I heard your radio show on October 22nd describing Cheryl’s experience with TMJ. I live on Mercer Island, (relatively close to your neck of the woods) and would like to find a dentist with the proper equipment and expertise to do TMJ properly. Can you help me on this? Also, who was her dentist in L.A?
I am 3 years into PD and want to RID myself of this thing!
And, thanks for your help with your show and optimism. I’m a strong believer in John Coleman’s protocol.
Thanks you so much for being there!
Click on the link below and you will find a listing of dentists in the state of Washington who are qualified to do the TMJ exam and make the appliance that corrects misalignments:
I do not know the name of Cheryl’s dentist in California. I forwarded your e mail to her so that she can respond to you directly.
I love doing the radio show. We have a number of exciting shows scheduled for the holidays. My goal is to have a suggestion in each show that listeners will be helpful to each and every listener. Your encouragement is all I need to hear to keep going strong.
John Coleman, author of Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ is a remarkable man in every respect. Having become symptom free himself, he now provides help as a naturopath doctor to hundreds of people with Parkinson’s symptoms.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
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