Below is correspondence I received yesterday from Anne Atkin who sponsors and facilitates Painting for Parkinsons workshops in Australia. Anne has been a former guest on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show. As you will read below her life has been terribly exciting recently!
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery
I am well and truly into my second book and it will be out in the first half of next year. I had to put it off for a while because our Federal Government gave me $20,000 to set up new Painting with Parkinson’s groups. Then there was a fire where I store all my art materials for my groups and I lost everything.
The community was wonderful and within 2 weeks I had enough money donated to replace it all!In my new book ‘Still laughing. My journey continues’ I will be talking a lot about how neuroplasticity has changed my life. I will also talk about mindfulness, wellness etc .I get involved with as much research as I can and my neurologist said that he doesn’t need to see me as much as he use to and whatever I am doing, keep doing it.
One thing that is happening here at a big university is that first year medical students are taught all about meditation, mindfulness etc. And I am now part of a program called the Patient Teaching Program where I help student doctors with how to question a patient who is chronically ill.
Anne Atkin