Category Archives: recovery

Stress and Parkinson’s Disease

I am in England and have been reading your messages for a while and they are a great help to me. I was diagnosed last year but have steadfastly refused to accept anything other than that I am going to get better eventually.

I think my problem has been great stress over a long period of time starting with the way my mother treated me. I went to a dowser who suggested I needed to remodel the way my unconscious mind works. I have been having hypnotherapy for about 2 months but have not finished yet. However I already feel I am improving. It is difficult for me to assess because in the middle I decided I needed a kick start to make me feel better so I could build on something so  I have been taking Amantadine for about 6 weeks – I think I am still seeing gradual improvement. I also take various supplements. I haven’t yet asked my body what it needs but I will be putting it to the test.

Anyway I just wanted to say thanks for all the e-mails – I look forward to them.


Dopamine and Parkinson’s Disease


You do not believe that Parkinson’s is a disease!!!!!

Do you not believe that there is physical damage to the part of the brain that produces Dopamine?

Do you not believe that the damage has been verified by examining brain tissue from deceased Parkinson’s patients?

“The body is not broken. The body is not diseased. It is simply out of balance”

Is the brain not part of the body? Is the brain just “out of balance”?



Thanks so much for your e mail and your question. I know many people think the same way you think.

I am not a medical doctor. I am a researcher. I find that the Road to Recovery involves examining our thinking about “disease.” – any disease. In this case of course it is Parkinson’s Disease. If we focus on the “disease,” we are holding very negative thoughts about what is happening by thinking:

“My body is broken.”

Since thoughts can manifest anything our heart desires, holding this thought will insure that our body will forever remain broken.

What percent of the body is “broken” in the case of Parkinson’s? I assure you that answer varies widely across persons. My hunch is that a tiny proportion of cells are problematic: perhaps 1%; maybe 3% for some people. At least 97% of the cells are working perfectly. I would say that is close enough for me to say that the body is working perfectly. Speaking for myself, I get much more energy by focusing on what is working than what is not working.

You say that damage has been verified by autopsies. This is certainly true, but only in a minority of autopsies. For a majority of autopsies, they find no substantia nigra damage. Don’t take my word for it. Do your own research on the matter. I have been surprised myself to see how low the percent actually is.

My point is that you are holding the belief that cells in your brain are dead. It may be the case that a tiny fraction of cells in your brain are dead,  but cells are dying throughout the body all the  time.  It is the natural process of life and death.

It is also possible you are one of the majority where there is no damage to your substantia nigra. There is no way to tell without an autopsy.

A third of the people who have a diagnosis of Parkinson’s are misdiagnosed. It happens. There is no definitive test for it. Perhaps you are one of the one third who have been misdiagnosed? There are certainly many possible causes for the symptoms. For example – perhaps toxins are the culprit and not cell damage in the substantia nigra.

Let’s say all of these speculations are wrong and that yes, you do have neural damage in the substantia nigra and that yes, you do have Parkinson’s Disease.

New cells can be created anywhere in the body anytime. If you happen to have an overabundance of dead cells in the substantia nigra for the moment, you can set your intention to grow new ones. If the body can make new cells, I would say it is working perfectly.

Here is the rub: If you focus on the dead cells (assuming they even exist) you are assuring that new cells will not be created. Your  thoughts are centered in a negative sphere. If you focus on the reality that your body can heal itself, it will heal itself.

This is what I have learned from my research. At the core of  all healing are our thought forms. If you think your body is broken I can assure you it will remain “broken” and become more “broken.” If you believe your body can heal itself, new cells will be born, hormones will be balanced, and your body will return to health and wellness.

The most powerful force in the universe are thoughts. When we change how we think, we change the course of our lives. This is what motivated me to write The Five Steps to Recovery which is all about how to transform our thoughts.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinsons Recovery Radio Interview with John Coleman

I received a copy of the e-mail below to John Coleman from Kumar which refers to my interview with John on my radio program which aired July 16, 2009. If you visit Parkinsons Recovery Radio you can scroll back to my interview with John in July and listen. The programs are listed in the order they were aired.

Kumar has given me permission to  post his letter which was actually sent to John Coleman, ND. I love to post such letters – whether they are addressed to me or someone else  because it is energizing and motivating to see what other people are doing to get wonderful relief from their symptoms.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Dear John Coleman, ND:

I just heard the interview with Dr. Rodgers and the questions and answers. It was fascinating. I was happy you gave so much importance to meditation. I have been meditating for the last two decades, praying to the Lord in the form of devotional singing and giving importance to spiritual exercises under capable Masters but yet I was diagnosed to be suffering from PD about three years back. However I have continued all these along with medications which is syndopa plus(Levodopa 100mg + carbidopa 25 mg) 1.5 tablets four times a day and the dopamine agonist Ropark 2 mg three times a day as prescribed by the neuro physician.

