The Ultra Mind Solution

Greetings Robert et al:

This is Linda Ralph writing to you. I have written to you a few times now. You may remember me, I am from Victoria and went on the Alaska Cruise. I have something I would like to share with you.

I am  half way through a  newly purchased book, “The Ultra Mind Solution by the author: Mark Hyman, MD. I have had one of Mark’s earlier books , “The Ultra Simple Diet” for years now , and was truly very excited to find two new books  published by him recently,  especially  the one having to do with the brain,  and healing and fixing the brain, entitled: “The UltraMind Solution“. On the cover of this book it says:

“Fix Your Broken Brain By Healing Your Body First”.

And, I really do believe that to be  true. For me, this book reiterates much of what I have learned through your website, Robert. Be it through your blog, your published works  or through information  that I have heard from radio show guests, or through the personal stories written or told, of many folks who are having successes in coping  with PD.

In addition to that, this book is also jam packed with practical information  to help one heal and to enhance the brain.  It has  realms of information , that although pretty detailed at times, does  provide the reader with learning that I feel is relevant and vital. And there are also a personal case studies as well, that seem, ‘bring it  all home’, so to speak, as well as referencing to PD.

Hyman speaks of

‘treating the body as a whole and not as separate entities’.

Now this is not a new idea. But it merits repetition. He too, states, that

‘your brain may be broken, but  it can be fixed’.

This idea certainly rings true of  the last few years findings and  new discoveries about the brain. Many  books and articles have illuded to the fact that you can rewire your brain, you can change it, and maybe you can even fix it.  Outlined in this book is a detailed (but not overly complicated ) way as to what one does to go about  ‘fixing the brain”, and  the methods to follow to have success.

Hyman says that by ‘pinpointing the biological problem one can  then fix it, by  letting the body’s  natural healing intelligence take  over to repair your brain’. He then goes on provide a program, a simple  way to do this through his : Seven Keys to Ultra  Wellness. This is a very well written and helpful  book.  (Another recent book of his, with over  200 recipes, “The Ultra Metabolism Cookbook“, is also an excellent resource.)

If you haven’t heard of him, ( and you probably have) I do believe that you would find this  book  of his, to be another delightful addition and resource for your readers. It is a good read.

There  may be some merit in your readers knowing about this book and its author. Maybe this author could be a guest on your show??

Linda Ralph

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