Does coq10 in large doses really slow down Parkinson’s?
The framing of your question is fascinating. There is an implicit assumption behind the framing of your question that Parkinson’s disease is a race in a download direction. I fully realize that many people hold the belief that Parkinson’s is a degenerative disease – meaning
that anyone who has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease is destined to deteriorate over time, with no hope of recovery.
The mission of Parkinsons Recovery is to provide compelling evidence from across the globe that the assumption Parkinson’s is “degenerative” is misguided and wrong. In support of this mission, I have been interviewing people for the past several years who have successfully reversed their own Parkinson’s symptoms. Stories of former guests on my radio show are featured contributors in the book just released, Pioneers of Recovery. We are documenting more and more cases of recovery every week now.
There are many treatments and modalities of one form or another that help reverse the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Some supplements will help depending on the factors that are causing the symptoms. After all, a supplement is simply food for the body. You can feed your body with the nutrients it needs by eating healthy, live food or you can acquire the nutrition you need through supplements.
There is a controversy in the research studies concerning the use of CoQ10 to treat symptoms of Parkinson’s. I am about to launch a thorough analysis of the research evidence. At the outset, I suspect the difference in study outcomes (some studies report positive effects and others do not) is due to the type of Co-Q10 that is used.
Some people with Parkinson’s shop around for the lowest cost CoQ10 available. The cost differences are extreme. A search for the lowest cost is a terribly flawed strategy. You might as well be throwing your money into a bottomless well if you purchase and take a low cost form of Co-Q10. There are only a few forms of this particular supplement that will pass through the blood brain barrier.
For recommendations, I suggest you listen to my radio show with guest Laurie Mischley, ND who has extensive experience treating people with Parkinson’s and has specific recommendations about the brands of Co-Q10 that she has discovered have been helpful to her patients. I aired two shows with Dr. Mischley in June, 2010.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery