High-Dose Thiamine: A Novel, Promising Therapy for Parkinson’s disease

High Dose ThiamineParkinsons Recovery is dedicated to identifying promising new therapies that offer the promise of reversing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. One such therapy, High-Dose Thiamine, was discussed on Parkinsons Recovery Radio by Italian neurologist Antonio Constantini MD. He has been prescribing High Dose Thiamine as a treatment for his Parkinson’s patients with good success. Click on the pointer to hear the replay.

Brief Summary of the Q&A Follows

What Results have Your Parkinsons Patients Experienced?

It depends in part on whether the person has been recently experienced symptoms of Parkinson’s or has had them for several years. For the newly diagnosed taking high dose thiamine (whether by oral tablet or injection) reduces motor symptoms on average by 50% to 70% for persons who have recently begun experiencing Parkinson’s symptoms. In selected cases a patient can celebrate experiencing no symptoms. Improvements in motor symptoms are common.

For patients who have experienced symptoms for a long period of time, Dr.Costantini prescribes L-dopa and other more traditional medications. Such patients are also reported to experience symptom relief but results are generally not as dramatic.

How “High” Does the Thiamine Dosage Need to Be?

The recommended dosage varies considerably from patient to patient and is determined only after a medical checkup. Many factors influence the dosage that is prescribed. Possibilities range from 1 gram up to 4 grams a day of Vitamin B1 which is 1,000 to 4,000 times the normally recommended dose.

For some patients requiring the higher doses Dr. Costantini may administer B1 injections of 100 milligrams twice a week for a total intake of 200 milligrams each week of treatment.

Why Do You Prescribe High Dose Thiamine for your Parkinson’s Patients?

When there is a deficiency of thiamine, the result is a dysfunction in
metabolism. For persons experiencing Parkinsons symptoms, Dr. Costantini hypothesized there is a deficiency in the update of thiamine to the brain cells that produce dopamine.

How Quickly Do Parkinson’s Patients Begin to Experience Relief from Symptoms?

If they are taking Thiamine in tablet or powder form, it typically takes 2-3 days to experience symptomatic improvement. When shots or injections are administered the improvement can typically be experienced in 30-45 minutes.

Once a patient begins taking high dose thiamine Dr. Costantini reports that they typically must continue taking it to receive continued benefits. It is possible to take short breaks without incurring troublesome setbacks.

What Conditions Other the Parkinson’s Is High Dose Thiamine Therapy Useful?

Dr. Costantini reports that high dose thiamine is also useful for chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, cluster headaches, migraines and Huntington’s disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




12 thoughts on “High-Dose Thiamine: A Novel, Promising Therapy for Parkinson’s disease

  1. I am wondering what form of thiamine to take as I am wanting to use the oral approach. I have had Parkinson’s for 10 years. I’m taking 1 -1/4 25/100 levodopa/carbodopa 5 x day. I am reading about parentral thiamine and thiamine hydrochrolide. I’m not sure of the difference. I’m over the excited to try thiamine therapy. Can you tell me which form to take and, if possible, where I can get it?Thank you so very, very much for offering your website information to us. I can hardly wait to try it.
    Sincerest thanks for any help you can offer for me 🙂

  2. I keep reading how great thus therapy is however why don’t our doctors here in Canadda suggest it to us. I was diagnosed in 2016. I have been going downhill rapidly this year. I have low blood pressure and they won’t prescribe pain meds for me until I see s cardiologist. I suffer from terrible leg cramps, severe pain daily. I am unbalanced. Light headed, drooling, total body aches, impaired speech, weight loss, swallowing problems, tremors, joint pain etc, I’m weak and can’t walk very well.

    Do you think I could benefit from the b1 thiamine treatment? I’m sick and tired. Please help. I take 2 levodopa ever 3 hours and a BP pill. Thankyou for listening .

  3. I was diagnosed with PD 6 years ago. My tremor is not so bad but I wish to start Thiamine regimen not knowing at what dose to start. I will be in Italy in September and would like to make an appointment to see Dr. Costantini. I do speak and write Italian. How do I reach him?

  4. I am recently diagnosed with PD, although have had symptoms for a little over a year. I understand Dr. Conantini passed away in 2020, but have been directed to several interviews with Daphne Bryan, phD who suffers from PD, began B1 therapy after 7 years and had very dramatic results. She wrote a book on the subject “Parkinson’s and the B1 Therapy”. I’ve ordered the book, but not received it yet. My question is time sensitive. In one of the interviews, she commented that B1 works with levodopa and advises to continue with the levodopa. A side comment was made: unless you have never begun the levodopa…that is where I am and am trying to decide about suspending the onboarding of levodopa. I have just begun to titrate up and am trying to talk to my neurologist about suspending the protocol to try the B1 therapy. Anybody having personal experience I would very much appreciate a contact.

  5. There is an interview with Elliot Overtion posted on Youtube today. He speaks about Dr. Consantini’s work with thiamine therapy. High Dose Vitamin B1 Practical Guidance.

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