Parkinsons Disease and Candida

In my book, Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease, I included a discussion of the connection between Parkinsons disease and candida which was inspired by research by Lidia Epp and B. Mravec. 

Until this week, I assumed the theoretical argument in the article was derived through meticulous logic and good guesswork. The argument is certainly convincing and is grounded in meticulous logic. Little did I know, however, the real story behind why Lidia Epp developed the argument.

What follows is an email sent by Lidia Epp that explains the reasons she was motivated to do the research and write the article. Author of this fascinating article Lidia Epp was my guest on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio show on March 23rd.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

I’m molecular biologist, I work in a Biology Department in a small college in Virginia. At the time of writing the article I worked as a research specialist at the Molecular Lab in Medical College of Virginia. So – I do not work in the field of PD research, however I’m proficient in biochemistry and clinical  molecular diagnostics.

The reason for investigating possible causes of idiopathic PD is entirely personal. My ex-husband was diagnosed with it at an early age of 43. He was one of the patients receiving massive doses of Mirapex in the mid-late 90s, before the devastating side effects of that drug became known. His reaction to Mirapex was very severe, with all the usual OCD, gambling compulsions, etc. It ruined our marriage.

After being divorced for about 5 years I noticed some symptoms in myself that resembled my ex-husband health issues. In the meantime I remarried and my “new” husband mysteriously developed similar health problems. It became apparent to us that it is a contagious condition – mildly, as it took years to develop symptoms. So – that’s when I started investigating possible connections.

Parkinsons Disease and Candida

Long story short – I contacted Dr. OrianTruss in Birmingham, AL the main authority in chronic candidiasis research, and was his patient for about 1 year. I read all his articles and books and that was the time when I came to my conclusion about the connection between PD and Candida. I contacted my ex-husband; he has a doctorate in molecular biology and as soon as I told him my “theory” he agreed with me. He too became Dr. Truss patient and to the best of my knowledge – he is now PD symptoms free. At the time I contacted him however, his PD was very advanced. He had to retire from his professorship, had DBS and was partially paralyzed.

While working on my article I contacted Dr. Mravec in Bratislava, he is PhD, MD immunologist. He agreed to review my article, offered some suggestions and changes and then had it published at his Medical College in Slovakia.

I continued to evaluate all information pertinent to PD/Candida association ever since – it bothers me that so few in the mainstream medicine seem to notice the obvious connection. I’m convinced that although my theory is a correct one, it’s only the “tip of an iceberg”. The biochemical pathways of Candida and it’s relations to PD symptoms are much more complex that I presented in my paper. I’m now certain of at least one more – tissue transglutaminase (TTG) – it’s role in apoptosis of dopamine receptors and the fact that  TTG substrate is used by Candida in it’s life cycle. TTG is a hot topic now in the biochem research world, but – no word on that connection yet in the published data.

I contacted a professor at University of Alabama, pathologist specializing in TTG biochemistry and presented him my TTG/Candida/PD connection theory. He was very enthusiastic, agreed to corroborate with me and even do a preliminary study on a rat model in hopes to receive a grant. But as soon as I explained him my background and the fact that it all started with my ex-husband having PD – he ceased all contact with me.

A couple of years ago I approached another scientist who works in the field of ethiopathology of H. pylori (a connection to Candida – possibly) and I received very similar reaction. I’m now sure that revealing that my ex-husband is in this equation seems detrimental to the validity of my theory. I know I’m not a PhD specializing in the field, but I do know that my theory of a connection between Parkinsons disease and candida is correct, I just don’t expect everybody to believe me anymore.

Lidia Epp

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
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