Tag Archives: electromagnetic field therapy

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

PEMF is designed to improve circulation thereby supporting the body’s natural self-regulating processes. Blood is the body’s universal means of transport. Oxygen, nutrients, chemical messengers (e.g., hormones) and immune cells are all transported through our blood. When our body’s cells, tissues and organs are adequately nourished and metabolic waste products are removed, our bodies become healthy and function properly. The optimal regulation of circulation is a prerequisite for ensuring good
levels of health and fitness.

Research on PEMF reports a series of positive outcomes including modulation of inflammation, reduction of bodily discomforts, promotion of tissue repair and regeneration, improvement of cardiac function, reduction of fatigue, acceleration of recovery from accidents and support of waste removal.

If you are interested in discovering more about opportunities for pulsed electromagnetic field therapy email me at: robert@parkinsonsrecovery.com.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder  of Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease