, this is what seemingly knowledgeable people have told you. Perhaps it is true after all.

What is the problem with this all too familiar pattern? It winds up supporting and sustaining the tremor. I suggest a very different reaction which can break this vicious cycle rather than sustain it.

Instead of viewing the tremor as the “bad guy” in your life, accept the tremor (or other symptoms) as the “good guy.”  Instead of wishing the tremor to vanish, wish it to flourish. Set an intention to allow your body to shake, rattle and roll if that is what your body needs to do in the moment.

Now, I suspect this recommendation must sound crazy to you. A tremor is your body’s way of getting your attention. It is the body’s natural method of releasing trauma and stress. When you suppress a tremor, the energy of trauma gets stuck in your body and sticks to your cells like glue.

When you view a tremor (or other symptoms) as the “bad guy” you  are giving your body a nasty message that it is broken.  But, it not broken now and never has been. Your body is working perfectly. It is just telling you something you do not want to hear or accept.

Treat a tremor (and other symptoms) as a natural healing response which is nudging you to set in motion new lifestyle habits.

  • Instead of resisting, why not make the changes?
  • Embrace new habits that you know in your mind, heart and soul are necessary to heal.

The best way to reverse the vicious cycle that leads to feeling worse is to acknowledge symptoms as the “good guys.” In so doing, you honor and acknowledge the body’s sacred ability to heal. Treat your body as broken and worthless and it will respond accordingly just as you do when treated with disrespect.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery

John Pepper’s 2017 Speaking Tour of USA

What follows is an announcement of a USA speaking tour by John Pepper, one of my guests on Parkinsons Recovery Radio who has found remarkable ways to reverse his own symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease 

John Pepper’s USA Speaking Tour

John Pepper will be arriving in New York City at the beginning of July 2017. He intends visiting the following cities and States:

  • New York City
  • Philadelphia,
  • Baltimore
  • Washington DC
  • North Carolina
  • Florida
  • San Antonia
  • San Diego
  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco
  • Reno
  • Salt Lake City
  • Denver
  • Seattle

All that in two months! He is 82 years young and will be on this tour, with his wife, for nearly four months altogether. He is first visiting Italy and England, before heading for the USA.

John’s talk is on ways of overcoming many symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. He especially wants to show people with walking problems, HOW TO WALK NORMALLY. It takes less than 2 minutes to teach a person to walk normally. He has even taken patients out of wheelchairs and had them walking normally. He has only had 3 failures over 14

His previous trip here in the USA and Canada last year was highly successful.

As soon as his itinerary has been finalised, he will post it on his website –

Act now and get your name registered. If you live in Florida or North Carolina, maybe he can get to you, while he is there!

If anybody living in or near any of these cities or in N Carolina or Florida then please contact John on his website. He is looking for people to help him organise the talks.

Digestion and Parkinson’s

My research on how to heal symptoms of Parkinson’s often focus on specific symptoms not on the underlying issues with digestion For example, what has been found to heal episodes or tremors? Now, while my discoveries have certainly been useful to many, I have been influenced in recent months by two radio show interviews in particular.

The focus of both interviews was on healing the digestive system. Recent discoveries clearly suggest that malfunctions with the gut and digestion are a cause of many symptoms. This means that instead of searching for remedies for specific symptoms, a fundamental strategy is to focus your resources on bringing your digestive system “back on line” to full functionality.

I suggest you take a little time out of your day to hear both of these interviews. Natural Pharmacist Ross Pelton and Dr. Tom O’Bryan both center their recommendations on digestion and Parkinson’s.

Click Here for Information about the Probiotics Ross Pelton Recommends

Dr. O’Hhira’s Probiotics

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Interview with Betrayal Series Host Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Here are some of the questions Betrayal series Host Dr. O’Byran answered on the Parkinsons Recovery radio show this week: 
  • Which gut tests do you recommend for folks with Parkinson’s?
  • Could Parkinson’s disease be considered in any way shape or form an Autoimmunine disease?
  • What tests do you need to determine what toxins, nutrient and mineral excess of deficiencies, etc. you have?
  • I am fighting to reverse my PD symptoms, which are a left hand tremor and a left shoulder freeze. My symptoms have lessened in intensity, but do you have a suggestion of what I can do? 
  • Quite a lot of calories come from gluten foods and dairy (I don’t eat processed foods or drinks) so I would like your advice on how best to maintain my calorie intake.
  • What do you think about microwaves?
  • I think It was mentioned in Betrayal episode 3 that the blood test for gluten intolerance was not fine enough to pick up all intolerances. Is there a test which we can ask for which is more accurate?
  • Would you pass along a name of a Functional Medicine Consultant with experience in Parkinsons Disease in my area or at least how to seek one out?
  • Could you be more specific about diet recommendations? Do you have general guidelines regarding diet?
Click on the link below to hear the replay of my interview with Dr. O’Bryan.    

How Long Does Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease Take?

  •  What is the bottom line to recovery from Parkinson’s disease?
  • What is the secret to making recovery from Parkinson’s disease happen?

Most people hold near and dear to their heart the beliefs that recovery has to  …

  • Take years to unfold
  • Requires medications and supplements
  • Happens for only a select few
  • Involves expensive therapies
  • Happens only when you find the right therapist, health care practitioner or doctor who has the “secret” answer to recovery
  • Calls for outside interventions of one form or another 

I used to believe all of this was true. Not today. I hold a much different belief that recovery is possible for

  • Anyone
  • Anywhere
  • Anytime

Anytime Can Mean Now

Why do I embrace this seemingly outrageous belief?

Many people who experience symptoms of Parkinson’s have told me about unexpected blocks of time (a few minutes, hours, days) when their symptoms disappeared completely.

Surprisingly. these accounts more often than not involve situations which cannot be explained by taking (or not taking) medications or supplements or turning on or off a DBS battery connection.  

 Is this a familiar circumstance for you? Have you celebrated the quieting of symptoms unexpectedly? If it has ever happened once for you, I believe it can happen all the time.

What usually happens in when symptoms are unexpectedly quieted?

Our own thoughts are our undoing. The “thinking” process is something like:

  • Wow – I feel great. I feel normal.
  • Wait – this is not supposed to happen.
  • I have Parkinson’s Disease. I am supposed to get worse, not better.
  • It feels a bit strange to feel so good.
  • I do not deserve to feel so damn good.
  • When any minor evidence of a symptoms resurfaces – the thought is: Oh right. There it is again. I know I will never be rid of this. I might as well get used to it.
  • Fear sizzles throughout the cells of the body

Almost all success stories involve people who have found ways to acknowledge when …

  • Fear rears its ugly head
  • Anxiety soars
  • Stress sizzles
  • Worries rattle over and over in our mind


Once fears, anxieties, stresses and worries are recognized, any and all unwanted feelings are quieted and calmed, allowing the physical body to return to a state of balance and harmony.

The answer lies entirely within your ability to recognize and release stress and anxiety in the moment.  In other words, you can make it happen for yourself now. This put you…

In full control over your recovery

What are the triggers in your life? What sets you off? A wide variety of stimuli can “set us off” into a spiral. The possibilities of triggers are endless. 

  • Smells?
  • People?
  • Strangers who look like certain people?
  • Noises?
  • Colors?
  • Shapes?
  • Words other people use?
  • Memories?
  • Touching of one type or another?
  • Invasive actions by others?
  • People who want to control you?
  • Thoughts about the future?
  • Frets about the past?

You may never intellectually understand why any of the above “sets you off” and inflames fear and/or anxiety. It just does. End of story.

I believe the answer is not to attempt to sort through the reasons why (something like the smell of a certain perfume sets you off or …) but to recognize what you get upset and immediately …

Change the Channel

It is like you are watching a movie that is upsetting you – so what do you do?

  1. You immediately stop watching the bad movie.
  2. Then you change the channel to something that is pleasing to your soul.

When stress is dissolved, symptoms immediately dissolve like an ice cream cone melting in the hot summer sun. Set the intention to make it so with each and every moment of your life from henceforth.

The best deal of becoming aware of your wanted reactions each and every moment and quieting them in the moment they flare is that the therapy is entirely free!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Jump Start to Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease 



John Coleman ND Discusses His Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease

Many people are curious about the process of recovery and the time it takes to find sustained relief from symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. John Coleman ND discusses the ups and downs of his own recovery from Parkinson’s disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Jump Start to Recovery 


When Should I Start Taking Parkinsons Medications?

Naturopath John Coleman. ND, from Australia answers the question asked by a member of my audience: “When Should I Start Taking Parkinson’s Medications?” Many people agonize over this issue. John provides his own perspective in offering his answer to this question.

