Aqua Hydration Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease


In terms of the aqua hydration therapy, does that include putting your arms in a bathtub full of water for about 20 minutes s a day?  What is an ideal aqua hydration therapy and how many times does it have to be done on a weekly basis?  Is this therapy one of your top 3 recovery mechanisms?



The Aqua hydration therapy recommended by naturopath doctor John Coleman, ND (who successfully recovered from Parkinson’s in the 1990’s) is a homeopathic treatment known as the Aquas. Dr. Coleman attributes 60% of his full recovery to  the Aquas.

The Aquas are a combination of essential oils and Bach Flower essences that are designed to reset the mechanism used by the body to hydrate cells. As we age, this mechanism begins to break down.

You can find more information about the Aquas by visiting:

It is recommended that you take the Aquas each week day, then take a break on the weekends. This approach insures that the homeopathic signalling system remains potent.

I suggest that you download and read the article series on hydration written by one of the developers or the Aquas, Dr. Jaroslav Boublik, Ph.D. He is an international expert on the importance of good hydration for health and wellness. You can download his article which discusses the symptoms of dehydration from the January 2011 Parkinsons Recovery magazines for free by visiting:

Neurons are the juiciest cells in the body. If you are not well hydrated, there is no doubt in my mind that neurological symptoms will result. Many people report feeling a great deal better when their bodies become better hydrated. The better hydrated you are, the better you will feel.   For any chronic illness I would put  oxygen and water at the top of the list as therapies that are essential to health and wellness.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

6 thoughts on “Aqua Hydration Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease

  1. My husband Paul has been newly diagnosed with PD. We are looking for all the info we can get our hands on. Please help!

  2. Besides having a positive attitude. What are some of the key things one must do to recover properly ?

  3. What a great question!

    I could write a book in response, but the short version is two fold.

    1. Forget about being diagnosed with “Parkinson’s Disease.”
    2. Identify the factors that are causing the symptoms. There are many possibilities.
    3. Embrace therapies that heal the causes.

    Robert Rodgers PhD
    Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

  4. There are Studies with B1 and Parkinson,s. Apparently having good effect. Do you have any information regarding Dose and any side effects?

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