I am feeling quite fine. Tremors have reduced significantly. I can walk at a stretch for 30 min with both arms swinging and climb staircases without any support since this was the severe problem I suffered with last month since I was falling backwards while climbing staircases and also while moving horizontally at home and other places. Add to this hallucinations and uneasy feeling on the back of the head which are no longer there.

The present improved condition is due to two weeks of hospitalisation for drug optimisation, physiotherapy done both at home and the hospital for coordination, balancing, muscle strengthening involving cycling, rowing, weight lifting for both arms and lower limbs and exercise on the tread mill for slow walking with longer steps. Beside these I have also been doing exercises prescribed by Dr. Roberts from the Internet which are also helpful. I taught some of these exercises to the physios attending on me.

I am eagerly waiting for the Aquas hydration formula which has not arrived yet even after 24 days after ordering the same. In the mean while I am trying  my best to drink 8 glasses of water everyday.

I would like to share a simple technique here which we call evening cleaning. After the day’s work when we are relaxed, we seat ourselves in a comfortable seat erect and at a quiet place, take the thought once only in the beginning that all complexities, negativities, fears, darkness, grossness, disease and recently added toxins are leaving our body from behind in the form of smoke and sit quietly for 30 min using your will power but not meditating. You feel highly refreshed and empty after doing this.

I am in the process of writing my Life history in brief which I will send it to you after I have finished.

Once again, it was wonderful listening to you.


Is there a Cure for Parkinson’s?


The problem is that no one has been ‘cured’ of Parkinsons…I mean no one. Everyone talks about John Coleman but he is a Bowen therapist and uses his ‘cure’ to promote his practice and generate income and clients. You might be surprised to know that there are people who are angry with his promotions and advertising…a charlatan they say. Parkinsons happens in the brain…and no amount of therapy is going to fix that…perhaps stem cell therapy in time. But not the remedies that merely address and help control the symptoms. It’s best to be honest and upfront about this I think. Otherwise Robert, please compile a list of people who have been ‘cured’ of Parkinsons…apart from John Coleman…and distribute it and say what cured them.




Thanks so much for sending in your question. John Coleman himself  is very clear about not being “cured” himself. He is only symptom free.  I personally do not find value in hanging my own thinking on “curing” anything.  This is an idea which I discuss much more extensively in my forthcoming book, Road to Recovery.

I personally know John from attending a workshop that he gave four years ago. It was an excellent workshop with tons of information that was very helpful and useful. John works hard every day at being symptom free. As a naturopath doctor he has helped many people feel better. You can listen to my interview with him on my radio program which aired July 16, 2009 and judge for yourself.

I have encouraged John Coleman to document stories of people who have had “full” recoveries. I will continue to  encourage him again to document the stories for his clients who give permission.

As for your suggestion that I document stories of recovery – I totally agree with you. That is precisely what I have set my intention to do. At present I air interviews on the radio program with people who are feeling better to document what they are doing. I post e mails about recovery here on the blog. As an example, you can see a posting of an email here today who has a fascinating story about his recovery. All of my radio programs are archived, so you can listen to any program at any time. All of the blog entries here are also archived.

There are so many stories  out there and so many different programs and approaches that people adopt to get relief. The people I interview are not people who are “cured” to be sure. They are people who are leading full and complete lives. Most still have symptoms of one type of another but have found incredible ways to address them in one way or another.

I have been receiving reports from people who are doing a great deal better – with several days or a week or longer of being symptom free. I always ask if I can interview them, but sometimes the answer is no, not now, People want to wait and see if the good news holds.

As the news unfolds and I get more and more stories from people who are feeling a lot better I will compile them for my Pioneers of Recovery series.

Again, thanks for the suggestion. Your e mail encourages me to compile the next Pioneers of Recovery series that documents what people are doing to get relief from their symptoms. My work is to figure out what helps people feel better and document it all through the blogs, books and the radio program.

I sent John Coleman your questions and comments  above. He forwarded for posting the following thoughtful and informative response and has given me permission to post his response below.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Posted below is John Coleman’s response to John’s questions and comments which address questions about a  cure for Parkinson’s:

Dear John:

Thank you for initiating this discussion on what it means to become free from symptoms of a diagnosed incurable disorder. Whenever I enter into a discussion on any subject, I find that it is best to make sure that the information I am using is accurate and clearly stated. Therefore, I would like to correct several misapprehensions on your part.

1.    I have never claimed to be cured from any disease. I have never claimed to cure anybody. I have never claimed to have found a cure for Parkinson’s disease. So when you state that I “uses his ‘cure’ to promote his practice and generate income and clients” , and claimed to have cured others, you are deliberately misquoting all my published literature, my newspaper and radio interviews, and my websites.

2.    My professional qualifications are rather more extensive than you have claimed. I am a qualified naturopath (known as a Naturopathic Doctor in USA and  Naturopathic Physician in many European countries), having studied at two prominent Melbourne College’s – The Southern School of Natural Therapies and the Australian College of Naturopathic Medcine. I am accredited by all appropriate professional bodies, approved by the Australian government, accepted by professional insurance companies and many health insurance funds. I am also a qualified Bowen therapist, having qualified in basic Bowen therapy and Neurostructural Integration Technique. I also hold a certificate of massage.

3.    My charitable work within society is well documented. I received a Tattersall’s award for my work in founding Very Special Kids (a support group for families whose children face life-threatening disorders), a professional excellence award from the Australian Naturopathic Practitioners Association for community education (most offered without charge and/or at my expense), and was a finalist in the Pride Of Australia Medal Courage Awards in 2007 for my work with Very Special Kids and my recovery from Parkinson’s disease. All those in charge of presenting these awards are intelligent, professional people, and investigated my history and claims thoroughly before offering the awards.

4.    I have lectured to a number of conferences, including an international conference on Parkinson’s disease, and have conducted workshops for health professionals in several countries instructing them on my research into recovery from “incurable” disorders. Offering this information around the world has cost me many thousands of dollars of my own money.

5.    While there are many medical practitioners who find my ideas unacceptable, there are also a number of prominent neurologists who encourage their patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis to work with me

Now that we have brought some accuracy to the discussion, let me say that I agree totally with you that day is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, in fact there is no cure for any disease. We can, however, create an environment in which our body can become free from symptoms. That is the story of my recovery. I created an environment in and around my nerve cells that allows me to live a life with no symptoms of Parkinson’s disease or multi-system atrophy, providing I continue to be conscientious in taking care of my health.

You are correct that the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease originate in the brain. If you wish to educate your self more about this, you will do well to read “The Biology of Belief” (Prof. Bruce Lipton), “Saving Your Brain” (Dr. Jeff Victoroff), “When The Body Says No” (Dr. Gabor Maté), “The Brain That Changes Itself” (Dr. Norman Doidge). These books will give you a thorough grounding in the fairly basic science you need to understand this process. Once you have read these books, I am sure that you will understand that Western medicine can currently only offer temporary control of Parkinson’s symptoms, while my work is focused on addressing the cause of the symptoms. If you look into the process of stem cell research and development, you will also understand that the only change required to change a stem cell from its immature state into a cell producing dopamine is a change of environment (this is what they do in the laboratory at vast expense). This change is possible within our brain, and you will understand that this is the prime focus of all my work.

If you choose to read all my work with an open mind, you will see that Bowen therapy, while a useful and important therapy, constitutes only about 3% of the recovery process. There are some homeopathic remedies that support another 13%, but more than 80% of the recovery process comes from within the individual, the changes they are prepared to make to their life and attitude, and these changes cost little or nothing.

I am very grateful that you have given me this opportunity to clarify my position with regard to cure and recovery. You may also be interested to know that this work does not provide me with sufficient income to support a basic lifestyle. More than half my income is from the aged pension in Australia, with some money coming from my general naturopathic practice, and a little from helping people improve their life after diagnosis with Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis.

If I can ever gain a little funding, I will be glad to publish the stories of those who have fully recovered, those who have significantly improved their lives, and those who have cared for them. I am sure you understand that this will take time that I can ill afford while I am struggling to make a basic living.

I wish you all the best in finding ways to improve your health, and trust that you will be surrounded with love and joy in the days to come.

Best wishes

John Coleman ND

Self Discipline and Will Power

Robert you are doing fantastic work: You’ve given me hope through your weekly radio programme, for recovery which I’ve never had before. It’s now six years since I was diagnosed, and I’m as young as you are; and I still more or less succeed in running my own medical equipment manufacturing company. However although I am looked after by one of London’s most eminent Neurologists, he has never given me the slightest suggestion that the symptoms can be over come with proper self discipline and determination….

But you have opened my eyes and by your enthusiasm, your profound study of the subject matter, you have transformed my attitude single handed. You are true hero, and I salute your efforts with  all my heart.

I have a young first family with a three children of 8,10 and 12 and I have every thing to live for. But it is you that has transformed my attitude to life with Parkinson’s. Now I can see that its possible for me look forward to ten years time when I now still expect to be able to go skiing with my children, rather than dreading as before that they would not want to be seen with their then doddery Dad. You’ve shown me the light and the hope, and with that I can fight like hell to make sure my children are not robbed of their entitlement in a father.

Robert, I thank you for everything you are doing. May you have the strength to continue for a thousand years. Your great.

Robert W (London)

Exciting News about Recovery Progress

What follows is a letter which reports exciting progress of recovery that I have permission to post.  This letter was a most wonderful and very unexpected birthday present that I received several days ago.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

I just wanted to share with you that my neurologist was completely impressed with your website. We went online during my appt. and I told him you had offered a free membership and he said he would be contacting you.

He is awesome- absolutely the most open M.D. I have ever met. I said you weren’t saying that this was a cure for parkinsons, but that you were saying a person could become symptom free and he said,

“Yes you can!”

He mentioned that many of his patients ask him what they can do to reduce symptoms and he tells them good nutrition, exercise, meditate, etc. That is the beauty of your site. You have done all the work and a wonderful job organizing everything — all we have to do is turn the computer on! The first thing he said to me is,

“Have you been working out a lot? You look great!”

That felt really good. I have made vast improvements in such a short time. However, I need to keep working hard and reduce my meds more as I am having a lot of very restricting dyskinesia again – that is my signal to reduce. My doctor was also impressed with my med reduction. I have totally eliminated 3 drugs and reduced one, I have cut my l-dopa (mucuna) dose by 50% 1st than another 25% of that and now it’s time again. I just want to thank you for all that you have done and are doing- remember to take a break sometime!



Progress Report

Dear Robert

If it’s of any interest I can report that I consulted John Coleman last December, after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s a month earlier,and have been on the aquas and other supplements since then. I refuse to take the mainstream drugs and from the outset decided to treat Parky as a temporary condition until my body regains its overall health.

Although my symptoms have varied and my condition has gone up and down over the last few months I like to think that I am improving and am delighted that for the last five days in a row I have had next to no symptoms.I am so grateful to live in the same city as,and have easy access to John, and I am also most grateful to you for the enormous effort support and dedication without which most of us would find life a lot more difficult.  I wish you and all your subscribers health and happiness.



Recovery is a Process

What follows is an e-mail I received yesterday from Bobby who has fully recovered. It is truly inspiring.

I was just reading one of your articles about recovery is possible. Robert your articles are excellent and inspiring. There is no doubt that if one wants recovery and simply follows the suggestions you have outlined there will be recovery. This old paradigm of the diagnostic approach is sometimes hard to get around, people just don’t see the truth when it is in front of them. I wonder sometimes if a person has to have some sort of predisposition for truth in order to digest the changes in medicine. They are certainly taking place but never quickly.

Sometimes people write and ask me how I recovered from PD since I was diagnosed with advanced pd, I used to know what to say but anymore I am not sure. I want to say something that gives hope without concentrating on myself. These days I am starting to get a lot of professional types through the Bar Association and different doctors around here who knew me when I had the symptoms. I was recently asked to speak to a group of doctors about my recovery, I am not sure whether I should or not Robert. It is a lot like practicing law, once you say something they hang their hat on that when recover is more a process than just any one thing that I did. Mostly I did many of the things you advocate, in fact I have not found anyone else who articulates the things I believe strongly in. All I know to tell you my friend is your teaching is wonderful. I consider myself fortunate to have crossed your path.


Fire Opal and Bach Flower Essences

Dear Robert,

Thank you so much for writing that recent email with affirmations and meditations on “recovery now.” It is exactly what I needed to keep my mind thinking “recovery”.

While I’ve had to just live with my symptoms sometimes, I’ve also made some good strides with the Bach flower essences–just two of them. I saw a list of 17 essences (in boiled liquid form taken in drops) in a book on detox by Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald. For my use selection, I used the light chair/heavy chair method, mentioned by the psychic woman a few weeks ago in your interviews, naming each one and then seeing what the chair response would be rather than figuring out intellectually what me emotional symptoms were. From her, Lenore, I learned that the universe is made a certain way, meaning that our steps are just before us. Although I’ve noticed these flower essences in my reading for some years, I knew nothing about them and didn’t care to–too complicated! When they were needed, I learned enough about them in just a few days to employ them exactly as I need them for benefit. A woman in a chat room I visited was schooled in Bach, and I asked her the questions that I needed to. I read on websites suggested by Fitzgerald and found a documentary about Bach on youtube that is out of this world. The universe is made a certain way.

I have a stone collection and inherited some of it from my Grandfather’s collection in 1998. I had put an opal near my computer monitor, just because I like having favorite rocks around. On a particularly difficult day, I  thought, “doesn’t this stone have some particular type of energy? I wonder what it is.” (I used to be into the energy of stones). I looked for it in Love is in the Earth. Sure enough, this particular stone is called “fire opal”. It doesn’t have irridescence, but it is bright orange. The last item mentioned in the reference as far as energy is concerned was (is used) “to assist in the recovery from Parkinson’s disease.” This didn’t surprise me because “the universe is made a certain way.” What did surprise me was the language of “recovery from Parkinson’s disease,” language like you use, while this book is from 1995! I’ve decided to sleep with the opal, having it near my pillow.

I work in a church as a music director, and my symptoms are quite public. It was a victory for me tonight to take part in an annual potluck, be sociable with a strong enough voice, get up from the table, walk, return, and eat without anyone seeming to notice symptoms. All I ever say to questions is, “I have some problems in my nervous system, and I hope to recover.” Tonight, there were no questions. I know that I have emotionally changed for the better, and that has helped everything.

For those who might have questions, the Bach flower essences affect the emotions only with no guarantee that physical healing will result. It was Edward Bach’s genius to notice that one’s emotional disposition has a lot to do with the course of physical healing. This was observed when two people would have the same disease or two returning British soldiers would come back from WW I with the same type of injury. One would heal easily and rapidly; the other would have a difficult time in the healing of the same problem! Bach took his research into the emotional dimension of his patients to try to help those who had difficulty in healing. I am grateful to him.

I am also grateful to you for setting a style of research into the Parkinson’s recovery field.

Thank you.


Recovery is Happening for Me


So thankful for your site !!! It seems  the drugs are surrounding me, wanting me to cave in and take them…..its like a cloud that wont go away  Inspiration that comes from the other side  of the coin is fewer and farther away.

A neuro that I saw yesterday, who disqualified me for a Q-10 clinical trial, just about  persuaded me that I was doing disservice to myself by not beginning drugs soon.  I asked him a stupid question about whether he knew of anyone who had recovered..He said no.  I forgot that he is in the prescription business and that probably seeing my recovery symptoms would made him uncomfortable…

I am 6 yrs with unmedicated symptoms and doing just fine.  I am focused on making new neural pathways for balance right now through specific exercise, visualization and emotional freedom technique.  Every year that I am in med free recovery, I celebrate.  Its hard work. Recovery is happening for me…


Live Well with Parkinson’s?


I do not want to hear from people who want me to:

“Live well with Parkinson’s.”

Therefore,  I do not go to doctors. This is war and who wins battles/wars by giving into the enemy and “accepting them”??!! That thinking is in the “duh-H” category.

Thanks again … especially for using the word recovery !!!!!!

God Bless you all,


Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease


Emotional Freedom Technique is not the only recovery method I find useful.  The others are 2 publications by the Parkinsons Recovery Project…your site of course, John Coleman’s methods, EFT, Noel Batten methods, and Dr. Bruce Lipton’s writings.

The most profound  site is the Parkinsons Recovery Project.  Free downloadable books at this site make the most sense.  You cannot just skim over them. I read the 2005 or so editions and follow closely all updates.

I was treated in 2005 using Yin Tuina with great success.  The  western ways of dealing with PD symptoms involves focus on the physical/chemical.  They have ignored the psychological. I can manage the physical, but head work is by far more exhausting.   The  Parkinsons Recovery Project wont be accepted for another 20 yrs or more probably.   But there are people who have recovered  and improved with their philosophy and much difficult introspection.

I loved your most recent radio show on Tai Chi. I do T’ai Chi Chih, an even more PD friendly tai chi for some that has only 20 movements

Best regards


What Do I Start?


“I have massive family issues, stress issues, and have pd and am 49.  Don’t know where to start”


I have thought for some years now that everyone has huge family issues that come in one form or another. Many people deny them. Others gut their way through them. I have done both myself.

I think the key is just to start anywhere with doing something for yourself. Doing anything will get you started on the road to recovery. For example, I do the weekly Parkinsons Recovery Radio Program every Thursday at 11:00 am pacific. You could listen in every week or listen to the replays. That is only one simple example you may not be able to do. Any act of commitment will get you off and running.

My feeling is – don’t ponder over the right thing to do. Anything will do.  Go to a funny movie perhaps, or a book, or exercise classes, or a new recipe or …

Many blessings to you.

© 2009 Parkinsons Recovery

Recovery Poem


Pd is reversible, Yes,  it’s true!
No longer a need to be sad or blue
What works for me may not work for you
We can recover when we try things new

Neurons firing as new pathways are made
We’ll believe, feel secure, not let our hopes fade
As our brains  and our bodies change in so many ways
Mobility, balance, joy, we will praise

Negative thoughts may creep in and creep out
We can make it if we throw out our doubt
Waking up, decided that this is all real
No more worries about some crazy new deal

So goodbye Stalevo, Requip, C-R
We won’t need you, we know who you are
Healing takes time, energy, and will
We’ve learned the answers don’t live in a pill

Science is searching, their motion is slow
Look- we have things to do, and places to go
Our journey begins now, for you and for me
We simply can’t wait till we’re one-hundred and three!

New spirit, new hope, new habits… Freedom!!, we’ll say!
As the symptoms of Parkinson’s pack their bags – go away!
We will heal and recover the skies will be blue
As we live in each moment, we’ll know that we grew!



Progesterone Cream and Parkinson’s


I really wanted to do the tracking info before tomorrow’s memory training. How do I do it?

I am happy to have finally joined Parkinson’s Recovery. I have been trying alternative methods for years and I realized quite some time ago after seeing various practitioners and doing online research, including your newsletter which is great- that it is a combination of diet, exercise, etc. that may be different for each individual’s recovery. I had worked on diet especially because a naturopathic doctor had told me how important it was to balance my ph.which was dangerously acidic. I tried diet, yoga, supplements, etc. for @ 6 months and was doing somewhat better symptom wise but still was not able to balance my ph. I realized after buying a friend with hot flashes progesterone cream that I too was in need of the cream

I think sometimes as a pder we block all feelings and symptoms into, one category –

“It’s pd that is making me feel this way.”

After using the cream for a week I was surprised by my dyskinesia reduction, I had been “flopping” violently sometimes for more than an hour with every going off/coming on medication withdrawal and dosing. Now about 3 weeks into the use of the cream which I felt my body just soaking up and screaming –

“Finally! you figured it out”

I am down to minimal flopping. Also I have gotten my appetite back and have gained 4.5 lbs since starting the cream. Another pleasant suprise is my ph has been balanced both urine and saliva 7 out of 9 days past.

This is one of the reasons I am very interested in the memory training. I had no idea that memory training could influence hormone balancing. So I have been improving rather quickly over the past 3-4 weeks. Today, after trying some of your exercises and listening to and trying some of the have you considered ideas I have so far had a “flopless day”

It could be the placebo effect as I usually react positively to new ideas or treatments rather quickly but I want to believe it is more than that. I am excited about having all of this information in one central location and being able to track my progress as I have a habit when I have been going through a bad time to feel helpless and give into negative thinking.

Your website has restored my hope in recovery – if I can just stay disciplined enough to visit everyday – I know that is the trick. I had been falling a lot since December and have really been in a funk lately and realized I hadn’t done any yoga for the past 5 months, making excuses to not do much at all besides eating healthy sporadically and cutting down on my medication, taking more mucuna than sinemet, etc.

So, the cream gave me a real jump start and I feel with a combination of things that I can recover. Anyway I hadn’t planned on such a long letter but sometimes you wind me up and on I go. Well thanks again for all your doing and I hope to get an answer soon to my question about the symptom tracking.



You can track your symptoms whenever you are inspired. You first have to register which means you have to provide a user name and password and that is all there is to it. No names are requested since tracking is entirely anonymous.

Symptom tracker is free. After getting a baseline, you get to see a plot of how your symptoms shift over time. Most people are unaware of their improvements, so this is a way of celebrating your progress.

To register at symptom tracker visit:

First register, and then you are good to go.

Anyone can join Parkinsons Recovery and participate in the memory exercises this month. Membership is free for thirty days if you sign up by July 30th so anyone who wishes can participate in the memory exercises.

12 Steps to Recovery

On my radio program this week I interview John Coleman, ND. John is a naturopath doctor from Australia who was diagnosed with an advanced stage of Parkinson’s in 1995, but is symptom free today.  John sponsors a 12 step recovery program for people interested in finding ways to get relief from their symptoms.

Below are the eight questions that I will ask John during the interview Thursday.

1. I live in Brazil and my mother, 81 years old, was recently diagnosed with Parkinson´s Disease. She has Polycythemia Vera too. I would like to know if I can give her B2 Vitamin (riboflavin), 20mg/three times daily,
with no risk of increase her hematocrit (actual level is 46).

2. My wife has been slightly anemic for over 5 years, just after she was afflicted with PD. Her hemoglobin, iron content and  % saturation have been all below the minimum recommended range, despite valiant efforts to increase it, like taking iron pills and eating iron rich foods. Her Dr says that taking FE pills is not efficient, as it is poorly absorbed. Apparently, a lot of PD patients have this problem.  What steps should she take?

3. How do you deal with the orthostatic hypotension?  I take florineff and midodrine. I hate them – side effects arr horrendous.

4. I have tried almost every therapy and treatment over the past five years, but that darn PD still seems to progress. This included two stem cell treatments, UCB by IV out of the country…. Improved over the first six months, but them benefits faded away! What supplements have you fond help the most?

5. Could you tell me – have you come across very many people who can link their Parkinsonism to taking Lipitor?

6. How can I get the best movement possible with the least amount of meds?

7. What will c/l dopa help and what won’t it help? What can I expect to be improved?

8. Are there any preventive measures my Mum (who has Parkinsons) should be taking with regard to the swine flu?

I hope you can join us on Thursday at 11:00 am pacific time for the radio program.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinsons Recovery with EFT, Meditation and Symptom Tracker


Help me find the tracking page…I used it one month ago and wish to record improvements.

Your Five Steps to Recovery book and meditations are terrific.

“Recovery will happen for me” is my new mantra.”

My body is responding. Also, your suggestion for remembering the feeling from past times I made non wishy washy decisions and the outcome was neverseriously in doubt. At first I couldn’t recall such decisions. Then it came later that I had indeed made 4 of them, all life and death decisions basedon how I thought and moved in a very short time span.

In my experience as a helicopter pilot I had 4 engine failures over a 30 yr period. One from 500 feet with a student, one from 15 feet over a helipad,one at night, over a city from 500 feet, and the last over the ocean from 200 feet with 6 on board. Each one the feeling deep down was that I knew the end result would be successful. That same feeling is the same feeling I have about recovery. I also have been using the TV screen meditation with interesting, positive results.

I also have to give credit for 5 sessions of EFT with Bernadette Hunter. You can listen to the radio program with Monica and Bernadette (or download it) here.  It’s all coming together slowly for me. Soon my Aquas will be arriving…So please, I pray I can still use your site’s tracking of symptoms program. It’s difficult to refind…



This is certainly an exciting report for everyone to hear. Thank you for sending it me and giving permission for others to read it. There are clearly exciting developments happening in your life. When you are on the road to recovery, it becomes so clear great things are beginning to happen.

Energy is running. A new and powerful life force begins to re-emerge. Of course, the process is seldom smooth sailing, but at least you know something important is happening.

I developed symptom tracker as a way for anyone to track the progress of their recovery. You answer a set of 39 questions from a standard research instrument that is use in Parkinson’s research (the PDQ39) to get a baseline. That is what Monica has done. You then answer the questions every month or so to see how your recovery is unfolding. You can see evidence of your progress!

We all have a tendency to focus on symptoms that are troubling and do not celebrate improvement in symptoms that have resolved or become much better. Tracking symptoms with my Symptom Tracker is thus a way to celebrate your improvements and identify any areas that need extra attention.

You can always find a link to Symptom Tracker on the main page at Just click on the icon and you will be taken to the log in page. It will always be anonymous and free. You first have to register by entering an e mail address (that is how the data can be tracked) and choosing a password.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Life with Parkinson’s Disease


I tuned into the recorded version of your interview with Leif last night. I could not listen to it for very long as the part where he experienced much difficulty moving around and talking, and when he apologized– it really bothered me. So I exited the show.

I can honestly say that he dashed my hopes somewhat. I felt somewhat frightened and depressed. I was  hoping  to hear the voice of the motivated, and strongly positive author, “Leif”. Didn’t  expect ‘off times”. It recalled to me  the supposed later stages of this condition, and of how dreary a future  this condition could prove to be for me. ( Now maybe I should have stayed on line and listened to all — but I couldn’t.)

However a good thing. It re- emphasized to me how very important it is for me  to listen to my own body and deal with it day by day, and not fixate on what may/may not happen to me in the future, down the road. Each case of Parkinsons Disease seems to be different depending on so many influencing factors. Everyone seems to go through this neurological condition differently.

Now for me after my diagnosis in’ 98 , I am fairing well, all things considered. But it takes effort to stay well and it takes time, and it takes attitude! I used to  receive mail from the Parkinson’s organizations here, inviting me to attend meetings having to do with: falling, drooling,  freezing, depression, suicide, support for spouses, making a will etc. Talk about gloom and doom. So I  unsubscribed to such mail.

I make a practice of staying away from websites, articles, presentations of the same persuasion, because they are NOT helpful at this time and may never be– who knows. It is just more positive for me to practice and adopt a lifestyle that channels my energy and thoughts in a more positive way, to surround myself with people and circumstances that celebrate life — sunshine, nature, spirituality, music, friends, travel, vegetarian food, exercise, breathing, laughing yoga. Some may say that I have my” neck stuck in the sand” , “to face the music”, “to accept my disease”. I think not.

In the days and weeks  following  my diagnosis in ’98, I spent many a day and dark hour, dwelling entirely on this “di sease”. I found myself buried  in a very dark place, a deep hole, thankfully I was able to crawl out. I  never wish to return there!

So sorry( my opinion), that Leif experienced  ‘off times’ during his talk, because he had a wonderful message to convey. I did read some excerpts from his book, and I do share in, and believe in much that he writes. Now maybe  the  rest of the show was entirely different, but….

Just someone sharing her thoughts having and dealing with” Parkinson’s” recovery.



What a fascinating report of your reaction to my interview with Leif this week, author of I Have Parkinsons But Parkinsons Does Not Have Me. Your experience is a true testament to how easy it is to be sucked into the dark and dreary negative belief template about Parkinsons that continues to linger out there in the ethers. As you so eloquently describe, it is so easy to be trapped by the negative belief template. Crawling out of it can sometimes feel like the challenge of breaking out of jail.

I think the actual experience of listening to my interview with Leif patterns your same experience over the years since your own diagnosis eleven years ago. Deep depression initially followed by a determination to engage the activities that help you feel great everyday. You are probably wondering what happened in the second part of the interview?

Leif took a mere ten minute break in the interview to meditate by breathing and grounding. His symptoms vanished. When you hear the second part of the interview you hear a voice of strength and power (though of course English is not his native language). It is a true testament to the reality that by setting his intent to move out of fear and paying attention to his body, his symptoms vanished in a flash. Healing happens in the moment. You do not have to wait years.

His symptoms were up during the first ten minutes of the interview because it was a stressful experience. After all, he was not just have a friendly chat with me. The interview was being recorded. Thousands of people will hear the interview. Once he was able to relieve the stress of doing the interview, all of his symptoms resolved.

Listening to the process of my interview with Leif is really the same experience you have had over the years as you successfully were able to shift from being trapped in the belief template of fear into a belief template of health and wellness. You both are doing quite well indeed now, but it was also a struggle for both of you in the beginning. I suspect this is a familiar process for many people.

If it ever feels right to you, you can always download the interview and fast forward the recording about 12 minutes. You will be delighted with what you hear in the second part of my interview with Leif.

Thanks again for sending in your thoughts. You have helped so many people by telling us all about your own experience with Parkinsons.

Here is where you can download the interview if you every decide to give it a second try:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

I Have Parkinsons But Parkinsons Does Not Have Me

I have a heads up on the most fascinating interview you
will hear on my radio program Thursday (June 18th). Leif
Ogard has had Parkinsons for 21 years. What is so special
about that?

Leif feels great – not just good – but great. Most “well”
people can’t say this!. He has incredible energy and owns
his own business which he started after his diagnosis.
By the way, his business is thriving. Leif considers
himself healthy in every respect.

This is a remarkable interview for reasons you will better
understand when you hear the program Thursday. Leif offers
genuinely helpful insights and suggestions. His comments
will be especially helpful for anyone who has been
recently diagnosed.

I interviewed Leif because he has just published his new
book, “I have Parkinsons But Parkinsons Does Not Have me.”
Believe me when I tell you that his life is true to the title
of his book.

If you are in a place in your life where you could use a
motivational boast and a strong dose of hope, join me Thursday
for this live event. If you can’t join us live, you can always
download the recording of the program here:

It is an amazing interview. You can connect to the radio
program through the website from anywhere in the world or
you can call the following phone number to hear the
program: 347-945-5358 (USA).

I am on the air live every Thursday morning at 11:00 am
pacific time.You can always hear the programs from your
computer no matter where you live in the world by visiting
my radio show website page.

Or, you can always hear my internet radio programs by calling
this phone number 347-945-5358. The number is always the
same from week to week.

Listen to Parkinsons Recovery on Blog Talk Radio

I hope you can join us. You will not be disappointed.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

What Pioneers of Recovery Have to Say about Their Own Recovery

I have a real treat for you on my radio program Thursday, May 28th, at 11:00 pacific time. I will play clips with some of my interviews with the Pioneers of Recovery. You will hear fascinating stories about what pioneers have to say about their own recoveries.

Listen to Parkinsons Recovery on Blog Talk Radio

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery