“My name is Cheryl. I’m 52 and have been living with Parkinson’s for 10 years now. I will get right to the point. As of 1 month ago, my symptoms are reversing, diminishing, going away. I am healing every day.”
After 10 years of searching, Cheryl has at long last found a therapy which she describes as a miracle. Want to learn more about the miracle that has made a huge difference to the quality of Cheryl’s life? Tune into my radio show Thursday (tomorrow), October 21st, at 11:00 am pacific time (2 pm eastern time).
You can also call the following toll free number to talk with Cheryl: 877- 590-0733. Cheryl will tell her incredible story and answer questions from listeners.
I can promise you one thing: You will not be able to predict the therapy that has transformed her life.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
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I would like to talk with Cheryl . I would like to know what did she do to be healed from Parkinson. I have been searching for a little over 10 years for a natural treatment, I have had Parkinson for a little over 10 years.