Dear Robert:
One bit of feedback – I increased the dose of DHA as recommended on your radio show by Dr. Laurie Mischley which did reduce the dyskinesia markedly as she said it would.
A resource I have been using is the online mindfulness and wellness course on futurelearn. I can’t recommend it highly enough and its free.
The last few days have been a whirlwind. I have suddenly found my feet and my standing and walking feel completely different. I would say I have 40% greater range of moment when I do my stretches and can easily balance on one leg in the morning before I take my first dose. I have had to space my drug doses out and don’t have time to take all the meds in the day – the dose lasts much longer.
The downside is I have far too much Sinemet in my system and the dyskinesia is back. I’m not sure what to do but will be very careful. Neurologists here don’t understand the concept of feeling better unless it is due to some drug they have prescribed. I will have a good sleep and see what the morning brings. It is an amazing experience to stand on my legs and feel grounded again.
Circumstances have arisen which has caused me to accept a loss related to my birth family. This wasn’t something I knew I was battling with but out of the blue things fell into place. I wonder if this has prompted the change.
With all good wishes,