Heavy Metal Chelation and Parkinson’s

Cruise is coming up, isn’t it?  Wish I could have joined you, but had other obligations to pay for, one is my upcoming heavy metal chelation.

Just wanted to let you know that I have been testing for heavy metal for over 7 years now and nothing ever showed up on lab tests.  I kept having a nagging feeling that a big part of my symptoms were caused from heavy metal poisoning, but I couldn’t get anyone to prove it.

I kept searching and found a naturopathic doctor who consented to another urine test, but this time he used the chelating agent MDSA to pull the metals out of my tissues.

The results confirmed my feeling of years.  Extremely high levels of Mercury, Lead and Uranium.  He said in all of his practice, he has never seen such high levels and promptly started me on a heavy metal chelation.  I’m now on a two week regimen to support my organs from permanent damage prior to the chelation.

He said that while he can’t promise a definite correlation of symptoms and heavy metals, he does feel there is a huge relationship.  He also so that he can’t promise complete relief of symptoms after chelation and removing these heavy metals from my body, but he said he feels confident that my symptoms will improve, and my symptoms shouldn’t worsen and my body should be allowed to heal, once the mercury is gone.  He said that with my levels of metals, it may take up to a year to completely chelate.

I will keep you posted.  I just thought you might be interested in knowing my most recent finding, and possibly an option for some of your other followers.

Again, thanks for all you do and continue to do.  You are amazing!  Such a gift to humanity, not only those with a PD diagnosis.

Take care,


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