Dear Robert:
I need your help. I am 70 years old. I recently discovered that my right hand “tremors a little” when I hold a pen, a cup, or a fork.
My friend told me that I may have early symptom of Parkinson and suggested to take 5 mg. of Enada.
What do you think? What is the best way to eliminate the hand tremor?
I can sense that the comment by your friend that you may be experiencing the early stage of Parkinson’s Disease elicited considerable fear and anxiety. The instinct of course is to find a quick remedy that will calm the tremor down or make it go away.
There are certainly medications of one type or another that will silence a tremor in the short term. For many people relief [if even in the short term] is most welcome. You have ask for a recommendation on a medication that will do just that – silence the tremor whether in the short term or the long term.
There are variety of herbs and prescription medications that will serve that purpose and provide just that type of relief. I have interviewed several herbalists who recommend one herb or another for tremors – so this is clearly an avenue you might want to pursue. Aunt Bean makes a homemade tincture from fava beans which gives her incredible relief from her symptoms. You can find more information about her remedy on the Parkinsons Recovery Fava Bean website. []
Let me suggest an alternative approach to this puzzle. Instead of dampening the symptom
– investigate more systematically. Why is your body telling you that something is currently out of balance? Treat the tremor as valuable information your body is giving you right now.
Have you been exposed to toxins of one type or another?
- How about exposure to Agent Orange?
- How about exposure to radiation?
- How about exposure to pesticides?
- How about exposure to heavy metals?
We have discovered that unwelcome critters that live inside your body can also create neurological havoc.
- Is Lyme Disease a possible factor for you? It’s symptoms are the same as those of Parkinson’s
- Do you possibly have an overgrowth of candida? This can cause the symptoms too.
- Is it possible that you have a reaction to a tetanus inoculation? Sharry Edwards has discovered that tetanus is a primary factor for a surprising number of people who have had BioAcoustic profiling done.
I will not attempt to provide a full of possible causes list since it would take a book and this is only a short post in a blog. Consider the above as a short list of possible factors that may be causing your tremor.
Most importantly, use your intention to dampen the fear that your friend has triggered. Once you determine the factor (or factors) that are causing the tremor, you will be able to find a resolution to the problem. One the cause has been identified and treated you will no longer need to mask the symptom with a prescription drug or herb.
Might I suggest that the perfect New Year’s Resolution for you would be to set the intention to determine the cause of your tremor, to treat it and subsequently become symptom free in 2012.
I just released Pioneers of Recovery 2012 which includes the stories of 11 persons with Parkinsons who reversed their symptoms. Each pioneer was a guest on my radio show. You
can listen to the shows as you investigate causes that may be factors or you can read about their stories in Pioneers of Recovery 2012.
The one and only person who can solve the puzzle of why you are experiencing a tremor is you. Join with others on the road to recovery as you set the intention to heal the tremor instead of treating it symptomatically,
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery
Hi Robert Rodgers,
I would like to tell you about our experience regarding a hand tremor. My son who is 57 has developed a hand tremor which is sometimes very slight and other times not so. We were concerned and looked for solutions. When we discovered that he was taking iodine in his multi vitamin and a rather large amount, and kelp as well, he shoed some signes of too much iodine …. tremor, anxiety, sleep disturbance, emotional outbreaks etc. Cutting the kelp out and taking only the multis as well as additional magnesium glycinate, got rid of his tremor entirely. Is that possible? Each person is a puzzle as you say and we have to deal with our own body in depth to understand what is going on. He has good health otherwise. Thank you for listening. EA