Jacyln Gisburne Ph.D works with Parkinson’s patients with ground breaking results. The neural feedback technology she has developed in this video is one she has been using with persons currently experiencing the symptoms of Parkinson’s with noteworthy success. It paves the way for maintaining a sustained journey on the road to recovery.

Below is a video showing a Neural Feedback treatment Dr. Gisburne gave to a participate at the Vancouver Parkinsons Recovery

Is recovery as simple as having her connect the electrodes to your head for 20 minutes and challenge your neural networks for forge new connections? No. But it is a rich initiation to the journey which must be taken by anyone who has dedicated themselves to healing the underlying conditions that have been creating neurological disturbances associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease