John Baumann and his wife Bernadette Baumann are my guests this week on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show. John sent me the email below about Bernadette’s decision to run in the Team Parkinson marathon in San Francisco to support Parkinson’s Research.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery
As you know, I have been battling Parkinsons for over a decade and am winning the fight so far, but as I have always said,
“Parkinsons is a marathon, not a sprint.”
My End-Vision (Action Step Number 2 from my book, DECIDE SUCCESS) is to be the healthiest Person with Parkinsons in the annals of medical history.
My wife, Bernadette, has decided to run a half-marathon (not a sprint) in San Francisco on July 29 to raise money for Parkinsons.
Please consider supporting her with a donation. Here are the links to her website.
John Baumann