Author of the book Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’, John Coleman was one of the first individuals to recover from symptoms of Parkinson’s disease he personally experienced in the mid 1990’s. Given his personal journey down the road to recovery, John offers rich insights into many questions about the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Jump Start to Recovery Fall Course

Jump Start to Recovery Fall Course

I had intended to offer my Jump Start to Recovery course only once in 2016. Then, something miraculous happened. Reports of recovery from current students have been so encouraging that I decided to offer a second course this fall. The focused content of the course is clearly helping people find the right path to travel down the right road to recovery.

Just to be clear, the Jump Start to Recovery course is not about offering a pre-packaged “solution” for recovery.  No such static “solution” will ever address the needs of every person who currently experiences Parkinson’s symptoms. My focus and intent with the course is to provide the framework, resources, options and skills so that each participant can discover the perfect path to find sustained relief from their symptoms.

Advantages of Jump Start to Recovery

  • No need to travel to attend the course
  • Connect with me and other students using your telephone (or computer).
  • Computer access is not required
  • Access to the course materials and live sessions from any country
  • All eight sessions are recorded for later access
  • Enrollment includes free, lifetime access to the Online Course

For more information and to claim your seat visit:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Whole Brain Power

Most people choose to suppress the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease with medications or supplements. And why not? If you can begin to feel “normal”, you can begin leading a “normal” life.

Whole Brain Power
Michael Lavery, Author of Whole Brain Power

There is another way. Just ask Michael Lavery, author of Whole Brain Power: The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body.  Michael has invented fascinating and innovative ways to increase and enhance the integrity and functionality of your brain. You read my last sentence correctly.

  • You can get a lot smarter!
  • Your memory and recall can improve significantly!
  • Your handwriting can improve!
  • Your can become more focused!
  • You can lift depression! 
  • You can reclaim your life force!

All of this is possible, Michael explains, when you start a program to “exercise” your brain in ways you never before even imagined. I like his approach because it puts you in the driver’s seat of your recovery and puts medicines or supplements in the back seat.

Joining Michael in my interview with him is Len Fox who discusses his own experience with taking Michael’s Whole Brain Power program seriously.

To keep your program focused, Michael Lavery has also published a Whole Brain Power: Workbook & Progress Journal

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Story of Recovery: Manfred Poggel

Hooray I say. We can all celebrate still another story of recovery from Parkinson’s disease. Manfred Poggel is German, but his story is now available in a Kindle English ebook: Parkinson’s disease- How I was Healed Without Chemicals

manfred peggel Parkinsons-disease_E-Book

Poggel shares his experiences with using over 30 different therapies. Moreover, he describes his very personal way to recovery through approaches like de-acidification, meditation, acupuncture, homeopathy and many more. His main concern is to show ways of early detection and prevention.

An edited version of his kindle ebook’s description follows:

“From 2002 onwards, his Parkinson’s disease became so severe that by 2003 he was no longer able to work. The dreaded diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease was officially confirmed in 2004…He began his search for effective healing at the end of 2006. After phasing out the use of chemical medications, various connections between causes and effects became clear.”

“He recorded and checked all of the tips he was given and evaluated them for himself. It was a difficult process. It was not easy to choose the therapies that were right for him. Nevertheless, he dared to try them because he always, always had the feeling that he was being guided and that he would become healthy again.

“In autumn 2010, he was finally able to stop using his natural therapies. Today he can say that he is healed. He has overcome not only Parkinson’s disease but also all other illnesses from earlier in his life. Over these years he learnt to change his lifestyle and diet.”

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Last Chance to Kick Start Your Recovery from Parkinson’s

Have You Heard?

For the one and only time in 2016, I am teaching the Jump Start to Recovery course to help participants develop and implement a successful program of recovery from Parkinson’s. Content of the course is organized around two key questions:

  1. What causes the Parkinson’s symptoms that you currently experience?
  2. What in the world can you do right now to reverse these symptoms?

I am excited to announce that the course launches in 3 days.

Only 1 seat remains!

Claim the last seat before the registration opportunity closes. Click on the link below for information and enrollment.

Enter the coupon code “control” on the shopping cart to claim a 20% discount off the already low course tuition. The Jump Start course this year includes a bounty of support resources, books, videos and online lectures in addition to the eight sessions with me personally.

Does your gut instinct tell you to join us? If the answer is yes, why wait? The opportunity to kick start your recovery is now.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Olympia Washington
Parkinsons Recovery


Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery

P. S.: One of the most fascinating parts of the course is to discover what other participants are doing to reverse their own symptoms.


Stress and Trauma

I just want you to know that I had previously started to recover from Parkinson’s because of the work I have been doing about letting go of the stress and trauma in my body by using Louise L Hay method. I’m following her book” You Can Heal Your Body“.

I have noticed quite a significant reduction in my symptoms already. They’re not completely gone but they are reducing and I am definitely on the road to recovery. I am sure your program will help even more. I just know that I will be symptom-free! I have no doubt about it.

So thank you for your jump start to Recovery program.

My vision that I hold in my thoughts are having you interview me on your radio show and I am sharing on how I  recovered from Parkinsons.. And the other vision I have is me telling my neurologist I no longer have Parkinson’s and him giving me a score of 0 on the Parkinson’s scale.



Q&A with Robert Rodgers – Founder of Parkinsons Recovery

Submit your questions right now. I will provide a response this Sunday when I host Sunday Connections. Visit the event page to submit your question now:

Event Page:

Title: Recent Research Discoveries about Parkinson’s
Date & Time: Sunday, June 26th at 2:00 PM Pacific

Attend by Phone:
Guest pin code: 200414#
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100
Full list of dial in Numbers:

Event Page:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Road to Recovery Success

I received the email below which certainly made my day. Reports like this encourage me to continue my research into the various causes of Parkinson’s symptoms and the therapies that help to reverse them.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


I have read all your books. They are really great. I have had Parkinson’s for five years now and those books have been my crutch. I don’t take any medication and have done it all alternatively. I have used a lot of your ideas and your books are very motivational. I have reversed a lot of my Parkinson’s symptoms. But there is still a few more to do. I don’t listen to your radio show as the time zone is very different. I’m really honored to be in touch with you. Your books are a lifeline to me.

I also wanted to add that your books gave me hope when NONE was around, the only hope friends and family believed in was the medication!!! I just wanted to let you know the great contribution you have made to our/my world. Your books really helped me when I was right right down . I had family and friends but in reality I was alone but I kept rereading your books and taking   small steps. I just kept trying until finally I felt I was on the road to recovery and that’s where I am now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will recover from Parkinson’s, It’ just finding what needs tweaking for me/you being the car mechanic

Thank you again.

A Truly Remarkable Story of Recovery

I have a fascinating story of recovery for you to hear on Parkinsons Recovery radio. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease three years ago, Don McCammon developed his own compound to treat his symptoms. The major ingredient in this compound is a natural sugar called Mannitol which already has widespread use commercially in products like candies for diabetics.

Don did his own research and discovered preliminary research using fire flies and mice that Mannitol reduce symptoms of Parkinson’s  disease significantly. He decided to conduct his own study using a sample of one – himself!

Results were remarkable to say the least as he describes in the radio show today. Don has been symptom free for 2 1/2 years aside from a slight hand tremor. The interview is well worth taking 45 minutes out of your day to hear.

Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease

Listen to the Recording of Quest Sel Kerans on Parkinsons Recovery Radio

Author of
Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease

leading the dance

Trust me on this. Take the time to listen to this program. It will be well worth your time!

Sel Kerans discusses his new book, Leading the Dance: Living well with Parkinson’s Disease, and his own journey on the road to recovery in an open, conversational expose of a five year journey with Parkinson’s disease and the experiences that have inspired the writing of a book that may be helpful, motivational and encouraging for others, especially those newly diagnosed with the condition.

His book has been dedicated to the late Robin Williams and is about overcoming adversity, staying positive and content; focusing on healing, recovery and living well. Leading the dance with an unwelcome stranger called Parkinson’s disease. Sel discusses:

  • What hurdles have you faced?
  • How have you overcome them?
  • Would you consider yourself recovered from Parkinson’s disease?
  • Do you believe it’s possible to recover completely from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?
  • You mention in your book some reluctance with medication – what’s been your approach to taking medication over the five years?
  • What resources have been useful for you in learning about alternative approaches to managing the symptoms?

Sel Kerans on Parkinsons Recovery Radio

Robert Rodgers PhD

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery

Recovery from Parkinson’s

What does it really take for recovery from Parkinson’s to happen for you? There is no doubt but that the treatment of Parkinson;s symptoms helps many people. The limitation of this approach of course is that there is no end to the treatment. It must continue day in and day out.

An alternative approach is to set the intention to find the cause of the symptoms. Once the cause or causes have been identified they can be treated and healed. I discuss the four foundations of this approach in the Sunday Connections program. To listen, visit:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease