Various theories have been proposed about how did the Egyptians built the pyramids. Similar theories can be found for how the Romans moved boulders weighing one thousand tons. The word in the previous sentence is correct: tons, not pounds! Theories
in both cases suggest that the heavy objects were moved by a clever configuration of ramps, slides and elevated pathways that were lubricated to reduce friction and facilitate movement.
It is logical to conclude that heavy boulders could have been dragged on level ground on top of sleds connected to long ropes pulled by hundreds of laborers and animals. It would have been easier to pull sleds over long distances on flat surfaces which were lubricated. Such a technology would have been slow ad laborious but it would eventually have succeeded in transporting the heavy boulders to the pyramid sites.
It is also logical to conclude that ramps or sleds could have been constructed to lift the heavy boulders to the lower levels of the pyramid. As I see it, is not not logical or practical to believe that the boulders could have been moved to the top of the pyramids by human strength using mechanical assists of any configuration however clever. No theorist has ever suggested that humans living thousands of years ago had one hundred times the strength of humans living today.
I have no doubt but that the evidence scholars have unearthed regarding ramps and other configurations were used by the ancient Egyptians and Romans to construct their monuments. But a transformation of the heavy weights involved would have been necessary to move the heavy objects to the highest levels of the pyramids. The weight of the boulders had to be reduced at least temporarily for the force of human muscle power to succeed in lifting them to the top or pyramids. You can only fit so many human bodies near the top of a tall pyramid. At the top of the pyramids heavy lifting would have to have often been exerted from below the boulders as they were pushed up rather than pulled up. There was no place to stand above the highest point.
What do I theorize the Egyptians did to move those heavy boulders to the tops of the pyramids? They temporarily transformed the energy fields of each boulder before they moved them. A heavy object such as a boulder can become much lighter temporarily when its energy field is cleansed. Once transformed, an energy cocoon of sorts engulfs the heavy object, making it 50 times lighter to lift. The capacity of human muscle power becomes sufficient to elevate the heavy objects even against the force of gravity. The field of gravity is not altered. Rather, the immediate field connected to the heavy object is cleared of distortions and energetic blockages.
I admit it – this all sounds rather wild and theoretically implausible. You are probably thinking that the Egyptians did not have the sophisticated technology we have today. Of course they did not have computers or cranes but they did not need them. I believe they
succeeded in transforming the energy fields of the boulders using as few as four laborers.
Instead of reading about how an energy field can be transformed I will introduce a step by step explanation for how this can be accomplished in my next post. You are invited to experience the transformation yourself. To do so you will need to recruit four friends to assist with the experiment. The demonstration involves lifting a person by once their energy field is cleared.
My line of reasoning has a direct and profound connection to what is needed to reverse the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Stick with me on this one. You will not be disappointed.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease